Divorce bane or boon of modern society?

It is becoming too frequent..Couples are breaking lightening fast, as
divorce statistic unfold. Live in relationship whatever be the outcome, is
a dangerous fad that is in vogue for the stability of the  family. There is
DIVORCE PER SE. The pressure of the society and stigma of divorce is thing
of the past. Second marriage be it with a divorcee etc needs no sociable
approval or otherwise.. Couples are willing to start a new relationship.
The concept of use and throw away seem to apply here too. Why should
incompatibility whether physical or intellectual prolong the agony of
lifelong unity, commitment whether in health or sickness, good or bad
times, until death do us apart. Nobody seem to care a damn “ what God has
united together let no men put asunder”. The ease of  mobility and
connectivity seem to aggravate tie ups and break ups too, The concept  of
 liberation, freedom of women, interaction  mingling at work places  is a
now a common phenomenon. The educated women with independent incomes are no
more dependent on domination, Hence dependency that  used to force couples
to stay together under all circumstances has evaporated. They are aware
that a second fling does not  alays guarantee any permanency, but is worth
the effort. Then there is always another chance if thigs misfire.. The acts
of infidelity and promiscuity are on the ascendancy with either sex. We are
imitating the west in changing relationships with ease of changing
apparels.. The parental control does not, anymore acts as a safety valve/
fuse, Young couples prefer to live separately right from the start,
overlooking the help in managing homes and young offspring’s  or living in
a joint family environment They brook no inteference with their wisdom and
experience. Maid services, creches are in demand to tide over infant
problems.. There is a new found freedom in decision making as husband is no
more the only bread winner, Men are losing their pivotal role as the
uncrowned king of the family, creating omplexes..  The wife`s professional
income also adds to their wealth creation. Arguments on the sharing of
income, care of aged and in laws is a ticklish problem.. Early conception
and delivery  can put a  wedge in  the close relation ship of the new
couple. or postment also has its own problems. There is legal help
available for smooth separation or coming together with new partners. The
sense of tolerance, patience, accommodation, adjustment is on the decline.
Flimsy excuses, doubts ,pressures at work place on both being employed
,drive fissures in family relationships .Divorce separations whether with
or without consent is a reality to live with irrespective of the sword of
alimony. The legal system  appears to be like  made to order arrangement to
accommodate perfectly. According to the psychological findings  managing
sex and finances are two major factors that accentuate divorces.  In the
inter caste, inter religious marriages the failure rate is  abnormally
 high .The idea of lifelong commitment appears to be an unreasonable
contract without factoring any conditions, The religious institutions to
which the couple belong are more liberal today. Different religions have
varying codes of conducts of stability of marriage partners Couples prefer
court marriages,  live in relations to circumvent/over religious
restrictions The idea of surrogacy is a relief to couples avoiding phangs
or joys of child bearing/ rearing  Adoption is to -day  a more  agreeable
option. The prevalent notions of childless marriages or zero births adds to
selfishness. The I ,Me, mine syndrome, instead of we, us, ours creates
conflicts of egos , lack of give and take principle, One of the partner
being away,or  long time absence due to exigencies like employment can
cause fissures  in relationship due to  emotional vacuum. Adjustment to new
friends ,specially the in laws, environment of each one protected
environment marriage is difficult mental  union/ adjustment which the
young, immature find difficult to cope with . The faith in old
relationships and looking with suspicion the set up. The age of marriages
is much lower than before. The highly competitive, dynamic. pressures of
modern society creates unreasonable hopes and expectations that are a
strain to achieve
The unity of family has bearing on the emotional needs and growth of
children Those deprived of love and protection become a menace to the
society and its welfare. Broken homes contribute towards social
disturbances. Abandoned , orphans  cause social earthquakes. The
 separating couples may adjust with a strain, but children are a lost
brigade The financial costs of divorces on inter personal , family,
society  cannot be accurately computed .The stability of married couples
helps the progressive society at all levels The society will collapse if
 the unit of family disintergrates. Divorces have also led to crimes
murders and blackmailing of individuals,  character assassination casting
slur on women dignity and looking down upon  them
Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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