[Goanet] significance of season of lent

2019-03-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
Significance of  season of Lent t

Lent is period of 46 days, excluding 6 Sundays, because Sunday is
celebration of death and resurrection It is 40 days  liturgical season
before Easter  and ends on Maundy Thursday. It started around 4 th century,
middle ages and commences on ash Wednesday and ends with Easter. The period
of 40 days  and nights is also linked to Moses  in preparations to receive
the ten commandments on Mount Sinai. It is also related to openness to
accompany  Jesus being led into wilderness to fast and pray before the
start of his mission. Christians in a way intend to replicate hardships
felt by Jesus in desert . The connotation of lent being reflection of
passion , death resurrection of Christ is not exactly correct focus.  Ash
.Wednesday depends on Easter and may be earliest on 4th Feb or as late  as
10th March. Season of lent is observed by Anglicans, Roman
Catholics,Lutherans, Orthodox Catholics, Methodists among others. Ash
Wednesday begins with smudge of cross of ash considered medieval ,austere
Christian practice. The blessed   ash is from previous years palms and not
from human bones ,  discarded  religious statues ,as was popularly
believed. Catholics rejoice, celebrate the triumphant entry of Jesus to
waving of palms.

Ash Wednesday is day of repentance ,grief, confession, mourning ,
reflection of our sins and profess devotion to God. Jesus sacrificed his
life because of our sins Fasting is and abstinence is mandatory on Ash
Wednesday and Good Friday, though relaxed for those in the age groups of 14
to 60 years, children and elderly and those with special ailments  Earlier
the fasting used to be on every Friday,  Meat and alcohol should be
abstained from The bull privilege of rich is discontinued as it had divided
the Christians

The season of Lent is Christian preparation for Easter, reflection life of
Jesus, through prayer , self sacrifice , fasting, moderation of  denials
of things one enjoys , penance and alms giving. The value of repentance is
to attain God`s blessings .Grace cannot be earned, it is gift of
righteousness. Christ in the desert endured temptations of Satan and
rebuffed him saying that man lives not by bread alone, strengthening
thereby fasting as means to attain closeness to God The value of repentance
and austerity is visible in old testament where people wore sack clothes
and smeared ashes . Christ wants the exercise of penance fasting discretely
without vulgar display, obvious  announcement of fasting, disfiguring of
faces , boasting in an attempt to earn God`s favour.   He wished that we
appeared   normal and somber. The smudge of ash cross on foreheads however
temporary is in conflict with this notion Repentance of sins should be
 daily, continuous effort not confined to 40 days of lent, akin to weeks of
celebrations of various purposes What to give up is individual choice may
be one a day for 45 days Alms collected are shared with the needy and
deserving, Abstain from habits, undesirable thoughts, smoking ,use of drugs
social media, denial of things we love. The latest fad of entertainment by
way of religious projections is stretching justification by
rationalizations. The retreats , recollections are most  desirable
exercises at this point of time. It should lead to change in our behavior,
thinking, and attitudes introspection from within at reformation. We should
be the change we desire and it should begin with us

Pope Francis  advocates meditation on scriptures with emphasis on Micah,
Isiah, return to sacrament of confession and  welcoming the missionaries of
Nelson Lopes Chinchi

[Goanet] Significance of season of Lent

2019-03-06 Thread Nelson Lopes
ur sins Fasting is and abstinence is mandatory on Ash Wednesday and Good
Friday, though relaxed for those in the age groups of 14 to 60 years,
children and elderly and those with special ailments  Earlier the fasting
used to be on every Friday,  Meat and alcohol should be abstained from The
licence with the bull,  privilege of rich is  discontinued , as it had
divided the faithful too

The season of Lent is Christian preparation for Easter, reflection life of
Jesus, through prayer , self sacrifice , fasting, moderation of  denials
of things one enjoys , penance and alms giving. The value of repentance is
to attain God`s blessings .Grace cannot be earned, it is gift of
righteousness. Christ in the desert endured temptations of Satan and
rebuffed him saying that man lives not by bread alone, strengthening
thereby fasting as means to attain closeness to God .The value of
repentance and austerity is visible in old testament where people wore sack
clothes and smeared ashes . Christ wants the exercise of penance, fasting
discrete without vulgar display, obvious  announcement of fasting,
disfiguring of faces , boasting in an attempt to earn God`s favour.   He
wished that we appeared   normal and somber. The smudge of ash cross on
foreheads however temporary is in conflict with this notion. Repentance of
sins should be  daily, continuous effort not confined to 40 days of lent,
akin to weeks of celebrations of various purposes .What to give up is
individual choice may be one a day for 45 days. Alms collected are shared
with the needy and deserving, Abstain from habits, undesirable thoughts,
smoking ,use of drugs, social media, denial of things we love. The latest
fad of entertainment by way of religious  displays is stretching
justification by rationalizations. The retreats , recollections are most
 desirable exercises at this point of time. It should lead to change in our
behavior, thinking, and attitudes introspection from within at reformation.
We need to be the change we desire and it must begin with me

Pope Francis  advocates meditation on scriptures with emphasis on Micah,
Isiah, return to sacrament of confession and  welcoming the missionaries of
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim