I'm working on a solution that involves a gRPC connection authenticated 
using OAUTH.

I pretty quickly discovered several things:

- gRPC will not allow you to use OAUTH over an http connection.  You must 
use an https connection.

- There is quite a lot of infrastructure involved

- There are lots of hints out there about how to do all this, but I 
couldn't find any worked examples.

The first of those points is obviously sensible.  To use OAUTH you put a 
token into the authorization header of each gRPC request.  You use the same 
token for many requests,  so if you use an http connection, somebody could 
easily intercept your requests, copy your OAUTH token and create fake 
requests of their own.  You need to send the traffic over an encrypted 
connection to prevent that.

However, this has a side effect:  you can't get anywhere with gRPC and 
OAUTH until you have got your HTTPS connection running, and that takes a 
bit of work.

So, my first worked example shows how to run gRPC over HTTPS and how to 
generate the necessary keys and certificate to make that work.  It's a 
reworked version of Google's helloworld greeter server, which uses an http 
connection.  The readme explains all the gory details and there are 
comments in the source code.  https://github.com/goblimey/grpc

Now I will go away and get the OAUTH bit working.  Once I've got that done 
I will post part 2, but I'm doing this in my spare time, so don't hold your 


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