Hello Everyone,
I'm pleased to announce the releases of Guice 6.0.0 & 7.0.0

 * *Guice 6.0.0*: The release page
<https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Guice600> has more details, but the
TL;DR is that this release fixed a number of bugs, closed all open pull
requests, and* added `jakarta.inject` support alongside the existing
`javax.inject` support*. (The `jakarta.inject` support is almost complete,
with the caveat that binder(..).toProvider() methods aren't supported for
jakarta providers.)  Again, see the release notes for complete details &
explanations of the javax -> jakarta change.  The* servlet & persist
extensions remain javax only for Guice 6.0*. Guice 6.0 is intended as an
incremental migration aid towards Guice 7.0.

 * *Guice 7.0.0*: The release page
<https://github.com/google/guice/wiki/Guice700> has more details, but the
TL;DR is that this release is identical to 6.0.0, except it *only supports
the jakarta.inject namespace*. The* servlet & persist extensions also only
support jakarta.servlet & jakarta.persistence* respectively.* All support
for javax.inject, javax.servlet, and javax.persistence are removed
from Guice 7.0+.*

You can also see this announcement in the Github Discussions thread

As mentioned in the release candidates announcement, *I would also like to
take a moment to honor Bob Lee's memory*. Bob created Guice (along with
Kevin Bourrillion) back around 2007. Although Bob went on to do many other
exciting things, Guice's longevity is a testament to his intuition &
genius. He was also just a really, really nice guy. I know I will sorely
miss Bob, and the world is a worse place without his presence.

*The Guice 6.0 & 7.0 releases are dedicated to Bob.*

- sam

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