Rain continues to fall in Goa this weekend, but just across the border in
Karnataka it is painfully clear the monsoon has failed. Earlier this week,
the Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda, who heads the state sub-committee
on disaster management, reported that an astonishing 195 out of 236 talukas
across India’s eighth-largest state are officially suffering drought, with
161 of them already experiencing severe shortages. This crisis goes far
beyond water supply, to pose huge threats to food security across the
region, because at least 50% of standing crops have withered into the dust
due to drastic precipitation deficits over the past month alone. The grim
forecast is that more damage is likely to occur in coming weeks, which
brings to this agonising new reality: our neighbouring state, which
supplies most of our vegetables and fruits, is now home to the second
largest tracts of dry land in the whole country (after Rajasthan) and
almost 80% of its arable land has become critically prone to drought.

This very bad news is uncomfortably close to home, but even worse has been
playing out the past few days as an unmitigated horror show of
climate-related catastrophes all over the world. To the east, both Hong
Kong and Shenzen are reeling from tropical storm Haikui, which dumped more
rainfall on these two vital economic nerve centres than ever recorded
before, since they began maintaining the data over 140 years ago. Across
the Pacific in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, yet
another concurrent cyclone deposited over a foot of rain in less than 24
hours, with floods and landslides resulting in dozens of deaths, the
highest toll ever for a climate event. Worst of all by far was the
wrecking-ball devastation wrought by Storm Daniel which careened across the
Mediterranean to unleash unprecedented havoc in Greece – the equivalent of
three years of rainfall in two days, which has submerged the country’s
breadbasket into an unfarmable giant lake – and then slammed into Libya to
trigger extraordinary devastation: 5,000 presumed dead with 10,000 missing
and total casualties likely to pass 20,000 in the end.

The sad truth is none of these shocking events are any kind of anomaly any
more. Instead, these kinds of previously inconceivable – or, at worst,
once-in-a-lifetime – disruptions are only to be expected as routine in our
age of climate change, that has been caused by human activity’s effects on
the ecosystems that have sustained us over the past 10,000 years in the
time period known as the Holocene, which comprises the combined
achievements of all of our civilizations. That grim fact became even
plainer earlier this week, when, for the first time ever, scientists
working with the Stockholm Research Centre provided us with an important
framework to understand and gauge the “planetary boundaries” which have
until recently shored up the “safe operating space for humanity”. Their new
research paper in the journal *Science Advances* identifies nine processes
“that are critical for maintaining the stability and resilience of Earth
system as a whole” and concludes that “all are presently heavily perturbed
by human activities”. What is more, six of those nine have already been
transgressed, which has brought us all the way to an unforeseen precipice.
Now, we are in the danger zone for life itself.

The new paper’s co-author Johan Rockström offered this trenchant analogy to
understand its findings: “This update on planetary boundaries clearly
depicts a patient that is unwell, as pressure on the planet increases and
vital boundaries are being breached. We don’t know how long we can keep
transgressing these key boundaries before combined pressures lead to
irreversible change and harm.” He explained that “science and the world at
large are really concerned over all the extreme climate events hitting
societies across the planet as we move through the third human-amplified El
Niño in only 25 years. But what worries us even more is the rising signs of
dwindling planetary resilience, manifested by the breaching of planetary
boundaries, which brings us closer to tipping points, and closes the window
to having any chance of holding the 1.5°C planetary climate boundary. If
you want to have security, prosperity and equity for humanity on Earth, you
have to come back into the safe space and we’re not seeing that progress
currently in the world.”

What is the current bottom line for our prospects on Earth? The findings
from Stockholm Research Centre’s team of scientists are neatly illustrated
in the elegant, useful chart that accompanies this column. In their report,
it carried this explainer: “Six of the nine boundaries are transgressed. In
addition, ocean acidification is approaching its planetary boundary. The
green zone is the safe operating space (below the boundary). Yellow to red
represents the zone of increasing risk. Purple indicates the high-risk zone
where interglacial Earth system conditions are transgressed with high
confidence. Values for control variables are normalized so that the origin
represents mean Holocene conditions and the planetary boundary (lower end
of zone of increasing risk, dotted circle) lies at the same radius for all
boundaries (except for the wedges representing green and blue water, see
main text). Wedge lengths are scaled logarithmically. The upper edges of
the wedges for the novel entities and the genetic diversity component of
the biosphere integrity boundaries are blurred either because the upper end
of the zone of increasing risk has not yet been quantitatively defined
(novel entities) or because the current value is known only with great
uncertainty (loss of genetic diversity). Both, however, are well outside of
the safe operating space. Transgression of these boundaries reflects
unprecedented human disruption of Earth system but is associated with large
scientific uncertainties.”

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