[Goanet] The Wanton Destruction of Azad Maidan (Times of India, 15/12/2017)

2017-01-15 Thread Bernado Colaco
Azad fokot chorpak. Before the ill fated 61 I believe that the place was called 
Prasa Afonso de Albquerque. The bharats came and called it Azad Maidan and 
constructed a monument in memory of those who wasted their lives. May be the 
place should now be named Azar Maidan.

One glance at Panaji's iconic Azad Maidan is enough to see everything
that has gone terribly wrong with Goa. The famous grounds - as old as
the capital city itself - lies torn to pieces. Massive mounds of
rubble and mud cover its once-pleasant expanse. A large portion of its
attractive, quasi-European black metal railing has been bludgeoned
away, and is now being replaced by horrendous monstrosity, exactly
resembling the worst of Bollywood crudity. Worst by far, the
beautiful, ethereal neo-classical monument at centre - sacred resting
place for Goa's seminal nationalist - is dominated by a freakishly
large, extraordinarily ill-conceived toilet.


[Goanet] The Wanton Destruction of Azad Maidan (Times of India, 15/12/2017)

2017-01-14 Thread V M

One glance at Panaji's iconic Azad Maidan is enough to see everything
that has gone terribly wrong with Goa. The famous grounds - as old as
the capital city itself - lies torn to pieces. Massive mounds of
rubble and mud cover its once-pleasant expanse. A large portion of its
attractive, quasi-European black metal railing has been bludgeoned
away, and is now being replaced by horrendous monstrosity, exactly
resembling the worst of Bollywood crudity. Worst by far, the
beautiful, ethereal neo-classical monument at centre - sacred resting
place for Goa's seminal nationalist - is dominated by a freakishly
large, extraordinarily ill-conceived toilet.

It's not only Azad Maidan being flushed but also democracy itself
along with every standard of urban development. This is now the norm
for the current administration, where outrageous scam "infrastructure"
has become its signature activity. Highly dubious, unbelievably
expensive projects are underway all over Goa even as the state debt
burden has soared past unsustainable to the verge of bankruptcy. There
is a detectable pattern - opaque project planning, total lack of
oversight, zero public participation, huge cost over-runs, and a small
set of crony contractors.

Even as the rest of Goa gets royally messed up, the multi-crore
toileting of a cherished landmark particularly demonstrates how bad
things are. The Corporation of the City of Panaji (CCP) has no
official knowledge about what is underway at Azad Maidan. Mayor
Surendra Furtado says no plans have come to his office, and he has
given no permissions. He has a conspiracy theory that the ground has
specifically been made unusable for demonstrations and rallies - its
historic purpose for over a century - but that doesn't explain the
gargantuan lavatory looming over the remains of poor Tristao de
Braganca Cunha.

Cunha - often called 'The father of Goan nationalism' was the voice
and advocate of the Indian Congress Party in France in the early
1920s. It is because of him Romain Rolland learned about Gandhi. That
history and great legacy is only part of what is being disrespected by
the lavatory which now casts its shadow on his tomb.

There is also the monument to the martyrs of Goa's freedom struggle,
which stands like a meek bookend to the colossal concrete latrine that
now commands the north end of Azad Maidan.

Panaji MLA Sidharth Kunkalienkar is one man with some answers, which
he kindly shared over the phone. According to him, the last renovation
of Azad Maidan took place many years ago and the ground was not in a
good condition (this is accurate). Then added that literally only one
family lived on the square (which is not accurate). He said work has
been initiated under the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban
Tranformation by Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation
(GSIDC). And when asked if any architects had been consulted, he said,

Like Louis Berger a few years ago, this Spain-headquartered
consultancy has become the favoured vehicle for dodgy projects in Goa.
The company website says the state government is "our main customer in
India" via GSIDC. Its projects (Azad Maidan isn't even listed) are a
laundry list of very bad, environmentally unfriendly ideas: the
ridiculous walkway overhanging the Baga river, the likely illegal
'redevelopment' of beach areas in Miramar, the sinister-sounding
'redevelopment of one of the premier tourist destinations...where
several Bollywood movies have been filmed' (probably Fontainhas).

Connect the dots. It is the deeply flawed 'Holistic Master Plan'
created by this same LKS being used to ram through Panaji's 'Smart
City' scheme which will involve unprecedented levels of money being
expended in the tiny riverside city. The obliteration of everything
charming about Azad Maidan is thus quite possibly only the beginning.
The fact is all of India's most charming little capital is now
threatened with the same fate. If they can do this to the centerpiece
of Goan democracy, on the same turf as the monuments dedicated to the
state's most cherished heroes, just imagine the size and scale of the
urinals we can expect in the rest of hertage Panaji.

Last word to Panaji native Raya Shankhwalker, who writes, "In my
experience as a practicing architect in Panjim, I have seen so many
examples of heedless obliteration of carefully planned urban
infrastructure. This wonderfully situated riverside city was very well
planned in a gridiron pattern...All through the city, large and small
public squares and gardens provided recreation space for activities
that make and define a successful and civilized environment ...all
this has been systematically dismantled."