
my gadget issues an AJAX call to remotely update some data when its
state changes. The AJAX endpoint is the same server that hosts the
gadget.xml (Appengine). Currently, anyone looking at the gadget's
source can see the endpoint
and call it themselves with some query parameters to effectively
submit any data they like.

The question is how to prevent this. It's only a matter of time until
wave gadget hacking becomes a new pasttime.

1* Inspect the HTTP header on the server to check whether call
originates from Google?
>> Does not really solve the problem although makes it perhaps a little harder 
>> for the attacker. Malicious gadget's could be embedded. What about HTTP 
>> header spoofing (I don't know) and once federation kicks in the gadget would 
>> only work on Google's wave browser. No, not a solution.

2* OAuth? I keep reading about OAuth in this forum and started to read
the docs again. Is that the way to go? I haven't read much yet, but
tokens would have to stored somewhere in the gadget, wouldn't they?

Is there perhaps on obvious third approach - after all gadget.xml and
endpoint are on the same server...

Anyway, love wave, it's so much fun to use and even more so to



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