[Goanet-News] Goa's "babush", Antonio Costa, wins elections in Portugal (AFP profile)

2022-01-30 Thread Goanet Reader
Portugal's PM Antonio Costa, a pragn-ngmatic Socialist
AFP  box/date  30 Jan, 2022
LISBON: Portugal's Prime Minister Antonio Costa, whose Socialists face a
close-fought snap election on Sunday, is a pragmatic tactician who came to
power with the support of the hard-Left.

The former mayor of Lisbon took the reins in 2015 following a ballot in
which his Socialists finished second behind a centre-right coalition that
had overseen a harsh EU-imposed austerity programme.

In a surprise move, he convinced two smaller hard-left parties to support a
minority Socialist government, the first time this had been tried in

Many analysts predicted the government -- dubbed the "geringonca" or
"contraption" -- would last six months at most, but it completed its
four-year mandate.

Costa then led his Socialists to victory in the next election in 2019,
although they fell short of an outright majority.

 Portugal's PM Antonio Costa, a pragmatic Socialist

"Antonio Costa is a very experienced and very ambitious politician. In some
contexts there are characteristics that are good qualities, in others they
can be seen as flaws," said University of Lisbon political scientist Jose
Santana Pereira.

'Annoying optimism'

Riding the wave of the global economic recovery and a tourism boom, Costa,
60, managed to undo some of the austerity measures imposed by his
predecessors even as his government balanced the books.

On his watch, Portugal in 2019 posted its first budget surplus in 45 years
of democracy although the Covid pandemic has since caused the public
deficit to balloon once again.

But in October 2021, Costa failed to secure budgetary support from the two
smaller far-left parties propping up his government, prompting the snap
polls that will be held on Sunday.

Although he has pledged to step down if his Socialists do not come out on
top, he has again signalled his willingness to form alliances if his party
wins but falls short of a majority again.

"Everyone knows I am a man of dialogue and compromise," the white-haired
leader said earlier this year.

Portugal's conservative President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, who was Costa's
professor at law school in Lisbon, once called the premier out for his
"chronic and slightly annoying optimism".

Family from Goa

Born in Lisbon on July 17, 1961, Costa was raised in the intellectual
circles frequented by his parents, Orlando da Costa, a communist writer
descended from a family from Goa, Portugal's former colony in India, and
Maria Antonia Palla, a journalist and women's rights advocate.

Nicknamed "babush", a term of endearment for a little boy in Konkani, a
Goan language, Costa joined the youth wing of the Socialist Party in 1975
when he was just 14, a year after a coup ended a decades-long right-wing

After earning a law and political science degree, Costa was in 1995 named
secretary of state for parliamentary affairs -- a key role in the Socialist
minority government of Antonio Guterres, the current UN secretary general.

He was promoted to justice minister four years later.

He stepped down after two years and made a successful run for mayor of
Lisbon. He was re-elected to the post in 2009 and 2013.

The move to municipal politics allowed Costa to distance himself from
Socrates, who stepped down as premier in 2011 after negotiating Portugal's
international bailout.

Socrates was arrested in 2014, accused of corruption and tax evasion.

A fan of Lisbon-based Benfica, Portugal's most successful football team,
the married father-of-two likes to relax by doing jigsaw puzzles.

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[Goanet-News] Battle for Goa: Can BJP repeat the Manohar Parrikar caste calculus in race for Catholic votes? (Pamela D'Mello, India Today)

2022-01-30 Thread Goanet Reader
For the moment, Election 2022 is bringing to the forefront all the fault
lines in the party. In 2017, it was not the Christians, but OBC Hindus who
swung away from the BJP, routing many of its leaders and bringing down its
tally from 21 to 13. In 2022, it is a resurgent MGP and an AAP that is
causing it heartburn. Several of its scattered, disgruntled cadres that
left following largescale induction of candidates from other parties have
joined the AAP.

The BJP’s single-minded import of winning candidates from every party has
angered its loyalists, leading to an implosion. In the past month it
inducted MLAs Jayant Salgaonkar of the GFP, Ravi Naik of the Congress, and
independents Govind Gaude and Rohan Khaunte.

During the assembly term, Vishwajit Rane, Dayanand Sopte and Subhash
Shirodkar of the Congress, and Manohar Azgaonkar and Deepak Pauskar of the
MGP were inducted. In 2019, of the 10 MLAs from the Congress who defected
to the BJP, six were Christians led by Panjim legislator Atanasio


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