"Register the Clubs (Kudd) to save them for posterity"
MUMBAI: Goan Review Art Foundation (GRAF) in association with The Goan Review and Gulab organized a Konkani Seminar "MUMBOINTLEO GOENKARANCHEO SONSTHA ANI GOENKARANCHE KUDD", on March 29, 2009 at St. Sebastian Goan High School, Hall, Dabul at 4.30 p.m. Mr. Fausto V. da Costa, President of GRAF set the seminar rolling. He spoke in brief about the Goans of yester years. He said Goans occupied many important positions in public life in Mumbai. But now the Goans are hardly to be heard of. There are many Goan associations in Mumbai but most are dormant. The conditions of the Goan clubs (Kudds) is no better. Out of the 240 odd clubs hardly 120 are now existing. He disclosed that he had received complaints from villagers (for the purpose of publishing in the periodicals) that some clubs were sold without proper intimation to the villagers and the booty distributed among existing members. He emphasized that no individual/s have the right to sell the clubs, as they belong to the village and not to any individuals. He gave a clarion call to all Goans to wake up from the slumber and do something Now if Goan heritage is to survive and if someone called a Goan is to be found on the streets of Mumbai.

Mr. Rio Rosa spoke of the Goan associations in Mumbai. He said there were many Goan associations in the past but a few are surviving now. Even those which are surviving are in bad shape. Those running the associations run them just for the sake of running the association. They have no clue what the aims and objectives of the association are. Secondly those running some associations run it for the name sake. Such leaders should not be only interested in meeting their own objectives and cling to the post but work towards meeting the objectives of the association and do constructive work. If not they should make room for those who are competent and willing to take up the reins.
Such is the condition of Goan associations in Mumbai today.
Mr. Thomas Sequeira, Vice president of AICU who was the main speaker on the GOAN KUDD gave a brief background of his involvement in this movement to save the clubs of Mumbai. He has taken up this active work of the clubs for over a year now after learning of the state of the clubs and how the landlords are harassing the members to leave the premises by paying some compensations or sometimes just peanuts. Advocate David Joseph a social activist has advised the group the way forward. He has prepared all the details required in a form of booklet, which has been printed by David & Co. free of cost and given to the clubs. The most important advice of Mr. Thomas is first to register the club with the charity commissioner. He says once registered the club is almost secure. With the help of advocate David Joseph all formalities required to be done are available at one place. Mr Felix Dias said it is all good that we can register the clubs and get going. His main message was unity. We need to help one another in achieving the objective of Registration of the clubs and protecting them from the landlords and land sharks.
In the question answer session.
Some members of the audience shared their experience of being harassed by the landlords and actions taken by them.
The difficulty in maintaining the club due to lack of membership/resources.
They also wanted to know what is being done about the centralization of the clubs in one building .
The way forward:
1- Get all the Clubs Registered - so far about 50 odd clubs are registered.
2-     All clubs to be contacted and advised course of action..
3-     Due publicity will be given in Mumbai and Goa.
4- Support will be sought from the church in Goa . Get the Archbishop of Goa to write to all churches in Goa for information and awareness. 5- All other development work will be done once the registration is done.
6-     Funds to be raised through soft loan from Goa government.

(Renato Pereira)

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