
Am developing a diameter server using go-diameter package that need to 
perform EAP-AKA authentication. 
In the DER/DEA process, the client will be sending multiple request to the 
that is first the client sends an identity request to the server, the 
server respond with
RAND, MAC, etc to the client, the client then sends second request to the 
server, in this case with
different parameters(RES, MAC, etc) to the server. 
The server need to handle the second request using the same handle if am 
right since in DER/DEA,
the server handle only DER. My question is how can i handle the second 
request coming from the client
using the same handle(DER) at the diameter server side. That using the same 
DER handle to response to
diameter client multiple request. Is it possible, if possible any help. 
Currently i have at the server side this request handle

//First server response to cleint should containg this payload
func AKA_Challenge_Request(settings sm.Settings, w io.Writer, m 
*diam.Message) (n int64, err error) {
    PayloadSlice := []byte(`RAND, AUTHN, MAC, RESULT_ID`)
    m.NewAVP(avp.EAPPayload, avp.Mbit, 0, 
    return m.WriteTo(w)

//Second server response to cleint should containg this payload
func AKA_Success_Notification(settings sm.Settings, w io.Writer, m 
*diam.Message) (n int64, err error) {
    EAPSlice := []byte(`EAP_Success`)
    MSKSlice := []byte(`EAP-Master-Session-Key`)
    m.NewAVP(avp.EAPPayload, avp.Mbit, 0, datatype.OctetString(EAPSlice))
    m.NewAVP(avp.EAPMasterSessionKey, avp.Mbit, 0, 
    return m.WriteTo(w)

// Handle funtion at the server side
func HandleDER(settings sm.Settings) diam.HandlerFunc {

    type HandleDERRequest struct {
        SessionID         datatype.UTF8String       `avp:"Session-Id"`
        OriginHost        datatype.DiameterIdentity `avp:"Origin-Host"`
        OriginRealm       datatype.DiameterIdentity `avp:"Origin-Realm"`
        DestinationHost   datatype.DiameterIdentity `avp:"Destination-Host"`
        DestinationRealm  datatype.DiameterIdentity 
        UserName          datatype.UTF8String       `avp:"User-Name"`
        AuthSessionState  datatype.Enumerated       
        AuthApplicationID datatype.Unsigned32       
        AuthRequestType   datatype.Enumerated       
        EAPPayload        datatype.OctetString      `avp:"EAP-Payload"`
        RATType           datatype.Enumerated       `avp:"RAT-Type"`
        ANID              datatype.UTF8String       `avp:"ANID"`
    return func(c diam.Conn, m *diam.Message) {

        var err error = nil
        var req HandleDERRequest
        var code uint32 = diam.Success

        err = m.Unmarshal(&req)
        if err != nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("Unmarshal failed: %s", err)
            code = diam.UnableToComply
            log.Printf("Invalid DER(%d): %s\n", code, err.Error())
        } else {
            code = diam.Success
        a := m.Answer(code)
        a.NewAVP(avp.SessionID, avp.Mbit, 0, req.SessionID)
        a.NewAVP(avp.OriginHost, avp.Mbit, 0, req.DestinationHost)
        a.NewAVP(avp.OriginRealm, avp.Mbit, 0, req.DestinationRealm)
        a.NewAVP(avp.OriginStateID, avp.Mbit, 0, settings.OriginStateID)
  //Respond with first payload
        _, err = AKA_Challenge_Request(settings, c, a)
        if err != nil {
            log.Printf("Failed to send AAA challenge request: %s", 

Any help?

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