
                       August 20 - WORLD GOA DAY
    Celebrating the inclusion of Konkani in the 8th schedule of the
                Indian Constitution on August 20, 1992

For a list of World Goa Day events see:



Most Goans say that ruling government has tactfully re-activated Dr. Oscar
Rebello to take center stage in GBA, who at one time had voluntarily
resigned from GBA as its convener and equally from RP's Task Force that to
after putting his signature on RP draft. While tendering his resignations
from GBA & Task Force Dr. Oscar had given loads of convincing explanations.

Goans also say that government has played this Idea only to divert Aam Admis
attention from RP 2021 which is in finalization state to growing disturbance
created in the name of Panchayat Raj Amendment Act 2009 of Goa.  

Goans also have a feeling that ruling government has reactivated Dr. Oscar
only to sell old wine (old RP) with a tag of Dr. Oscar Rebello and may be
also of Edgar Rebello.  

These very same Goans also say that if above thinkings' are not correct than
Dr. Oscar must be planning to become chairman of RP 2021 finalization
committee and equally wants him to be appointed on Task Force that will be
appointed to study Panchayat Raj Amendment Act 2009 of Goa. 

If above saying of most Goans are correct..... I would only say ...God save
what ever is left in Goa. 

Best regards,

Dr. U. G. Barad

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