Friends of Goa !! 

World Daman Day ’10
WDD-10 Launch Date!

Dear Damanenses and lovers of Daman (Damao),

Get set to launch the 3rd World Daman Day (20/8/10) on the 2nd of February, the 
day Damao came to be - 2nd February 1559!

In Daman itself, there’ll be the annual mass at the DMC to celebrate the feast 
of Nossa Senhora das Candeias.

next event in the WDD-10 calendar is the carnival (carnaval) which
coincides with Valentine’s this year!;) The various youth groups are
planning fancy dress/costume competitions followed by floats and
finally a ball on ‘Domingo Gordo,’  Sunday the 14th.

be covering all events with my Nikon and trust you’ll do the same too
in your little corner of the world so that we can have a digital backup
of our culture in cyberspace!

last but most important, the theme this year is about our language -
the Portuguese spoken in Daman, our mother tongue. In this connection,
you’ll be happy to know that I received a positive response (vide two
letters) from the ambassador of Portugal in India (Delhi) to my request
for starting Portuguese language classes in Daman.

Viva Damao! Eu Falo Portuguese!

Noel Gama

Daman (Damao)

PS: I launched a Facebook fan page called, “Daman”
a few days ago and the response of Damanenes (all communities) as well
as people of other parts of the world has been great - 150 fans in a
few days!!
Friday 15 January 2010



10th Anniversary celebrations of the GCS 2) World Goa Day
Pigrimage-Picnic to Aylesford on Bank Holiday Monday 30th August 2010
& 3) Fr Agnelo's Commemoration mass- 24th Jan 2010...
Tue, January 12, 2010 5:31:06 AM
From: Fiona Lobo <>...View Contact 
To: Fiona Lobo <> 
  2 Files  Download All
SKMBT_C25309121409320.pdf (1118KB); Fina lfinal advert.docx (12KB) 

Hi Everyone
Some dates for your
1. Here's an email from
Gregg Carvalho with details of the Goan Cultural Society's 10th Anniversary
celebrations!  Well done to the GCS for keeping Goans entertained for 10
Now, I've got a
Who can translate the
title of the Konkani Tiatr, 'Vistidachi-Sun'? I don't want to hear from any of
the organisers or the actors!- only from the Goan public! As a clue, I think
‘Sun’ means daughter-in-law. 
Do get in touch with the
Organisers for tickets for all the planned events.

2. Please note that it’s also the 10th World Goa Day Anniversary this year. The 
Pilgrimage-Picnic to
Aylesford is on Bank Holiday Monday 30th of August.  Please note the date in 
your diaries!  We are looking to
have an earlier start this year so we have more ‘picnic time’ in
the afternoon. Also we thought if we brought forward the rosary and benediction
to the morning, we can have an uninterrupted picnic in the afternoon.  If
Aylesford are in agreement, we hope to have the Rosary at 10am, followed by
Mass at 10.30am and Benediction at 11.30 am.  We are also looking to
showcase Goan talent through singing, playing an instrument or performing a
comedy sketch! Plenty of time for practice between now and the end of August!  
details to follow in the months ahead. We hope to have more coaches available
this year in different areas in and around London . Do get in touch if you 
would like to
organize a coach in your area. Thanks. 

3. Finally and by no
means the least, please also see the other email below about Fr Agnelo’s
commemoration mass on Sun 24th Jan at John Fisher Church, Wimbledon
at 2pm.  A large group of Goans have been working hard for a number of
years to have Fr Agnelo beatified and canonized a Saint. Hopefully, with our
prayers and support, it may accelerate the process.
Do support as many of the
Goan events as possible.  No doubt as the Summer approaches events will
start to clash and we will be increasingly spoilt for choice. 
Please forward this email
to friends and relatives so they don’t miss out on these opportunities! 
Kind Regards,

GOA TORONTO - Presidents New Year speech - 2010

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