The meaning of words changes with the frequency of the seasons, and truth
from thousands of years aka translated truth is as authentic as plastic.

In my youth telephone technology meant we dialed the phone and when the
phone rang we answered it. Nowadays, he who answers the phone has to listen
to music more often than not. Sometimes you get to hear a lovely tune
though not often enough I suspect.

The other day a woman said she would ping me. I got got it honey although a
few seconds late. Can a man say to a woman: I am going to ping you! Educate

A university student of mine in Japan looking at a pic in her textbook
asked me: Sir, what is this? A manual typewriter I replied. A lot of young
people have never heard of music records. And, the list goes on.

We who belong to various nations need to keep up with technology and
international companies around the world. We need to change our mindset or
at least give it a try.

The next time you meet me I will tell you I am from the planet Earth and
believe it or not - I am an Earthling!

Now you may think this is strange - wait until the Spacemen arrive and
start an undeclared war. If Putin can do it why not green people from Mars
or who the hell knows!

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