Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Devon H. O'Dell
Op zo 17 mrt. 2019 om 15:28 schreef Louki Sumirniy
> As my simple iterative example showed, given the same sequence of events, 
> channels are deterministic, so this is an approach that is orthogonal but in 
> the same purpose - to prevent multiple concurrent agents from desynchronising 
> shared state, without blocking everything before access. It's not a journal 
> but the idea is to have each goroutine acting on the final state of the value 
> at the time it is invoked to operate on it. So you let everyone at it but 
> everyone stops at this barrier and checks if anyone else changed it and then 
> they try again to have a conflict free access.

Channels are deterministic in the sense that if items A and B are
enqueued in that order, they will be delivered in that order. They are
not deterministic in two ways: if items A and B are enqueued
concurrently, the order could be A B or B A; if two consumers of the
channel read from it concurrently, it is not deterministic which will

This doesn't seem to me to be related in any way to locking / mutual
exclusion. The purpose of mutual exclusion is to serialize some
execution history. In other words, the idea is to make an interleaved
/ concurrent execution history of some set of instructions impossible.
That's not what a channel does. While a channel will act like a FIFO,
when multiple concurrent producers and / or consumers are present, one
cannot say which concurrent producer or consumer "wins" reading or
writing. So this pattern is really only meaningful for SPSC workloads.

What you term "access contention" seems to me somewhat analogous to
"data race". Assuming "somestate" is a pointer to some shared mutable
state, you might be able to determine whether that state changed after
the channel operation, but:

a) You're still susceptible to ABA problems when the state does not
change deterministically.
b) Even with a deterministically mutated state (such as a counter
increasing by a constant factor), you still have TOCTOU (time-of-check
versus time-of-use) issues. If your test of the state after the
channel operation doesn't show that the state has changed, what
guarantees that the state hasn't changed after your check? It's
turtles all the way down from here.
c) Both the assignment of "somestate" and a read from a channel create
a copy of the thing that was yielded from the function or was sent
over the channel, respectively. Unless that thing is a pointer to
shared mutable state, that state can't be observed to change via
external influence, anyway.

The channel use you've demonstrated is much more analogous to a binary
semaphore than any sort of lock in the sense that readers block on a
binary condition (whether or not the channel contains a value). You
can implement a mutex on a binary semaphore, but you need some notion
of "lock" and "unlock". To achieve locking semantics with an
unbuffered channel, the channel must begin in a non-empty state. When
the channel is read from, the state transitions to "locked". When the
lock is meant to be released, the releasing process writes to the
channel. This is perilous:

1) if you ever accidentally write twice, you no longer have the
guarantee of mutual exclusion, and
2) "unlocking" blocks until there's a a new process wishing to acquire the lock.

You can solve the second point with a buffered channel with a capacity
of 1, but you seem to be explicitly talking about unbuffered channels.
The first point can be solved, but I don't think it's super relevant.

If all you want to do is determine that some state was valid at the
time it was accessed, atomics or mutexes are the correct approach. If
you want to have multiple concurrent processes "agree" that they're
both working with the same state for the entire duration of some
execution history, you still need some sort of consensus protocol.


> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 20:52:12 UTC+1, Robert Engels wrote:
>> On Mar 17, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Louki Sumirniy  wrote:
>> So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I 
>> don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one 
>> moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't start.
>> I was sure this was the case and this seems to confirm it:
>> In this it is using 5 competing receivers but every time the last one in 
>> line gets it, so there is scheduling and priority between two possible 
>> receivers when a channel is filled.
>> This is with the range statement, of course, but I think the principle I am 
>> seeing here is that in all cases it's either one to one between send and 
>> receive, or one to many, or many from one, one side only receives the other 
>> only sends. If you consider each language element in the construction, and 
>> the 'go' to be something like a unix fork(), this means that the first 

Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy
This was a good link to follow:

led me here:

and then to here:

I think this is the pattern for implementing this using channels as an 
optimistic resource state lock during access:

// in outside scope

mx := new(chan bool)

// routine that needs exclusive read or write on variable:

go func() {

  for {
somestate := doSomething()
if currentState() == somestate {

mx <- true

This is not a strict locking mechanism but a way to catch access 
contention. somestate might be a nanosecond timestamp or a value that is 
only read and always incremented by every accessor, signifying the number 
of accesses and thus the synchronisation state before the channel is 
emptied can be compared to after, and if no other access incremented that 
value then it knows it can continue with the state being correctly shared. 
I am deeply fascinated by distributed systems programming and this type of 
scheduling system suits better dealing with potentially large and complex 
state (like a database) is to take note of access sequence. If we didn't 
have the possibility of one central counter that only increments, the event 
could be tagged with a value that derives out of the event that called it 
and the result of the next event.

As my simple iterative example showed, given the same sequence of events, 
channels are deterministic, so this is an approach that is orthogonal but 
in the same purpose - to prevent multiple concurrent agents from 
desynchronising shared state, without blocking everything before access. 
It's not a journal but the idea is to have each goroutine acting on the 
final state of the value at the time it is invoked to operate on it. So you 
let everyone at it but everyone stops at this barrier and checks if anyone 
else changed it and then they try again to have a conflict free access.

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 20:52:12 UTC+1, Robert Engels wrote:
> On Mar 17, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Louki Sumirniy  > wrote:
> So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I 
> don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one 
> moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't 
> start. 
> I was sure this was the case and this seems to confirm it:
> In this it is using 5 competing receivers but every time the last one in 
> line gets it, so there is scheduling and priority between two possible 
> receivers when a channel is filled. 
> This is with the range statement, of course, but I think the principle I 
> am seeing here is that in all cases it's either one to one between send and 
> receive, or one to many, or many from one, one side only receives the other 
> only sends. If you consider each language element in the construction, and 
> the 'go' to be something like a unix fork(), this means that the first 
> statement inside the goroutine and the very next one in the block where the 
> goroutine is started potentially can happen at the same time, but only one 
> can happen at a time.
> So the sequence puts the receive at the end of the goroutine, which 
> presumably is cleared to run, whereas the parent where it is started is 
> waiting to have a receiver on the other end.
> If there is another thread in line to access that channel, at any given 
> time only one can be on the other side of send or receive. That code shows 
> that there is a deterministic order to this, so if I have several 
> goroutines running each one using this same channel lock to cover a small 
> number of mutable shared objects, only one can use the channel at once. 
> Since the chances are equal whether one or the other gets the channel at 
> any given time, but it is impossible that two can be running the accessor 
> code at the same time.
> Thus, this construction is a mutex because it prevents more than one 
> thread accessing at a time. It makes sense to me since it takes several 
> instructions to read and write variables copying to register or memory. If 
> you put two slots in the buffer, it can run in parallel, that's the point, 
> a single element in the channel means only one access at a time and thus it 
> is a bottleneck that protects from simultaneous read and right by parallel 
> threads.
> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy  
>> wrote:
>> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by 
>> control of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they 
>> bottleneck via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared 
>> data anyway.
>> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about 
>> the 

Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy
Ah yes, probably 'loop1' 'loop2' would be more accurate names.

Yes the number of each routine is in that 'i' variable, those other labels 
are just to denote the position within the loops and before and after 
sending and the state of the truthstate variable that is only accessed 
inside the goroutine.

Yes, this is a very artificial example because the triggering of send 
operations is what puts all the goroutines into action. The serial nature 
of the outer part in the main means that this means only the sequentially 
sent and received messages will mostly always come out in the same order as 
they go in (I'd say, pretty much always, except maybe if there was a lot of 
heavy competition for goroutines compared to the supply of CPU threads.

If in an event driven structure with multiple workers that need to share 
and notify state through state variables, one goroutine might send and then 
another runs and receives. So, maybe this means I need to have a little 
more code in the goroutine after it empties the channel that verifies by 
reading that state hasn't changed and starts again if it has.

So, ok, I guess the topic is kinda wrongly labeled. I am just looking for a 
way to queue read and write access to a couple of variables, and order 
didn't matter just that one read or write is happening at any given moment. 
So to be a complete example I would need randomised and deliberately 
congested spawing of threads competing to push to the channel, and inside 
the loop it should have a boolean or maybe 'last modified' stamp that after 
it empties the channel it checks that isn't changed and if it is restarts.

But yes, that could still get into a deadlock if somehow two routines get 
into a perfect rhythm with each other. 

I will have to think more about this, the code I am trying to fix I suppose 
it would help if I understood its logic flow before I just try and prevent 
contention by changing the flow if this is possible.

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 21:59:30 UTC+1, Devon H. O'Dell wrote:
> I like to think of a channel as a concurrent messaging queue. You can 
> do all sorts of things with such constructs, including implementing 
> mutual exclusion constructs, but that doesn't mean that one is the 
> other. 
> Your playground example is a bit weird and very prone to various kinds 
> of race conditions that indicate that it may not be doing what you 
> expect. At a high level, your program loops 10 times. Each loop 
> iteration spawns a new concurrent process that attempts to read a 
> value off of a channel three times. Each iteration of the main loop 
> writes exactly one value into the channel. 
> As a concurrent queue, writes to the channel can be thought of as 
> appending an element, reads can be thought of as removing an element 
> from the front. 
> Which goroutine will read any individual value is not deterministic. 
> Since you're only sending 11 values over the channel, but spawn 10 
> goroutines that each want to read 3 values, you have at best 6 
> goroutines still waiting for data to be sent (and at worse, all 10) at 
> the time the program exits. 
> I would also point out that this is not evidence of mutual exclusion. 
> Consider a case where the work performed after the channel read 
> exceeds the time it takes for the outer loop to write a new value to 
> the channel. In that case, another goroutine waiting on the channel 
> would begin executing. This is not mutual exclusion. In this regard, 
> the example you've posted is more like a condition variable or monitor 
> than it is like a mutex. 
> Also note that in your second playground post, you're spawning 12 
> goroutines, so I'm not sure what "goroutine1" and "goroutine2" are 
> supposed to mean. 
> Kind regards, 
> --dho 
> Op zo 17 mrt. 2019 om 13:07 schreef Louki Sumirniy 
> >: 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > I think this demonstrates how it works quite well, it appears that 
> threads stick to channels, routine 0 always sends first and 1 always 
> receives, and this makes sense as this is the order of their invocation. I 
> could make more parallel threads but clearly this works as a mutex and only 
> one thread gets access to the channel per send/receive (one per side). 
> > 
> > On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote: 
> >> 
> >> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy <
>> wrote: 
> >> 
> >> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by 
> control of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they 
> bottleneck via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared 
> data anyway. 
> >> 
> >> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about 
> the language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable. 
> >> 
> >> Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both cases 
> I think it's a mistake and we should s/threads/goroutines/ without loss of 

Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Devon H. O'Dell
I like to think of a channel as a concurrent messaging queue. You can
do all sorts of things with such constructs, including implementing
mutual exclusion constructs, but that doesn't mean that one is the

Your playground example is a bit weird and very prone to various kinds
of race conditions that indicate that it may not be doing what you
expect. At a high level, your program loops 10 times. Each loop
iteration spawns a new concurrent process that attempts to read a
value off of a channel three times. Each iteration of the main loop
writes exactly one value into the channel.

As a concurrent queue, writes to the channel can be thought of as
appending an element, reads can be thought of as removing an element
from the front.

Which goroutine will read any individual value is not deterministic.
Since you're only sending 11 values over the channel, but spawn 10
goroutines that each want to read 3 values, you have at best 6
goroutines still waiting for data to be sent (and at worse, all 10) at
the time the program exits.

I would also point out that this is not evidence of mutual exclusion.
Consider a case where the work performed after the channel read
exceeds the time it takes for the outer loop to write a new value to
the channel. In that case, another goroutine waiting on the channel
would begin executing. This is not mutual exclusion. In this regard,
the example you've posted is more like a condition variable or monitor
than it is like a mutex.

Also note that in your second playground post, you're spawning 12
goroutines, so I'm not sure what "goroutine1" and "goroutine2" are
supposed to mean.

Kind regards,


Op zo 17 mrt. 2019 om 13:07 schreef Louki Sumirniy
> I think this demonstrates how it works quite well, it appears that threads 
> stick to channels, routine 0 always sends first and 1 always receives, and 
> this makes sense as this is the order of their invocation. I could make more 
> parallel threads but clearly this works as a mutex and only one thread gets 
> access to the channel per send/receive (one per side).
> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy  
>> wrote:
>> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by control 
>> > of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they bottleneck 
>> > via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared data 
>> > anyway.
>> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about the 
>> language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable.
>> Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both cases I 
>> think it's a mistake and we should s/threads/goroutines/ without loss of 
>> correctness.
>> Channel communication establish happen-before relations (see Memory Model). 
>> I see nothing equivalent directly to a critical section in that behavior, at 
>> least as far as when observed from outside. It was mentioned before that 
>> it's possible to _construct a mutex_ using a channel. I dont think that 
>> implies channel _is a mutex_ from the perspective of a program performing 
>> channel communication. The particular channel usage pattern just has the 
>> same semantics as a mutex.
>> --
>> -j
> --
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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Robert Engels
Then use a mutex or atomic spin lock (although that may have issues in the 
current Go implementation)

> On Mar 17, 2019, at 3:56 PM, Louki Sumirniy 
>  wrote:
> I am pretty sure the main cause of deadlocks not having senders and receivers 
> in pairs in the execution path such that senders precede receivers. Receivers 
> wait to get something, and in another post here I showed a playground that 
> demonstrates that if there is one channel only one thread is every accessing 
> them (because the code has those variables only accessed in there). In a 
> nondeterministic input situation where a listener might trigger a send (and 
> run this protected code), it is still going to be one or another is in front 
> of the queue, in this case we are not concerned with sequence only excluding 
> simultaneous read/write operations.
> I would not use a buffered channel to implement a mutex, as this implicitly 
> means two or more threads can read and write variables inside the goroutine.
> That was my main question, as I want to use the lightest possible mechanism 
> to simply control that only one reader or writer is working at one moment on 
> two variables. that the race detector is flagging in my code.
>> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 20:51:33 UTC+1, Jan Mercl  wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 8:36 PM Louki Sumirniy  
>> wrote:
>> > So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I 
>> > don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one 
>> > moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't 
>> > start. 
>> All channel operations can be safely used by multiple, concurrently 
>> executing goroutines. The black box inside the channel implementation can do 
>> whatever it likes as long as it follows the specs and memory model. But from 
>> the outside, any goroutine can safely send to, read from, close or query 
>> length of a channel at any time without any explicit synchronization 
>> whatsoever. By safely I mean "without creating a data race just by executing 
>> the channel operation". The black box takes care of that.
>> However, the preceding _does not_ mean any combination of channel operations 
>> performed by multiple goroutines is always sane and that it will, for 
>> example, never deadlock. But that's a different story.
>> -- 
>> -j
> -- 
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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy
I am pretty sure the main cause of deadlocks not having senders and 
receivers in pairs in the execution path such that senders precede 
receivers. Receivers wait to get something, and in another post here I 
showed a playground that demonstrates that if there is one channel only one 
thread is every accessing them (because the code has those variables only 
accessed in there). In a nondeterministic input situation where a listener 
might trigger a send (and run this protected code), it is still going to be 
one or another is in front of the queue, in this case we are not concerned 
with sequence only excluding simultaneous read/write operations.

I would not use a buffered channel to implement a mutex, as this implicitly 
means two or more threads can read and write variables inside the goroutine.

That was my main question, as I want to use the lightest possible mechanism 
to simply control that only one reader or writer is working at one moment 
on two variables. that the race detector is flagging in my code.

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 20:51:33 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 8:36 PM Louki Sumirniy  > wrote:
> > So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? 
> I don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one 
> moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't 
> start. 
> All channel operations can be safely used by multiple, concurrently 
> executing goroutines. The black box inside the channel implementation can 
> do whatever it likes as long as it follows the specs and memory model. But 
> from the outside, any goroutine can safely send to, read from, close or 
> query length of a channel at any time without any explicit synchronization 
> whatsoever. By safely I mean "without creating a data race just by 
> executing the channel operation". The black box takes care of that.
> However, the preceding _does not_ mean any combination of channel 
> operations performed by multiple goroutines is always sane and that it 
> will, for example, never deadlock. But that's a different story.
> -- 
> -j

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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Robert Engels
Without reading too deeply, and only judging based on your statements, it seems 
you are confusing implementation with specification. The things you cite are 
subject to change. You need to reason based on the specification not the 
observed behavior. Then use the observed behavior to argue that it doesn’t meet 
the specification. 

> On Mar 17, 2019, at 3:50 PM, Louki Sumirniy 
>  wrote:
> This prints something at each interstice of the execution path and it is of 
> course deterministic.
> I think the reason why the range loop always chooses one per channel, last 
> one in order because it uses a LIFO queue so the last in line gets filled 
> first.
> The example in there shows with 1, 2 and 3 slots in the buffer, the exclusion 
> only occurs properly in the single slot, first goroutine always sends and 
> second always receives. This is because of the order of execution. If the 
> sends were externally determined and random it still only gets written within 
> one location. If you only read and write these variables inside this loop 
> they can never be clobbered while you read them, which is the contention that 
> a mutex is for determining the sequence of execution.
> The main costs I see are that though the overhead is lower, there is still 
> overhead so there is some reasonable ratio between the amount of code you 
> execute in a given moment is shorter the other competing parallel threads 
> with external, not-deterministic inputs will lock the value for not longer 
> than you want to avoid with adding response latency. The scheduling overhead 
> escalates with the number of threads and costs also in memory.
> But my main point is that it functions correctly as a mutex mechanism and 
> code inside the goroutine can count on nobody else accessing the variables 
> that are only read and written inside it.
>> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 20:36:40 UTC+1, Louki Sumirniy wrote:
>> So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I 
>> don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one 
>> moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't 
>> start. 
>> I was sure this was the case and this seems to confirm it:
>> In this it is using 5 competing receivers but every time the last one in 
>> line gets it, so there is scheduling and priority between two possible 
>> receivers when a channel is filled. 
>> This is with the range statement, of course, but I think the principle I am 
>> seeing here is that in all cases it's either one to one between send and 
>> receive, or one to many, or many from one, one side only receives the other 
>> only sends. If you consider each language element in the construction, and 
>> the 'go' to be something like a unix fork(), this means that the first 
>> statement inside the goroutine and the very next one in the block where the 
>> goroutine is started potentially can happen at the same time, but only one 
>> can happen at a time.
>> So the sequence puts the receive at the end of the goroutine, which 
>> presumably is cleared to run, whereas the parent where it is started is 
>> waiting to have a receiver on the other end.
>> If there is another thread in line to access that channel, at any given time 
>> only one can be on the other side of send or receive. That code shows that 
>> there is a deterministic order to this, so if I have several goroutines 
>> running each one using this same channel lock to cover a small number of 
>> mutable shared objects, only one can use the channel at once. Since the 
>> chances are equal whether one or the other gets the channel at any given 
>> time, but it is impossible that two can be running the accessor code at the 
>> same time.
>> Thus, this construction is a mutex because it prevents more than one thread 
>> accessing at a time. It makes sense to me since it takes several 
>> instructions to read and write variables copying to register or memory. If 
>> you put two slots in the buffer, it can run in parallel, that's the point, a 
>> single element in the channel means only one access at a time and thus it is 
>> a bottleneck that protects from simultaneous read and right by parallel 
>> threads.
>>> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
>>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy  
>>> wrote:
>>> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by 
>>> > control of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they 
>>> > bottleneck via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this 
>>> > shared data anyway.
>>> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about the 
>>> language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable.
>>> Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both 

Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy

This prints something at each interstice of the execution path and it is of 
course deterministic.

I think the reason why the range loop always chooses one per channel, last 
one in order because it uses a LIFO queue so the last in line gets filled 

The example in there shows with 1, 2 and 3 slots in the buffer, the 
exclusion only occurs properly in the single slot, first goroutine always 
sends and second always receives. This is because of the order of 
execution. If the sends were externally determined and random it still only 
gets written within one location. If you only read and write these 
variables inside this loop they can never be clobbered while you read them, 
which is the contention that a mutex is for determining the sequence of 

The main costs I see are that though the overhead is lower, there is still 
overhead so there is some reasonable ratio between the amount of code you 
execute in a given moment is shorter the other competing parallel threads 
with external, not-deterministic inputs will lock the value for not longer 
than you want to avoid with adding response latency. The scheduling 
overhead escalates with the number of threads and costs also in memory.

But my main point is that it functions correctly as a mutex mechanism and 
code inside the goroutine can count on nobody else accessing the variables 
that are only read and written inside it.

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 20:36:40 UTC+1, Louki Sumirniy wrote:
> So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I 
> don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one 
> moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't 
> start. 
> I was sure this was the case and this seems to confirm it:
> In this it is using 5 competing receivers but every time the last one in 
> line gets it, so there is scheduling and priority between two possible 
> receivers when a channel is filled. 
> This is with the range statement, of course, but I think the principle I 
> am seeing here is that in all cases it's either one to one between send and 
> receive, or one to many, or many from one, one side only receives the other 
> only sends. If you consider each language element in the construction, and 
> the 'go' to be something like a unix fork(), this means that the first 
> statement inside the goroutine and the very next one in the block where the 
> goroutine is started potentially can happen at the same time, but only one 
> can happen at a time.
> So the sequence puts the receive at the end of the goroutine, which 
> presumably is cleared to run, whereas the parent where it is started is 
> waiting to have a receiver on the other end.
> If there is another thread in line to access that channel, at any given 
> time only one can be on the other side of send or receive. That code shows 
> that there is a deterministic order to this, so if I have several 
> goroutines running each one using this same channel lock to cover a small 
> number of mutable shared objects, only one can use the channel at once. 
> Since the chances are equal whether one or the other gets the channel at 
> any given time, but it is impossible that two can be running the accessor 
> code at the same time.
> Thus, this construction is a mutex because it prevents more than one 
> thread accessing at a time. It makes sense to me since it takes several 
> instructions to read and write variables copying to register or memory. If 
> you put two slots in the buffer, it can run in parallel, that's the point, 
> a single element in the channel means only one access at a time and thus it 
> is a bottleneck that protects from simultaneous read and right by parallel 
> threads.
> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy  
>> wrote:
>> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by 
>> control of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they 
>> bottleneck via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared 
>> data anyway.
>> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about 
>> the language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable.
>> Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both cases I 
>> think it's a mistake and we should s/threads/goroutines/ without loss of 
>> correctness.
>> Channel communication establish happen-before relations (see Memory 
>> Model). I see nothing equivalent directly to a critical section in that 
>> behavior, at least as far as when observed from outside. It was mentioned 
>> before that it's possible to _construct a mutex_ using a channel. I dont 
>> think that implies channel _is a mutex_ from the perspective of a program 
>> performing channel communication. 

Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy

I think this demonstrates how it works quite well, it appears that threads 
stick to channels, routine 0 always sends first and 1 always receives, and 
this makes sense as this is the order of their invocation. I could make 
more parallel threads but clearly this works as a mutex and only one thread 
gets access to the channel per send/receive (one per side).

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy  > wrote:
> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by 
> control of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they 
> bottleneck via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared 
> data anyway.
> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about the 
> language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable.
> Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both cases I 
> think it's a mistake and we should s/threads/goroutines/ without loss of 
> correctness.
> Channel communication establish happen-before relations (see Memory 
> Model). I see nothing equivalent directly to a critical section in that 
> behavior, at least as far as when observed from outside. It was mentioned 
> before that it's possible to _construct a mutex_ using a channel. I dont 
> think that implies channel _is a mutex_ from the perspective of a program 
> performing channel communication. The particular channel usage pattern just 
> has the same semantics as a mutex.
> -- 
> -j

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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Robert Engels

> On Mar 17, 2019, at 2:36 PM, Louki Sumirniy 
>  wrote:
> So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I 
> don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one moment 
> per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't start. 
> I was sure this was the case and this seems to confirm it:
> In this it is using 5 competing receivers but every time the last one in line 
> gets it, so there is scheduling and priority between two possible receivers 
> when a channel is filled. 
> This is with the range statement, of course, but I think the principle I am 
> seeing here is that in all cases it's either one to one between send and 
> receive, or one to many, or many from one, one side only receives the other 
> only sends. If you consider each language element in the construction, and 
> the 'go' to be something like a unix fork(), this means that the first 
> statement inside the goroutine and the very next one in the block where the 
> goroutine is started potentially can happen at the same time, but only one 
> can happen at a time.
> So the sequence puts the receive at the end of the goroutine, which 
> presumably is cleared to run, whereas the parent where it is started is 
> waiting to have a receiver on the other end.
> If there is another thread in line to access that channel, at any given time 
> only one can be on the other side of send or receive. That code shows that 
> there is a deterministic order to this, so if I have several goroutines 
> running each one using this same channel lock to cover a small number of 
> mutable shared objects, only one can use the channel at once. Since the 
> chances are equal whether one or the other gets the channel at any given 
> time, but it is impossible that two can be running the accessor code at the 
> same time.
> Thus, this construction is a mutex because it prevents more than one thread 
> accessing at a time. It makes sense to me since it takes several instructions 
> to read and write variables copying to register or memory. If you put two 
> slots in the buffer, it can run in parallel, that's the point, a single 
> element in the channel means only one access at a time and thus it is a 
> bottleneck that protects from simultaneous read and right by parallel threads.
>> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl  wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy  
>> wrote:
>> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by control 
>> > of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they bottleneck 
>> > via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared data 
>> > anyway.
>> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about the 
>> language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable.
>> Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both cases I 
>> think it's a mistake and we should s/threads/goroutines/ without loss of 
>> correctness.
>> Channel communication establish happen-before relations (see Memory Model). 
>> I see nothing equivalent directly to a critical section in that behavior, at 
>> least as far as when observed from outside. It was mentioned before that 
>> it's possible to _construct a mutex_ using a channel. I dont think that 
>> implies channel _is a mutex_ from the perspective of a program performing 
>> channel communication. The particular channel usage pattern just has the 
>> same semantics as a mutex.
>> -- 
>> -j
> -- 
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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Jan Mercl
On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 8:36 PM Louki Sumirniy <> wrote:

> So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I
don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one
moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't

All channel operations can be safely used by multiple, concurrently
executing goroutines. The black box inside the channel implementation can
do whatever it likes as long as it follows the specs and memory model. But
from the outside, any goroutine can safely send to, read from, close or
query length of a channel at any time without any explicit synchronization
whatsoever. By safely I mean "without creating a data race just by
executing the channel operation". The black box takes care of that.

However, the preceding _does not_ mean any combination of channel
operations performed by multiple goroutines is always sane and that it
will, for example, never deadlock. But that's a different story.



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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy
So I am incorrect that only one goroutine can access a channel at once? I 
don't understand, only one select or receive or send can happen at one 
moment per channel, so that means that if one has started others can't 

I was sure this was the case and this seems to confirm it:

In this it is using 5 competing receivers but every time the last one in 
line gets it, so there is scheduling and priority between two possible 
receivers when a channel is filled. 

This is with the range statement, of course, but I think the principle I am 
seeing here is that in all cases it's either one to one between send and 
receive, or one to many, or many from one, one side only receives the other 
only sends. If you consider each language element in the construction, and 
the 'go' to be something like a unix fork(), this means that the first 
statement inside the goroutine and the very next one in the block where the 
goroutine is started potentially can happen at the same time, but only one 
can happen at a time.

So the sequence puts the receive at the end of the goroutine, which 
presumably is cleared to run, whereas the parent where it is started is 
waiting to have a receiver on the other end.

If there is another thread in line to access that channel, at any given 
time only one can be on the other side of send or receive. That code shows 
that there is a deterministic order to this, so if I have several 
goroutines running each one using this same channel lock to cover a small 
number of mutable shared objects, only one can use the channel at once. 
Since the chances are equal whether one or the other gets the channel at 
any given time, but it is impossible that two can be running the accessor 
code at the same time.

Thus, this construction is a mutex because it prevents more than one thread 
accessing at a time. It makes sense to me since it takes several 
instructions to read and write variables copying to register or memory. If 
you put two slots in the buffer, it can run in parallel, that's the point, 
a single element in the channel means only one access at a time and thus it 
is a bottleneck that protects from simultaneous read and right by parallel 

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 14:55:58 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy  > wrote:
> > My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by 
> control of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they 
> bottleneck via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared 
> data anyway.
> The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about the 
> language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable.
> Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both cases I 
> think it's a mistake and we should s/threads/goroutines/ without loss of 
> correctness.
> Channel communication establish happen-before relations (see Memory 
> Model). I see nothing equivalent directly to a critical section in that 
> behavior, at least as far as when observed from outside. It was mentioned 
> before that it's possible to _construct a mutex_ using a channel. I dont 
> think that implies channel _is a mutex_ from the perspective of a program 
> performing channel communication. The particular channel usage pattern just 
> has the same semantics as a mutex.
> -- 
> -j

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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Jan Mercl
On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 1:04 PM Louki Sumirniy <> wrote:

> My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by
control of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they
bottleneck via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared
data anyway.

The language specification never mentions CPU threads. Reasoning about the
language semantics in terms of CPU threads is not applicable.

Threads are mentioned twice in the Memory Model document. In both cases I
think it's a mistake and we should s/threads/goroutines/ without loss of

Channel communication establish happen-before relations (see Memory Model).
I see nothing equivalent directly to a critical section in that behavior,
at least as far as when observed from outside. It was mentioned before that
it's possible to _construct a mutex_ using a channel. I dont think that
implies channel _is a mutex_ from the perspective of a program performing
channel communication. The particular channel usage pattern just has the
same semantics as a mutex.



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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy
I didn't mention actually excluding access by passing data through values 
either, this was just using a flag to confine accessor code to one thread, 
essentially, which has the same result as a mutex as far as its granularity 

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 13:04:26 UTC+1, Louki Sumirniy wrote:
> My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by control 
> of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they bottleneck 
> via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared data 
> anyway.
> I think the way they work is that there is queues for read and write 
> access based on most recent, so when a channel is loaded, the most 
> proximate (if possible same) thread executes the other side of the channel, 
> and then if another thread off execution bumps into a patch involving 
> accessing the channel, if the channel is full and it wants to fill, it is 
> blocked, if it wants to unload, and it's empty, it is blocked, but the main 
> goroutine scheduler basically is the gatekeeper and assigns exeuction 
> priority based on sequence and first available.
> So, if that is correct, then the version with the load after the goroutine 
> and unload at the end of the goroutine functions to grab the thread of the 
> channel, and when it ends, gives it back, and if another is ready to use 
> it, it is already lined up and the transfer is made. So any code I wrap 
> every place inside the goroutine/unload-load pattern (including inside 
> itself) can only be run by one thread at once. If you ask me, that's better 
> and more logical than callbacks.
> On Sunday, 17 March 2019 11:05:35 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 10:49 AM Louki Sumirniy  
>> wrote:
>> > I just ran into my first race condition-related error and it made me 
>> wonder about how one takes advantage of the mutex properties of channels.
>> I'd not say there are any such properties. However, it's easy to 
>> implement a semaphore with a channel. And certain semaphores can act as 
>> mutexes.
>> > If I understand correctly, this is a simple example:
>> That example illustrates IMO more of a condition/signal than a typical 
>> mutex usage pattern.
>> -- 
>> -j

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Re: [go-nuts] Is this a valid way of implementing a mutex?

2019-03-17 Thread Louki Sumirniy
My understanding of channels is they basically create exclusion by control 
of the path of execution, instead of using callbacks, or they bottleneck 
via the cpu thread which is the reader and writer of this shared data 

I think the way they work is that there is queues for read and write access 
based on most recent, so when a channel is loaded, the most proximate (if 
possible same) thread executes the other side of the channel, and then if 
another thread off execution bumps into a patch involving accessing the 
channel, if the channel is full and it wants to fill, it is blocked, if it 
wants to unload, and it's empty, it is blocked, but the main goroutine 
scheduler basically is the gatekeeper and assigns exeuction priority based 
on sequence and first available.

So, if that is correct, then the version with the load after the goroutine 
and unload at the end of the goroutine functions to grab the thread of the 
channel, and when it ends, gives it back, and if another is ready to use 
it, it is already lined up and the transfer is made. So any code I wrap 
every place inside the goroutine/unload-load pattern (including inside 
itself) can only be run by one thread at once. If you ask me, that's better 
and more logical than callbacks.

On Sunday, 17 March 2019 11:05:35 UTC+1, Jan Mercl wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 17, 2019 at 10:49 AM Louki Sumirniy  > wrote:
> > I just ran into my first race condition-related error and it made me 
> wonder about how one takes advantage of the mutex properties of channels.
> I'd not say there are any such properties. However, it's easy to implement 
> a semaphore with a channel. And certain semaphores can act as mutexes.
> > If I understand correctly, this is a simple example:
> That example illustrates IMO more of a condition/signal than a typical 
> mutex usage pattern.
> -- 
> -j

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