Dear Nick, Takashi

Thanks Nick for your support so long.

A great thanks to Takashi for his post, while we were suffering to install 
PHP V7 in FE for the past 2 months.

We finally deployed the PHP 7 FE successfully, at last only after the reply 
of Takashi on latest documentation launch for PHP 7 FE runtime support and 
the Base image(PHP 7) Dockerfile provided by Google in GitHub link.

It would all have been very easy for us not to waste 2 months time, had 
Google released this official PHP 7 runtime support in the Flexible 
environment. Lack of all this earlier lead to us for this delay. Of course, 
we understand on the term ‘ALPHA’ launch of the FE.


On Friday, February 10, 2017 at 11:48:44 PM UTC+5:30, Takashi Matsuo 
(Google) wrote:
> Hi Dhandapani,
> FWIW, we've built and been maintaining a Docker image for running PHP 
> application on Google App Engine Flexible Environment.
> The image is hosted at
> The Cloud SDK uses this image under the cover when you specify env:flex 
> and runtime:php in your app.yaml.
> For more details, please refer to our documentation (just published 
> yesterday)
> The PHP support on App Engine Flexible Environment is still Alpha, we're 
> working on the Beta launch.
> Thanks,
> On Fri, Feb 3, 2017 at 9:15 AM 'Nick (Cloud Platform Support)' via Google 
> App Engine < <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hey Dhandapani,
>> It appears that there have been some lost messages in the progress of 
>> this thread that I'd like to bring back to the foreground:
>> *1. If you deploy the application successfully, and you have instances 
>> corresponding to them visible in the Console, then you can rest assured 
>> that the problem is not in deployment but in serving. *
>> You'll need to debug the problem on the instance using a combination of 
>> various possible kinds of investigation:
>> * Checking the logs in the Cloud Console (be sure to check all log types, 
>> not just stdout, stderr, syslog, but also request_log -- all log types 
>> should be checked)
>> * Checking the instance's serial console output for possible errors (in 
>> the Console, click on the VM instance to view its details, then ctrl+f 
>> "serial" and you'll see a link to the serial console output)
>> * SSH into the instance and then user docker to get inside the app 
>> container:
>> sudo docker exec -it gaeapp /bin/bash
>> * Once you're inside the app container, you can check /var/log for any 
>> logs that might not report to the Console (this shouldn't generally 
>> happen), you can check which ports are open, whether the language runtime 
>> process is running properly, etc.  
>> *2. If the application fails to deploy, you should test whether you can 
>> build and run the docker container on your own machine (not using gcloud, 
>> but purely using docker)*
>> * From the application directory where Dockerfile is, build the 
>> Dockerfile into an image:
>> sudo docker built -t myapp .
>> * Then run the image you built ("myapp") and link its port 8080 to 8080 
>> on your machine:
>> sudo docker run -p --name myapp -t myapp
>> Then you can direct requests to the app by running a simple request to 
>> Be sure to run docker stop on the container when you're 
>> done testing.
>> You can look in the container itself while it's running using the same 
>> syntax you used in production:
>> sudo docker exec -it gaeapp /bin/bash
>> Let me know how these steps go, and what you find. I'll be happy to 
>> assist further.
>> Cheers,
>> Nick
>> Cloud Platform Community Support
>> On Friday, February 3, 2017 at 12:21:27 AM UTC-5, Dhandapani Sattanathan 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey Nick,
>>> Plz reply
>>> On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 at 10:23:18 AM UTC+5:30, Dhandapani 
>>> Sattanathan wrote:
>>> Hey Nick,
>>> Thanks for your great support.
>>> Here is my local copy [4] 
>>> <>
>>> using dockerfile, it’s working fine in local.
>>> I updated all files which i used to deploy in my  local environment and 
>>> its output. Also, gave the GAE deployment success build output . But still 
>>> it throws the same error, as you can see in the Sheet under GAE FE.
>>> Plz refer this [4] 
>>> <>.
>>> We still are insisted to use Flexible env  with PHP 7. I tried many 
>>> methods. But breaking heads to make it work in GAE, although its working 
>>> fine in our local. We need the AUTO SCALABILITY feature of GAE, so we don't 
>>> wish to use GCE, as we already use GCE for other purposes. Our goal is 
>>> to use GAE Flex Env only for now.
>>> I think we strongly suspect, there is an issue in our Flex environment , 
>>> can you have a look in our Project, so we can share our project ID to you. 
>>> I think it ll take you just few mins to check our environment. It is 
>>> becoming beyond tedious to break our heads to settle this issue, where 
>>> adequate documentation is also missing for us to be guided.
>>> Please if you can help us, we can quickly focus on creating and 
>>> deploying as many PHP 7 Apps. Our goal here is to make use of the Flex env 
>>> capabilities and not get stuck like this even before we start with.
>>> Kindly plz help us Nick.. Thanks for your support again.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dhandapani
>>> On Saturday, January 28, 2017 at 1:58:26 AM UTC+5:30, Nick (Cloud 
>>> Platform Support) wrote:
>>> Hey Dhandapani,
>>> For the message about "client version 1.8 and lower", this doesn't refer 
>>> to Docker as Docker's version numbers have not gone that high. That won't 
>>> be the problem with the deployment for "method 2".
>>> Are you sure that the app is listening properly on 8080? You can try 
>>> building the container on your local machine, running it using docker, and 
>>> then going inside the container to confirm. Is it possible that it's not 
>>> listening or responding to any requests on /_ah/health?
>>> As a workaround if you have a deadline and cannot get your app deployed 
>>> to Flexible Environment, you might consider simply hosting it on Compute 
>>> Engine for now, as there you have complete control over the machine. 
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick
>>> Cloud Platform Community Support
>>> On Friday, January 27, 2017 at 6:15:07 AM UTC-5, Dhandapani Sattanathan 
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Nick,
>>> Thanks for your real help and supporting us. We really need to get this 
>>> up and running soon, as we have to show it to our client. Hope we 'll 
>>> settle this sooner. Really losing patience.
>>> Method 2: 
>>> I checked all logs I could not find any clues.
>>> I saw the below message in my Container registry.huh
>>> Registry location:
>>> On 2/15/17, Container Registry will deprecate Docker Registry v1 API, 
>>> client versions 1.8 and lower, and non-standard GCR buckets. 
>>> I checked my Docker ver is Docker version 1.11.2, build b9f10c9.
>>> Also, I checked my API manager, there Docker v1 API only available.
>>> Is this blocking GAE FE PHP 7?
>>> Method 3:
>>> I checked all logs. I'm using Debian 8, But Dockerfile  [2] 
>>> <> is Installing CentOS.
>>> Why should I install CentOS, Remy….? Is that necessary, coz I am running 
>>> Debian OS. Am I running the correct Dockerfile for Debian?
>>> Also I saw the logger. There I got this issue
>>> [error] 32#32: *1765 connect() failed (111: Connection refused) while 
>>> connecting to upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET 
>>> /_ah/health HTTP/1.1", upstream: "";, 
>>> host: ""
>>> Don’t know why connect() failed.
>>> Both Logger details I updated in Log[2] 
>>> <>
>>> , Log[3] 
>>> <>
>>> .
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dhandapani
>>> On Wednesday, January 25, 2017 at 2:33:30 AM UTC+5:30, Nick (Cloud 
>>> Platform Support) wrote:
>>> Hey Dhandapani,
>>> In all cases, the app deployed properly. In cases 2 & 3, you should 
>>> check the logs of the application (make sure to view *all logs *not 
>>> just request_log or stdout) in the Cloud Console. That will likely give 
>>> you some clues as to what is going on. It's unlikely to be a port issue, 
>>> since in both cases it seems that the app received the request. If for 
>>> method 3, you have a port error, the steps should be pretty straightforward 
>>> of what to check - is the container exposing port 8080, and if so, is the 
>>> app inside the container listening on 8080. 
>>> Let me know if you have any questions after looking into the logs,
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick
>>> Cloud Platform Community Support
>>> On Sunday, January 22, 2017 at 11:45:39 PM UTC-5, Dhandapani Sattanathan 
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Nick,
>>> Thanks for your help. Appreciate it. I hope I am too close to install 
>>> the PHP7 in Flex env.
>>> I tried using these [1] 
>>> <>,
>>> [2] <> url references 
>>> given by you.
>>> Method 1, Method 2 & Method 3 - The config files content and Gcloud 
>>> Shell commands & output are updated in this spreadsheet 
>>> <>
>>> for your reference, so you understand well what are the steps we performed.
>>> Is there any file or need to change in this sample?
>>> I checked the log, but I can’t find what is wrong/error there?
>>> Please help me to fix this. Should there be any port issue, GAE user 
>>> issue, or my GAE environment issue or configuration issue? I just can’t 
>>> understand and going crazy. Worst case we can give access for you to take a 
>>> look or to check or to run the Docker in our GAE?I feel we have a silly 
>>> issue somewhere else GAE FE environment has an issue of dockerfile?
>>> Plz kindly help.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Dhandapani.
>>> On Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 7:58:14 PM UTC+5:30, Nick (Cloud 
>>> Platform Support) wrote:
>>> Hey Dhandapani,
>>> I'll be happy to help with this. 
>>> If you see a build failure, you should be able to view more error 
>>> messages if you run the gcloud command with the flag "--verbosity debug 
>>> <>". You might also 
>>> consider checking in the Cloud Console Logs Viewer 
>>> <>,
>>> selecting "Container Builder" as the source to read logs from. These should 
>>> both provide more insight into why the build fails.
>>> Fundamentally, since we don't offer a custom image which is ready to 
>>> serve PHP 7 applications, you'll need to build the container from a more 
>>> basic image. You can find examples online which use nginx 
>>> <> as the actual web server 
>>> program [1] 
>>> <>
>>> [2] <>, sending requests 
>>> it receives to the PHP 7 runtime and scripts you've written to actually 
>>> process the request and return a response. By experimenting with what's out 
>>> there already you should be able to get a working PHP 7 container built.
>>> Feel free to reply here if you have any more questions, and I'll be glad 
>>> to help.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick
>>> Cloud Platform Community Support 
>>> On Tuesday, January 17, 2017 at 1:59:52 AM UTC-5, Dhandapani Sattanathan 
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Nick,
>>> Thanks for your reply.
>>> I want to use PHP 7 In App Engine Flex Custom Runtime Only.I know the 
>>> fact very well App Engine standard environment doesn’t support version 
>>> higher than PHP 5.6.
>>> So that only, we tried using a Dockerfile and a custom image to run PHP 
>>> 7.
>>> But I got issue ERROR: ( Error Response: [2] Build 
>>> failed;
>>> My question is, how to install PHP 7 in Flexible environment using a 
>>> Dockerfile. I don't need any frameworks pre-installed with the Docker 
>>> image. All I need is to install PHP 7 in Custom runtime and start 
>>> developing my apps on top of PHP 7. All of your examples on how to install 
>>> PHP 7 in custom runtime in G Documentation 
>>> <>
>>> is not helping us. We tried all samples from  GitHub 
>>> <>, your site 
>>> documentations, but of no use. Please at least help us to provide with the 
>>> exact Dockerfile to install PHP 7, we are breaking our heads and really 
>>> stuck for the past 2 months.
>>> If there is no support, how we can make things to go forward and 
>>> recommend your Google products to our customers? In this regard, we 
>>> strongly seek your support many times, but never once we got reply from 
>>> your side 
>>> <!topic/google-appengine/zLOy6F-HnGc>. 
>>> I hope you will help this time at least for us, so we can start deploying 
>>> lot of apps in GAE Custom runtime. 
>>> Plz Dear Nick, plz help us. and thanks in advance.
>>> Cheers,
>>> SN
>>> On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 11:37:28 PM UTC+5:30, Nick (Cloud 
>>> Platform Support) wrote:
>>> Hey Dhandapani,
>>> You don't need to use any particular framework - there are many ways to 
>>> write a PHP web app. You might want to check out our example projects 
>>> <>or
>>> even other random projects on github to see what's out there. Our 
>>> documentation <> also has 
>>> some commentary on the example projects I just linked.
>>> Now, as for your question about using PHP 7 on App Engine without using 
>>> the Flexible Environment (Custom Runtimes), you're asking whether the App 
>>> Engine standard environment supports PHP 7. It supports only PHP 5.5. 
>>> You'll need to use a Dockerfile and a custom image to run PHP 7.
>>> The good thing about the Flexible Environment is that it doesn't have 
>>> any of the sandbox runtime restrictions that the Standard Environment 
>>> has <>, so you are 
>>> basically unlimited in your choice of framework and the type of actions 
>>> your code can execute.
>>> Let me know if you have any more questions and I'll be happy to help!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Nick
>>> Cloud Platform Community Support
>>> On Friday, January 13, 2017 at 3:39:22 AM UTC-5, Dhandapani Sattanathan 
>>> wrote:
>>> Thanks Jeff Ye,
>>> Using this sample I tried already.But PHP ver 5.5 only working. I want 
>>> to use PHP V 7 also I want to use docker file.
>>> so that I used the runtime:custom.
>>> Is it possible without docker file can use PHP 7 using GAE FE?
>>> I don't want to use Silex Framework.
>>> Plz help me.
>>> On Wednesday, January 11, 2017 at 2:05:11 AM UTC+5:30, Jeff Ye wrote:
>>> You might use
>>> runtime: php
>>> See the demo: 
>>> Jeff Ye
>>> On Friday, January 6, 2017 at 2:45:15 AM UTC-5, Dhandapani Sattanathan 
>>> wrote:
>>> I want to use Google AppEngine Flexible Environment with PHP 7. So, I 
>>> used Dockerfile to use PHP 7 in FE.You can see my app.yaml, docker file, 
>>> helloworld.php.
>>> App.yaml
>>> runtime: custom
>>> env: flex
>>> api_version: 1
>>> handlers:
>>> - url: /.*
>>>   script: helloworld.php
>>> Dockerfile
>>> # Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
>>> #
>>> # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
>>> # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
>>> # You may obtain a copy of the License at
>>> #
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
>>> # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
>>> implied.
>>> # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
>>> # limitations under the License.
>>> # Dockerfile for PHP 5.6 using nginx as the webserver.
>>> FROM
>>> # persistent / runtime deps
>>> RUN apt-get update && \
>>>     apt-get -y upgrade && \
>>>     apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
>>>     cron \
>>>     curl \
>>>     gettext \
>>>     git \
>>>     libbz2-1.0 \
>>>     libicu52 \
>>>     libmcrypt4 \
>>>     libmemcached11 \
>>>     libmemcachedutil2 \
>>>     libpcre3 \
>>>     libpng12-0 \
>>>     libpq5 \
>>>     libreadline6 \
>>>     librecode0 \
>>>     libsqlite3-0 \
>>>     libxml2 \
>>>     libxslt1.1 \
>>>     logrotate \
>>>     mercurial \
>>>     subversion \
>>>     supervisor \
>>>     zlib1g
>>> ENV NGINX_DIR=/opt/nginx \
>>>     PHP_DIR=/opt/php \
>>>     PHP56_DIR=/opt/php56 \
>>>     PHP7_DIR=/opt/php7 \
>>>     LOG_DIR=/var/log/app_engine \
>>>     APP_DIR=/app \
>>>     NGINX_USER_CONF_DIR=/etc/nginx/conf.d \
>>>     UPLOAD_DIR=/upload \
>>>     SESSION_SAVE_PATH=/tmp/sessions \
>>>     NGINX_VERSION=1.10.1 \
>>>     PHP56_VERSION=5.6.26 \
>>>     PHP70_VERSION=7.0.11 \
>>>     PATH=/opt/php/bin:$PATH \
>>>     WWW_HOME=/var/www
>>> # gpgkeys for verifying the tarballs
>>> COPY gpgkeys /gpgkeys
>>> # BUILD PHP, nginx and other dependencies.
>>> COPY build-scripts /build-scripts
>>> RUN /bin/bash /build-scripts/ install && \
>>>     /bin/bash /build-scripts/ && \
>>>     /bin/bash /build-scripts/ && \
>>>     /bin/bash /build-scripts/ && \
>>>     /bin/bash /build-scripts/ uninstall
>>> EXPOSE 8080
>>> # Lock down the web directories
>>>     && chown -R www-data.www-data \
>>>     && chmod 755 $UPLOAD_DIR $SESSION_SAVE_PATH \
>>>     # For easy access to php with `su www-data -c $CMD`
>>>     && ln -sf ${PHP_DIR}/bin/php /usr/bin/php
>>> # Put config files into place.
>>> COPY nginx.conf fastcgi_params gzip_params $NGINX_DIR/conf/
>>> COPY nginx-app.conf $NGINX_USER_CONF_DIR
>>> COPY php.ini php-cli.ini php-cli-strict.ini $PHP56_DIR/lib/
>>> COPY php.ini php-cli.ini php-cli-strict.ini $PHP7_DIR/lib/
>>> COPY php-fpm.conf $PHP56_DIR/etc/php-fpm.conf
>>> COPY php-fpm.conf $PHP7_DIR/etc/php-fpm.conf
>>> RUN touch $PHP56_DIR/etc/php-fpm-user.conf $PHP7_DIR/etc/php-fpm-user.
>>> conf
>>> COPY supervisord.conf /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
>>> COPY logrotate.app_engine /etc/logrotate.d/app_engine
>>> COPY whitelist_functions.php /
>>> RUN chgrp www-data && chmod +x / / \
>>>     # Temporary enable the shell for www-data
>>>     # We will disable it in
>>>     && chsh -s /bin/bash www-data
>>> # A script for extracting PHP version from composer.json.
>>> COPY detect_php_version.php /tmp/detect_php_version.php
>>> RUN chgrp www-data /tmp/detect_php_version.php && cd /tmp \
>>>     && su www-data -c "php /usr/local/bin/composer require 
>>> composer/semver"
>>> # Copy the app and change the owner
>>> ONBUILD RUN chown -R www-data.www-data $APP_DIR
>>> ENTRYPOINT ["/"]
>>> CMD ["/usr/bin/supervisord"]
>>> helloworld.php
>>> <?php
>>>   echo 'Hello, World!';
>>> ?>
>>> I deployed my sample PHP FE using Cloud shell Command line.. After 
>>> gcloud app deploy.Please refer the below.
>>> user@projectname:~/corephp$ gcloud app deploy 
>>> You are about to deploy the following services:
>>>  - projectname/default/20170105t174829 (from [/home/user/corephp/app.
>>> yaml])
>>>      Deploying to URL: []
>>> Do you want to continue (Y/n)?  Y
>>> If this is your first deployment, this may take a while...done.         
>>> Beginning deployment of service [default]...
>>> WARNING: Deployment of App Engine Flexible Environment apps is 
>>> currently in Beta
>>> WARNING: Could not generate [source-context.json]: Could not list 
>>> remote URLs from source directory: /home/user/corephp
>>> Building and pushing image for service [default]
>>> Started cloud build [49476e94-25eb-453a-86cb-77b54c49e602].
>>> To see logs in the Cloud Console: https://
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> starting build "49476e94-25eb-453a-86cb-77b54c49e602"
>>> Fetching storage object: gs://
>>> Copying gs://
>>> ..
>>> Downloading file:///tmp/source-archive.tgz:                      1.74 
>>> KiB/1.74 KiB    
>>> Already have image (with digest):
>>> Sending build context to Docker daemon  7.68 kB
>>> Step 1 : FROM
>>>  ---> 8d1b0e0966ef
>>> Step 2 : RUN apt-get update &&     apt-get -y upgrade &&     apt-get 
>>> install -y --no-install-recommends     cron     curl     gettext     
>>> git     libbz2-1.0     libicu52     libmcrypt4     libmemcached11     
>>> libmemcachedutil2     libpcre3     libpng12-0     libpq5     
>>> libreadline6     librecode0     libsqlite3-0     libxml2     libxslt1.1 
>>>     logrotate     mercurial     subversion     supervisor     zlib1g
>>>  ---> Running in d82d2fa68c69
>>> Get:1 jessie/updates InRelease [63.1 kB]
>>> Ign jessie InRelease
>>> Get:2 jessie-updates InRelease [145 kB]
>>> Get:3 jessie/updates/main amd64 Packages 
>>> [428 kB]
>>> Get:4 jessie Release.gpg [2373 B]
>>> Get:5 jessie Release [148 kB]
>>> Get:6 jessie-updates/main amd64 Packages 
>>> [17.6 kB]
>>> Get:7 jessie/main amd64 Packages [9064 kB]
>>> Fetched 9869 kB in 3s (2645 kB/s)
>>> Reading package lists...
>>> Reading package lists...
>>> Building dependency tree...
>>> Reading state information...
>>> The following packages will be upgraded:
>>>   apt libapt-pkg4.12 tzdata
>>> 3 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
>>> -- 
> -- Takashi

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