I use a tool called hjson 
hjson/hjson-go: Hjson for Go (github.com) 
This not only lets you put comments into the code but many times can be 
used to fix json. Some of my tools the user has to generate a JSON payload 
then send it with my tool. I will take their json and run it through hjson 
first. It doesn't catch everything, but it has fixed quite a few json files 
that had little things like a missing comma. 

On Monday, February 6, 2023 at 6:22:29 PM UTC-5 dave wrote:

> I'm getting the error  
> panic: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type 
> map[string]*json.RawMessage but it does not tell me which line or section 
> of my json is causing the issue. How can I see this?

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