Re: [go-nuts] Do you guys use ORMs when working with SQL?

2016-12-30 Thread Andy Balholm
On Dec 30, 2016, at 4:43 AM, wrote:
> Ultimately even if you stick to SQL you are just also writing your own ORM , 
> you just can't generalize code because of Go type system.

There are really two separate (but related) issues in the ORM debate: the ORM 
design pattern, and ORM libraries. 

By “the ORM design pattern,” I mean the concept that there should be a direct 
mapping between the objects in your program and the tables in your database. In 
other words, that each table in the database should correspond to a type or 
class, and that each row of that table corresponds (at least potentially) to an 
instance of that type.

ORM libraries, of course, are abstractions created to make it easier to write 
code that follows the ORM design pattern.

Many people seem to take the ORM design pattern for granted, and just debate 
whether it’s better to do the mapping manually or to use an ORM library. But I 
am skeptical of the design pattern itself. I seldom create a type that 
corresponds exactly to one of my database tables. Most often I use a struct or 
slice of structs that corresponds to the data I want from a particular database 
query; usually it is an anonymous type, declared directly in my HTTP handler 
function. Then I have some helper functions (most notably one called queryInto) 
that fill in the data with the results of the query.


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[go-nuts] Do you guys use ORMs when working with SQL?

2016-12-30 Thread Henry
I use plain SQL. Since I deal with mostly financial data, I need to control how 
my data get changed. I don't want some ORMs doing some funky business which may 
inadvertently lead to data corruption. I usually write a mapper for every table 
in the database. If a table structure is changed, I just fix the corresponding 
mapper. The rest of the code does not need to know SQL. 

I have been thinking of auto generating these mappers using go generate, but 
hmm.. maybe next year. 

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[go-nuts] Do you guys use ORMs when working with SQL?

2016-12-27 Thread Zippoxer
I haven't written SQL for years. I was enjoying MongoDB with the awesome 
mgo package, and what saved me a lot of headache was the natural 
programmatic interface of MongoDB.
mgo maps your data (structs, maps, slices) to MongoDB queries and from 
MongoDB results, and you can write any MongoDB query possible with the 
mgo/bson package exclusively.

I've seen the sqlx package which only does mapping of results from the 
database, but not the other way around -- so you still have to type some 
queries like this:
func InsertFoo(v Foo) {
db.Exec(`INSERT INTO x (bla, bla2, bla3, bla4, bla5, bla6, ...) 
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ...)`, v.bla, v.bla2, v.bla3, v.
bla4, v.bla5, v.bla6, ...)}

I can live with this verbosity, but that's not my problem. What happens 
when you add a field to the struct *Foo*? You have to modify the query 
above in three places and make sure you typed every character correctly.
And there are probably more queries updating *Foo*. Seems like too much 
manual maintenance to do -- and I believe this increases the chance of bugs.

A classic solution to this problem would be to use an ORM. I've looked at 
SQLBoiler  and I'm very excited to see 
an ORM that generates Go code instead of using reflection. However, it 
still has the classic problem of ORMs that we all discuss from time to time.
Like any ORM, due to it being an additional layer on top of the database, 
it adds complexity (instead of verbosity and the manual query maintenance 
above) and you might have to write raw SQL anyway (what if you only want to 
select 2 fields of Foo instead of all of them? what about complex queries?)

Considering all that, I still cannot reach a conclusion. I'm going back and 
forth on that issue.

Since I appreciate the opinions of this community more than any other 
community I know right now, can you guys pour your opinions on the matter?

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