Re: [go-nuts] Go Styleguide

2017-07-31 Thread Robert Melton
On Mon, Jul 31, 2017, at 07:39, wrote:
> Hey, I just released a Go Styleguide[1], please let me know what you think! 
This is great!  Going to focus on criticisms because they have the most value, 
but I really think it is excellent.
- Feels more like a best practices than a style guide
- Recommending specific non-stdlib packages in a guide like this tends to age 
very poorly and put people off it who don't like zap, testify or gometalinter, 
I would stick to stdlib and built in stuff -- maybe have an addendum or 
separate document about currently best tools you recommend. - Don't 
under-package.  I disagree with this one, as I think premature splitting of 
packages often causes FAR more pain.  I would at a very least like to see more 
justification for this one.  - Use Makefile if necessary.  I would make it more 
generic, to use external scripted build system.  But I am not sure this belongs 
in the document at all, it is picking a tool and I often find it (make) is not 
good style or a best practice for a cross platform language like Go. - Use 
internal packages.  This is something that has recently been annoying me about 
various go libraries, some key functionality being tucked away out of an 
abundance of caution.  I am not sure this should be a good starting point.  
Like under-packaging, this is something where I think far more harm comes 
prematurely deciding something should be internal.  I disagree with this 
recommendation. - Go-bindata ... another specific tool recommendation I would 
remove, it also tends to make the dev cycle more complex and has lots of 
competition.  I have had this specific tool cause lots of confusion among 
neophyte gophers. 
The rest of it I by and large think is spot on -- I hope you continue to work 
on it. 
Robert Melton |



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Re: [go-nuts] Re: Generics are overrated.

2017-07-29 Thread Robert Melton
On Sat, Jul 29, 2017, at 13:33, wrote:
>> Also, building a basic one yourself if you don't want to use those tends to 
>> be exceptionally straightforward. > 
> Thanks for examples, i can't tell if they are experimental or viable for 
> production use. 
I am not sure the case where a code generation tool would be "experimental", as 
they aren't in most cases that clever, they are mostly just saving typing time. 
 Some of the ones listed are more clever than others -- but I would consider 
them all "production" ready in so much that they can output code you can use in 

> But if it's that straightforward, why people complain about it too much.
I believe a part of it is tool anxiety.  You have to pick a tool, learn it, 
vendor it, and train others on it and hope it is maintained / improved going 
forward.  When this tool is not a blessed part of the language it often causes 
stress for people.  That said, I use a lot of console tools with Go in my day 
to day development (over a dozen no less) -- so I feel a tool for generating 
variations fits very well with the Go ethos.


  Robert Melton |

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Re: [go-nuts] Generics are overrated.

2017-07-28 Thread Robert Melton
My primary concern about generics is they may significantly hurt build times, 
which coming from C++ I am rather sensitive about.  Beyond that I am worried 
that they might end up NOT being an improvement over all the tools that have 
already popped up to handle this problem.  There are a lot of ways to generate 
code for Go already that can be run once and checked into your source repo.  
Regenerated if you need to support a new type or fix a bug.  This is very 
reasonable and rational IMHO.  I have yet to have a significant issue with this 
approach, outside of tooling phobia.
Even in languages with prolific template support, I have often ended up 
eschewing them for better, external text processing tools.  I think Mike Acton 
has something useful to add to the conversation about avoiding templates in 
Questioner:'re against templates... how do you deal with code 
Mike Acton: ... templates, how do you remove code duplication?  One, it is 
almost certainly not as big a problem as people think it is.  They invent 
things to duplicate so they can invent templates to solve the problem.  But in 
the cases where it is potentially useful you can also generate the code.  A 
template is just a poor man's text processing tool, we have tons of stuff that 
processes text, you can actually do a really great job with some other tool 
that does it better.  You don't need templates in order to solve that problem...

  Robert Melton |

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Re: [go-nuts] Using Go in a locked down SOC2 environment (dependency management hell)

2017-01-06 Thread Robert Melton

In a similar setup (must be able to build without internet access) we
simply used glide on the developer machines, then used to remove vcs stuff and commit
full deps to our local version control -- then all that is needed to
build is to clone it and build it, no other steps, no checking the
internet for anything.  It also gives you fully reproducible builds.

Glide still worked for like glide up because it used the glide.yaml
I believe.

On Fri, Jan 6, 2017, at 11:35, Jacek Furmankiewicz wrote:

> Hi everyone,


> We are operating in a SOC2 environment, which our customers demanded
> as we host their systems and their data.
> It's a common requirement for many companies in a cloud environment.


> One of the key requirements of SOC2 is that *all* external
> libraries/depdencies are mirrored internally and *NOT
*fetched directly from public Internet during the code building process.

> With our Java apps, this is simple. We have an internal Artifactory
> instance and we mirror all the Java libraries from the Maven Central
> repository there
> (after each and every one of them goes through legal license review,
> to exclude GPL, etc).

> All of our build servers are locked down and cannot reach public
> Internet, only our local library mirror.
> All of our Gradle build scripts are locked down to allow fetching
> dependencies from our local Maven mirror only.

> As you can imagine, this is anathema to how entire dependency
> management works in Go (and all the related tools, like go get, etc).

> Even if we mirrored Go git repos for the libraries we want in our
> internal Stash repository,
> pretty much all the current Go build tools (e,g. Glide) would still go
> to the public internet to look for dependencies of any library.

> e.g.:





> Just wanted to hear if there are any Go shops out there that operate
> in a SOC2 environment and what combination of tools / procedures do
> you use.

> We are very interested in Go adoption for some of our real-time server-
> side applications, but the way dependency management works in Go
> is a total showstopper due to the stringent security requirements
> of SOC2.

> I would greatly appreciate any input, comments, suggestions from the
> Go community.

> Much appreciated

> Jacek


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  Robert Melton |

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Re: [go-nuts] Deleting the /r/golang subreddit

2016-11-24 Thread Robert Melton
I think it is worth taking a moments pause and remember that community
is over 25,000+ gophers.  Those are just subscribed users, excludes
just people passing through or who don't formally subscribe (RSS or
other means).

I absolutely agree you shouldn't have to maintain something you have a
moral stance against.  Additionally if the core Go team thinks it
shouldn't be an official place, by all means, eject it form the go
community space.

That said, the idea of intentionally squatting on a namespace to kill
off a community of 25,000+ gophers feels -- gross.  It feels vindictive
not to the CEO of Reddit, but to the 25,000 gophers.

Additional, I suspect it will be ineffective.  A new subreddit will
popup and rebuild /r/golang2 or /r/goproglang or whatever.  If you want
to stop maintaining it -- at least at this point you could hand it off
to some experienced reddit users who could continue to try to make it a
worthwhile place and show respect (even in disagreement) to those
gophers who happen to like a place that you may not.

On Thu, Nov 24, 2016, at 18:53, Brad Fitzpatrick wrote:

> In light of the CEO of Reddit admitting to editing user comments (see
> dozen news stories today), I propose we delete the /r/golang
> subreddit.

> That is so beyond unethical and immature, I no longer want anything to
> do with that site. I will be deleting my account on Reddit after
> backing up my content, and I will no longer be a moderator of
> /r/golang.

> If other moderators of /r/golang feel strongly that it should remain,
> I suppose you're welcome to keep it going.

> But if the other moderators want to abandon it and focus our
> conversation elsewhere (or build a replacement), I'm happy to just
> delete /r/golang.

> Opinions?



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Robert Melton |

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