Hi guys,

I've been trying question 3 from round 2 last year and am not sure whether I am 
getting a TLE error because I am not fast enough or because of the programming 
language. I believe the following is O(N^3) - if anybody has any ideas that 
would be a big help!:

class Graph:
    def __init__(self, graph):
        self.graph = graph
        self.nodes = len(graph) #- number of nodes

    def dfs_path(self, start, end): #- returns the path from start to end, 
otherwise returns False
        queue = [(start, [start])]
        while queue:
            (vertex, path) = queue.pop()
            for neighbour in self.graph[vertex] - set(path):
                if neighbour == end:
                    return path + [neighbour]
                    queue.append((neighbour, path + [neighbour]))
        return False

    def reverse_edge(self, v1, v2): #- reverses the edge v1 -> v2 to v2 -> v1

    def mcbm(self):
        n =(self.nodes // 2)
        count = 0
        self.graph["source"] = set(range(n)) #-- row nodes are (0, 1, ..., n-1)
        self.graph["sink"] = set()
        for node in range(n, 2*n):
            self.graph[node].add("sink") #-- column nodes are (n, n+1, ..., 
        while self.dfs_path("source", "sink"): #-- while there exists a path
            path = self.dfs_path("source", "sink")
            length = len(path)
            L = path[1] #-- L exposed node
            R = path[length-2] #-- R exposed node

            count += 1
            self.graph["source"].remove(L) #--- disconnect L, R from source, 

            for i in range(1, length-2): #--- reverse all the edges in path 
between L and R
                self.reverse_edge(path[i], path[i+1])

        return count

def coords_to_graph(coords, n): #--- converts set of coordinates on a n by n 
grid to a graph
    nodes = [int(x) for x in range(2*n)] #--- nodes are (0, n) for rows and (n, 
2n) for cols
    graph = {}
    for node in nodes:
        graph[node] = set()

    for coord in coords: #--- connect the node for row x to the node for column 
y (i.e. node y+n)
        x, y = coord[0], coord[1]

    return graph
def solve():
    n = int(input())
    colour_dict = {}

    for colour in range(1, 2*n+1): #--- the colours are 1, 2, ..., n and -1, 
-2, ..., n 
        colour_dict[colour] = set() #--- this corresponds to 1, 2, ..., 2n (mod 

    for row in range(n):
        cur_row = [int(x) for x in input().split()]
        for index, value in enumerate(cur_row):
            colour = value % (2*n+1) #--- basically convert the -ve numbers to 
n+1, n+2, ..., 2n
            colour_dict[colour].add((row, index))

    for colour in colour_dict:
        cur_graph = Graph(coords_to_graph(colour_dict[colour], n))  
        result = (len(colour_dict[colour]) - cur_graph.mcbm())
        yield result


t = int(input())
for case in range(t):
    print ("Case #" + str(case + 1) + ": " + str(sum(solve())))

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