Re: [Goanet] Smartphone App for House Blessing - Bejiment Tracker

2014-05-13 Thread
If I were a betting man and received odds, it would be the Aldona priests I 
would bet on rather than young Leroy Lobo.

They would find a way to benefit from his app rather than allow its use solely 
for those waiting for his blessings in their houses.

Padre Pio would think to himself: 
Here I am trudging the dusty by-roads of Aldona and these people think they can 
refresh me with that watery non-alcoholic Queens Raspberry or whatever, keeping 
the scotch for themselves after I bless and depart?

And they think they can give donations in the same amount as those stingy 
D'Souzas from Cotarbhatt just because my altar boy divulged that figure on his 
blessed-by-the-devil application?

I'll show them.

So he instructs the altarboy before they set out.

Listen my lad, don't think I don't know what you are doing with that fart-smart 
phone of yours. So this is what you must do if you want a slice if the pie, you 
know what I mean. I know you're a smart fellow, but I am not, so I'll keep this 
real simple.

Everywhere we go, you will write that we were offered nothing but scotch on ice 
or soda. No mention of Queens Raspberry or cold water or anything like that 
even if thay is what we were given. If we are going to any house that has 
politicians, gulf or cruise liner or Swindon, Cayman, Canada or Australia 
returnees, make sure you hint that Father drinks only black label.

Next, whatever donation has been given, multiply it five times on your app. I 
would have said three but you know how little they give for Sunday mass. Even 
the Hindus who come on feast days give more. If any clever guy totals up all 
the figures and asks for an accounting later, we will inflate the cost if the 
rooftop renovations going on.

If Leroy Lobo knew this would happen to his beloved app, he would have named it 
Bessaos do Padre instead of Beziment Tracker.


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Re: [Goanet] Smartphone App for House Blessing - Bejiment Tracker

2014-04-25 Thread Mervyn Lobo
Cecil Pinto wrote:
Smartphone App for House Blessing - Bejiment Tracker
As an altar-boy I used to accompany the parish priest around my ward, Goncoi, 
in Aldona, as he went about blessing the houses in the days after Easter., 
says Leroy Lobo. I noticed how everyone had been waiting in their houses quite 
a while for the priest to make his appearance. This is because everybody knows 
what day the priest will come, but nobody knows the exact time he will make it 
to their house. It could be anywhere between 4 pm and 7 pm depending on what 
route he takes.

I guess I was lucky to grow up in Tanzania where the priests are real powerful. 
A priest was called in only once i.e. the first time you moved into a house. 
With one spell, he would cast away all the demons - past, present and future - 
and the house would remain blessed ever after.

This idea of an annual blessing is extravagant (to me). At its core, is weak 
blessings, one that remains effective for only a year. To make matters worse, 
the priest is rewarded for the weak blessings as he is called in to renew the 
spell er, blessings, every year. Donations accepted.


[Goanet] Smartphone App for House Blessing - Bejiment Tracker

2014-04-24 Thread Cecil Pinto
Smartphone App for House Blessing - Bejiment Tracker

As an altar-boy I used to accompany the parish priest around my ward,
Goncoi, in Aldona, as he went about blessing the houses in the days after
Easter., says Leroy Lobo. I noticed how everyone had been waiting in
their houses quite a while for the priest to make his appearance. This is
because everybody knows what day the priest will come, but nobody knows the
exact time he will make it to their house. It could be anywhere between 4
pm and 7 pm depending on what route he takes.

Leroy, who plans to study Computer Engineering has developed a Android
compliant software that will make waiting for the priest a thing of the
past. Bejiment Tracker is the name of this practical App which allows
anyone to track where the priest is and what route he is taking. I spoke
to my parents, and even my uncles in Carona, and realised that this
what-time-will-the-priest-arrive problem has been around for generations. A
quick calculation told me that in Goa itself about seventy eight thousand
four hundred and twenty two man hours are wasted every year by people
waiting indefinitely for the priest to turn up. Also take into account the
energies wasted and the amount of money spent on phone calls to neighbours
to ask if they have any clue where the priest is.

I have designed it basically for the altar-boy to initialize the app on
his phone and to update it as he progresses. This is because most of the
older priests are not comfortable with Smartphones., says Leroy. Basically
the app tracks the priests route and movement automatically, using GPS, and
this information is made available to any Smartphone user by interacting
with Google Maps or Latitude.  It's basically a free App but in the Premium
paid version there is further information made available. The altar-boy
keys in how much donation was given at each house, so you can keep the
correct amount ready at hand. Not too much or too little, all depending on
what your neighbours gave.

As an ex altar-boy I could see visible signs of how long time people had
been waiting. New candles burnt to more than half their length, watery
Queens raspberry that has turned warm with the ice cubes having melted long
back, aunties with streaks on their faces having streams of sweat running
through the talcum powder...

Bejiment Tracker is in Beta Testing stage right now but will be available
for download by Easter next year.

Read more at: