*** Goanet Reader: Let's go party (Cedric Silveira/Panjim Plus)

2005-08-28 Thread Goanet Reader
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Have Panjimites changed the way they party?
Cedric Silveira finds out.

Priyanka's 5th Birthday is just a week away. Her father Pravin is
away at Singapore attending a company meeting. He is expected just
a day prior to her birthday. Her mother, Neela, is working as a
fashion designer, and as she has an important assignment to
complete, she has hardly any time at home. But Priyanka, like any
other child of her age is looking forward to her bithday and to
invite all her friends for it. What can Pravin and Neela do in this
case so as to realise Priyanka's dreams?

Today in Goa unlike in the past Priyanka's parents are presented
with many options to choose from.

It is a known fact that Mumbai or Bangalore are the places to
party. However it will be a misconception if one perceives that
people in Goa do not know to party. From mascots to party themes
and caterers to hotels, all form part of the manner in which one
parties today. So have Goans and Panjimites in particular changed
with respect to the way they party?

Certainly the way one parties in Goa has dramatically changed over
the years. On birthdays, mums rarely sweat over the cooking or
baking of the cake, and dads do not ponder over what should be done
for the entertainment of the guests. For weddings and anniversaries
it is also no longer the families who do the decorations or the

On such occasions it is now left to the professionals in the field,
at a price of course.

The food aspect

The food aspect in smaller parties can be looked upon from three
angles. One is wherein the hosts get 'take aways' from any
restaurant. The second is where they call in the caterers to come
with all the food and crockery or cutlery, and the third involves
having the party at a hotel or restaurant.

When 'take-aways' are utilised it results in one having to arrange
for the crockery and cutlery serving the guests and seeing to their
needs. The beauty in calling caterers to your home is that all this
is taken care of , besides the added advantage of spending quality
time with those invited.

Renna a resident of Panjim had this to say: "Formerly birthdays
were a nightmare. We had to plan out the menu, go to the market and
purchase it, cook it and serve. All of this is now looked after by
the caterers whom we call upon for our children's birthdays. We are
less stressed out as a result."

Shoba Tarcar, proprietor of Sai Samarth Caterers is of the opinion
that with most ladies working, little room remains for grinding
masalas, doing the cooking and so on. "The ladies are so tired
after a hard day’s work that there is no alternative but to bring
in readymade food on special occasions," she remarks. "Our food is
of the finest quality and the good taste makes all the difference,"
she adds. Besides, all the plates and utensils are brought by the
caterers which they take back once the function is over.

On the other hand, Victor Dias from Dias Caterers, who are one of
the leading caterers from Santa Cruz, feels that with new entrants
into this business, competition has got stiff. However, on account
of his excellent non-vegetarian dishes and tasty desserts, he is
always in demand.

Restaurants and hotels too are in vogue if one can afford them.
Also, if the number of people invited exceeds 25-30, home is not
the best place to have a party, especially if your house is small.
The trend to celebrate children's birthdays from the age group of
one to five is ever increasing and so is one's 21st, 50th, 60th,
and 75th birthday.

Vijay Shetty of Hotel Utsav is of the opinion that people are
partying more than ever before at Panjim and many families are
hosting parties at his hotel. Satish Prabhu, GM of Hotel Mandovi
also agrees and adds that even birthdays and engagements which were
held at home formerly are increasingly being held at hotels. "With
the one- or two-child norm being followed, the trend to celebrate
such events on a grand scale has escalated," he adds. According to
him for an engagement a crowd of 250-300 people is seen at times
and it usually begins around 6.30 pm followed by dinner.

Satish feels that the upper middle class are the ones really
spending as their disposable income is much more. However, he is of
the view that the comperes', party organisers' and magicians'
charges are on the higher side on account of lack of competition
and greater demand. "With more new entrants into this business the
prices will be slashed," he vo

*** Goanet News Bytes In Brief * Aug 28, 2005 * IT giant Wipro showing interest in Goa, says CM

2005-08-28 Thread Frederick Noronha (FN)
# Don't just read the news...discuss it. Learn more about Goa via Goanet #
# Goanet was setup in 1994 and has spent the last decade building a  #
# lasting Goan non-profit, volunteer-driven network in cyberspace.   #
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# To join, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and ask to join Goanet. #

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* Compiled in public interest by Frederick Noronha ***


o Wipro, Indian IT giant, showing interest in Goa, says Rane.
  Azim Premji calls on CM at his Altinho residence. (NT)
o Premji shows interest to put Goa on the Wipro map. (H)
o Photo shows youth breaking the 'dahi handi' (pot of curds)
  at Porvorim, on Janmashtami, birth of Lord Krishna. (NT)
o Revelry marks Bonderam at Divar. The Romantic group presented
  Land of Communal Harmony, to win the first prize. (NT)
o Congress to hold stock-taking meet on Sept 1. (NT)
o Herald identifies Panjim's "circles of death", possible
  accident points -- KTC bus stand circle, Old GMC Complex,
  road to the GPO, crossroad near Geeta Bakery, Betim ferry
  junction, 2STC HQ, Kala Academy, St Inez Junction,
  Taleigao-St Inex Junction, Magson's at Miramar. (H)
o Parrikar betrayed me, says Zantye. MLA Harish Zantye
  smells a cartload of rats in the INOX deal and is yelling
  to the high heavens about it. (Bevinda Collaco, Herald)

  SLEEZE BALLS: Powerful Congress MLA sends "men"
  to the GT office, to stop the Bangladesh sex
  racket stories. GT-Weekender investigations prove
  that the racket continues and that senior politicians
  are involved. (GT-Weekender)


o Govt looking for site to set up pharma park: Luizinho (H)
o Thousands throng Divar for Bonderam festival. (H)
o Efforts being made to wipe out contract labour: Joaquim Alemao
o Govt ready to fund study on feasibility of biodiesel plants.H
o Library our top priority, says Parra sarpanch. (H)
o Unclaimed bodies 'fill up' GMC morgue. (H)
o Aquitted students in Art College rape case contemplate
  defamation suit against accuser. (H)
  TEN PANJIM housing societies willing to set up
  composting units. Three have already done so
  earlier -- Kamat Kinara, Kamat Classic and
  Agnelo Colony at Caranzalem. (H)

o Workshop on micronutrient deficiencies from Sept 1.(GT)
o Sweet Chili to celebrate Goa Day. (GT)
o Talk on history of classical guitar, by Daniel Francisco
  of Portugal, on Aug 30-31 at Comunicare, Porvorim. (GT)
o Killing Goa's golden goose -- Reuven Proenca on why the
  tourism industry in Goa is proving to be the biggest
  killjoy of Goa's only golden goose. (GT)
o Velim church is 200 years old. (GT)
o Art college gang-rape case, six acquitted.
o Six year old, Jeetu Ashok Pednekar, drowns after
  falling into a grounded water tank at Upasnagar, Vasco.NT
o MMC yet to decide on future of Sonsoddo dump. (NT)
o Mezzo Forte ditigal multi-track recording studio, near the
  Curca bridge. Production, music and also composing of
  tunes for your lyrics. Placido Rodrigues 9822 161942.


AQUEM: Sarto D'Souza b 1933 of Silver Tower, Aquem Alto. Husband of
Cacilda, father of Avita and Arlinda.

BETALBATIM: Pelagia Afonso of Nagvaddo. Wife of late Prof Emeliano
Afonso, mother of late Oscar, of carmen Filomena (Filu) (teacher of
Maria Nutan) and of Agnelo.

BRAZIL: Antonio 'Tony' Velho, husband of Eugenia, son of late Alcantara
and late Yolanda Velho, brother of late Orlando (Joe) and late
Philomena, late Aogstinho and late Flora. 

GOA SHIPYARD: Tippanna F Kadlimatti of Paint Shop Dept.

STO ESTEVAM: Joe Caitan Marques b 1937. Husband of Martha, father of
Peter (Pitu), Melvin, Melissa.

VASCO DA GAMA: Rachel John, daughter of C John, evangelist, Goa
Bretheren Assemblies b 1952.

VELIM: Ana Regina Luis Fernandes of Gorcomorod, wife of late
Jack Mariano.

Tanushree S Kamat b 2004, daughter of Chinmaya (Linda) and Siddharth D

CULINARY CORNER: Healthy n fresh -- attractive shrimp salad