Re: How to provide a local css resource file with a Module

2010-02-24 Thread Ashar Lohmar
Sorry, my bad, i didn't provide enough info
as i said you should take a look into the gwt-upload library

so in the gwt-upload it's like this, the css is in the public folder
which is on the same level as the client folder
you have to take care to add them to your jar, for GWT the public
folder is special, it take every thing in it and it puts it in the
folder where the gwtCompilation will be as it was done in the older
version (in GWT 1.6 the folder public was a must it was described as
part of an module),
the other importnat thing which i forget to say is that in
the .gwt.xml of the consumer module,
when you do the inherit name=your_lib_module / you have to add
the stylesheet / tag
in gwt-upload usage it asks to add these in my consmer module
inherits name=gwtupload.GWTUpload /
stylesheet src=Upload.css /
now if think about it  ... you might try adding the stylesheet / tag
in the gwt.xml of you libModule and check if it's the same result

sorry for the incomplete response i gave yesterday, i don't know all
these by hart i just remembered that i sow them there and told you
what's there after a brief analysis.

good luck

On Feb 23, 9:22 pm, Ashish Khivesara
 Ok. Sorry I did not read it right :( .. So i did add it in the folder
 named 'public' , However it does not seem to request for that resource
 (Music.css). Like you said I have not  included stylesheet
 src='Music.css' / specification
 on the .gwt.xml file

 Wonder what's the issue here.. I am using GWT2.0.2

 On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Ashish Khivesara wrote:
  Thanks Ashar for your response. I am a little perplexed though. Java
  does not allow the 'public' as part of package name, and hence eclipse
  does not let me do that. So how can one name a package as e.g. (if I understood what you meant


  On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Ashish Khivesara wrote:
  This looks like a bug.
  Issue: If a module without a entry point includes a stylesheet element then
  the path is considered to be relative to the module that may inherit it.
  This make it rigid and thereby adds a dependency between the inheriting
  In my case Music module had this line in the Music.gwt.xml
  stylesheet src='Music.css' /
  Now Home module inherits Music modules.
  But GWT instead of looking for /music/Music.css, looks for the css resource
  in /home/Music.css
  [WARN] 404 - GET /home/Music.css ( 1400 bytes

  On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:31 PM, Ashish Khivesara wrote:

  Well the issue here would maybe because the module here in question does
  not an Entry point and hence there is no hostpage to inject this css
  reference into.
  So this there a way to make sure the inheriting module injects this
  stylesheet in its host page??

  On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 5:18 PM, Ashish Khivesara wrote:

  I need to associate a local css resource file with a module. This module
  does not have Entry point hence I cannot simply import it in the html.
  Here is what I did
  I added this line in my Music.gwt.xml
  stylesheet src='Music.css' /
  Music.css resides in the war/ directory
  Now I inherit this module in another Module. However the css resource
  does not seem to be attached / downloaded.
  Any pointers?

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Re: standard overrides own css no matter what?

2010-02-24 Thread Ashar Lohmar
you are doing nothing wrong, that's just the way it works. the problem
is that the theme's css are loaded/injected last at the same time as
when the module is loaded/injected

there are 2 ways to change that.

1: instead of using
 inherits name=''/
 inherits name=''/

this way you will add the resources(css, images, ...) of this theme to
you module compilation, but it wont inject the css when the module is
loaded and you must add the css by hand ... in the html(or whatever)
   link type=text/css rel=stylesheet href=/module_name/gwt/
and make sure it's before you css

2: the other workaround is to add ! important to all the properties
of all the classes of you stylesheet

good luck

On Feb 23, 3:15 pm, Andrew Hughes wrote:
 guess: perhaps it's the order in which the css files are listed and thus

 On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 3:44 AM, Pico wrote:
  Hi all,
  I'm quite new to GWT. I'm currently facing an annoying issue with the
  standard css overriding my own one no matter what.

  In reference to
  I believe to have tried everything to change the behaviour, without
  any success.

  I tried:

  in GWT.XML inherits
  name=''/ and
  explicitly calling
  link type=text/css rel=stylesheet href=myProject/chrome/
  chrome.css and
  link type=text/css rel=stylesheet href=myOwn.css in my HTML

  Also, having no css reference in my HTML file and injecting both files
  via gwt.xml
  inherits name=''/
  stylesheet src=GWT_Parser.css/

  No matter what, .gwt-XXX classes in chrome.css allways override the
  myOwn.css classes.

  What am I doing wrong?

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Re: tomcat and apache problem

2010-02-24 Thread Ashar Lohmar
sorry i haven't read all the topic, the first question didn't said
anything about comet, from what I've understood by reading a few of
the answers I thought that the comet was given as an solution/

i have no experience in working with comet, so i didn't use it.

On Feb 23, 6:58 pm, Fran wrote:
 good question Chris

 2010/2/23 Chris Lercher

  Hi Ashar,

  the Tomcat documentation says, that AJP doesn't work with Comet/AIO:
  Are you using Comet?

  On Feb 23, 2:52 pm, Ashar Lohmar wrote:
   i use appache(httpd)+Tomcat with AJP, these are my confs:


   VirtualHost *:80
       DocumentRoot dummy_path_ussualy_the_default_httpd's_htdocs
       ErrorLog logs/app_error_log
       CustomLog logs/app-access_log common
       Location /
           ProxyPass ajp://
           ProxyPassReverse ajp://

   in httpd/conf/httpd.conf i've uncommented a include line as below
   # Virtual hosts
   Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

   in my tomcat/conf/server.xml the ajp connector is defined as below
   Connector port=8009 protocol=AJP/1.3 redirectPort=8443
   address= /
   i also added the address= attribute to the others
   connector tags as i want my app to be reached from outside only
   through httpd.
   Connector port=8080 protocol=HTTP/1.1 connectionTimeout=2
   redirectPort=18443 address= /

   one more thing that you should have in mind is that i've compiled my
   httpd with the following params --enable-proxy --enable-proxy-ajp --
   enable-proxy-balancer --enable-ssl --with-included-apr and of course
   de --prefix param
   also i've installed the tomcat-native with --with-apr=$HOME/httpd/
   bin/apr-1-config --with-java-home=$HOME/java --with-ssl=yes and
   followed their instruction and added the lib in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH

   hope these will help you
   good luck

   On Feb 21, 2:00 am, Paul S wrote:

So basically you are trying to serve up 2 things. An app from Tomcat
and some other web content from Apache server? Firstly, can't the
other content be served from Tomcat too? That way you could just stop
your Apache server from running, then configure Tomcat to load up on
port 80 (default for http) and that way no one will every know they're
hitting a Tomcat server. Or, there is an Apache server module, I
forgot the name, but is allows you to specify that any normal request
goes to the http server and then any request at /j/* gets pushed along
to the Tomcat server. I'm hazy on the details but have seen it working
before and I don't think it's using a proxy in the way you are.

Could work?

On Feb 16, 12:47 am, Fran wrote:


 I need your help about GWT integration in apache and tomcat.

 I have a GWT aplication that has server side. This server side is
 listening in 8081 port at tomcat.
 I need that the client side be in apache that is listening in port
 so I need call server side at port 8081 of tomcat.
 How can I do?

 If I run the aplication int tomcat, its works fine. But If I run the
 aplication in apache, the server side dont work.

 Help me please

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gwt developer plugin for minefield ?

2010-02-24 Thread golfdude

I have vista/64 bit machine. I use minefield for testing. When I
updated to gwt 2.0, I tried to deploy the gwt developer plugin for
firefox ( as it requested ) and after install got an error about not
being compatible. Is there a minefield version of this plugin ?



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تحذير من القطط والادوات تحجب

2010-02-24 Thread خليل بولو
ان من المفروض ان يكون لي اداء مترجم
الان مساعدة جوجل الادوات
حين اذيوشك ان ينهار
لم افهم ماذا افعل


It is supposed to be my interpreter's performance
Online help Google Gadgets
While Azyushk collapse
I do not understand what to do
هاذا ما فعلتة في الترجمة
تبين القط يأخذالجبن

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Embed GWT app

2010-02-24 Thread vetal
Hi, all!

I develop some application on GWT, and want extend it functionality by
writing other GWT application (somethig like plugin).
I try embed plugin in parent application like that

public native void registerPlugin(String url) /*-{
  var elem = $doc.getElementById('plugin');
  var e = $doc.createElement(script);
  e.src = url;

My plugin must show simple alert :
public void onModuleLoad()
  Window.alert(I AM PLUGIN!);
But then i try add plugin script in DOM, my browser is crash.

Can somebody help me with it and explain what i do wrong?


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Re: RPC Call Failed from other domain(cross domain) due to SOP

2010-02-24 Thread Ladislav Gazo
You must use a proxy mechanism on server side to redirect the call to
appropriate domain. Take a look here, it may help you resolve the
problem using ProxyServlet:

On 23. Feb, 16:03 h., ramesh chiluveri wrote:
  Hai All,

  I am trying to develop an application ,which will going to make
 server calls from different domains. I am facing problem with SOP . I
 am not able to make a sever call from different doamin.

 Below is the my code.
 When i make rpc call with this code,it is always failing.(onFailure)

 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.HashMap;



  * Entry point classes define codeonModuleLoad()/code.
 public class invoxwidget  implements EntryPoint,ClickListener{

         public static String userSharedId = ;

         protected HashMap callbacks = new HashMap();
          protected HashMap scriptTags = new HashMap();
          protected int curIndex = 0;
          public Button but  = null;
         public void onModuleLoad() {

          String serverURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL()+?callback=;
          String callbackName = reserveCallback();
          setup(this, callbackName);
          addScript(callbackName, serverURL + callbackName);


          public String reserveCallback()
              while (true)
               if (!callbacks.containsKey(new Integer(curIndex)))
                callbacks.put(new Integer(curIndex), null);

                return __gwt_callback + curIndex++;

           * pAdds the JSONP script to our widget so we can make XSS
 requests baby/p
           * @param uniqueId The unique id of the call
           * @param url The URL of our Request
          public native void addScript(String id, String url)

              var elem = document.createElement(script);
              elem.setAttribute(language, JavaScript);
              elem.setAttribute(src, url);
              elem.setAttribute(id, id);

          public void handle(JavaScriptObject jso)

              if( jso != null )

                 HashMap details = new HashMap();
                         Window.alert(before ContactServer +userSharedId);


                 public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {

                         Window.alert(In onFailure);

             public void onSuccess(Object arg0) {
                                 Window.alert(In onSuccess);

           * pSets up our Javascript cross site JSON call/p
           * @param model Handles our Cross Site JSON call
           * @param callback
          public native static void setup(invoxwidget inv, String callback)

               $wnd.__gwt_callback0 = function(someData)
                  alert(inside setup);


 I am not able to find what is wrong??

 Please help me


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Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread Vik

I created a gwt component which is a button (click on which inovkes a

If i embed it just once then it comes fine on the html page. However, when i
embed it for the second time i just see one.

here is the module load code:
public void onModuleLoad() {

final Button joinusButton = new Button(Join Us);
joinusButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Instantiate the popup and show it.
JoinUsPopup joinusPopup = new JoinUsPopup();

if(RootPanel.get(joinusbottom) != null){
final Button joinusBottomButton = new Button(Join Us);
joinusBottomButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// Instantiate the popup and show it.
JoinUsPopup joinusBottomPopup = new JoinUsPopup();

and mypage.html has following divs

div id=joinus/div

div id=joinusbottom /div

Any idea why i see just one ?

Thankx and Regards


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Re: gwt 2.0.2: FileUpload and set(Visible/Enabled)

2010-02-24 Thread BimboJones

The FileUpload widget is very picky for security reasons, have you
tried to setEnabled to false before adding the FileUpload to the form/
panel, just to see if there is a problem with your radio button code?

On 23 Fev, 23:07, seven.reeds wrote:

 I am using a FileUpload widget for the first time.  It is in a place
 where I want to allow the visitor to either do the FileUpload or enter
 a URL in a TextBox.  I have set up a RadioButton group to toggle
 between the two choices.  In the onClick method for the RadioButtons I
 can setEnabled or setVisible the TextBox to true/false as needed.

 The FileUpload widget just seems to ignore these requests.  Should it?

 I will add that the FileUpload Button and TextBox components both stay
 visible in any set state.  The button always stays Enabled the
 TextBox always appears to be grey'd out/disabled.


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Re: Building GWT apps that support adjustable font sizes

2010-02-24 Thread googelybear
so you mean basically anything except px ;-)
Regarding EM and PT I have read mixed oppinions in general material
about creating web pages. What experience did you guys make when
working with GWT? What works better, EM or PT?

thanks for your feedback!


On 13 Feb., 02:19, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On 13 fév, 01:30, googelybear wrote:


  I need to build an app that also works well (meaning: looks
  acceptable and is still usable) with different font sizes. Eg. a user
  with impaired vision might increase the default font size of the
  browser to make web pages easier readable for him. For me as a
  developer this means removing as many fixed sizes in my layout as
  possible. This seems kind of hard as a lot of the layouts, also the
  new ones like LayoutPanel and DockLayoutPanel use fixed sizes and do
  not dynamically adjust to the size of their content. As a test I
  increased the default font size and looked at the mail sample and it
  looks very unpleasant and unusable (overlapping elements).
  Do you have some tips/guidelines/rules how to achieve such a task?

 Can't you use Unit.EM or Unit.EX? (Unit.PCT is OK too, of course)

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SOP Issue

2010-02-24 Thread ramesh chiluveri
Hai All,

I want to integrate my GWT application in an external webpage but for
some reasons I can not/don't want to use an Iframe.
My client and my server are running on localhost: and my
external webpage is for testing purpose running on localhost:8080. I
load the no-cache.js unsing a script tag in the external webpage (I
added 'add-linker name=xs/' in my gwt.xml file to allow cross site
This works. So a simple button would be loaded in this external
webpage without problems.

But when I try to make an GWT-RPC call i run into problems. The
onFailure method of the AsyncCallback will be called with no error.
So I assume that this is because of the same origin policy.

Please advise how to fix this issue.


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Where GWT 2.0 takes default browser from?

2010-02-24 Thread Paweł Stawicki

I am using GWT 2.0.3. I can start GWT Development Mode and there is
nice button Launch Default Browser. When I press it, it launches
Firefox, which is NOT my default browser. My system is Ubuntu 9.10. I
looked into System-Preferences-Preferred Applications and there is
Google Chrome.

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Fwd: Where GWT 2.0 takes default browser from?

2010-02-24 Thread خليل بولو
-- Forwarded message --
From: Paweł Stawicki
Date: 2010/2/24
Subject: Where GWT 2.0 takes default browser from?
To: Google Web Toolkit ‫‬


I am using GWT 2.0.3. I can start GWT Development Mode and there is
nice button Launch Default Browser. When I press it, it launches
Firefox, which is NOT my default browser. My system is Ubuntu 9.10. I
looked into System-Preferences-Preferred Applications and there is
Google Chrome.

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اتلقى رسائل عديدة من هاذا النوع ولم تكنمن لغتي
من الصعب الفهم هكذا غير لغتي
ولطالما ان جوجل كوم هوة الذي يرسل الرسائل ان يتوخى غير لغتي
ويبدو من الخادم هوة الذي لايصيطر على الاتجاه


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Re: gwt 2.0.2: FileUpload and set(Visible/Enabled)

2010-02-24 Thread خليل بولو
اتلقى رسائل عديدة من هاذا النوع ولم تكنمن لغتي
من الصعب الفهم هكذا غير لغتي
ولطالما ان جوجل كوم هوة الذي يرسل الرسائل ان يتوخى غير لغتي
ويبدو من الخادم هوة الذي لايصيطر على الاتجاه

2010/2/24 BimboJones


 The FileUpload widget is very picky for security reasons, have you
 tried to setEnabled to false before adding the FileUpload to the form/
 panel, just to see if there is a problem with your radio button code?

 On 23 Fev, 23:07, seven.reeds wrote:
  I am using a FileUpload widget for the first time.  It is in a place
  where I want to allow the visitor to either do the FileUpload or enter
  a URL in a TextBox.  I have set up a RadioButton group to toggle
  between the two choices.  In the onClick method for the RadioButtons I
  can setEnabled or setVisible the TextBox to true/false as needed.
  The FileUpload widget just seems to ignore these requests.  Should it?
  I will add that the FileUpload Button and TextBox components both stay
  visible in any set state.  The button always stays Enabled the
  TextBox always appears to be grey'd out/disabled.

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 اتلقى رسائل عديدة من هاذا النوع ولم اتكمن لغتي http://اتلقى رسائل عديدة
من هاذا النوع ولم تكنمن لغتي
من الصعب الفهم هكذا غير لغتي
ولطالما ان جوجل كوم هوة الذي يرسل الرسائل ان يتوخى غير لغتي
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Re: Can UIBinding's auto-fit LayoutPanel components?

2010-02-24 Thread Chris Lercher

you can do this with VerticalPanel like this:


.vpanel td {
border: 1px solid black;

g:VerticalPanel width=100% height=100%
stylePrimaryName={style.vpanel} ui:field=verticalPanel
g:Label ui:field=topPanelTOP/g:Label
g:Label ui:field=contentPanelCONTENT/g:Label
g:Label ui:field=bottomPanelBOTTOM/g:Label

And in your Java file:

   @UiField VerticalPanel verticalPanel;
  verticalPanel.setCellHeight(verticalPanel.getWidget(1), 100%);

This works in Firefox both in Standards mode and in Quirks mode.
In IE, this doesn't really work in Standards mode: If using
RootLayoutPanel, then the row called CONTENT gets 100% of the Window
height (so the BOTTOM row isn't shown). If using RootPanel, the table
doesn't stretch vertically at all.

So for IE, this only works in Quirks mode. Make sure to use RootPanel
instead of RootLayoutPanel!

I'm still looking for a way to make such a layout work in IE and
standards mode. I don't care if it's based on tables or divs. Has
anyone succeeded with this yet?


On Feb 24, 12:40 am, ahhughes wrote:
 Sytax corrected the table doesn't work for me unless I put it in
 a g:HTMLPanel...


    table width='100%' height='100%' border='1'
         !-- this is the auto-height minimum fill row--
                         g:Label ui:field=topPanel text=TOP/g:Label
         tr height='100%'
                 td width='100%'
                         g:Label ui:field=contentPanel 
                         g:Label ui:field=bottomPanel 

 There's also some trickery in the entry point:

 public class MyEntryPoint implements EntryPoint {

         interface Binder extends UiBinderHTMLPanel, MyEntryPoint {}

         private static final Binder binder = GWT.create(Binder.class);

         @UiField Label topPanel;
         @UiField Label contentPanel;
         @UiField Label bottomPanel;

         public void onModuleLoad() {
                 HTMLPanel outer = binder.createAndBindUi(this);


 On Feb 24, 9:20 am, Andrew Hughes wrote:

  Hi Chris,

  You're right... I want to fill the window 100%. One row is of auto-fit
  (minimum height) and the other is 100% (fill whatever is left).

  Don't quote me on the syntax below (this is off the top of my head). I don't
  want to use html in the ui.xml, but it might be the only way :'(

  !DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM;
    table height='100%' width='100%'
              my:TopPanel ui:field='topPanel/
      tr height='100%'
              my:ContentPanel ui:field='contentPanel'/

  On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 3:03 AM, Chris Lercher 

   [Note: I think my previous answer was dropped by the Google Groups
   outage (?) - so I'm writing this again...]

   Hi Andrew,

   you can use g:VerticalPanel in UiBinder. But if you use HTML
   Standars mode (!doctype html), then tables render differently than
   in quirks mode, especially in IE!

   To set some options on the VerticalPanel, you'll maybe have to access
   it programmatically as a @UiField.

   Let me know, if you find a way to achieve the layout you want. I'm
   trying something similar, but I don't see a solution yet that works in
   all browsers. Do you intend to do the old table trick, setting one row
   to height=0%, and the other to height=100%? I think that doesn't
   work in IE. Or how do you want to achieve this with tables? I assume,
   you want to make the table stretch to 100% height, where the second
   row should take up all remaining space?

   If OTOH, you don't want to make the whole thing stretch to 100%
   height, then you can use 

How to override pseudo gwt standars styles using ClientBundle

2010-02-24 Thread shahid
Is there a way to override gwt standard styles for build-in widgets.
For example if I wanted to override .gwt-ToggleButton-down-hovering
and .gwt-ToggleButton-down styles, how do I do it using the
ClientBundle ?

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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
Have you checked the google development mode tab (assuming you are using
eclipse) for uncaught exceptions?

Im thinking specifically the A widget that has an existing parent widget
may not be added to the detach list which will just stop parts of your
screen from loading without any other obvious/external warning/error

I seem to be getting that error all over the place when I try to use the
RootPanel.get().add() functionality, with no obviously good reason at the
moment. Plus I still cant work out what this really actually means! I  dont
mean to hijack your thread, but if anyone can explain this error in
laymans terms Id appreciate it!

Good Luck,

2010/2/24 Vik


 I created a gwt component which is a button (click on which inovkes a

 If i embed it just once then it comes fine on the html page. However, when
 i embed it for the second time i just see one.

 here is the module load code:
 public void onModuleLoad() {

 final Button joinusButton = new Button(Join Us);
 joinusButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
 public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
 // Instantiate the popup and show it.
 JoinUsPopup joinusPopup = new JoinUsPopup();

 if(RootPanel.get(joinusbottom) != null){
 final Button joinusBottomButton = new Button(Join Us);
 joinusBottomButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
 public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
 // Instantiate the popup and show it.
 JoinUsPopup joinusBottomPopup = new JoinUsPopup();

 and mypage.html has following divs

 div id=joinus/div

 div id=joinusbottom /div

 Any idea why i see just one ?

 Thankx and Regards


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Re: Sharing code between GWT projects (Eclipse)

2010-02-24 Thread grue
Yes, of course!!! What a stupid mistake I made ... how could I be so
blind? :)
Thanks a lot for pointing me on this.

On Feb 23, 3:10 pm, aditya ch wrote:
 Typically this error would occur when you are trying to access the
 client code on server side.

 On Feb 23, 2:02 pm, grue wrote:


  I'm working on two GWT projects in Eclipse which share some of their
  classes. For this I have created a third project in Eclipse (which is
  a Java Project) to hold the shared classes. The Java Project is
  exported as a jar file and included by both of the GWT projects.
  This approach works perfectly when the shared classes are UI widgets
  (subclasses of Composite or Widget) but now I have introduced a class
  which uses and as soon as I run any
  of the projects which include the jar file I get the following


  What could be causing that error? Is it that the shared project is not
  a GWT project? It's got the GWT libraries in it's classpath so this
  shouldn't matter, should it?
  Any hints are highly appreciated.

  Best regards,

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Re: how to embed flash in gwt?

2010-02-24 Thread Martin Trummer
or simply build your html fragment and use the html-widget

if you don't want to use 3rd party libs

On 23 Feb., 20:14, Anoop John wrote:
 See the code below. You have to download gwt2swf.jar file and import

 SWFWidget frame=new SWFWidget(flash/sample.swf);
 new FlexTable().setWidget(0, 0,frame);

 On Feb 23, 11:58 pm, mariyan nenchev


     i have been given some flash clips that i must embed in my gwt
  application. I have no idea from flash, any suggestions?


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Re: Applet to Javascript in GWT

2010-02-24 Thread Martin Trummer
you'll need JSNI and a bridge method

the ' bridge method' part of this article may help

On 23 Feb., 22:10, Stanley Wong wrote:
 Specially, this call fails here:

                          String s = getValue();
                          try {
  URL(javascript:doAlert(\ + id + \,\ +  s + \ )));
                          } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                                  // TODO Auto-generated catch block

 in which this script function is not called.

         function doAlert( id, message ){

         function setValue2(msg){

 How do I fix the URL? Or other methods can help?


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Re: gwt 2.0.2: FileUpload and set(Visible/Enabled)

2010-02-24 Thread Bert

Try putting the setEnabled/setVisible calls in a block like this:

DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
 public void execute() {

also make sure when building the panel you show the item even if it is
just onLoad of your widget.

If de building of your panel completes you then disable/make it

This migth seem odd to your users, so try some type of overlaying
loading panel while building a panel.

And close this overlay once every component is in the state you want
to view.

Hope this helps

On 23 feb, 18:07, seven.reeds wrote:

 I am using a FileUpload widget for the first time.  It is in a place
 where I want to allow the visitor to either do the FileUpload or enter
 a URL in a TextBox.  I have set up a RadioButton group to toggle
 between the two choices.  In the onClick method for the RadioButtons I
 can setEnabled or setVisible the TextBox to true/false as needed.

 The FileUpload widget just seems to ignore these requests.  Should it?

 I will add that the FileUpload Button and TextBox components both stay
 visible in any set state.  The button always stays Enabled the
 TextBox always appears to be grey'd out/disabled.


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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 24, 10:50 am, John Denley wrote:
 Have you checked the google development mode tab (assuming you are using
 eclipse) for uncaught exceptions?

 Im thinking specifically the A widget that has an existing parent widget
 may not be added to the detach list which will just stop parts of your
 screen from loading without any other obvious/external warning/error

 I seem to be getting that error all over the place when I try to use the
 RootPanel.get().add() functionality, with no obviously good reason at the
 moment. Plus I still cant work out what this really actually means! I  dont
 mean to hijack your thread, but if anyone can explain this error in
 laymans terms Id appreciate it!

It means you cannot RootPanel.get(...) or SomeWidget.wrap(...) an
element that happens to be a child/descendant of a Widget (i.e. of an
element which GWT thinks it is a GWT Widget's element).

As for Vik's issue, sorry, no idea.

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Re: Building GWT apps that support adjustable font sizes

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 24, 10:30 am, googelybear wrote:
 so you mean basically anything except px ;-)
 Regarding EM and PT I have read mixed oppinions in general material
 about creating web pages.

The size of a point (PT) on the screen (i.e. in pixels) is given by
the OS independently of the default font size (AFAICT most systems
except Windows default to 72dpi, which means 1pt=1px; Windows defaults
to 96dpi so .75pt=1px).

 What experience did you guys make when
 working with GWT? What works better, EM or PT?

I cannot say I have experience in this field, but the choice is
between EM and PCT (percentages), not EM and PT (points).

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UiBinder: mixing HTML and Widgets

2010-02-24 Thread Robert Munteanu

I am using UiBinder , and as I'm used to writing JPSs with tag
libraries where HTML is freely mixed with tag invocations, I end up
writing code which resembles:

g:HTMLPanel styleName={style.column}

pg:Label ui:field=_basicInfo//p


lig:Label ui:field=_name/ /li
lig:Label ui:field=_role/ /li
lig:Label ui:field=_type/ /li

Is this an expected way of using UiBinder ? Should I be rather
wrapping them e.g. in a FlowPanel with proper widgets for the h2 and p

As I've not completely wrapped my head around UiBinder yet, I'd
appreciate any insights regarding the performance, maintainability,
and overall sanity of this approach.



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Re: How to reference current window frame - as a formpanel target

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 24, 12:03 am, Blessed Geek wrote:
 On Feb 23, 6:00 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:

  Just use _self.

 Excellent! Where is this found in the documentation?


(where did you found the idea of using _top?)

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Re: silly post about modules

2010-02-24 Thread Nathan Wells
I may be wrong, but I don't think modules have much to do with
performance. The reason I say this: At compile time, your modules are
all mashed together and made into one big source for the various JS
outputs. Using runAsync would definitely have more of a performance
benefit than splitting code into different modules.

Modules are more about organization. runAsync is about optimization/

On Feb 23, 2:45 pm, bkbonner wrote:
 I just want to verify a bet I have with someone.

 A primary benefit of modules is reuse.  Is there any benefit to
 performance with using modules?

 It seems code-splitting with runAsync will have more of a performance

 Help me settle this bet.

 The gambler.

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Re: Refresh in IE 6 clears history

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 23, 11:30 pm, mountaineer wrote:
 When I hit refresh in IE 6, it seems to clear the history stack. Does
 anyone know why and how we can prevent this?

 Steps to reproduce:

 1. Go to
 2. Go to
 3. Click to a few locations such as:

 Widgets  Basic Button
 Lists and Menus  Suggest Box
 Text Input  Basic Text

 4. Hit the browser Refresh button.
 5. Now hit the browser back button.

 Expected Outcome:

 Should navigate back to where you were last in the Showcase

 Actual Outcome:

 Returns you back to

 This doesn't happen in other browsers.

GWT's history in IE6 (and IE7) is done with a hidden iframe which is
navigated each time you call History.newItem(); so when you refresh
the page, the iframe is recreated and its history is empty.
In other browsers, manipulating the URL to change the #hash is enough
for a new entry to be added to the browser's history, so refreshing
the page doesn't have this side effect.

Let's call this a known quirk.

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Re: silly post about modules

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 23, 10:45 pm, bkbonner wrote:
 I just want to verify a bet I have with someone.

 A primary benefit of modules is reuse.  Is there any benefit to
 performance with using modules?

Absolutely no.

(there might be a small impact on the compile time, where each
module's gwt.xml has to be parsed and adds entries to the resource
oracle, but there's absolutely no impact on the generated code; have
you tried a simple app with 2 classes in either a single or two
modules? I bet the generated code will be exactly identical, except
for class names of course ;-) )

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Re: hyperlink focuswidget and anchor

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 23, 8:09 pm, brianw wrote:
 I gather that one can user either an anchor for doing some processing
 in its ClickHandler before activating the link or one can use a
 hyperlink which is tied to the history but no prior processing is
 possible since there are no listeners.

 is there any way of creating a link on which one can do some
 processing before re-directing the user's page and which has a tie in
 to the history.

Use any clickable widget and call History.newItem from your
ClickHandler. If you want the link to be bookmarkable (or, say,
right-click - open in new window/tab), then use an Anchor widget and
preventDefault() the ClickEvent; otherwise, you can use any kind of
button, or a Label/InlineLabel or HTML/InlineHTML (in this case, for
best accessibility, don't forget to
Accessibility.setRole(link.getElement(), Accessibility.ROLE_BUTTON);)

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Re: Why does GWT use UserAgent Sniffing?

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 23, 1:41 pm, DaveC wrote:
  So perhaps your question ought to be why GWT uses the user agent to put
  the browser into its 6 categories rather than using browser capability
  detection to put them into the same 6 categories.

 E... isn't that what I asked?

 So my question is NOT- why do we have deferred binding or why does
 test for different browser platforms BUT:

 Why does gwt parse the useragent string rather than using object/
 feature detection - due to the fragility of sniffing the ua string? 

You'd end up checking only some features to give you a hint, which is
way worse than using the useragent string.

Want an example?
if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) {
  // this is IE6, so I know:
  //  - I'll have to synthesize a click event from ondblclick
  //  - there'll be gotchas with image (pre)loading where the load
  //might happen synchronously or even not at all
  //  - I'll have to use AlphaImageLoader for sprites
  //  - ...
And now look at issue 3608:

(keep in mind that the selection script executes in the host page's
context, the iframe sandbox isn't created yet, so there's no $wnd)

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Re: style problems

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 20, 4:47 am, mibtar wrote:
 hi, i'm a bit new to this. but i'm having problems with styles,
 associating css files in particular.

 i'm using gwt 2.0 on firefox 3.5.7 and running on ubuntu.

 i created this class:

 public interface Resource extends ClientBundle{
     public interface DefaultStyle extends CssResource{
         public String menu();

     public DefaultStyle defaultstyle();


 defaultstyle.css contains:

     border-bottom:3px solid #c76df4;
     border-left:1px solid #c76df4;
     border-top:1px solid #c76df4;
     border-right:3px solid #c76df4;
     color: #324971;


 then i tried using the class:

 Resource resource = GWT.create(Resource.class);
 Label lbl = new Label(test);

 simply doesn't work. i can't seem to figure it out, i've tried
 changing the class name
 in the css . but nothing seems to work.

Have you injected the CSS?

 also, does anyone have any idea why the widget are not using any
 styles? for example, when i create a button i just get a plain button
 and not like the button in the showcase.

The Showcase uses the themes bundled with GWT
( being the default one)

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Form layout

2010-02-24 Thread Vik

Is there any form layout available to nicely place text and label fields on
my page in GWT ? Please guide

Thankx and Regards


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Re: cant compile since moving to gwr 2.0.3

2010-02-24 Thread ben fenster
after more digging i found the exact line that make it fail is
m_bundle= GWT.create(GlobalImageBundle.class);
what could cause client bundle creation fail without any exception
stack trace??

On Feb 24, 3:47 am, ben fenster wrote:
 my project was running fine in hosted and compiled modes but when i
 moved it to another computer with a fresh install and gwt 2.0.3 (was
 running on gwt2.0 before) it keep failing to compile without an
 explanation and when i run in debug i see it fails when i try to get
 an image from client bundle the last lines in the compile output were

             Rule did not match
             Rebind result was

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Re: how to embed flash in gwt?

2010-02-24 Thread mariyan nenchev
OK, i tried this gwt2swf lib but it is not working.
1) I created eclipse project with GEP
2) I added the inherit tag in the gwt.xml
3) I added the lib to my classpath
4) I created public folder and put there some swf
5) final SWFWidget swfWidget = new SWFWidget(myflash.swf, 300, 200);
swfWidget.addFlashVar(bridgeName, example);
6) Run in dev mode, but nothing is displayed.

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Clickable image component

2010-02-24 Thread Vik

Right now i have a button clicking on which a popup comes up.
How can i use an image instead of a button with the same behavior?

Thankx and Regards


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Re: Module declares a servlet class ....... , but the web.xml has no corresponding mapping; please add the following lines to your web.xml

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 22, 5:29 pm, Janka wrote:
 Hi to all,
 I tried to test the demo to understand
 Introduction to GWT Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) (with example

This article is nearly 3 years old !!!

How about the tutorials from the GWT documentation?

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cant compile since moving to gwr 2.0.3

2010-02-24 Thread ben fenster
my project was running fine in hosted and compiled modes but when i
moved it to another computer with a fresh install and gwt 2.0.3 (was
running on gwt2.0 before) it keep failing to compile without an
explanation and when i run in debug i see it fails when i try to get
an image from client bundle the last lines in the compile output were

Rule did not match
Rebind result was

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Re: Question : How set a parameter type as inout when using rpc with gwt ?

2010-02-24 Thread Chris Lercher
Hi Martin,

very interesting application you're working on. But - you're using a
Long for noOfFingers? BTW, how do I specify, which finger to cut off
first? ;-)

On Feb 24, 11:55 am, Martin Trummer wrote:
 there's no such thing as inout-parameters

 you'll have to return the new value

 if there are more values you want to return,
 then you have to declare a class that simply
 holds the value and use this class as the
 return type of your service-function

 class ReturnObject {
   String userName;
   Long noOfFingers


 public ReturnObject cutFingerOff(Long noOfFingersToCutOff, String
 userName, Long noOfFingers) {
   ReturnObject result = new ReturnObject ();
   result.noOffFingers = noOfFingers - noOfFingersToCutOff;
   if (result.noOffFingers = 0) {
      result.noOffFingers = 0;
      result.userName = no finger john;
   } else {
      result.userName = userName;
   return result;


 On 23 Feb., 21:32, Ehsan wrote:

  I've a sample gwt2 rpc service  i need to set some of it's parameters
  as out or inout (like out or ref parmeter types in microsoft wcf), but
  i could not find anything about it in gwt documents or related forums :
  Can anybody help me please ?!

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Re: Download failure

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 23, 4:04 pm, Maverick wrote:
 Hi all

 I'm experiencing a problem while implementing a download servlet; I'm
 not sure what's the nature of the problem, but since it appears
 withing a GWT/GAE application, I'm firstly posting it here. Please,
 let me know if this not the right place.

 I'm developing an application under Mac OS 10.5. In hosted mode (the
 only I can run now), the user produces some data on the client side,
 and then he has the possibility to save locally the data according to
 a file format. To do this, the data is jsonized and sent to an
 HttpServlet. The servlet de-jsonizes the data, writes it to some xml
 files, stores the files into a ZipOutputStream and writes the zip to
 the response output. The header content type of the response is then
 set as attachment and sent back.

 The symptom of the problem is that on the client side the response is
 received but the browser (Firefox) does not display the save as.

 Here is the smallest non-working server-side code (without zip/xml

 protected void doPost( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse
 resp )
                         throws ServletException, IOException
                 ServletOutputStream out = resp.getOutputStream();

                 resp.setContentType( application/download );

                 out.println( Test );
                 resp.setContentLength( 4 );

 And here is the client-side:

         void loadHttpServlet()
                 String url = GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() + saveProjectLocally;
                 RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder( 
 url );

                         builder.sendRequest( getJSONdata(), new 
 RequestCallback() {
                                 public void onError( Request request, 
 Throwable exception )

                                 public void onResponseReceived( Request 
                                                 Response response )
 //                                              Window.alert( 
 response.getStatusCode() +  -  +
 response.getText() );
                         } );
                 catch( Exception e )
                         Window.alert( e.getMessage() );

 Notice that:
 - response.getText() successfully reports Test
 - in Firebug, net panel, after the request has completed, if I right-
 click and select Open Response in New Tab, the Save as box appears
 and a file with random name (e.g., +hA6gF9P(2).part) is saved with the
 right content.

 I have googled a lot, both on the web and on this forum, to find a
 solution but I didn't find anything matching my problem.

 Any idea?

This is just the way XMLHttpRequest (hence RequestBuilder) work.
You'll have to use a FormPanel or (better IMO) create a temporary file
server-side (or whatever could be equivalent in GAE) and return a
download URL to your GWT app that you'd then to start
the download.

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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
Thanks for this Thomas this has helped me narrow down my problem, but Im
still not sure why Im getting the error heres my HTML code:

iframe src=javascript:'' id=__gwt_historyFrame tabIndex='-1'
table id=registration_page
td id=loadingcontainer
 Loading the Application, Please
td id=logincontainer

Heres my onmoduleLoad():
RootPanel.get(logincontainer).add(new HTML(+LOGIN SCREEN));

If I comment out the first line it works fine, and if I leave it as above I
get the error on the second line.

From what you have said, Im guessing that the very act of using the
setVisible is making GWT think that the registration_page is now a GWT
widget and so it now wont let me add the new HTML to the logincontainer
which is a child of registration_page, presumably because there is a
possibility that I could setVisible(false) and that would effectively
kill the logincontainer?!

Have I read this correct?

Again apologies to Vik for hijacking your thread, Im going to use my test
harness to try to recreate your issue in compensation, however I notice that
you seem to have defined a new JoinUsPopup class, and not included the code
for that, so its possible the problem is in the code for that class


On 24 February 2010 10:56, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Feb 24, 10:50 am, John Denley wrote:
  Have you checked the google development mode tab (assuming you are
  eclipse) for uncaught exceptions?
  Im thinking specifically the A widget that has an existing parent widget
  may not be added to the detach list which will just stop parts of your
  screen from loading without any other obvious/external warning/error
  I seem to be getting that error all over the place when I try to use the
  RootPanel.get().add() functionality, with no obviously good reason at
  moment. Plus I still cant work out what this really actually means! I
  mean to hijack your thread, but if anyone can explain this error in
  laymans terms Id appreciate it!

 It means you cannot RootPanel.get(...) or SomeWidget.wrap(...) an
 element that happens to be a child/descendant of a Widget (i.e. of an
 element which GWT thinks it is a GWT Widget's element).

 As for Vik's issue, sorry, no idea.

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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
OK Vik, so using the standard PopupPanel your code works fine for me

On 24 February 2010 12:40, John Denley wrote:

 Thanks for this Thomas this has helped me narrow down my problem, but Im
 still not sure why Im getting the error heres my HTML code:

 iframe src=javascript:'' id=__gwt_historyFrame tabIndex='-1'
 table id=registration_page
 td id=loadingcontainer
  Loading the Application, Please
 td id=logincontainer

 Heres my onmoduleLoad():
 RootPanel.get(logincontainer).add(new HTML(+LOGIN SCREEN));

 If I comment out the first line it works fine, and if I leave it as above I
 get the error on the second line.

 From what you have said, Im guessing that the very act of using the
 setVisible is making GWT think that the registration_page is now a GWT
 widget and so it now wont let me add the new HTML to the logincontainer
 which is a child of registration_page, presumably because there is a
 possibility that I could setVisible(false) and that would effectively
 kill the logincontainer?!

 Have I read this correct?

 Again apologies to Vik for hijacking your thread, Im going to use my test
 harness to try to recreate your issue in compensation, however I notice that
 you seem to have defined a new JoinUsPopup class, and not included the code
 for that, so its possible the problem is in the code for that class


 On 24 February 2010 10:56, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Feb 24, 10:50 am, John Denley wrote:
  Have you checked the google development mode tab (assuming you are
  eclipse) for uncaught exceptions?
  Im thinking specifically the A widget that has an existing parent
  may not be added to the detach list which will just stop parts of your
  screen from loading without any other obvious/external warning/error
  I seem to be getting that error all over the place when I try to use the
  RootPanel.get().add() functionality, with no obviously good reason at
  moment. Plus I still cant work out what this really actually means! I
  mean to hijack your thread, but if anyone can explain this error in
  laymans terms Id appreciate it!

 It means you cannot RootPanel.get(...) or SomeWidget.wrap(...) an
 element that happens to be a child/descendant of a Widget (i.e. of an
 element which GWT thinks it is a GWT Widget's element).

 As for Vik's issue, sorry, no idea.

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Re: Form layout

2010-02-24 Thread Ashar Lohmar
FlexTable should be one of the options, or Grid maybe, but flextable
allows you to to colspan and rowspan

using that you could build your own widget
that could have methods like addControl(String label, Widget control)
or something

On Feb 24, 1:59 pm, Vik wrote:

 Is there any form layout available to nicely place text and label fields on
 my page in GWT ? Please guide

 Thankx and Regards


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Re: Implement removable stock quote as in Google finance

2010-02-24 Thread Sean
Check out the MouseOverHandler Interface.

On Feb 24, 12:45 am, enjoylife wrote:
 In Google finance, when you mouse over a recent stock quote, it will
 display an X next to stock quote, click X will delete the quote.

 This feature is very nice, instead of waiting for user click, it uses
 mouse over, it more interactive and remove cluttering on the screen.

 Has anyone implemented this feature? What will be a good way to do


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FormPanel.onSubmit not canceled

2010-02-24 Thread Honza Rames
Hi everyone!

First of all, this is not the issue with hidden iframe not assigned to
a form.

I have two similar forms in my GWT app. Both of them cancel the submit
in onSubmit handler but one of them works (meaning the form isn't
sent) but the other one doesn't. I think it a browser error because I
tried to step through the code after GWT compiler produces the
resulting JS code and I modified hookEvents to show me the result
passed to form.onsubmit like this:
form.onsubmit = $entry(function(){
iframe  (iframe.__formAction = form.action);
var __res = listener.onFormSubmit();
return __res;
__res indeed is false but the form is sent regardless of it.

It looks like its a problem in Firefox (3.6), Chrome works just fine.

I fixed this by assigning dummy action that loads empty file.

Did anyone came ocross this problem as well? Do you have any other

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Re: Clickable image component

2010-02-24 Thread Sean
The Image class has the ability to add ClickHandlers to it.

Add a ClickHandler that in it's onClick method opens your Popup.

On Feb 24, 6:36 am, Vik wrote:

 Right now i have a button clicking on which a popup comes up.
 How can i use an image instead of a button with the same behavior?

 Thankx and Regards


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Re: How to provide a local css resource file with a Module

2010-02-24 Thread Ashar Lohmar
another bad from me, :(.
 I'm kind-of a junior to intermediate in Java and sometime I mix the
terms, thanks Thomas for correcting me.

On Feb 24, 1:06 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On Feb 23, 6:14 pm, Ashish Khivesara

  Thanks Ashar for your response. I am a little perplexed though. Java
  does not allow the 'public' as part of package name, and hence eclipse
  does not let me do that. So how can one name a package as e.g. (if I understood what you meant

 In Eclipse, create a folder, not a package, it'll work.

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Re: Disabling click on DecoratedStackPanel

2010-02-24 Thread Martin D'Aloia
check the method public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) on StackPanel
(DecoratedStackPanel extends from it)... you need to override this method.

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:24 AM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:

 anyone ?

 On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Abdullah Shaikh wrote:

 Hi All,

 I have a DecoratedStackPanel, the stacks of which I want to show
 programatically  using the showStack method, but I want to disable the user
 clicking on the stack to open it, how to disable click ?


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Re: Implement removable stock quote as in Google finance

2010-02-24 Thread Christian Goudreau
Yeah, it's really simple to implements, you only have to embed any widget
inside a FocusPanel. Then you'll be able to read any mouse action on that


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Sean wrote:

 Check out the MouseOverHandler Interface.

 On Feb 24, 12:45 am, enjoylife wrote:
  In Google finance, when you mouse over a recent stock quote, it will
  display an X next to stock quote, click X will delete the quote.
  This feature is very nice, instead of waiting for user click, it uses
  mouse over, it more interactive and remove cluttering on the screen.
  Has anyone implemented this feature? What will be a good way to do

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Using GWT 2 Custom Events

2010-02-24 Thread David
My new Blog Post Using GWT 2 Custom Events :

Contains a simple example of build custom events and firing them.

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Re: Clickable image component

2010-02-24 Thread Vik

Thanks this worked. How about changing the mouse icon on hovering this
image?  Without that people might not know if that is clickable.

Thankx and Regards


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 7:12 PM, Sean wrote:

 The Image class has the ability to add ClickHandlers to it.

 Add a ClickHandler that in it's onClick method opens your Popup.

 On Feb 24, 6:36 am, Vik wrote:
  Right now i have a button clicking on which a popup comes up.
  How can i use an image instead of a button with the same behavior?
  Thankx and Regards

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GWT 1.7.1 IE7 and ClickHandler that not work

2010-02-24 Thread koziolek
I search this in google, but i don't find solution.
I have code like this:

public void addModule(final Module module) {
final HtmlListItem moduleItem = new 
moduleItem.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

public void onClick(ClickEvent paramClickEvent) {
try {


currentItem = moduleItem;

currentItem.setStylePrimaryName(module-title current-module);
} catch (Exception e) {

in FF3.6 when user click moduleItem ( this is LI element - text is in
DIV elment added to LI) then code execude correctly. But in IE7 code
doesn't execute.

My addClickHandler in HtmlListItem class :
public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(final ClickHandler
paramClickHandler) {

HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration = new HandlerRegistration()

public void removeHandler()


How to change this code to work in

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GWT 1.7.x missing plugin issue

2010-02-24 Thread eric smith

I don't know if it can help, but I had this issue trying to run Hosted
Mode from command line with GWT 1.7.0.
Then I get this weird message missing plugin.
After some effort I found out that for some reason I had to set the
port selection automatic by adding this parameters to the JVM:
-port auto

I know it work! I think my environment does not like the default 
GWT port

I think this link can help also :


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passing multiple variables from the server to client

2010-02-24 Thread Magic
I'm new to gwt  and I'm trying to pass data from the server (database)
to the client. I'm able to pass one variable successfully let's say
someone first name, but I can't not seem to find a way to pass two
variables to the client using RPC, i.e. an ID and NAME. Can someone
help me with this I know it's something small I'm over looking I just
can't figure it out. Thanks

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Plugin failed to connect to hosted mode server

2010-02-24 Thread Kimseng
Dear Sir,

After run debugging in Eclipse, I copy url to paste to the browser, it
always shows the error dialog
like this

Plugin failed to connect to hosted mode server

Actually, I have installed gwt-dev plugin already but I really wonder
why it asks me all the time.
I run on Ubuntu 9.10 and Eclipse galelio

this is the url:

Thanks for any comment.

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Internal exception in GWT 2.0.2 Compile

2010-02-24 Thread MeisaM
I can't compile my GWT project, because of this exception:

 [java] Compiling module com.jdnet.disqas.disqas
 [java][ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/MeisaM/gwt-2.0.2/gwt-
 [java]   [ERROR] Line 34:  Rebind result
'' cannot be abstract
 [java][ERROR] Errors in 'jar:file:/C:/MeisaM/gwt-2.0.2/gwt-
 [java]   [ERROR] Line 22:  Rebind result
'' cannot be abstract
 [java][ERROR] Cannot proceed due to previous errors


please help me to solve the problem.

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Re: Specifying -bindAddress with gwt-maven-plugin

2010-02-24 Thread JRuiz
I was not able to use that switch in maven.

On Feb 22, 5:42 pm, Nathan Wells wrote:
 Have any of you maven users out there (or anyone at all, really)
 figured out how to specify a bindAddress argument in the gwt:run goal?
 I would like to be able to connect to the gwt server from a VM on my
 machine, but can't find a way to do that, currently. Is there some way
 of specifying arguments to the gwt server other than the standard
 maven configuration?


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Issue: Compile GWT1.6.4 code on 64 bit OS CentOS - JDK 1.6.0_04

2010-02-24 Thread AmolSawant
Hello Friends,

While compiling GWT code on 64-bit CentOS with Jdk1.6.0_04, I get the
following message:
Please advise.

Build tool used is CruiseControl that calls a master build.xml :

[cc]Feb-24 01:33:09 ScriptRunner  - copyGWTCompileCode:
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:10 ScriptRunner  -
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:10 ScriptRunner  - compileGWTCode:
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:24 ScriptRunner  -  [java] Compiling module
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # An unexpected error
has been detected by Java Runtime Environment:
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at
pc=0x2b82de3c822a, pid=9372, tid=1146300736
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # Java VM: Java
HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (10.0-b19 mixed mode linux-amd64)
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # Problematic frame:
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # V  [
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # An error report file
with more information is saved as:
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # /data/cc/
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # If you would like to
submit a bug report, please visit:
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # The crash happened
outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] # See problematic
frame for where to report the bug.
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] #
[cc]Feb-24 01:33:34 ScriptRunner  -  [java] Java Result: 134


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run GWT under eclipse platform using equinox http service

2010-02-24 Thread shady shrif
Hi all,
i now working on a project which use eclipse platform on the server
side and the UI of the project will be built GWT
i'm using equinox http service which allows me to make HTTPServelt
inside my eclipse but this time i need my eclipse plug-in hold the GWT
server side remoteServiceServelt
i wonder if you can help me.

thanks for you time
Shady Shrif

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help Regarding beginner in GWT

2010-02-24 Thread molleman
Hello guys,

So i am having trouble, i am a student doing a project using GWT. I
want to be able to have a login/logout website but my  trouble is i do
not know where to start. There are no tutorials out there to help. I
have searched the web. My project will look like the mail sample
application with file uploading and sharing. But my trouble is i do
not know where to start. I am going to use hibernate4gwt for Database
persistence to store data on users and files uploaded. But as i look
through the mail application and other sample application, i just do
not know how to setup the login/logout service i want to provide. It
should be the simplest part for me. Cause if i was developing with
Tapestry i would be able to do it.It is so simple. But i want to be
able to do it with GWT Could someone point me in the right direction.

Thanks for listening


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Integration of GWT2.0 with Struts1

2010-02-24 Thread Gyan
I am very much new to dis forum .
I hv just started learning GWT . I have an application implementing
struts 1.x   want to use some of the GWT features (eg  SUGGESTION
BOX) in my application . we are strictly following MVC architecture .
Now i want to know  step by step procedure to integrate GWT with
struts1.x  .

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Error Message

2010-02-24 Thread Steve
I'm getting the following error messages in my code:

20:20:48.017 [ERROR] [resolutionfriend] Line 293: No source code is
available for type edu.washington.cs.resolutionfriend.Schedule; did
you forget to inherit a required module?
20:20:48.068 [ERROR] [resolutionfriend] Line 296: No source code is
available for type edu.washington.cs.resolutionfriend.Reminder; did
you forget to inherit a required module?
20:20:48.068 [ERROR] [resolutionfriend] Line 296: No source code is
available for type edu.washington.cs.resolutionfriend.Milestone; did
you forget to inherit a required module?
20:20:48.068 [ERROR] [resolutionfriend] Line 296: No source code is
available for type edu.washington.cs.resolutionfriend.Goal.Privacy;
did you forget to inherit a required module?
20:20:48.068 [ERROR] [resolutionfriend] Line 296: No source code is
available for type edu.washington.cs.resolutionfriend.MilestoneGoal;
did you forget to inherit a required module?
20:20:48.068 [ERROR] [resolutionfriend] Line 296: No source code is
available for type edu.washington.cs.resolutionfriend.EnduranceGoal;
did you forget to inherit a required module?

This happens when working with the client-side forms, and I refer to a
class I have. I'm not sure which modules I need to inherit or which
xml files to mess with. Could someone please help?


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Migration Traditional Web to GWT

2010-02-24 Thread Kimseng
Dear Sir,

I would like your idea on how to convert my existing web application
developed on Maven, Struts 1, Hibernate and Mysql to GWT and BigTable
Data Store.

Happy to get any idea on this.


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Image Viewing with GWT (TIFF and DICOM)

2010-02-24 Thread dwin

I am trying to display images that are of tiff and dicom formats but
is facing problems in doing so.
Is it possible to display images of thses types of format?


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Invoking JS file

2010-02-24 Thread Šobis

I have s problem with flexcroll.js file.

I have it included in my projects HTML and when I run project it wors

But later in my projcet I delete all widget from RootPanel -

and flexcroll,js funcionallity is not working any more. I tried all
different things like attaching it again and so on but nothing works.

Any idea what am I doing wrong?

best Matej

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Re: Invoking JS file

2010-02-24 Thread rudolf michael
try RootPanel.get().clear();

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Šobis wrote:


 I have s problem with flexcroll.js file.

 I have it included in my projects HTML and when I run project it wors

 But later in my projcet I delete all widget from RootPanel -

 and flexcroll,js funcionallity is not working any more. I tried all
 different things like attaching it again and so on but nothing works.

 Any idea what am I doing wrong?

 best Matej

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Design question

2010-02-24 Thread Vik

I am fairly new to GWT and here is my question

I have already a jsp/html base web application.  I am trying to replace some
parts of this app using GWT.

So, currently i can see there is a default module xml is created.  I added a
new EntryPoint class in the app for implementing a
popup on page 1.

Now, for page 2 which has another kind of form should i create a new module
class and entry point class for this form?
or should i just create another entry point class in the existing module?
or should i use the same entry point class and in the onModuleLoad method
based on the div element present I should
just render that particular ui ?

Thankx and Regards


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Re: cant compile since moving to gwr 2.0.3

2010-02-24 Thread ben fenster
thanks but it worked after i restarted my computer :)

On Feb 24, 6:36 am, PKolenic wrote:
 It might be throwing a throwable and not an exception.
 Try wrapping it in:

 try {
      m_bundle = GWT.create(GlobalImageBundle.class);} catch(Throwable throw) {



 That should help tract down better what is going on.

 On Feb 24, 5:05 am, ben fenster wrote:

  after more digging i found the exact line that make it fail is
  m_bundle= GWT.create(GlobalImageBundle.class);
  what could cause client bundle creation fail without any exception
  stack trace??

  On Feb 24, 3:47 am, ben fenster wrote:

   my project was running fine in hosted and compiled modes but when i
   moved it to another computer with a fresh install and gwt 2.0.3 (was
   running on gwt2.0 before) it keep failing to compile without an
   explanation and when i run in debug i see it fails when i try to get
   an image from client bundle the last lines in the compile output were

               Rule did not match
               Rebind result was Hide quoted text -

  - Show quoted text -

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Re: DatePicker disabling specified dates

2010-02-24 Thread Ice13ill
I tried using formatting but i can't disable the cells of the

I just want to disable all dates before a given date. how do i do
that ?

On Jan 20, 6:54 pm, Jim Douglas wrote:
 If you're using a DateBox, you can define a custom Format with your
 own parsing rules with:

      setFormat(new CustomDateFormat(DateTimeFormat.getFormat

     private static final String DATE_BOX_FORMAT_ERROR =

     private class CustomDateFormat extends DateBox.DefaultFormat
         public CustomDateFormat(DateTimeFormat dateTimeFormat)

         public Date parse(DateBox dateBox, String dateText, boolean
             Date date = null;
                 if (dateText.length()  0)
                     date = getDateTimeFormat().parseStrict(dateText);
             catch (Exception exception)
                 // According to the documentation, this should be an
                 // IllegalArgumentException, but bugs in
                 // can cause other exceptions to be thrown, for
                 // java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String
 index out of range: 0
                 // at java.lang.String.charAt(
                 // at
             if (date == null)
                 // If there are other formats you want to support, do
 the parsing here
             if (date != null)
                 // If there aredatesthat you want to disallow, set
 date to null here
             if (date == null  reportError)
             return date;

 On Jan 19, 8:02 am, Mark Davis wrote:


  I need todisablespecifieddatesin DatePicker.

  What is the best way to do it?

  thanks in advance,

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Re: Design question

2010-02-24 Thread Alexander Arendar
Hi Vik,

please read this article:


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Vik wrote:


 I am fairly new to GWT and here is my question

 I have already a jsp/html base web application.  I am trying to replace
 some parts of this app using GWT.

 So, currently i can see there is a default module xml is created.  I added
 a new EntryPoint class in the app for implementing a
 popup on page 1.

 Now, for page 2 which has another kind of form should i create a new module
 class and entry point class for this form?
 or should i just create another entry point class in the existing module?
 or should i use the same entry point class and in the onModuleLoad method
 based on the div element present I should
 just render that particular ui ?

 Thankx and Regards


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Re: Read-only RichTextArea?

2010-02-24 Thread Christian Goudreau
I also came into that problem... BTW there's already a setEnabled function
that should work, but doesn't... I'll check issues and report that if it's
not already.


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:13 AM, selezovikj semir.elezo...@gmail.comwrote: (TypeError):
 iframe.contentWindow is null

 What do you think might be causing this null pointer exception ?

 On Jan 12, 1:23 pm, Manuel Carrasco Moñino wrote:
  This method also works in IE
  private native void setEnabled(Element iframe, boolean b) /*-{
 var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
 if (doc.body.contentEditable)
 doc.body.contentEditable = b;
 doc.designMode = b ? 'On' : 'Off';
  On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Manuel Carrasco Moñino
   You can try setting on/off the iframe designMode attribute , something
  RichTextArea area = new RichTextArea();
  setEnabled(area.getElement(), false);
  native void setEnabled(Element iframe, boolean b) /*-{
  iframe.contentWindow.document.designMode = b ? 'On' : 'Off';
   It works for ff and webkit, ie seems not working.
   Manuel Carrasco Moñino
   On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 6:05 AM, vacorda
   You can try something like this this:
   DOM.setElementPropertyBoolean(getElement(), disabled, true or
   On Jan 2, 5:56 pm, Elchin wrote:
One way would be catching all events, and redoing them, but that is
big time hassle, I wonder if there is any way to do it from DOM?
On Dec 16 2009, 6:28 pm, Elchin wrote:
 Is there a way to makeRichTextArearead-only like
 What I need in my application is the possibility to edit the rich
 only by buttons in toolbar, and not through typing.
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Re: Read-only RichTextArea?

2010-02-24 Thread Christian Goudreau
Found it, as been fixed and will be released soon.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 9:59 AM, Christian Goudreau wrote:

 I also came into that problem... BTW there's already a setEnabled function
 that should work, but doesn't... I'll check issues and report that if it's
 not already.


 On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:13 AM, selezovikj semir.elezo...@gmail.comwrote: (TypeError):
 iframe.contentWindow is null

 What do you think might be causing this null pointer exception ?

 On Jan 12, 1:23 pm, Manuel Carrasco Moñino wrote:
  This method also works in IE
  private native void setEnabled(Element iframe, boolean b) /*-{
 var doc = iframe.contentWindow.document;
 if (doc.body.contentEditable)
 doc.body.contentEditable = b;
 doc.designMode = b ? 'On' : 'Off';
  On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:10 PM, Manuel Carrasco Moñino
   You can try setting on/off the iframe designMode attribute , something
  RichTextArea area = new RichTextArea();
  setEnabled(area.getElement(), false);
  native void setEnabled(Element iframe, boolean b) /*-{
  iframe.contentWindow.document.designMode = b ? 'On' : 'Off';
   It works for ff and webkit, ie seems not working.
   Manuel Carrasco Moñino
   On Sun, Jan 3, 2010 at 6:05 AM, vacorda
   You can try something like this this:
   DOM.setElementPropertyBoolean(getElement(), disabled, true or
   On Jan 2, 5:56 pm, Elchin wrote:
One way would be catching all events, and redoing them, but that is
big time hassle, I wonder if there is any way to do it from DOM?
On Dec 16 2009, 6:28 pm, Elchin wrote:
 Is there a way to makeRichTextArearead-only like
 What I need in my application is the possibility to edit the rich
 only by buttons in toolbar, and not through typing.
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Re: ClassNotLoaded exception on serialized class

2010-02-24 Thread JA
I'm using GWT 2.0, and it looks like it does not need this
annotation.  I'll try it anyway.

On Feb 23, 9:38 pm, Blessed Geek wrote:
 Need more details. Which version of gwt are you using?

 For gwt 1.7 I had to do this.

 It is possible your problem is due to your failure to declare
 Whenever you use your own serializable classes you have to @annotate
 its structure in the comment section of the code to inform gwt
 compiler about your datatype.

 For example, to allow you to pass HashmapString, String as
 parameter, and expecting ListGameResult to be returned, you have to
 @annotate the following in your gwt java source.
 * @gwt.TypeArgs toServerData java.util.HashMap
 * @gwt.TypeArgs
 public interface MyGame
  List serviceResponse(
   HashMapString, String toServerData);


 For gwt 1.6, 1.7, a section of this document would describe use of

 However, I am unable to locate the same documentation for gwt 2.0. Not
 sure if it typeargs are still required. but you could try.

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Re: GWT 1.7.1 IE7 and ClickHandler that not work

2010-02-24 Thread koziolek
Ok... I find bug... in IE7...

ClickHandler should be add to all widgets in HtmlListItem.

On 24 Lut, 15:15, koziolek wrote:
 I search this in google, but i don't find solution.
 I have code like this:

         public void addModule(final Module module) {
                 final HtmlListItem moduleItem = new 
                 moduleItem.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {

                         public void onClick(ClickEvent paramClickEvent) {
                                 try {
                                         currentItem = moduleItem;
 currentItem.setStylePrimaryName(module-title current-module);
                                 } catch (Exception e) {

 in FF3.6 when user click moduleItem ( this is LI element - text is in
 DIV elment added to LI) then code execude correctly. But in IE7 code
 doesn't execute.

 My addClickHandler in HtmlListItem class :
 public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(final ClickHandler
 paramClickHandler) {

         HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration = new HandlerRegistration()

                 public void removeHandler()



 How to change this code to work in

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Announcing GWT 2.0.3

2010-02-24 Thread John LaBanca
The GWT 2.0.3 point release is now available for download. It contains
fixes for bugs found in the 2.0.0 release.

Noteworthy Fixed Issues

  - Using a PopupPanel in Internet Explorer without a history IFrame throws
a NullPointerException
 - Opera support for Historyis not working

John on behalf of the Google Web Toolkit team

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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread Thomas Broyer

On Feb 24, 1:40 pm, John Denley wrote:
 Thanks for this Thomas this has helped me narrow down my problem, but Im
 still not sure why Im getting the error heres my HTML code:

     iframe src=javascript:'' id=__gwt_historyFrame tabIndex='-1'
 table id=registration_page
     td id=loadingcontainer
          Loading the Application, Please
     td id=logincontainer

 Heres my onmoduleLoad():
     RootPanel.get(logincontainer).add(new HTML(+LOGIN SCREEN));


 If I comment out the first line it works fine, and if I leave it as above I
 get the error on the second line.

 From what you have said, Im guessing that the very act of using the
 setVisible is making GWT think that the registration_page is now a GWT

No, RootPanel.get(...) creates a RootPanel widget that wraps the
element, whether you call setVisible or not.

 and so it now wont let me add the new HTML to the logincontainer
 which is a child of registration_page, presumably because there is a
 possibility that I could setVisible(false) and that would effectively
 kill the logincontainer?!

Possibly because you could do weird things with the
registration_page that would somehow put logincontainer in such a
state that GWT would correctly clean up after itself on page unload,
leading to memory leaks.
As I said on issue 3511 a while ago:
If all you want to do with rightTopTable is make it visible/
invisible, use
Document.get().getElementById(rightTopTable) and then
getStyle().setProperty(display, none) or UIObject.setVisible(e,
false); you don't
need a Widget here.

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detecting if frame is loaded and if there is an scrollbar...

2010-02-24 Thread Prashant Gupta

My GWT module is using a frame widget, I want to resize the frame so that
the webpage inside fits in and no scroll bar or extra space appears. how do
i detect if the frame is loaded and is there an scrollbar in the frame?

Thanks for any help...

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Re: Issues in embedding same GWT component twice on the same page

2010-02-24 Thread John Denley
AH-HA (yes that was my AH-HA moment!)

That really helps me understand your original post that you mentioned below,
I didnt get the significance of you saying you don't need a Widget here.
because as far as my application was working, I didnt HAVE a widget, and i
didnt want a widget, and as far as I knew i was not creating a widget, but
now you tell me that using RootPanel.get() turns that section INTO a widget,
it all suddenly makes sense! LOL

Thanks, I think i can figure it all out from here now...

On 24 February 2010 15:30, Thomas Broyer wrote:

 On Feb 24, 1:40 pm, John Denley wrote:
  Thanks for this Thomas this has helped me narrow down my problem, but Im
  still not sure why Im getting the error heres my HTML code:
  iframe src=javascript:'' id=__gwt_historyFrame tabIndex='-1'
  table id=registration_page
  td id=loadingcontainer
   Loading the Application, Please
  td id=logincontainer
  Heres my onmoduleLoad():
  RootPanel.get(logincontainer).add(new HTML(+LOGIN SCREEN));
  If I comment out the first line it works fine, and if I leave it as above
  get the error on the second line.
  From what you have said, Im guessing that the very act of using the
  setVisible is making GWT think that the registration_page is now a

 No, RootPanel.get(...) creates a RootPanel widget that wraps the
 element, whether you call setVisible or not.

  and so it now wont let me add the new HTML to the logincontainer
  which is a child of registration_page, presumably because there is a
  possibility that I could setVisible(false) and that would effectively
  kill the logincontainer?!

 Possibly because you could do weird things with the
 registration_page that would somehow put logincontainer in such a
 state that GWT would correctly clean up after itself on page unload,
 leading to memory leaks.
 As I said on issue 3511 a while ago:
 If all you want to do with rightTopTable is make it visible/
 invisible, use
 Document.get().getElementById(rightTopTable) and then
 getStyle().setProperty(display, none) or UIObject.setVisible(e,
 false); you don't
 need a Widget here.

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Re: how to embed flash in gwt?

2010-02-24 Thread mariyan nenchev
Hi, i was having path problems. Excuse me!

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Re: NumberFormat/DateTimeFormat reusability

2010-02-24 Thread cretz
Since you are in JavaScript, thread safety should not matter as far as
concurrent updates to object state. Regardless, you can see from the
code in both classes that the state is not really changed once the
pattern has been parsed.

Of course, there can be memory size issues if you store lots objects
statically versus creating as necessary (a CPU issue). That is your
decision based on your design.

On Feb 23, 3:21 pm, Evgeny Shepelyuk wrote:

 Are classes mentioned in subject thread-safew and reusable.
 For instance if i'm using them in cell renderer in GXT grid for formatting  
 Should i create instance each time i need to format value or instance can  
 be created once and then reused ?

 Best Regards
 Evgeny K. Shepelt      

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Re: Image Viewing with GWT (TIFF and DICOM)

2010-02-24 Thread Thad
GWT can only do what browsers can do, and browsers won't display these
formats without a plugin.

You can purchase a plugin from some 3rd party, or you can convert the
image to a format supported by your browser, like JPEG or PNG, and
display that.  To convert the image, you need a commercial library or
Sun's JAI/JAI-ImageI/O.

My application supports a document imaging/document management system
in which the vast majority of the images are TIFF Gp4 (with just
enough of other formats, TIFF and otherwise, to keep me on my toes).
I use JAI and JAI-ImageI/O to decompress, manipulate, and convert the
images to PNG for display in the browser.

On Feb 24, 2:32 am, dwin wrote:

 I am trying to display images that are of tiff and dicom formats but
 is facing problems in doing so.
 Is it possible to display images of thses types of format?


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Unable to run ant devmode (NullPointerException)

2010-02-24 Thread stinnux

i am just starting to try GWT and i already fail at the Get started
with the GWT SDK section.

I am supposed to run ant devmode, but i get the following result:

tstin...@linux-2d15:~/devel/gwt/MyWebApp ant devmode
Buildfile: build.xml



 [java] Exception in thread GWT Update Checker
 [java] java.lang.NullPointerException

Total time: 1 second

java is the sun sdk 16.0_18. I am running under SLED11 (virtualized
inside VirtualBox). Internet Access is possible.

Any Idea what might be wrong?

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Re: Image Viewing with GWT (TIFF and DICOM)

2010-02-24 Thread Chris Lercher
And for DICOM, I have made some ok experiences with the free (at least
as free as in beer?!) toolkit dcmtk. Maybe you'll find this useful:

dcmtk can be downloaded here:

It's written in C, not in Java, so you'll have to use JNI or interface
with the command line.


On Feb 24, 6:58 pm, Thad wrote:
 GWT can only do what browsers can do, and browsers won't display these
 formats without a plugin.

 You can purchase a plugin from some 3rd party, or you can convert the
 image to a format supported by your browser, like JPEG or PNG, and
 display that.  To convert the image, you need a commercial library or
 Sun's JAI/JAI-ImageI/O.

 My application supports a document imaging/document management system
 in which the vast majority of the images are TIFF Gp4 (with just
 enough of other formats, TIFF and otherwise, to keep me on my toes).
 I use JAI and JAI-ImageI/O to decompress, manipulate, and convert the
 images to PNG for display in the browser.

 On Feb 24, 2:32 am, dwin wrote:


  I am trying to display images that are of tiff and dicom formats but
  is facing problems in doing so.
  Is it possible to display images of thses types of format?


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Re: Invoking JS file

2010-02-24 Thread Šobis
It's not problem with clear, it looks it works too good:)

Problem is, that after clearing root panel, I attach widget with inner
HTML, which should invoke js file (class in the HTML div does that).
But nothing happens...

On Feb 24, 3:41 pm, rudolf michael wrote:
 try RootPanel.get().clear();

 On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Šobis wrote:

  I have s problem with flexcroll.js file.

  I have it included in my projects HTML and when I run project it wors

  But later in my projcet I delete all widget from RootPanel -

  and flexcroll,js funcionallity is not working any more. I tried all
  different things like attaching it again and so on but nothing works.

  Any idea what am I doing wrong?

  best Matej

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Re: Validating ClientBundles ?

2010-02-24 Thread Keith Platfoot
Hi Andrey,

I'm looking into this now, and will try to resolve it for the 1.3 release.



On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 4:49 AM, Andrey wrote:

 Hi there,

 Are there any news about this issue? I've got two GWT installations -
 1.7.0 and 2.0.0 and NO (!) google projects in my workspace. Still,
 when opening a large non-gwt project always crashes eclipse. This is
 definitely a show-stopper!

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Re: silly post about modules

2010-02-24 Thread bkbonner
Sweet.  Thanks.

On Feb 24, 6:16 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On Feb 23, 10:45 pm, bkbonner wrote:

  I just want to verify a bet I have with someone.

  A primary benefit of modules is reuse.  Is there any benefit to
  performance with using modules?

 Absolutely no.

 (there might be a small impact on the compile time, where each
 module's gwt.xml has to be parsed and adds entries to the resource
 oracle, but there's absolutely no impact on the generated code; have
 you tried a simple app with 2 classes in either a single or two
 modules? I bet the generated code will be exactly identical, except
 for class names of course ;-) )

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Re: Substituting your own java class instead of GWT-provided one

2010-02-24 Thread Yaakov
Ok, I just found the page that talks about it:

I am not sure if this will work for the GWT compile process, but I'll

I also not understanding this line in the document:

Because the browser is not always known, you must specify a default
deferred binding that is suitable on all browsers. Add that deferred
binding to Emulation.gwt.xml. Here is what it looks like for

It this telling us to unwrap the gwt-user.jar, change
Emulation.gwt.xml and and rewrap it again???


On Feb 24, 1:35 pm, Yaakov wrote:

 I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it's possible to through
 gwt.xml to substitute your own class instead of the GWT-provided one.
 Could someone point me to a resource where it would explain how to do
 it, etc.

 The reason I am attempting this is because of this bug in GWT

 I would really like to use generics in my Async interface and Andrew
 submitted a patch which doesn't look like will be making it into GWT
 release any time soon (judging by the status of the bug).

 Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Validating ClientBundles ?

2010-02-24 Thread Keith Platfoot
I have a patch out to resolve this bug, so look for it to be fixed in 1.3.
 We're going to make available a special preview build of 1.3 next week, so
watch for an announcement in this mailing list and let me know if the 1.3
preview does not fix this for you.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 2:33 PM, Keith Platfoot kplatf...@google.comwrote:

 Hi Andrey,

 I'm looking into this now, and will try to resolve it for the 1.3 release.



 On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 4:49 AM, Andrey razumovsky.and...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi there,

 Are there any news about this issue? I've got two GWT installations -
 1.7.0 and 2.0.0 and NO (!) google projects in my workspace. Still,
 when opening a large non-gwt project always crashes eclipse. This is
 definitely a show-stopper!

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Re: How to implement body onload=jsFunction()

2010-02-24 Thread davidroe
perhaps something like this?

public void onModuleLoad() {

// put code here that constructs the widget and inserts it into 

DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
public void execute() {
// put code here that checks the height of the 


On Feb 24, 7:33 am, Jim wrote:
  I want to get Widget.getOffsetHeight. In Widget.onload,
 getOffsetHeight returns 0. I think once document is ready,
 Widget.getOffsetHeight returns true height. Is there a way to
 implement onload for html body element?



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Re: GWT + FormPanel + FileUpload + HTTPS

2010-02-24 Thread dk
In our case we never would take advantage of RequestBuilder's username
and password fields.  All of our apps that require authentication have
the auth handled by the web server.  Each app lives under a directory
with Basic Auth enabled on the directory.  We also redirect all non-
SSL traffice to the auth'd dirs to https versions of the URL.  The
server side scripts can then get the remote_user info from the query
string.  We would not use the RequestBuilder username and password
because we figure those strings must be embedded in the resulting
javascript. and that might prove to be to tempting a target.

We have a couple of apps that live under SSL redirected dirs as above
but without authentication set.  These apps ask for usernames and
passwords and pass that info along with the form data over the SSL
connection to the server.

On Jan 20, 7:48 am, chillyspoon wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 We use GWT extensively for a highly interactive user interface that
 administers various software and hardware systems via a combination of

 Right now I need to introduce functionality for file upload that is
 posting (HTTP POST) to an SSL URL with preemptive BASIC AUTH.  We are
 using GWT 1.7 and cannot upgrade to 2.0 at this point by the way.

 I have noticed that RequestBuilder provides the means to set a user
 and password but do not know how to use this in conjunction with
 FormPanel and theFileUploadwidget. Although I suspect that a
 successful no op RequestBuilder request will be enough to provide
 authentication for following requests in the same session.

 My real problem is making any request as I don't appear to be able to
 POST to a SSL protected URL at all.


         RequestBuilder rb = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.POST,
         rb.setHeader(http.authentication.preemptive, true);

 The URL definitely exists and is listening - I can post it using other

 Access to restricted URI denied

 I suspect I'm not even getting out of the browser but thought that it
 should work as long as I'm on the same domain - would a different port
 (which I do have) cause the same security gate to close?



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Re: How to implement body onload=jsFunction()

2010-02-24 Thread Jim
it works like a charm. Thanks.

On Feb 24, 4:38 pm, davidroe wrote:
 perhaps something like this?

         public void onModuleLoad() {

                 // put code here that constructs the widget and inserts it 
 into the

                 DeferredCommand.addCommand(new Command() {
                         public void execute() {
                                 // put code here that checks the height of 
 the widget


 On Feb 24, 7:33 am, Jim wrote:

   I want to get Widget.getOffsetHeight. In Widget.onload,
  getOffsetHeight returns 0. I think once document is ready,
  Widget.getOffsetHeight returns true height. Is there a way to
  implement onload for html body element?



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Re: ClassNotLoaded exception on serialized class

2010-02-24 Thread JA
Nope - adding that doesnt work either.
Is there anything else people have been doing with GWT 2.0 to
instantiate serializable classes on the server?

On Feb 24, 7:02 am, JA wrote:
 I'm using GWT 2.0, and it looks like it does not need this
 annotation.  I'll try it anyway.

 On Feb 23, 9:38 pm, Blessed Geek wrote:

  Need more details. Which version of gwt are you using?

  For gwt 1.7 I had to do this.

  It is possible your problem is due to your failure to declare
  Whenever you use your own serializable classes you have to @annotate
  its structure in the comment section of the code to inform gwt
  compiler about your datatype.

  For example, to allow you to pass HashmapString, String as
  parameter, and expecting ListGameResult to be returned, you have to
  @annotate the following in your gwt java source.
  * @gwt.TypeArgs toServerData java.util.HashMap
  * @gwt.TypeArgs
  public interface MyGame
   List serviceResponse(
    HashMapString, String toServerData);


  For gwt 1.6, 1.7, a section of this document would describe use of

  However, I am unable to locate the same documentation for gwt 2.0. Not
  sure if it typeargs are still required. but you could try.

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Re: Is there a best practice for compiling multiple modules?

2010-02-24 Thread JimmyJoe
That is where we started, but thanks for the reminder to check it
again -- things may have changed.  (They didn't, but it doesn't hurt
to look!)

During various JavaOne and GoogleIO presentations a few other methods
have been identified to speed things up, but for the most part we have
incorporated those ideas already as well.

If I recall correctly, the folks at ZoHo are migrating to GWT from a
set of JSPs, not unlike what we are up to; perhaps they have some
tips.  I can't imagine many other teams being in a similar situation
with a large number of modules.

 - Jim.

On Feb 19, 6:43 am, DaveC wrote:
 The only thing I could suggest is outlined 
 (but you've probably already looked at this...)

 Sorry I can't be more help - it has got me thinking though, where I
 work will probably run into the same problem in the (near) future.


 On Feb 19, 12:47 am, JimmyJoe wrote:

  I appear to be in a rare situation with regard to GWT use:  my team
  has dozens of independent GWT modules and our compile times are rising
  as we add more modules.

  A couple years back the company I work for decided to switch to GWT
  for new product development.  We have a SaaS portal that has dozens of
  legacy applications written in JSPs, so this was a big change for

  Now that we do all new development in GWT, we are developing all new
  products as separate modules, each of which is hosted in its own JSP
  (to take advantage of all our legacy code there, punt on some
  development costs, etc.).  They fit in with our existing code very

  Long story short, we now find ourselves with upwards of 20 modules and
  climbing, and our complete build times are getting extraordinarily

  Here's a little more info:

  Many of our modules are built on a common framework which is its own
  module sans entrypoint.  Often a module will consist of a single page
  of functionality distinct from other features in our product suite --
  for instance setting org preferences, searching for emails, etc.  Some
  of the modules could be combined, such as administration modules; my
  concern with that approach is that we're still using GWT 1.7 and don't
  have code splitting to keep our performance numbers good if we go that

  Regardless of that special case, however, we will eventually have
  dozens of large(-ish?), complex GWT modules that need to be regularly
  compile.  Even with Ant's parallel and GWT's localWorkers we are
  already seeing significantly extended compile times.

  Our current approach for single product development is to comment out
  all the modules that are not under development (Google's own best
  practice, as far as I have heard), and we are using development mode
  extensively, which obviously removes the need to compile the GWT code
  often.  We also do no internationalization or localization.

  What are your thoughts?  Is there a good way to manage a large number
  of modules and keep compile times down?

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GWT RPC behind an Apache Proxy

2010-02-24 Thread Chad
I have setup a Proxy in apache to forward all request from to the glassfish server
This appears to work for everything, but requests to the GWT RPC
service which throws an NPE. If I change the proxy from to forward to Does anyone know how to
make this work so that I don't have to setup a proxy for each

This is a similar if not the same problems as

I guess my question is what is the reason for requiring exactly the
same path. Is there a way around this. Finally, is there a security
issue that this is supposed to prevent?

-- Chad

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Re: Design question

2010-02-24 Thread Vik

Sorry this does not answer my question. Can you please advise?
Thankx and Regards


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:21 PM, Alexander Arendar wrote:

 Hi Vik,

 please read this article:


 On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Vik wrote:


 I am fairly new to GWT and here is my question

 I have already a jsp/html base web application.  I am trying to replace
 some parts of this app using GWT.

 So, currently i can see there is a default module xml is created.  I added
 a new EntryPoint class in the app for implementing a
 popup on page 1.

 Now, for page 2 which has another kind of form should i create a new
 module class and entry point class for this form?
 or should i just create another entry point class in the existing module?
 or should i use the same entry point class and in the onModuleLoad method
 based on the div element present I should
 just render that particular ui ?

 Thankx and Regards

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Re: Design question

2010-02-24 Thread Prashant Gupta
I suggest you to create 2 modules, one for each page.

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Re: passing multiple variables from the server to client

2010-02-24 Thread malliseven.hills
Hi ,, you need pass as a String  Variables or Object Which is contains
group of Object (ID and Name)
and one more thing what type of request format you are using i.e JSON OR


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:50 PM, Magic wrote:

 I'm new to gwt  and I'm trying to pass data from the server (database)
 to the client. I'm able to pass one variable successfully let's say
 someone first name, but I can't not seem to find a way to pass two
 variables to the client using RPC, i.e. an ID and NAME. Can someone
 help me with this I know it's something small I'm over looking I just
 can't figure it out. Thanks

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Re: Unable to run ant devmode (NullPointerException)

2010-02-24 Thread malliseven.hills
Can u paste me your build.xml ?  oh  sorry may be its huge paste me at
least  devmode target?

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 1:34 PM, stinnux wrote:


 i am just starting to try GWT and i already fail at the Get started
 with the GWT SDK section.

 I am supposed to run ant devmode, but i get the following result:

 tstin...@linux-2d15:~/devel/gwt/MyWebApp ant devmode
 Buildfile: build.xml



 [java] Exception in thread GWT Update Checker
 [java] java.lang.NullPointerException

 Total time: 1 second

 java is the sun sdk 16.0_18. I am running under SLED11 (virtualized
 inside VirtualBox). Internet Access is possible.

 Any Idea what might be wrong?

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Re: Is there a best practice for compiling multiple modules?

2010-02-24 Thread malliseven.hills
Which Tool you are using ..if ANT (since i'm using)   we can.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 8:05 PM, JimmyJoe wrote:

 That is where we started, but thanks for the reminder to check it
 again -- things may have changed.  (They didn't, but it doesn't hurt
 to look!)

 During various JavaOne and GoogleIO presentations a few other methods
 have been identified to speed things up, but for the most part we have
 incorporated those ideas already as well.

 If I recall correctly, the folks at ZoHo are migrating to GWT from a
 set of JSPs, not unlike what we are up to; perhaps they have some
 tips.  I can't imagine many other teams being in a similar situation
 with a large number of modules.

  - Jim.

 On Feb 19, 6:43 am, DaveC wrote:
  The only thing I could suggest is outlined herehttp://
  (but you've probably already looked at this...)
  Sorry I can't be more help - it has got me thinking though, where I
  work will probably run into the same problem in the (near) future.
  On Feb 19, 12:47 am, JimmyJoe wrote:
   I appear to be in a rare situation with regard to GWT use:  my team
   has dozens of independent GWT modules and our compile times are rising
   as we add more modules.
   A couple years back the company I work for decided to switch to GWT
   for new product development.  We have a SaaS portal that has dozens of
   legacy applications written in JSPs, so this was a big change for
   Now that we do all new development in GWT, we are developing all new
   products as separate modules, each of which is hosted in its own JSP
   (to take advantage of all our legacy code there, punt on some
   development costs, etc.).  They fit in with our existing code very
   Long story short, we now find ourselves with upwards of 20 modules and
   climbing, and our complete build times are getting extraordinarily
   Here's a little more info:
   Many of our modules are built on a common framework which is its own
   module sans entrypoint.  Often a module will consist of a single page
   of functionality distinct from other features in our product suite --
   for instance setting org preferences, searching for emails, etc.  Some
   of the modules could be combined, such as administration modules; my
   concern with that approach is that we're still using GWT 1.7 and don't
   have code splitting to keep our performance numbers good if we go that
   Regardless of that special case, however, we will eventually have
   dozens of large(-ish?), complex GWT modules that need to be regularly
   compile.  Even with Ant's parallel and GWT's localWorkers we are
   already seeing significantly extended compile times.
   Our current approach for single product development is to comment out
   all the modules that are not under development (Google's own best
   practice, as far as I have heard), and we are using development mode
   extensively, which obviously removes the need to compile the GWT code
   often.  We also do no internationalization or localization.
   What are your thoughts?  Is there a good way to manage a large number
   of modules and keep compile times down?

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Re: Converting GWT Compiled JS to Readable JS

2010-02-24 Thread Mark
Any ideas, everyone? I'm currently stuck on this. :(

On Feb 22, 8:06 pm, Mark wrote:
 Hi guys,

 In order to track exceptions in our GWT application (client-side), we
 hook a global exception handler in our EntryPoint. Our exception
 handler builds the stack trace from the exception and sends it to our
 server (we have a GWT servlet to receive error messages).

 Now, our problem is that the stack trace we receive is compiled
 Javascript code and we need to convert this into readable form in the
 server so we can make a diagnosis. While we can just switch PRETTY so
 we can receive readable stack traces, this is not feasible for the
 same reasons GWT obfuscates the generated Javascript by default. Is
 there some way to convert compiled JS to its PRETTY form?

 I included some snippets below.

 Thank you very much.



 // Code to add the global exception handler
 GWT.setUncaughtExceptionHandler(new GWT.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
     public void onUncaughtException(Throwable e) {
         // Build stack trace and send to server (also via GWT RPC)



 // Sample Error Report received by our server (TypeError): Cannot
 call method 'appendChild' of null
  stack: TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of null
     at HWb (application url/
     at XTb (application url/
     at sUb (application url/
     at mUb (application url/
     at xUb (application url/
     at RTb (application url/
     at YLd (application url/
     at tMd (application url/
     at Object.wMd [as ti] (application url/
     at Object.Fce [as ti] (application url/
  type: non_object_property_call
  arguments: appendChild,
 Unknown.HWb(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.XTb(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.sUb(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.mUb(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.xUb(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.RTb(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.YLd(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.tMd(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.wMd(Unknown source:0)
 Unknown.Fce(Unknown source:0)

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Re: Design question

2010-02-24 Thread Vik
Hie Prashant

More insight on your suggestion for a newbie plz? I mean why do you think
that is better option?

Thankx and Regards


On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 9:53 AM, Prashant Gupta nextprash...@gmail.comwrote:

 I suggest you to create 2 modules, one for each page.
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