[Goanet] Subject: 'Drinking ban on the beach" Why I will not file PIL in the Court?

2017-02-15 Thread Dr . Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão

Let us not speculate until we read the Order.
The ORDER of the SC on Ban of liquor sale 500 mts from Highways will affect 
only a few.
It will affect only those liquor outlets that sell take away liquor within 500 
mts from Highways.
Mapusa, Panjim, Margao have bypass highways built to avoid vehicles entering 
the city. If roads leading to the city are still under Highways, the government 
needs to denotify that, so that the city dealers are out of purview.
If licenses for sale were issued by State government to outlets after 2007, 
then it is the government fault for ignoring the Model Policy mooted by Centre 
in 2007.
There is no scope for a review. But the State government can create bypass of 
highways to exclude affected towns.
Here's copy of ORDER.
3 jurisdiction over the highways which traverse the length and breadth of 
India, between Parliament and the State Legislatures. The constitutional 
pattern in

Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

[Goanet] Subject: 'Drinking ban on the beach" Why I will not file PIL in the Court?

2017-02-14 Thread Roger D'Souza
From: JoeGoaUk 
Subject: [Goanet] ?Drinking ban on the beach? Why I will not file PIL
in the Court?

"Drinking ban on the beach"? Why I will not file PIL in the Court?
I wanted to file Public Interest Litigation (PIL) in the court pleading
drinking ban on the beaches for protecting beaches and environment etc.
So, what made me to change my mind?
Well, when someone file PIL seeking directions to prevent abuse, insult to
National Anthem..The court ordered all theatres, all over the country
playing of National Anthem before each film show

When another person  file PIL pleading liquor sale ban on NH/SH highways,
court ordered banning of sale of liquor within 500 mtrs of NH/SH all over
the country thus affecting Bar and restaurants too.

If I file my PIL pleading drinking ban on the beaches, the court may even
put a ban of sale of liquor within 500 metres of HTL (High Tide Line)
If that happens, in Goa after mining finished,  tourism finished too.

Am I a sensible Goan or not?

Long Live Goa

 No offence intended to anyone

Dear Bab JoeGoaUk,

Tujem sarkem, you are indeed a sensible Goan.

BTW, We all love the wonderful work that you do for Goa, capturing those
vignettes of Goa - the good, the bad and the ugly. Keep up the good work!

Your fear about filing a PIL that it might throw us all from the frying pan
into the fire is fully understandable given the current climate in the
country. Let it not stop you from doing what you do best, keep up the good

FYI,* Mukul Rohatgi* the 14th Attorney General of India was appointed with
effect from 19 June 2014 with a tenure of 5 years He replaced G. E. Vahanvati
who resigned after the BJP government assumed power at the Centre.

 Mukul Rohatgi, son of former Delhi High Court judge Justice Awadh Behari
Rohatgi, has represented Gujarat government in the Supreme Court in the
2002 Gujarat riots and fake encounter death cases, including the Best Bakery
 and Zahira Sheikh cases.

Closer home in Goa everyone is well aware of the work done by Bab Aires
Rodrigues in stopping the very tainted Attorney Journal of Goa Atmaram
Nadkarni from being appointed as a Supreme Court Justice of India. I've
appended the letter from Aires Rodrigues below that says it all.

Bab Aires ends his letterwith this golden quote by Caroline Kennedy who
very rightly said “The bedrock of our democracy is the rule of law and that
means we have to have an independent judiciary, judges who can make
decisions independent of the political winds that are blowing”


25th March 2016


His Lordship Justice T.S. Thakur

Honourable Chief Justice of India

Supreme Court of India



Your Lordship,

Greetings from Goa!

By this letter may I in public interest most humbly seek your kind
intervention to ensure that for the below mentioned compelling reasons the
name of the very tainted Atmaram Nadkarni be not considered for the coveted
post of Supreme Court Judge.

It is with deep anguish and utter dismay that we have learnt of the secret
back door machinations by the Advocate General of Goa Atmaram Nadkarni to
try and get himself sneakingly elevated as a Judge of the Supreme Court of
India. It would be the darkest ever day in the history of the Indian
Judiciary if this were to ever be a reality.

India’s highest paid Advocate General Atmaram Nadkarni by his blatant acts
of omission and commission has brought utter and sheer disgrace to the high
Constitutional post of Advocate General of Goa.

Professional ethics demands that a person occupying the high and solemn
constitutional post as Advocate General should never appear for a private
party in a case where the government is directly or even indirectly a party
but this cardinal principle has been brazenly flouted by Atmaram Nadkarni
in his never ending penchant for raking in the moolah even by any unholy

Persons appointed to any Constitutional position should never be someone
who has a lust and  greed for wealth or having vested interest with any
lobby but has to always ensure the State’s best interests at heart. They
should act as a role model while upholding impeccable integrity and the
highest ethical standards. Being important Constitutional functionaries
their conduct at all times must be absolutely beyond any shadow of doubt.
But the flamboyant Atmaram Nadkarni is known to be a man without any