2014-08-22 Thread John Collaco
1. Have any of the Chief Justices initiate any action or ordered inquiry   on 
Justice  U.V Bakre.
2. If no action has come from the Chief Justices after receipt of the 
complaints for now and in due course of time if no action is forthcoming than, 
I guess, it stands to reason that Aires complaint holds no weight. Can Aires or 
anybody on this forum explain?     

John  Collaco


2014-08-21 Thread Aires Rodrigues
Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar besides being an IIT has also mastery in
trying to fish in troubled waters. He must be longing to carve and create
an occasion to corner me. Much as he may have liked, but I have done
absolutely nothing wrong in writing to the Chief Justice of the Bombay High
Court and to the Chief Justice of India that Justice U.V. Bakre had
committed a grave judicial impropriety by having along with his wife as
‘Dampatya’ graced a puja performed at the private office of Advocate
General Atmaram Nadkarni.

As a citizen and more so being an officer of the Court, have only acted
according to the well-established rules of propriety and decorum in
bringing this very inappropriate and unholy act by Judge Bakre to the
notice of the Chief Justices to ensure purity in the judiciary. While
always upholding the majesty of the Court, have and will continue in
fearlessly high lighting every impropriety committed by any judicial
officer. This has to be done to ensure that the very sacred independence
and sovereignty of the Judiciary is not compromised. Interaction between
Judges and Advocates should be strictly restricted to the Court room.

Besides what a Judge does even in his private life, cannot remain private,
as a Judge is a public man, open to public scrutiny even of his private
life, as any other public servant.

Many in the legal fraternity privately grieve and are very concerned about
the current sad state of the Judiciary in Goa. For obvious reasons many may
not dare to speak openly. But have never and will never compromise on my
freedom of speech and expression to only be in good books with the Judges.
Hosting Judges should never be on any advocate’s menu  but sadly arranging
those slanted ‘fishy’ spirited dinners has become an art Senior Advocate
Saresh Lotlikar thrives on. As lawyers we should never manipulate and
extract favourable orders from Judges. All we have to hope is that Justice
and nothing but only Justice will emanate from every Temple of Justice.

At all times we have to ensure that no weapon is used to silence the Voice
of Truth. Would rather go to jail than be a mere spectator to the further
degeneration of the Judiciary which today still remains as the last and
only ray of hope for victims of injustice.

Andrew Jackson the seventh President of the United States of America had
said “All the rights secured to the citizens under the Constitution are
worth nothing, and a mere bubble, except guaranteed to them by an
independent and virtuous Judiciary”

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues
