He was born in Roman/Greek occupied Turkey, to a Roman official 
and his Lebanese wife. He would go on to rise through the ranks to become a 
Consul, but was beheaded by the Emperor Diocletian, in 303AD, when he embraced 
the newly arrived Christian religion. He was named a saint in the next century, 
his Feast observed on the 23rd of april. King Edward proclaimed him England's 
Patron saint in 1370, and John of Portugal had him replace St. James, as Sao 
Jorge, in 1400.  He was buried near Beirut, and became their high icon.
        Credited with the introduction of the new religion to Georgia, his cult 
reaches it's zenith in the Kavkas, with local historian Vakhusti listing 365 
churches dedicated to him. The Kakhetis compare him to Jesus, and the 
Khev-Sureti region displays what are known as his Kakmati and Gudami icons. The 
Pashars and Khavsurs also see him as a Saviour.
        He is Jorge to Catalonia, and Jordi to Arragon, a Patron to both. 
Serbians call him Svete Dorde, and his specially named holiday, Dur-Devdan, is 
marked along the entire Balkan range. 
         To a child in Europe, the Knight on a white horse, who slays a dragon, 
is no everyday saint. That story is in the realm of Vedic-Ugric-Greek-Asia 
Minor myth, where anxious new Christians feared the loss of their former 
heavenly overseers, and needed a worthy replacement for their 
eqestrian 'skyfathers': the likes of Sabazion and Zeus, slayers of Typhon the 
Titan.      ---------------------------------------------------------------

> Has any one heard of St Jorge, and what day of the month is his or her
> feast
> day please let me know. Is Jorge a Bosnian/Kosovan/croatian or Polish
> saint?
> Caj.

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