With reference to Marshalls' letter about the recent communal divide taking
place in once peaceful Karnataka and also their show of strength at a rally
held at Panjim I think all of us secular minded Goans should take heed and
learn a lesson lest we too in a few years from now will have to directly or
indirectly face the persecution from communal forces which are on the rise
and are using all means even lies and deceit to further their Hindutva
agenda and divide and polarise our societies.

General Elections are fast approaching and its time to unite and put aside
our differences which the Sangh elements will try to highlight especially
during the run up to the forthcoming elections.

Lets not give the communal elements a chance but come together atleast for
the sake of our future peace . People must be made aware that the BJP
elements are all wolves in sheeps clothing .

Cyril D'Souza.

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