Must be the Monday Morning Blue .(maybe one tot too Much of FENI)..Fiddling
While Goa  Goes Up In Smoke...what metaphors  So why id Grandolfo hot under
the collar in Cool Makongo Juu

In Goanet on On Sunday, August 29, 2021, 09:07:27 AM PDT, Roland Francis <> wrote:

I totally agree.

Instead of a single Nero fiddling while Rome burns, all Goans except for a
few earnest citizens who can see what?s happening, fiddle while Goa decays
like* a rotten fruit.*

Rotting fruit is the first step  to making Feni  ......then he goes on

<<<<<<<Elsewhere, there would be anger and disruption with people chasing
away vote seeking candidates and totally boycotting the election, but in
Goa, the people? continue to accept crumbs thrown at them like penniless
beggars, flock liquor stores, celebrate birthdays and weddings and put even
Nero to shame.>>>>>

Goodness gracious me ....some fellows want to bring back Dictator
SALAZAR'S   Regime....Yes you were not allowed to have Wedding, Birthdays
Party Invitations without the approval of Salazar's representative called

Who suffers? Not George in Berkeley, Roland in Toronto and Salus in
Melbourne.  Wake Up you slothful, lazy buggers. Your sussegad has stopped
being a virtue after 1961.
The next item ( No 3 )George writes;
There is no ceiling to the level of corruption in Goa. The govt at all
levels - village, panchayat, sarpanch, state govt., state govt.
departments, etc. actively work against the interests of Goans, in
collusion with the building and mining mafia, many of them

There were ABSOLUTELY NO FIDDLES in NERO;s Time ,,,
The popular myth that "Nero fiddled while Rome burned" is not true—even in
the first century CE, Rome was filled with poorly constructed slums that
easily caught fire.

THe facts are <<<<<On July 18, 64 CE, a fire started in the enormous Circus
Maximus stadium in Rome, now the capital of Italy. When the fire was
finally extinguished six days later, 10 of Rome’s 14 districts had burned.

 Ancient historians blamed Rome’s infamous emperor, Nero, for the fire. One
historian said Nero was playing the fiddle while his city went up in
flames. Other historians say Nero wanted to raze the city so he could build
a new palace. Nero himself blamed a rebellious new cult—the Christians.

 Most modern historians don’t blame Nero for the Great Fire of
Rome. Ancient Rome was a city of one million people. A fire in one home
could quickly engulf the entire block. >>>>>>

Please educate yourself and go to the site


You still  do not want to believe . .   In the late Republic the Latin word
fides, meaning string, is used by Cicero to designate some stringed
instrument. Cicero uses the diminutive form fidicula.

Grandolfo says its much more complex, His sources from South Carolina state

<<<<<  The *cithara* was derived from the ancient *Assyrian kethara*,*9*
was called by Homer kytheris.*10*
was a heavy, strongly built instrument with a wooden body, soundboard, and
arms. It was the instrument of the professional musician. The *lyre* was
often made of tortoise shell, a skin soundboard, and arms of animal
horns.    both instruments are shown with a varying number of strings,
ranging from four to seven.>>>>>

DISPORA GOANS Enlighten Yourselves
*Mary Francis Gyles0


Next Post from Grandolfo : STRATEGY  To PRESERVE IDYLLIC GOA

Be sage, wear a Mask, a shield or even a diving suit with Oxygen supply

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