[go-nuts] Re: Refactor Asynchronous JS to Go

2022-11-05 Thread Rusco
Some time ago I compared Functional Reactive Programming FRP with Golang 
Channels (CSP), might be useful to you as a starter:


On Saturday, 5 November 2022 at 20:58:54 UTC sksin...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi, 
> I am refactoring a JS library to Go. I have some questions but I'm not 
> able to find some concrete answers for this. 
> 1. What's the idiomatic way to refactor Asynchronous JS APIs to Go? 
> 2. How to refactor Callbacks from JS to Golang? I have seen some Go code 
> which takes function as an input parameter. Is the intent same here? 

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[go-nuts] Good recap of antivirus issue with Go binaries on windows

2022-10-13 Thread Rusco
Excellent article:
(The author tests against https://www.virustotal.com/gui/home/upload)  

Reddit thread:

Even the problem is on the AV manufacturer side I wonder if we could get 
any help from the compiler developers  ?

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[go-nuts] Re: App Engine hasn't upgraded beyond Go 1.16, which is now out of security window

2022-09-12 Thread Rusco
Googles own language on Googles own cloud lags behind several version,  I 
don't understand this :-( 

Microsoft seems to be more eager to keep things up to date: 
.NET 7 comes to Azure Functions & Visual Studio 2022 - .NET Blog 

On Monday, 12 September 2022 at 02:33:18 UTC+1 seana...@gmail.com wrote:

> I'm hoping a member of the Go team will take pity on me and prod the App 
> Engine Go team about this. The most recent upgrade to AE's Go environment 
> was in Nov 2021, when they started supporting Go 1.16 (see release notes 
> below). Now that Go 1.19 is out, Go 1.16 won't be getting security fixes 
> anymore, and App Engine Go users are in a frustrating place.
> If this is App Engine's way of telling me to move to Cloud Run 
> (-->Dockerizing), it'd be nice if they'd just tell us that :). Otherwise, 
> could a Googler please help us AE users out and poke AE into getting up to 
> 1.17, 1.18, or 1.19? I don't know where to file a bug straight against AE, 
> and I figure the Go team should be very interested in this, due to 
> aforementioned security implications.
> https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/standard/go/release-notes
> Thanks,
> Sean

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[go-nuts] Re: Golang and virustotal

2022-05-11 Thread Rusco
Regarding: "compile a simple helloworld main ...": 

My workaround is to insert a
  import "C"
among the other imports. It somehow alters the structure of the binary 
created and my av no more recognizes the binary. This is actually something 
which never happened when I am doing some Rust work.  

Might help.

On Friday, 29 April 2022 at 11:22:38 UTC+1 Paolo C. wrote:

> Hello,
> I noticed that if you download golang portable zip for aMD64 and upload the
> go.exe or gofnt.exe to virustotal one av complains.
> If you compile a simple helloword main and upload, 4 or 5 minor av 
> complain.
> Anyone has this issue too?
> I tested this from many machines, some completely virgin, so it should not 
> be my environment.
> Thanks
> Paolo

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[go-nuts] "Cortex XDR has blocked a malicious activity! " when running Go binary

2022-03-09 Thread Rusco
On Win10 I get this Antivirus message and can not get runnig my .exe on my 
company notebook. 

This is the binary, the only import is "fmt" : 

I checked antivirus diagnostics tools and found this:


So this is probably due to "suspicious LazyDLL loading in Golang binaries". 
Where is this Lazy DLL loading going on, in the runtime ? 
Is there a way to avoid this, to make it static for example ?

I wonder why there a not more complaints about antivirus blocking of Go 
I never came across such blocking in my Rust binaries. 

Any hints welcome

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Re: [go-nuts] Re: now that the election is over can we please remove the political ad for golang.org

2021-03-17 Thread Rusco
afaik George Soros is behind the BLM Campaign, this alone justifies 
removing the banner. From now on the Golang Community should be inclusive 
and tolerate all political opinions. Seems to be harder than writing speedy 
go code ... 

On Wednesday, 17 March 2021 at 17:59:52 UTC mortdeus wrote:

> "Ian, This individual is either trolling us or suffering some sort of 
> psychological crisis that warrants intervention by a mental health 
> professional."
> Somewhere in the middle, but mostly drunk and extremely aggravated.
> If what I am saying is annoying you to the point that you want to ban me. 
> Then just understand that unlike you, I don't get the option to magically 
> "ban" away the seriously offensive to conservative political ads.
> Just because you don't understand why BLM "triggers" us. (to use your 
> terminology) is because you weren't on the other side being persecuted for 
> your beliefs during this past election. 
> What's the goal here, to be inclusive to everybody regardless of sex, 
> race, religion. Or to literally say we draw a line at religion. Because 
> that is what a political ideology is. Dogma you subscribe to so faithfully 
> that you convinced you are the only one that is saved and the rest of the 
> world be damned. 
> Ban me, because honestly you'd probably be doing me a favor. But like I 
> mentioned earlier, this is the one issue that is actually heartbreaking to 
> me. The idea that in order to be a Good Gopher you best vote for Joe Biden.
> idk im done. ive said all that needed to be said. do what you will, but 
> just understand that nobody here will have any excuses if it turns out that 
> the cranks like myself were right in shouting at the top of their lungs 
> You aren't Alice and this story wasn't written with you in mind.
> On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 12:40:19 PM UTC-5 Kurtis Rader wrote:
>> Ian, This individual is either trolling us or suffering some sort of 
>> psychological crisis that warrants intervention by a mental health 
>> professional. Either way I think we've all had quite enough of their rants 
>> and their behavior warrants banning from this mailing list.
>> On Wed, Mar 17, 2021 at 10:33 AM mortdeus  wrote:
>>> There is a reason why Steve Jobs spent all the day, yelling at you 
>>> stubborn #&@#s for not getting why Bob Dylan is an essential component to 
>>> why Apple is now the most valuable company in the world. 
>>> If what I am saying sounds crazy, just know you thought my ideas were 
>>> the dopest ideas in SV when he crammed everything I just said ^ into "Think 
>>> Different" and had the cult of personality thing going for him, so you 
>>> would all just listen and do. 
>>> On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 12:28:28 PM UTC-5 mortdeus wrote:
 I literally don't want the banner because I don't like the way it 
 looks. It's really like an ocd thing for me. And you all need to 
 understand, that is extremely important. Way more important than your 
 political concerns. Because like I said, a tool like this is honestly the 
 only effective way to implement the change you all claim to be advocates 
 for. That is why it needs to remain unmolested. 

 On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 12:26:19 PM UTC-5 mortdeus wrote:

> No Go is literally a 1000x bigger achievement than the Mona Lisa, 
> because somehow we managed to get a bunch of people to come together and 
> somehow create a miracle of engineering. 
> In a perfect world, where the market also adopts the most efficient 
> technological solutions.
> Plan 9 should have been the operating system that ruled the Earth and 
> became essentially what Linux is today. The OS that runs the world. 
> And if that did actually happen, we'd honestly be a dramatically 
> different technological landscape. Essentially the "cloud" would have 
> been 
> done 20 years earlier and it wouldn't be owned by big tech corporations. 
> Every device you use would be connected with every device everybody else 
> uses. A lot of ugly unix hacks like docker, filecoin, dropbox, hell even 
> facebook, twitter etc wouldn't actually exist like they do today if we 
> simply just kept letting Rob Pike and Ken Thompson lead the way to our 
> utopian computation destiny. 
> The reason why I say Go is a miracle, is because some how they managed 
> to take most of the truly revolutionary ideas that made plan 9 superior 
> to 
> Unix in every way, and basically give unix a huge buff that makes about 
> 75% 
> of the serious grievances we suffer from being stuck in a "HELP WE CANT 
> GET 
> Rob has a really important paper talking about this where the reason 
> why plan 9 failed is because it 

Re: [go-nuts] Re: political fundraising on golang.org!

2020-06-16 Thread Rusco
After all (I think this has been discussed already ), who is owner of the 
Golang Project ? Isn't this supposed to be an open source / community based 
project ? 
What about mine political ideas, can I put them also on golang's front 
page, since I am part of the community ?

Where will we end up in some years if this continues, in middle age 
inquisition times with some new Jesuits popping up judging others for their 
political correctness ? 
Isn't Twitter and other social networks enough for articulating political 
opinions, or someone wants to force them upon us ?  

This is very bad smelling, I vote for leaving golangs' homepage neutral as 
for now ! Golang.org for golang.org, Twitter and other for politics. 

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[go-nuts] Re: political fundraising on golang.org!

2020-06-15 Thread Rusco
This is political hijacking of the Golang project, I am disgusted !

On Sunday, 14 June 2020 14:36:38 UTC+1, peterGo wrote:
> Recently, a political message with a fundraising link appeared as a banner 
> atop golang.org websites: https://golang.org/, https://pkg.go.dev/.
> content/static: add Black Lives Matter banner to top of site
> https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/website/+/237589
> Black Lives Matter.
> https://support.eji.org/give/153413/#!/donation/checkout;
>rel="noopener">Support the Equal Justice Initiative.
> How was this decision made?
> Go is a programming language. For political fundraising use personal 
> Twitter and Facebook accounts. 
> Peter

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[go-nuts] Re: Go wasm - package js - Set() fails for certain attributes

2019-03-30 Thread Rusco
If you try out your code in Javascript you can spot your error, it would be 
something like:

but.className = "somecssclass";
but.addEventListener("click", somefunction);

so for syscall/js (untested) something like:

var cb js.Callback cb = js.NewCallback(func(args []js.Value) { 
fmt.Println("Clicked") }) but.Set("className", "button42") 
but.Call("addEventListener", "click", cb)

On Saturday, 30 March 2019 12:01:45 UTC, whiteh...@googlemail.com wrote:
> So I create a html button, and try to set some attributes, some work, some 
> fail, is there a reason for this?
> but := doc.Call("createElement", "button")
> but.Set("id", bID) //works
> but.Set("innerHTML", "Don't Panic") //works
> but.Set("title", "mybuton") //works
> but.Set("class", "button42") //does not work
> but.Set("onClick", "pressed();") //does not work
> Thanks, Peter

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[go-nuts] Re: Vue-inspired library with Go+WebAssembly

2019-03-29 Thread Rusco
Congrats, I am sure a lot of gophers waited for something like this !
I especially like this comment:  "No node. No JS. No npm. No node_modules 
folder competing with your music library for disk space" 

On Friday, 29 March 2019 04:39:42 UTC, Brad wrote:
> Now that WebAssembly is available as an (experimental) compilation target, 
> it raises the question of how feasible is it to make a quality UI library. 
> Vue (my personal fav) and React, while they have their issues, do have many 
> ideas which are good and seem like they may translate well over to 
> WebAssembly.
> Here's a working experimental Vue-like UI library with tools to write UI 
> components in .vugu files (similar in concept to .vue files): 
> https://github.com/vugu/vugu; Getting Started page: 
> http://www.vugu.org/doc/start
> HTML with logic in it gets code generated to .go files.  In-browser 
> rendering in wasm  with DOM sync as well as static HTML output are 
> implemented.
> And this is my cheesy bullet-pointed list that makes it sound a lot more 
> mature than it is:
> * Runs in-browser using WebAssembly
> * Single-file components
> * Vue-like markup syntax
> * Write idiomatic Go code
> * Rapid prototyping
> * ~3 minute setup
> * Standard Go build tools
> I'm curious what people think of the approach and ideas for improvement.
> --brad

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[go-nuts] Question about fmt.Printf of maps

2018-10-18 Thread Rusco
I just tried this Google Playground recipe from Bradfritz:


(seen via https://github.com/golang/go/issues/21095)

and noted that y appears in the output but x appears as .

Can someone explain me why ? I was expecting that x appears in the same way 
like y.

package main

import (

var a, b int

func main() {
type S struct {
x int16
y float64
z interface{}
p *int
m := map[S]string{}
m[S{1, math.NaN(), "foo", }] = "x"
m[S{2, 3.0, , }] = "y"
for i := 0; i < 20; i++ {
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", m)


map[{x:2 y:3 z:0x1b5400 p:0x1b5404}:y {x:1 y:NaN z:foo p:0x1b5400}:]
map[{x:1 y:NaN z:foo p:0x1b5400}: {x:2 y:3 z:0x1b5400 p:0x1b5404}:y]

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[go-nuts] Re: [ANN] (GUI) Qt binding which supports Windows / macOS / Linux / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi

2016-11-10 Thread Rusco
Good to see some progress on the GUI front - I think you are up to 
something !

On Thursday, 10 November 2016 20:34:36 UTC, therecipe wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I would like to officially announce the project I'm working on for a while 
> now.
> It's a binding for the Qt framework + some tools to help you with 
> development and deployment of your Qt applications.
> The most interesting feature of the Qt framework for the Go community is 
> probably that it can be used to develop native looking GUI applications for 
> various platforms without the need to make platform specific changes to 
> your code.
> Beside the GUI modules Qt also includes: a webengine (chromium), several 
> multimedia functions, access to bluetooth + nfc, access to various hardware 
> sensors, gamepad support, access to position informations and much more ...
> The Qt article on wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qt_(software)
> There are two caveats for those who intent to use the binding:
> 1. You code won't be pure Go anymore, as this binding heavily relies on 
> cgo.
> 2. The binding dynamically links to Qt's libraries, which results in 
> 25-50mb (depending on the platform) uncompressed libs that have to be 
> deployed along with you binary.
> (But it's also possible to link against the static Qt libs and remove this 
> need. And there is also work being done to reduce the size of the dynamic 
> libs in the upcoming versions of Qt.)
> For the pro side, I should probably mention that:
> 1. The deployment to most platforms is pretty trivial (that includes cross 
> compiling). (And there will be even more supported platforms in the future)
> 2. That the binding is almost complete and already supports most Qt 
> modules (30+).
> 3. There are a lot of examples to get you started. (And porting over 
> existing C++ examples should be super simple)
> If someone is interested in testing it out, it can be found here:
> https://github.com/therecipe/qt
> Or if you just want to take a quick look and test the examples on Linux 
> and you are familiar with Docker.
> You could use one of the images as well: `docker pull therecipe/qt:base`
> And simply run `qtdeploy build desktop` in one of the `$GOPATH/src/
> github.com/therecipe/qt/internal/examples/` 
> <http://github.com/therecipe/qt/internal/examples/> sub-sub folders. 
> (inside the container)
> There will be a new folder created called `deploy`, which should contain 
> everything that is needed to run the application on a regular 64-bit Linux 
> system.
> Please let me know what you think.
> Any feedback is welcome :)

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