Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet - an analysis /response to Selma (2)

2006-09-11 Thread Mario Goveia
--- Mario Goveia previously wrote:
  Pardon me if we cannot hold our breath while 
  waiting for you, an avowed agnostic, to ...come
  across a post that I find offensive to my Catholic
  sensibilities...  What Catholic sensibilities
  can an avowed agnostic claim to have??
Selma responded:

 So, there is no dichotomy in my statement. I am and 
 will always be a Goan Catholic, culturally.

Mario adds:

Pardon me if I am skeptical about the commitment and
interest of a cultural Catholic to defend the
religion, not the culture, in front of others,
when she has been unable to convince herself.

We have proof of this when you were apparently unable
to see the recent attack on all religions, while it
was raging all around you.
 Mario previously wrote:

  Since you all have repudiated and devalued
  religion, including the ones you were born into, 
  anything you say on the subject is biased by 
  definition, and frequently offensive to the rest 
  of us.  So, why not quit the patronising and 
  contemptuous and contradictory comments about 
  religion and religious people and stick to 
  opining on the several other issues that plague 
  the world, as you have recommended to your forum 
  adversary, Joe Vaz, but not to your friend, 
Selma responded:

 Is that what you really want Mario? That we should
 quit discussing topics because they offend someone
 or the other. Then, so far I have been asked to quit
 commenting on Goa because I don't live there, quit
 commenting on America because it's off topic and now
 quit commenting on religion. So what topics does
 that eave me, Albert's pinag recipe and the GDP of
Mario responds:

In your post of September 5, you asked Joe Vaz why he
was spending so much time responding to your friend
Santosh's unprovoked flame baits on religion and
religious people.  You said Joe was being strange. 
Wasn't that asking Joe to quit discussing this topic?

And, regarding your gross mischaracterization about me
wanting to restrict you to Pinag recipes [which is a
Goa-centric topic]and the GDP of Guatemala [which
would be off topic] please revisit what I said to the
Santosh character in my following post, and please
remember this for future reference :

I wish you and everyone else on Goanet would just
eschew these verbal mind games and stick to providing
news and personal opinions and personal analyses as
they see fit, avoid speaking on behalf of whole
sections of people you don't even know as if the rest
of us were born yesterday, and let others respond as
they see fit, with the administrators as umpires.

I don't even object to your frequent flame baits,
unprovoked by anything said or discussed on Goanet, as
long as the administrators do not obstruct the
responses you did not get in the good old days of
Goanet. [end of excerpt]

So much for restricting you to Pinag recipes and off
topic subjects.

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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet

2006-09-07 Thread Aristo

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Hi Santosh  other TGF loyalists,

My sincere apologies to TGF and its loyalists for making the statement
about TGF. Perhaps the misconception about the TGF was created due to
Google directing me to articles like Are Goans liberated?, The Big
Let down, Xacuti Bozo Singh's Harder Talk, which gave me the
impression that it was purely an India bashing forum. Today however, I
logged on to TGF and discovered a lot more than that. I should have
done this before making my statement.

My apologies, once again. Santosh, thanks for pointing out my misconception.

PS. If you do read a report of a shack being burned down, it wasn't me!

On 9/6/06, Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Aristo,

 Let me first object strongly to your making a very
 unfair statement about TGF. TGF is a free and open
 secular public forum. You may be mistaking it for some
 other forum or network. And of course, I hope the
 arsonist thought is taken in jest by others, as intended.
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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet - an analysis and a suggestion

2006-09-07 Thread Mervyn Lobo

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Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 We, in turn, will reserve
 the right to respond, as an integral part of
 participation in an open forum [think schoolyard]
 without Santosh's habitual pissing and moaning and
 desperately appealing to the like minded [think
 schoolmates] and administrators [think teachers] for

I almost believed that Mario could do it.
I wanted to believe that Mario could last a single day
without using a cuss word. 

The word pissing deflated this balloon. 
Then again, what was I thinking? Mario has used the
words dummy and barbarian to describe himself.

As for Aristo's comment on the sheer volume of Mario's
posts, I have to inform him that Mario once told me
that half his posts get rejected by the Goanet
administration. I don't know if that is still true
today or if the percentage has gone up. All I know is
that Mario will send me and others copies of the posts
that get rejected.

Believe me folks, Mario sometimes has good points. Its
the consistent use of curse words that makes him 
(in?)famous here.



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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet - an analysis /response to Mario

2006-09-07 Thread Carvalho

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--- Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pardon me if we cannot hold our breath
 waiting for you, an avowed agnostic, to ...come
 across a post that I find offensive to my Catholic
 sensibilities...  What Catholic sensibilities can
 an avowed agnostic claim to have??

Mario, please don't get unnecessarily perplexed by the
things I write. Rest assured I have a very good grip
on whatever it is I write. Religion has always been as
much a badge of cultural identity as a religious one.
Long before India became a geographical and political
identity, it was loosely grouped together based on its
cultural identity, shaped in large part by its
religious rites and rituals. So, there is no dichotomy
in my statement. I am and will always be a Goan
Catholic, culturally.

Mario write:
 Since you all have repudiated and devalued religion,
 including the ones you were born into, anything you
 say on the subject is biased by definition, and
 frequently offensive to the rest of us.  So, why not
 quit the patronising and contemptuous and
 contradictory comments about religion and religious
 people and stick to opining on the several other
 issues that plague the world, as you have
 to your forum adversary, Joe Vaz, but not to your
 friend, Santosh.  
Is that what you really want Mario? That we should
quit discussing topics because they offend someone or
the other. Then, so far I have been asked to quit
commenting on Goa because I don't live there, quit
commenting on America because it's off topic and now
quit commenting on religion. So what topics does that
leave me, Albert's pinag recipe and the GDP of

Now listen boys, I'm going away for the weekend. When
I come back I want all of you to have kissed and made
up. Except Gilbert ofcourse. A benign handshake will
do for him :))


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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet/Views and response to Selma

2006-09-06 Thread Nasci Caldeira

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--- Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear Santosh,
 To be honest, I am always fearful when I voice an
 opinion. Sometimes, it is taken as an affront on
 someone's deeply held beliefs. Sometimes, it is
 regarded as absurd and ridiculed. 
 NASCI observes:
 Selma, it is not your 'opinions' that are an affront
on other's beliefs! Rather the way you do not put the
same in context and at times confusing 'malpractices'
and individual/group 'failures' with the exact
doctrine and Faith of any religion. That is called
deliberate distortion!

  SELMA continues:
 When I was more Catholic,I would bring to mind the
 words of Charlotte Bronte's Mr Rochester, I know my
 God approves of what I do,for the world's opinion,I
 care not. Now that I am more secular, I remember
 Desmond Tutu's words in a documentary about Thomas
 Mann, there is no black and white in life. One must
 believe by the skin of one's teeth that what they
 are doing is right and then do it.
NASCI responds:
 Seems like you have made 'peace' with God! You are
free to express your opinions; that others may not
care about; that others may absorb or refute, as they
see fit! We are only human and diverse and yet limited
in our intellectual ability to grasp the world around

You and Desmond Tutu are wrong when you say that:
there is no black and white in life.
There 'is' black skin and white skin; there is truth
and falsehood; there is Selma and Aristo, and Elsabeth
and Audrey, as far as I KNEW! 
Not any more! It has to be either 'true' or 'false'.
 Now you may answer these questions.
Is Audrey Fernandes and Aristo as different as 'black'
and 'white'is?? Is Elisabeth and Aristo simlarly
different as 'black and white'is?? Is Selma/Elisabeth
different from Audrey, as black is from white??
Only you have the correct answers to the above; as
some evidence I have, has left me confused!

The whole concept of computer IT intelligence is based
on the 'two states' of the transistor switch! It is
either 'on' or 'off'; either a '1' or a '0'; either
black or white; either true or false; either yes or
no; it is either higher or lower; either more or less
and so on.
I have justified to you using Science and Technology
that 'black is' or 'white is'; that its either true or
false! You go to Marlon Menezes for further study on
 However, what IT can not tell us is, if Black is
superior to White or vice versa! That is something
only the human Brain can deal with! For this I would
advise you to go to Mario Goveia or Santosh Helekar
for intelligent discernment! OK??

Meantime, please do not feel as though the world is
only asking for your opinions and time in dealing with
complex social and other issues. Take it easy! Have a
'good nights' Sleep!And do not take the word of
writers as the gospel truth! They only know to read
and write, most of them, not even the third 'r'.  :-)
Nurses and Paeditricians, Doctors, Scientists and
Technologists and Technicians and Tradespersons are
superior to clerks (clerical skills only)! You get
what I mean? I hope I have made my point. Just because
Santosh has exalted you; does not mean you have a
'feather in your cap'; it only means that your
'perception' is what he relishes!

Sincerely speaking,
Nasci Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under. 

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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet

2006-09-06 Thread Aristo

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Hi Santosh  Frederick,

Santosh, I thank you for the compliments and for reminding me of my
High School prayer! Perhaps it is from that poem of Tagore that I
subconsciously lifted the first line and made my own corny quote that
I abide by: When the conscience is clear, you have nothing to fear.
But I must admit that my arguments, although sometimes cogent, may not
be worm proof, as they still give way for one to worm out of!

Frederick, I agree with you that you should not block anyones views.
I will never support the ban of Santosh, Mario, Nasci or anyone else,
if they have expressed their views without resorting to extreme
uncivility, even if one tends to say things that are not so
politically correct. In fact, it is this reason that I have not joined
GX, as I do not agree with Santosh's Banned if 66% says so rule.
Even if it were 99%, I still wouldn't agree with it, as it goes
against the minorities views (Remember Galileo?). As for TGF, it
reminds me of that white shack on one Goan beach that is rumoured to
having a board saying No Dogs  Indians allowed! (Note to self: If I
find that shack, Burn it!!)

And finally, I would like to thank Goanet for giving me this
opportunity to express my views over the last 5 months or so. I
stumbled upon Goanet quite accidentally late last year with the
innocent intention of trying to find the words of the song Claudia
(Uncle Gilbert, if you're reading this, I plan to propose to my
atheist fiance, when I find her that is, with this song), but boy did
I step into one messed up jungle!!

Cheers to all!

--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think the advent of Aristo, Selma, Francis,
 Roland, Jerry and Kevin, and the re-emergence of
 Sunith has been great for Goanet. Their arguments
 have been extremely cogent, mature, well-
 articulated and beautiful. Nobody has been able to
 refute them. I am very confident that these good
 people will continue to express their views without
 fear, and I hope that many more like them become
 active on Goanet.

Nothing moves me more into thought
and action than my high school prayer - one of the
most sublime compositions ever conceived by any poet,
living or dead:

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held

Frederick wrote:
Rather than calling for a block on certain views on Goanet (which
remains committed to free speech), those who dislike those views
should attempt to clearly, honestly and without getting into a tizzy
refute the same.

Sorry, I don't think censorship of any perspective is the solution.
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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet

2006-09-06 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Hi Aristo,

Let me first object strongly to your making a very
unfair statement about TGF. TGF is a free and open
secular public forum. You may be mistaking it for some
other forum or network. And of course, I hope the
arsonist thought is taken in jest by others, as

As I have stated before on countless occasions,
nobody's perspective, however extreme and disagreeable
to someone, ought to be blocked from a free and
secular public forum such as Goanet. However, the
rules of Goanet have to be strictly enforced by the
Goanet administrators. Otherwise, they might as well
rescind them. Why waste electrons? Frederick's excuses
and rationalizations simply don't wash.

I, Santosh Helekar, must be banned from Goanet if the
administrators determine that my e-glow of pure evil
or some other infraction violates the Goanet rules.
But I think that they should grant a special exemption
from the rules to Goveia, and give him unlimited
chances to refute your arguments, and those of Selma,
Francis, Sunith, Roland, Albert and Kevin, which he
has failed to do so far. You have already realized
that your arguments are impenetrable as long as one
follows the direct and honest, rational approach.
Regarding your arguments not being worm-out proof, let
me submit to you that anybody can worm out of an
argument or demean and demonize its proponent. But
most people do not resort to such evasive and abusive
tactics out of fairness and respect. An argument which
is countered only with such an illicit approach stands

Nasci has not violated the Goanet rules so far, so he
should not be banned. He has simply vented his
righteous prejudices in an enlightened sort of way. I
think he cannot help doing that because he is one of
those rare individuals (but perhaps, fortunately, more
abundant on Goanet) who are endowed with the e-glow of

I am pleasantly surprised to note that we share an
alma mater. I must say, indeed, we are the children of
a lesser goddess.



--- Aristo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Santosh  Frederick,
 Santosh, I thank you for the compliments and for
 reminding me of my
 High School prayer! Perhaps it is from that poem of
 Tagore that I
 subconsciously lifted the first line and made my own
 corny quote that
 I abide by: When the conscience is clear, you have
 nothing to fear.
 But I must admit that my arguments, although
 sometimes cogent, may not
 be worm proof, as they still give way for one to
 worm out of!
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2006-09-06 Thread Joe Vaz

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Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

What I find strange is why an intelligent man such as
yourself would spend so much time on Santosh Helekar.

Hi Selma:

And what is a fine lady like you doing —dispensing advice without diagnosing 
the issues?  It is like passionately telling a story, without reading the 
book that relates it.  It would be illuminating if you first studied Santosh 
Helekar’s provocative posts, rampant incitement and abuse documented within 
the Goanet archives, — before coming to his defense and hastily jumping to 

There are many a people who have tried to intelligently yet politely advise 
Santosh to refrain from abusing religion, but he has been doggedly 
determined to lead that path. Silence on such matters has never been the 
solution, but rather is often taken as a tacit ‘approval’ to further abuse.


PS:  Have you really seen how much time Santosh spends ridiculing other 
netters? There is NO need to educate netters by mocking religion; by and 
large we are mostly educated adults who know to respect both Science and 
Religion.  Only the irrational use science against religion and vice versa.


Here’s some perspective on what Albert Einstein had to say about God and 

Before God we are all equally wise - and equally foolish.” ~Albert Einstein

We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, 
powerful muscles, but no personality. ~Albert Einstein

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind. 
~Albert Einstein

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not 
sure about the former. ~Albert Einstein


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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet/response to Santosh

2006-09-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Dear Selma,

That was beautiful, and thanks for the sage advice.
You have expressed my point of view better than I can
imagine myself doing. The only thing I would add is
that I am not really interested in converting people
to my point of view. I believe in unabashed
individualism - the idea that every person ought to
educate himself or herself, think for himself or
herself, and arrive at his or her own convictions
about the world. Nothing moves me more into thought
and action than my high school prayer - one of the
most sublime compositions ever conceived by any poet,
living or dead:

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held
Where knowledge is free,
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls,
Where words come out from the depth of truth,
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit,
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action,
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country

I am certain you know who this great poet is.


--- Carvalho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Dear Santosh,
 To be honest, I am always fearful when I voice an
 opinion. Sometimes, it is taken as an affront on
 someone's deeply held beliefs. Sometimes, it is
 regarded as absurd and ridiculed. 
 When I was more Catholic, I would bring to mind
 words of Charlotte Bronte's Mr Rochester, I know my
 God approves of what I do, for the world's opinion,
 care not. Now that I am more secular, I remember
 Desmond Tutu's words in a documentary about Thomas
 Mann, there is no black and white in life. One must
 believe by the skin of one's teeth that what they
 doing is right and then do it.
 That is how I generally operate, by the skin of my
 teeth and to damnation with my detractors. I enjoy
 your posts on religion. To me they are just your
 personal hypotheses and not a reflection and assault
 on anyone's faith. If, we as Christians in our
 Quixotian desire to defend our religion, see you as
 Christian basher, we really are tilting at
 If you want my opinion, write what you have to.
 bother defending your views. Let the chips fall
 they may. For every one person, you offend, there
 be two that you will educate and perhaps convince to
 your point of view. We are all adult enough to
 for ourselves exactly what we want to believe. All
 this defending the faith by self-appointed
 crusaders, is self-serving aggrandisment at best.
 --- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  I think the advent of Aristo, Selma, Francis,
  Jerry and Kevin, and the re-emergence of Sunith
  been great for Goanet. Their arguments have been
  extremely cogent, mature, well-articulated and
  beautiful. Nobody has been able to refute them. I
  very confident that these good people will
  express their views without fear, and I hope that
  more like them become active on Goanet.
  Goanet mailing list
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2006-09-05 Thread Francis Rodrigues

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Dear Santosh,
I know you are referring to someone else with
a similar name. My presence on Goanet is merely
to be educated. I stand humbled before giants of
our time of Cyclopeian proportions like Goveia. Who
can resist his mighty intellect ? We never fail to be
continually amazed by his encyclopedic knowledge
of our universe - an avowed expert even on theories
and matters that will be discovered far into the future.

At the end times, like Hunt's immortal Abou Ben Adhem,
the Angel will say And, lo! Goveia's name led all the rest!

As for me, I am sure you must be mistaken - I do not
write anything of note, nor with any degree of talent.
As I have remarked to Roland, George, Jose and others
- if there is somebody masquerading as myself, projecting
me in a better light, then we must speedily unmask him !


Santosh Helekar wrote: I think the advent of Aristo, Selma, Francis, 
Jerry and Kevin, and the re-emergence of Sunith has
been great for Goanet. Their arguments have been
extremely cogent, mature, well-articulated and
beautiful. Nobody has been able to refute them.

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet/response to Santosh

2006-09-05 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha

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Santosh has been even-handed in his critique of all religions and gods
(except probably that currently-accepted dogma of Science).

But my concern is that there's a fine line between stating one's own
views, specially when it comes to religion. No religion and politics
on the dinner-table, as the old adage goes. I'm surely not trying to
extend the dinner-table to Goanet. But one needs to be cautious
while taking broad sweeps.

For monotheistic religions, it's more difficult to accept criticism,
because the line between what is right and wrong (I've
deliberately used quotes) is very starkly drawn. As a response, some
people feel an urge to defend the faith.

I'm not saying Santosh should not criticise, but just that he should
be aware of how others would respond to it. FN

On 05/09/06, George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Selma,
 I agree with your assessment of Santosh. He has been critical of Hindu and 
 Muslim extremism too.
 In this day and age, some cold water needs to be put over the jihadists and 
 extremists of all
 stripes.  We are grown people and should learn to take criticism instead of 
 hiding under the
 religion-bashing label.
 On a related point, you have probably noticed that Santosh takes flak because 
 of his Hindu name.

Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet/response to Joe Vaz

2006-09-05 Thread Carvalho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
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Hi Joe,

What I find strange is why an intelligent man such as
yourself would spend so much time on Santosh Helekar.
Surely, there are more interesting topics to be
discussed and I would love it if the posters on Goanet
would expand the range of topics.

In the five or six months I have been on Goanet, I
have waited for Santosh to incite religious hatred, so
I could sanctimoniously drive him out of Goanet
myself, since I have been labeled a crusading Joan of

When I come across a post that I find offensive to my
Catholic sensibilities, rest assured I shall organise
a cyber public crucifixion and harvesting of organs,
to be donated to a Scientific community of Santosh's


--- Joe Vaz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It is nice to read your scholarly advice and
 encouragement to Santosh 
 Helekar to continue what he does best i.e. resort to
 name-calling, and 
 ridiculing religion.

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Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet/response to George/Selma

2006-09-05 Thread Nasci Caldeira

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Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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--- George Pinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Selma, 
 I agree with your assessment of Santosh. He has been
 critical of Hindu and Muslim extremism too.

Nasci observes:
Santosh is not aggressively critical of Hindu or
Muslim extremism. When he relishes Christians (half
baked)and agnostics bashing Christians on goanet, I
can see the e-glow on him; then he subtly adds his own
derision, in his own convoluted way!

  George Pinto:
 On a related point, you have probably noticed that
 Santosh takes flak because of his Hindu name.

 Nasci observes:
  Santosh is not taking 'flak' because of his Hindu
name; at least not from me. He is an honourable
person; but he is certainly not above board! Santosh,
I observe, is so ashamed of the 'primitive Hindu
beliefs and practices' he is born into, that he
declares himself an agnostic; and goes on to deride
all 'religions'under the premise of Science, (that too
patronisingly) and refusing to understand that pure
religious Faith and Science are parallel paths; also
not realising that Hindu practices are not religion in
a religious sense; and is also guilty of not saying or
doing anything to stop these groups/ political parties
from enforcing these practices/ beliefs on all others,
in the guise of ethos and or religion.
Sincerely speaking,

Nasci Caldeira
Melbourne, Down Under!

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Re: [Goanet] THE NEW GOANET !

2006-09-05 Thread Santosh Helekar

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Dear Francis,

You are the Francis that I am referring to. You have a
formidable intellect and an ability to articulate your
ideas, rivaled only by your son Gary. Goveia is an
insignificant speck compared to you. You did notice,
didn't you that he was not able to refute your
arguments, and chickened out with some feeble excuse.



--- Francis Rodrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dear Santosh,
 I know you are referring to someone else with
 a similar name. My presence on Goanet is merely
 to be educated. I stand humbled before giants of
 our time of Cyclopeian proportions like Goveia. Who
 can resist his mighty intellect ? We never fail to
 be continually amazed by his encyclopedic knowledge
 of our universe - an avowed expert even on theories
 and matters that will be discovered far into the

Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet

2006-09-04 Thread Santosh Helekar

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

I think the advent of Aristo, Selma, Francis, Roland,
Jerry and Kevin, and the re-emergence of Sunith has
been great for Goanet. Their arguments have been
extremely cogent, mature, well-articulated and
beautiful. Nobody has been able to refute them. I am
very confident that these good people will continue to
express their views without fear, and I hope that many
more like them become active on Goanet.


Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet/response to Santosh

2006-09-04 Thread Carvalho

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
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Dear Santosh,

To be honest, I am always fearful when I voice an
opinion. Sometimes, it is taken as an affront on
someone's deeply held beliefs. Sometimes, it is
regarded as absurd and ridiculed. 

When I was more Catholic, I would bring to mind the
words of Charlotte Bronte's Mr Rochester, I know my
God approves of what I do, for the world's opinion, I
care not. Now that I am more secular, I remember
Desmond Tutu's words in a documentary about Thomas
Mann, there is no black and white in life. One must
believe by the skin of one's teeth that what they are
doing is right and then do it.

That is how I generally operate, by the skin of my
teeth and to damnation with my detractors. I enjoy
your posts on religion. To me they are just your
personal hypotheses and not a reflection and assault
on anyone's faith. If, we as Christians in our
Quixotian desire to defend our religion, see you as a
Christian basher, we really are tilting at windmills.

If you want my opinion, write what you have to. Don't
bother defending your views. Let the chips fall where
they may. For every one person, you offend, there will
be two that you will educate and perhaps convince to
your point of view. We are all adult enough to discern
for ourselves exactly what we want to believe. All
this defending the faith by self-appointed
crusaders, is self-serving aggrandisment at best.


--- Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think the advent of Aristo, Selma, Francis,
 Jerry and Kevin, and the re-emergence of Sunith has
 been great for Goanet. Their arguments have been
 extremely cogent, mature, well-articulated and
 beautiful. Nobody has been able to refute them. I am
 very confident that these good people will continue
 express their views without fear, and I hope that
 more like them become active on Goanet.
 Goanet mailing list

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Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet - where unprovoked Christian bashing will not stand

2006-09-04 Thread Mervyn Lobo

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Mario Goveia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Found this in the thrash section of the Goanet
 archives.  It speaks for itself to anyone who has
 been following the posts on Goanet

Mario my friend,
There is no trash section in the Goanet archives. That
idea exists only in one persons mind :-)

 Unfortunately, they seem to have run out of coherent
 or sensible ideas and are reduced to comical
 inanities like the one above.

No follower of Jesus Christ can ever claim to be a
Christian and, at the same time, use his name as a
cuss word. You are unable to understand this.


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Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet

2006-09-04 Thread Frederick \FN\ Noronha

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Santosh, I would like to point out that we all are creatures of habit
and politics. So, when someone who agrees with out ideological
perspective speaks out, we applaud. It's a reflection of our own
politics and bias, even if Scientific!

So what you say may be true from *your* perspective. Others would
obviously judge things differently.

Likewise, I disagree with Mario Gouveia when he calls those whom he
does not agree with a cabal. Rather than calling for a block on
certain views on Goanet (which remains committed to free speech),
those who dislike those views should attempt to clearly, honestly and
without getting into a tizzy refute the same.

Sorry, I don't think censorship of any perspective is the solution.

On the other hand, the job of countering any perspective is the onus
of those who disagree with it. Otherwise, we'll end up with a
situation like in the past: people quit Goanet after being outargued
and accused Goanet of cursing them! Of course, some of them are back
now... despite repeated pledges not to post to Goanet. FN

PS: If you think the above post contains flame-baits (which I think it
does), please ignore the same :-)

On 05/09/06, Santosh Helekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I think the advent of Aristo, Selma, Francis, Roland,
 Jerry and Kevin, and the re-emergence of Sunith has
 been great for Goanet. Their arguments have been
 extremely cogent, mature, well-articulated and
 beautiful. Nobody has been able to refute them. I am
 very confident that these good people will continue to
 express their views without fear, and I hope that many
 more like them become active on Goanet.

Frederick Noronha  9822122436 +91-832-240-9490 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Goanet mailing list

Re: [Goanet] The New Goanet/response to Santosh

2006-09-04 Thread George Pinto

* G * O * A * N * E * T  C * L * A * S * S * I * F * I * E * D * S *

Enjoy your holiday in Goa. Stay at THE GARCA BRANCA from November to May
 There is no better, value for money, guest house.
  Confirm your bookings early or miss-out

  Visit for details/booking/confirmation.

Hi Selma, 

I agree with your assessment of Santosh. He has been critical of Hindu and 
Muslim extremism too.
In this day and age, some cold water needs to be put over the jihadists and 
extremists of all
stripes.  We are grown people and should learn to take criticism instead of 
hiding under the
religion-bashing label. 

On a related point, you have probably noticed that Santosh takes flak because 
of his Hindu name.

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