Monday, September 27, 2021

The Shiftars, a rocking great band from the Mombasa of the 1960s

By Cecilia Mascarenhas

[Written before the
of Benny almost a
year ago...]

Early last year, Cyprian Fernandes (Skip) was in contact as
he was doing true life stories for his blog and book on bands
and musicians from East Africa, and wanted a story on The
Shiftars, the 1960's band from Mombasa. Unfortunately, I
could not do it in time for publication. But here it is for
those interested.

Everyone who remembers The Shiftars ask me if they would
reunite again...  I doubt it though hope they will one day!

Their interests are so diverse now besides living far apart,
it might prove to be a mammoth task!  Besides Benny is a firm
believer that, despite having music in one's genes/ blood, it
is the diligence of practise, that ensures "the fit of all
players in a band should be tight and in sync" --
compatibility, when producing music and sounds, like those
that made them famous in their youth in Mombasa, as without
that, the music will just not sound right.

A personal photo book was gifted to the band boys when they
turned around 65! A kind of "Thank you" for the memories ...
which was also shared with a few close friends! This was to
give some pleasure in rekindling thoughts and memories of
their music as well as the pleasant times of our youth, the
wonderful days of being teenagers dancing to the music of The

Some of this material is adapted here as well as from an
article I wrote for The Goan/Sacred Heart School's 75th
Anniversary Souvenir Brochure in 2007 since all the boys were
educated there.

          The Shiftars group was formed sometime circa early
          1964 by Benny Mascarenhas (lead guitar), along with
          Dominic Noronha (rhythm guitar), Polly (Pauly) Dias
          (bass guitar) and Rudi Lopes (drums), who were from
          the Class of '65 with their Manager Victor De
          Souza, being from Class of '64 of The Goan/Sacred
          Heart School in Mombasa.  Their interest in music
          started early, influenced with the advent of
          electric guitars and the new sounds/beats of Cliff
          Richard and The Shadows, who had taken the world by
          storm and created a new Kenyan generation when they
          visited Nairobi on their tour to South Africa.

The aptly named film and song "The Young Ones" was just what
the young ones growing up in the early 60’s needed, to infuse
their youth!

Benny at the age of 12, always had an interest in music, and
whilst his father Joaquim played the violin, and his older
brothers Lambert (violin), Leslie (trumpet) and Philip
(trumpet) were musically minded, he preferred the guitar.

So to encourage his interest, his parents bought him a simple
acoustic guitar from a store in Makupa. Later, influenced by
Hank Marvin and The Shadows No.1 hit "Apache", he and his
friend Basil D’souza built themselves a guitar in the shape
of Hank’s "Fender Stratocaster" and for "electrification",
pinched the mouth-peace from a local public telephone booth.

Benny twanged his way practising different technics and
sounds, and by the age of 15, was recruited to play with a
band named Conny Kit & The Pirates. Encouraged by his
dedication, his Mum, Maggie, bought him his first pukka
electric guitar "Elite".  The band consisted of Conny Telles,
Joey Costa Correia, Benny, and Lamartin D'Souza.

          When the band was offered a contract in Italy,
          Benny was not able go with them as he needed to
          complete his schooling education and so gave his
          silver band jacket to Leslie Peters (cousin of Joey
          Peters of The Bandits) who was then additionally
          recruited to the group.  In Italy, the band renamed
          themselves The Bushmen but disbanded a few years

So, as he was not able to go to Italy, Benny then decided to
form his own band with his classmates who were as keen as he
was to emulate the sound of The Shadows and Cliff, especially
after their visit to Kenya, thus the formation of The

Dominic on rhythm, had the voice and looks of the young Cliff
Richard and Benny, influenced by Hank Marvin, had the similar
twang of the Fender Stratocaster which brought the band's
unique sound to our very own doorstep in Mombasa along with
Rudi on drums and Polly on bass.  hey practised regularly in
the garage at Gupta Villa (Dom and Rudi's abode in Ganjoni),
and as their repertoire progressed, they would occasionally
play at venues including the Rex Hotel.

In time Roger, the manager of Tudor House Hotel got to hear
of them and offered them a booking to play every Saturday
night at Tudor House Hotel. Saturday night in Mombasa was
never the same thereafter, as most teenagers made it their
venue to Shadoogie and Shindig their way through the night!

          How they came about the name is a bit of a story in
          itself.  As the bands at that time took rebel
          sounding names like The Pirates, The Bandits etc,
          these lads took the name of the then Somali raiders
          into northern Kenya who were known as 'Shiftas' --
          but when the lads played at the Diamond Jubilee
          Hall for the political KANU Party's annual ball,
          their celebrity guest Tom Mboya, a leading Kenya
          Cabinet Minister, came up to the stage to thank
          them for their enjoyable music and told them that
          he was not happy with their name!  So, to avoid any
          conflict, Benny decided on adding the "R" to the
          band's name.

Thus renamed "THE SHIFTARS", was born and continued playing,
much to the chagrin and dismay of the boys' parents and
school board -- as it was apparently affecting their studies,
especially as their Senior Cambridge (O Levels) graduation
exams were looming up that year, 1965.  Needless to say,
despite many protests from their parents and the school
board, the boys still carried on playing and thankfully
passed the exams too!

They continued playing at the Tudor every Saturday, and on
reflection years later, meeting up with members of Safari
Sound Band, it was gratifying to know that from hearing The
Shiftars and seeing them play at the Tudor, albeit through a
window on the side, was what inspired them at their young age
to as well take up music and were helped and tutored by a
Goan teacher. In gratitude they invited Benny and me to hear
them play at Whitesands Hotel on our visit in 1994, when they
unexpectedly performed their rendition of The Shadows numbers
on the beach.

The Shiftars were often popularly booked for various private
Goan functions and weddings at the GI club, the Goan Tailors
Society, as well as the Diamond Jubilee Hall for various
multi-racial weddings and functions encompassing some of
their Swahili and ethnic music too.

The band's performances at the local Annual Makadara Fete for
the Idd/Eid festival as well, generated a large fan base
among the young Arab/Muslim girls and boys who could not
afford attending the hotel venues they played at.

Their one regret to this day, is not having had the facility
at the time, to record some of their numbers like the
Christmas Carols that were done in unique arrangements and
the contemporary music they twanged without orchestration.

          Their popularity kept them very much in demand, and
          with the remuneration earned, plus help from the
          family, they then purchased new amplification from
          London, and guitars from Germany, which made the
          fiesta red Hofner electric guitars their signature
          look alongside the new 30 Watts WEM amplifiers that
          extended their tone and sound.  Also, when a
          visiting English naval ship's band in need of quick
          dosh sold them their Watkins Copycat echo unit, it
          further enhanced their unique sound of The Shadows,
          and completed their act.

In later years, it was wonderful for Benny and me to meet the
real Mr. Watkins and be invited to his home studio in
London, where he had designed the Copycat echo units and WEM
amplifiers. From our conversation with him, we were
surprised that he clearly recalled the first order that he
had from Assanands Music Store in Mombasa, which was for his
WEM amplifiers, and how that initial order subsequently
opened the market for him in Kenya.

In 1966, the band entered the Teen Beat Contest in Nairobi
and came third, but it was an experience for these young lads
as they had to compose their own music and travel all the way
to Nairobi on a shoe string budget to compete only to find
that the bands that beat them, played copyright hit numbers
from the UK charts.  Though deflated, it gave them a resolve
to better themselves with enthusiasm nevertheless.

The following day they played at the RGI hop, thus creating a
Nairobi fan base who would always make it a point to come to
say hello and hear them play when in Mombasa. From then
on, their music went from strength to strength as they
incorporated contemporary dance music and other chart hits to
their repertoire thus creating a good modern dance band that
were the envy of other bands by substituting different
rhythms and guitar sounds in replacement of orchestration,
thus creating a totally new sound and dimension.

Though they continued Saturday Nights at the Tudor House
Hotel it was, late ‘66, at The Carlton Hotel, where they
occasionally played that they were heard by Sean McCrindle,
Manager of the elite five-star Nyali Beach Hotel that
primarily had only foreign tourist and the rich stay there.

He offered them a lucrative resident contract to play every
Wednesday and Saturday night, including the festive seasons,
which drew in the Mombasa crowds.  This ended up making the
band ever more popular as "Saturday Nights at Nyali" became
the hot spot for the majority of the local community as the
band's ever changing repertoire moved on to include a wide
tempo range of instrumental dance music that had never before
been performed on the electric guitar, as well as group
vocals covering pop numbers including the Beatles early

For the Nyali Beach Hotel Brochure, the band had an
additional uniform to encompass a touch of the Kenyan
wildlife with red velvet jackets trimmed in fake leopard fur
(red to match the guitars) ahem.

They also procured an organ and harmonica, which Benny played
in between twanging the guitar. Thus increasing their range
of music and variations to the popular hits of the time.

          Sadly none of the music they produced was recorded
          except once in a flat, with a basic tape recorder,
          as recording studios etc.  were few and expensive.
          This was done when they were offered a chance to go
          to Germany and play the clubs, but thankfully
          declined due to parental pressure and not knowing
          what going to Europe could entail.

At the time being 19 years of age, they continued with their
obligations at Nyali Beach Hotel as well as fitted in
bookings for other occasions, whilst also working in their
daytime career employment too.

With the political climate in Kenya changing and employment
or career development hard to come by, 1968 changed the
band members with Rudi, the drummer, leaving for the UK and
replaced by Jojo (Benny's younger brother who had previously
played the guitar in a band called The Wee).

Though still very popular and in great demand, it was future
prospects that were unsecure.  So, in 1970, Benny and Jojo
left for the UK and Polly and Dominic then emigrated to

          This meant that three members of The Shiftars were
          now in Canada and Benny in the UK!  And so it was
          inevitable that a reunion was in the offing --
          albeit an informal one in 1979 when we both visited
          Toronto and were joined by Polly (Theodora) from
          Nova Scotia and Dominic (Diane) from Edmonton.  It
          was fab being together again, and whilst jamming in
          the basement for old time sake, the boys realised
          that they had not forgotten their music though some
          "brushing up" was needed...  a phrase that was
          often used in humour and laughter, but the
          friendship was still very close and tight.

It was to be another 12 years before they could reunite
again...  purely due to work and career commitments. Some 21
years since their Mombasa days -- the band reunited for a
short public performance at "Karibuni Kwa Kenya Nite" in
September 1991, held in Toronto.

This was organised by the Goan Community (GOA) where, and
they got a rapturous welcome; the boys played for just over
an hour to ovations which brought many happy memories and
tears to the ex-Mombasa and Nairobi folks.  They were in fact
only scheduled for a 30-minute slot, but the demands for more
had them playing longer.  Truly a memorable night. (Note
their 1964 signature uniform of all black with the yellow
string bow ties was recreated again for this performance).

The next day, they played at The Nags Head, a local pub for
friends and family who wanted to spend time with them and
reminisce the good ole days as well as joined on stage by the
Remedios brothers from Mombasa. The special tee-shirts worn
with The Shiftars photo was gifted to them by Henry Vaz, a
staunch supporter, who also arranged the pub reunion of
Mombasa friends.

Then in 1998, when the lads turned 50, they decided that the
best way to celebrate was to get together for yet another
reunion and this time it was held in Edmonton, Canada in June
1998, as Dominic decided to celebrate this milestone
birthday, and brought the boys yet again in touch with their
guitars and drums.  It was indeed a wonderful reunion.

This last reunion session finished with the song "Vision"
sung by Dom. It still resonates of when will we meet again....

At present, Rudi (Ninette) and Polly (Theodora) are in
Toronto, and Dominic (Lourdes) is in Edmonton, Canada.

Maybe one day, health and time permitting, the boys will get
together for old time sake and have a reunion of sorts with
the music and camaraderie they shared which kept them close
and young! Well, I try to egg my dear hubby Benny (here
in London, UK) to start twanging again! Lest he loses the
touch of his first love!  Ahem!

There are times, when we play the tracks that were later
recorded at their reunions. I close my eyes. I drift back
to time when the cool breeze of Nyali Beach Hotel and Mombasa
wafted over me, the stars in the sky sparkled, together with
the moon doing its bit. I enjoy reminiscing to their
unique sounds of that era and the man I fell in love with and
married! Though it is 46 years later!

And in now putting their story for all to read, it will also
enable our friends to drift back in time and reminisce as
well as share the era of the band.

With the help of friends, I was able to collate a few of the
old photographs (some not digital enhanced!) so hope you
enjoy reading and going back in time to what was our
Yesterday in Paradise!  Ahem!

In closing, the family of all four Shiftars wish you and your
families reading this, all the very best.


Mingi good wishes,
Cecilia Mascarenhas

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