[Goanet] Salvador do Mundo have constructed a Santa Claus of recycled material

2009-12-26 Thread Mario Goveia

Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 13:14:55 -0800 (PST)
From: renebarreto goan...@yahoo.co.uk

As the world is recovering from the hangover of Copenhagen, this christmas we 
in Salvador do Mundo have constructed a Santa Claus of recycled material. We 
hope some of you will visit our Santa in Gangoz in Salvador do Mundo.

Mario responds:

Making a Santa Claus out of recycled materials is good and I commend my fellow 
Saloikars for this enterprising private initiative.

Regarding the expensive party in Copenhagen, the world saw the spectacle of a 
group of environmental extremists who used taxpayer money to get drunk with 
self-proclaimed power while creating a huge carbon footprint in their brazen 
attempt to hijack billions of dollars from the western economies, also telling 
them how to run their economies for the benefit, not of their own citizens, but 
of the hijackers:-))

The following Editorial from an American newspaper may pour some cold water on 
their hangover with an opposing point of view that may help them recover from 
their buzz more quickly:



Has there ever been a more pitiful example of misguided nonsense, aggressive 
idiocy and functional stupidity than last week's climate change conference in 

The weeklong orgy of excess -- to which most participants arrived in plush, 
carbon-emitting private jets and were shuttled around in limos -- was nothing 
more than another leftist shakedown of wealthy nations on behalf of 
developing countries. This time in the name of saving the planet.

Promoting panic in the name of global warming is the Trojan horse for those who 
seek to overhaul the world economy by subverting capitalism and advancing 
collectivism. There is absolutely no evidence that mandating strict carbon 
emission standards will do anything at all to solve the perceived problem. 
Instead, we were treated to another U.N. gathering at which Third World hacks 
such as Hugo Chavez are applauded while Western ideals are dismissed and 

Unless, of course, those Western nations agree to cough up cash to dictatorial 
[end of excerpt]

[Goanet] Salvador do Mundo have constructed a Santa Claus of recycled material.

2009-12-25 Thread renebarreto


As the world is recovering from the hangover of Copenhagen, this christmas we 
in Salvador do Mundo
have constructed a Santa Claus of recycled material. We hope some of you will 
visit our Santa in Gangoz
in Salvador do Mundo.

Merry Christmas 
View details of * Recycled* Santa Claus at : 

Mario Fernandes  - Salvador do Mundo - GOA 

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