I'm having a problem with the -import mechanism in mockgen. I opened an 
issue on the gomock github page five days ago, but nobody has responded.

I'm using gomock to generate static mocks.  One of my generated mocks is 
throwing a syntax error.  To fix this, I'm trying to set the name of a 
package which the mock is importing. I can't figure out how to do it.

When I create my mock with mockgen, it contains this import:

person "github.com/goblimey/films/models/person"

The mock includes this method.  The syntax error is on the line that I've 
marked with a comment:

func (_m *MockDAO) Create(person person.Person) (person.Person, error) {
ret := _m.ctrl.Call(_m, "Create", person)
ret0, _ := ret[0].(person.Person)    // syntax error here
ret1, _ := ret[1].(error)
return ret0, ret1

The error is:

./MockDAO.go:76: person.Person undefined (type person.Person has no field 
or method Person)

This is caused by confusion between the variable person and the package 
person. I need the import line to be something like:

import (
personModel "github.com/goblimey/films/models/person"

So the import is called personModel, not person.

According to the documentation I can fix this problem using -import when I 
run mockgen. However, when I do that, I still get the import line that 
provokes the error. 

In this example, I run the command and display the first ten lines that it 

$ mockgen -package mocks -source ../daos/people/DAO.go \
            -imports 'personModel=github.com/goblimey/films/models/person' 
| head -10
// Automatically generated by MockGen. DO NOT EDIT!
// Source: ../daos/people/DAO.go

package mocks

import (
person "github.com/goblimey/films/models/person"
dbsession "github.com/goblimey/films/utilities/dbsession"
gomock "github.com/golang/mock/gomock"

Does anybody know how to make the -import flag of gomock do what I need?

(For the benefit of IDE lovers:  the first line iin the example s a command 
that I type into a terminal window.  The rest is the response.)

(For the benefit of MS Windows users, this is a UNIX command.  I'm using 
the head command to take the output from gomock and display only the first 
few lines.)

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