The Executive Committee of the III SEMANA DA CULTURA INDO-PORTUGUESA (GOA) invites everyone, irrespective of age, to participate in the MULTILINGUAL READING SESSION to be held at International Centre Goa, Dona Paula, on 26th November 2011 from 3.30 to 8.30 pm.

The Reading Session has the objective of creating and consolidating the reading habits and to reveal new talents in the art of eloquence, promoting and developing the plurilingual competence and the intercultural dialogue through literature.

This year's edition will be graced by the presence of Portuguese writer Raquel Ochoa, recipient of the literary award <<Revelacao Agustina Bessa-Luis>> in 2009 for the publication of her first romance <<A Casa-Comboio>>.

For registration the participants have to contact the Executive Committee of SEMANA (email: or CLP/Instituto Cameos, Panjim (email: ; ph: 6647737/2422237) giving the full name, age, address, telephone number, title of the texts and language. In case of reading texts in Portuguese language the participant has to provide the English translation.

Participation will consist of reading expressive texts or excerpts of short stories, narratives or poems in a time limit of 10 minutes.

Number of participants being limited, it is requested to confirm the attendance or participation at the earliest.

The final list of the participants will be set up on 24th November 2011.

All the participants will receive Certificate of Participation and books offered by Instituto Camoes.

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