JsonpRequestBuilder, AsyncCallBack function signature and List

2010-03-14 Thread A. Kong
Hi, all,

I would like to use JsonpRequestBuilder to interact with one of my
backend server function. The function returns a list of json object to
the caller.

However, because JsonpRequestBuilder does not accept an AsyncCallback
of this declaration AsyncCallbackListArticle, because the generic
type is bounded to T extends JavaScriptObject.

I wonder what are the possible alternatives?


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Re: newbie help

2010-03-14 Thread eggsy84
Rjcarr is right in that you probably don't need a specific hyperlink
object unless you need history support.

In terms of events and wanting something to happen when your element
has clicked GWT uses the notion of ClickHandlers:


Bit of a tutorial : http://gwttutorials.com/2009/07/29/using-gwt-events/

You can add your 'do this' stuff into the onClick function.

Hope this helps


On Mar 14, 7:32 am, rjcarr rjc...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Robert-

 Creating a hyperlink probably isn't the first thing you want to do.
 You'll likely want to play around with panels and labels and images
 and then start adding click handlers to those things.

 A hyperlink is very similar to a label, but it also carries history
 information.  That's almost certainly too complex of a topic for a
 (self-proclaimed) newbie.

 Good luck!

 On Mar 11, 10:41 pm, _Robert_ robert.ljungw...@gmail.com wrote:

  I'm new to GWT but would like to get started with a simple
  application. I just can't figure out how hyperlinks work in GWT.

  public void onModuleLoad() {

                  Hyperlink robert = new Hyperlink(Robert, robert);


  I guess I should add a listener of some kind, and also I have a
  problem figuring out how to add a target to the link. I would like to
  go to another page, robert.html, when I click the hyperlink. Could
  someone please get me started :)


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Re: Google Plugin for Eclipse 1.3 Preview is now available

2010-03-14 Thread andreas
Hey Keith,

thanks for this detailed information. I just went through and followed
them step by step.

I started by creating a new maven project using gwt-maven archetype. I
changed its pom.xml to use current versions of GWT 2.0.3 and Java 6.
Then I enabled the GEP.

1. Set the war directoy as you said. When I first tried, I forgot to
uncheck the launch checkbox but did it this time.

2. Did not have to delete old launch configurations since this is a
new project. Created one by launching it via Run As.. - Web
Application from GEP

3. I use Eclipse EE. On that first launch, I pointed the runtime WAR
directory to the folder under target you mentioned. One thing I did
not clearly understand: you said unless you're also using Eclipse
EE...; well I do so where else should or could the runtime WAR
directory point to? I also did a 'mvn clean package'.

4. Yes, yes and yes. The web application is displayed in the browser
as expected.

5. Programm args:
-remoteUI ${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id} -startupUrl
index.html -logLevel INFO -port  -war /home/ahorst/workspace/

VM args:

Working directory:

So far it all worked. Unfortunately the refresh code changes does
not work. I set output folders of src/main/java and src/main/resources
to the WEB-INF/classes inside the working directory. Did this through
the build path configuration.

Code changes are not reflected upon refresh; neither in the browser
(F5) or by restarting the server in the Development view.

Nevertheless when I launch the gwt:run goal, it works.

Could it be a gwt-maven property that stops refresh code changes?
Besides the GWT and Java version I did not change anything. I guess I
have to stick to the gwt-maven docs to find out if the exploded WAR is
not set properly.

On 12 Mrz., 18:15, Keith Platfoot kplatf...@google.com wrote:
 Hi Andreas,

 Hm, not sure why you're seeing that error.  Let me ask a few questions to
 see if we can get to the bottom of this.

 1. You set the WAR directory to 'src/main/webapp' via the Google  Web
 Application project properties page, right?  Did you also uncheck the box
 below that says 'Launch and deploy from this directory'?  This is necessary
 because the 'src/main/webapp' directory is not a complete WAR directory
 (WEB-INF/lib and WEB-INF/classes are empty, etc.).

 2. Are you launching the project using the regular Run/Debug As  Web
 Application shortcut?  Did you make sure to first delete any other Web
 Application launch configurations associated with the project?

 3. When you launch, you should be prompted to select the runtime WAR
 directory.  Unless you're also using Eclipse for Java EE, you'll probably
 want to first do a 'mvn clean package' and then select the exploded WAR in
 '/target/AppName-version' as your runtime WAR.

 4. When you launch, are you seeing the Development Mode view appear at the
 bottom of your workspace, with a URL to open in your browser?  Does the URL
 have a ?gwt.codesvr=x.x.x.x:9997 at the end?  Does your web browser have the
 GWT Development Mode plugin installed? (the browser should load a page to
 prompt you if it's not installed).

 5. After you launch, what are the arguments in the generated launch
 configuration?  One of the features of 1.3 is the ability to inspect/tweak
 the arguments via the regular Arguments tab in the launch configuration
 dialog.  Let me know what your exact argument set is.

 Also: to see code changes reflected when you hit refresh, you'll need to get
 the class files into your runtime WAR directory.  One simple way to do this
 is by changing your build output path (probably just for src/main/java and
 src/main/resources) to the WEB-INF/classes directory in your runtime WAR.
  This works, but it is a bit hacky.

 Alternatively, you can convert your project into a Dynamic Web Project in
 Eclipse for Java EE, which provides automatic refresh-on-change behavior out
 of the box.  It also creates a staging WAR directory by default so you don't
 have to use the exploded WAR under /target.  If you're interested in this
 approach, I can send you detailed instructions (which will also appear in
 our FAQs after 1.3 launch).


 On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 8:19 AM, andreas 

  Hi Keith,

  we are happy to test the preview version.

  We are using Maven and the gwt-maven-project layout for our projects.
  We loved the dependency management and also clear code structure
  coming along with Maven but ran in the same problem mentioned a lot
  before: we could not get Google Eclipse Plugin run with our projects.

  The first workaround was to use the gwt:run goal, which actually works
  fine and forget about GEP.

  Now I still wanted to find out if we can use that nice web application
  run configuration of GEP again with the preview release. So I
  installed it and set the 

Re: .jsp page will not compile in hosted mode

2010-03-14 Thread Adrian
Your issue might be related to this one:

- Adrian

On Mar 13, 8:05 am, stingermn stinge...@gmail.com wrote:
 I have a gwt web app whose initial page is a .jsp page.  The .jsp page
 compiles and the app runs without problems in web mode, however
 the .jsp page will not compile in hosted mode.

 To start the app in hosted mode, I am using an ant script with a
 'devmode' target.  The '-startupUrl' parameter specifies index.jsp
 as the initial page.

   target name=devmode depends=javac description=Run development
     java failonerror=true fork=true
         pathelement location=src/
         path refid=project.class.path/
       jvmarg value=-Xmx256M/
       arg value=-startupUrl/
       arg value=index.jsp/
       !-- Additional arguments like -style PRETTY or -logLevel DEBUG
       arg value=com.datacard.sip.admin.Admin/

 When the .jsp page compiles (in hosted mode) there are multiple
 Here is a sample error,

 13. ERROR in C:\svnTest\trunk\source\MyApp\src\com\myCompany\myApp
 \server\ResourceBundleHelper.java (at line 15)
  private ListResourceBundle        resourceBundleList;
  Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level
 is 1.5

 The java code referenced by the .jsp page is written using java 1.5
 style generics, but it appears that this code is not being compiled at
 source level 1.5.

 I have found many examples of setting the source level while in web
 mode (by adding compilerSourceVM and compilerTargetVM parameters to
 the org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet servlet element in the
 tomcat conf/web.xml file).

 How do I set the source level to 1.5, in hosted mode?

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help with clickhandler

2010-03-14 Thread JDog

I have a button with a ClickHandler which onClick will create an HTML
element that is placed on a panel. The HTML element will have a
ClickHandler as well which for now just does an alert(). I cant get
this alert to work though. Below is the code. The only reason I can
think of that it doesn't work is because this HTML element is cast to
Widget when placed on the panel (because panel.add() only accepts
widgets) and widgets don't have clickhandlers. If so, how can I
resolve this? Any other reasons why it may not work?

Also note that I am using the connectors API.


  Button button = new Button(Test,
new ClickHandler()
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
HTML html = new HTML();
html.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent ev) {
panel.add(html, 2, 2);
Shape shapeForLabel = new
Shape(html); //connectors code
shapeForLabel.showOnDiagram(diagram); //connectors code

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Re: UiBinder with background-image and ImageResource

2010-03-14 Thread Michael
I've also tried this approach and while the CSS is compiled and the
obfuscated selector-name is used in the generated HTML, the the
selector definition is not included in the page. You could access the
definition by calling the .getText() method of the generated
ClientBundle implementation - but surely GWT should do the inclusion
for you?

On Mar 11, 8:30 am, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Well, the problem does not seem to be the image.

 The CssResource interface I wrote is compiled properly, the XML I made for
 thew widget works fine as well. It look like if the ui:with does not throw
 ensureInjected or something. The styles are applied, but they are empty.


 2010/3/11 davidroe roe.da...@gmail.com

  I forgot this part - does that help?

         public ImageResource myImage();

  On Mar 10, 2:16 pm, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:
   I'm afraid this one does not work for me.

   I did exactly as mentioned, and my widget seems to be not using style at
   all. Shall I also add anything to the class itself?

   2010/3/10 davidroe roe.da...@gmail.com

this is how I did it.

in whatever.css:

@sprite .myClass {
 gwt-image: myImage;
 width: auto; height: auto;
 background-repeat: repeat;
 background-position: 0% 0%;

in Resources.java:

public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {


 public interface WhateverCss extends CssResource {
   String myClass();

 public WhateverCss whateverCss();


in WhateverClass.ui.xml:

 ui:with field=res type=com.whoever.client.resources.Resources /

 div class={res.whateverCss.myClass}


On Mar 10, 8:52 am, Michael michael.guy...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi there,

 I'm having a go at using the declarative layout and was wondering if
 there's a way of using an image declared in a ClientBundle as a
 background-image in the ui:style section, thus:

         ui:with field=res type=com.mycompany.MyClientBundle/

                 .banner {

 If not, how are you supposed to do that?



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Re: UiBinder with background-image and ImageResource

2010-03-14 Thread Michael
Any chance you can elaborate on how you did this? I'm not sure what
you mean by adding the ensureInjected method.



On Mar 14, 10:46 pm, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:
 Found the solution. The problem is that the style is _not_ injected. I
 solved this by adding the proper ensureInjected in the widget's class.

 2010/3/14 Michael michael.guy...@gmail.com

  I've also tried this approach and while the CSS is compiled and the
  obfuscated selector-name is used in the generated HTML, the the
  selector definition is not included in the page. You could access the
  definition by calling the .getText() method of the generated
  ClientBundle implementation - but surely GWT should do the inclusion
  for you?

  On Mar 11, 8:30 am, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:
   Well, the problem does not seem to be the image.

   The CssResource interface I wrote is compiled properly, the XML I made
   thew widget works fine as well. It look like if the ui:with does not
   ensureInjected or something. The styles are applied, but they are empty.


   2010/3/11 davidroe roe.da...@gmail.com

I forgot this part - does that help?

       public ImageResource myImage();

On Mar 10, 2:16 pm, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:
 I'm afraid this one does not work for me.

 I did exactly as mentioned, and my widget seems to be not using style
 all. Shall I also add anything to the class itself?

 2010/3/10 davidroe roe.da...@gmail.com

  this is how I did it.

  in whatever.css:

  @sprite .myClass {
   gwt-image: myImage;
   width: auto; height: auto;
   background-repeat: repeat;
   background-position: 0% 0%;

  in Resources.java:

  public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {


   public interface WhateverCss extends CssResource {
     String myClass();

   public WhateverCss whateverCss();


  in WhateverClass.ui.xml:

   ui:with field=res type=com.whoever.client.resources.Resources

   div class={res.whateverCss.myClass}


  On Mar 10, 8:52 am, Michael michael.guy...@gmail.com wrote:
   Hi there,

   I'm having a go at using the declarative layout and was wondering
   there's a way of using an image declared in a ClientBundle as a
   background-image in the ui:style section, thus:

           ui:with field=res

                   .banner {


   If not, how are you supposed to do that?



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Re: UiBinder with background-image and ImageResource

2010-03-14 Thread davidroe
yes, sorry, I missed that line.


On Mar 14, 4:04 pm, Michael michael.guy...@gmail.com wrote:
 Ah... simply calling the .ensureInjected method from the EntryPoint is
 enough - got it. Thanks!


 On Mar 14, 10:46 pm, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:

  Found the solution. The problem is that the style is _not_ injected. I
  solved this by adding the proper ensureInjected in the widget's class.

  2010/3/14 Michael michael.guy...@gmail.com

   I've also tried this approach and while the CSS is compiled and the
   obfuscated selector-name is used in the generated HTML, the the
   selector definition is not included in the page. You could access the
   definition by calling the .getText() method of the generated
   ClientBundle implementation - but surely GWT should do the inclusion
   for you?

   On Mar 11, 8:30 am, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:
Well, the problem does not seem to be the image.

The CssResource interface I wrote is compiled properly, the XML I made
thew widget works fine as well. It look like if the ui:with does not
ensureInjected or something. The styles are applied, but they are empty.


2010/3/11 davidroe roe.da...@gmail.com

 I forgot this part - does that help?

        public ImageResource myImage();

 On Mar 10, 2:16 pm, MH mhaligow...@googlemail.com wrote:
  I'm afraid this one does not work for me.

  I did exactly as mentioned, and my widget seems to be not using 
  all. Shall I also add anything to the class itself?

  2010/3/10 davidroe roe.da...@gmail.com

   this is how I did it.

   in whatever.css:

   @sprite .myClass {
    gwt-image: myImage;
    width: auto; height: auto;
    background-repeat: repeat;
    background-position: 0% 0%;

   in Resources.java:

   public interface Resources extends ClientBundle {


    public interface WhateverCss extends CssResource {
      String myClass();

    public WhateverCss whateverCss();


   in WhateverClass.ui.xml:

    ui:with field=res 

    div class={res.whateverCss.myClass}


   On Mar 10, 8:52 am, Michael michael.guy...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi there,

I'm having a go at using the declarative layout and was 
there's a way of using an image declared in a ClientBundle as a
background-image in the ui:style section, thus:

        ui:with field=res

                .banner {


If not, how are you supposed to do that?



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Cross domain gwt script can't access parent.document

2010-03-14 Thread msaitkafadaro...@gmail.com
Hi all,

I want to run my gwt application inside a page that is located under
another domain.
Firefox does not work for the line:
  var $doc = $wnd.document;

is there a solution to access the parent document.

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Eclipse Plugin stopped working

2010-03-14 Thread Michael Achmann
Hello Group,

I am using the GWT now for some months, trying around and coding on a
certain project. But from the one day to the other the project isn't
compiling anymore on my Eclipse environment, it works on another
environment thought, which means (in my eyes), it shouldn't be a
problem caused by the code itself.
When I want to start the project via Start As: Google Webapplication
I get following error:

Unable to start embedded HTTP server
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to locate the App Engine agent.
Please use dev_appserver, KickStart,  or set the jvm flag: -
   at com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode.doStartUpServer(DevMode.java:377)
   at com.google.gwt.dev.DevModeBase.startUp(DevModeBase.java:938)
   at com.google.gwt.dev.DevModeBase.run(DevModeBase.java:690)
   at com.google.gwt.dev.DevMode.main(DevMode.java:251)
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
   ...7 more


Trying to compile this error:

[ERROR] Failure while parsing XML
   at gnu.xml.stream.SAXParserFactory.setFeature(libgcj.so.90)
   at com.google.gwt.dev.util.xml.ReflectiveParser
   at com.google.gwt.dev.util.xml.ReflectiveParser$Impl.access
   at com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDefLoader
   at com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler.run(Compiler.java:184)
   at com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler$1.run(Compiler.java:152)
   at com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler.main(Compiler.java:159)
[ERROR] Unexpected error while processing XML
com.google.gwt.core.ext.UnableToCompleteException: (see previous log
   at com.google.gwt.dev.util.xml.ReflectiveParser
   at com.google.gwt.dev.util.xml.ReflectiveParser$Impl.access
   at com.google.gwt.dev.cfg.ModuleDefLoader
   at com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler.run(Compiler.java:184)
   at com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler$1.run(Compiler.java:152)
   at c

I'm not yet very advanced in Java / GWT but I'd like to keep on
writing on my project and Eclipse served well as it just did what it
should have done with an click on a button, so I'd really like to know
how I can fix these problems.
I hope someone can help me here


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How to center a button widget in a Panel.

2010-03-14 Thread Rob34226
I have a DialogBox with a vertical panel.  The last thing I added was
a button that I want to be centered.  I tried to put the button in a
another panel and then setHorizontalAlignmnet(center) that panel in
the parent panel but it still doesn't work.  How do you center widgets
or set any alignment for GWT widgets? Thanks

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GWT RPC server compiled as regular servlet

2010-03-14 Thread Sanjay
I compiled my RPC server llike any regular servlet and packaged it in
a WAR file. I have another eclipse project (GWT) where I have the
client code that has the interface and return object (implements
seializable) class code
and Iam compiling  it in eclipse. When I test my application, I see
that the object returned by the server is not reaching the client.

Here is my question:

Do I need to compile my RPC server using GWT compiler? If so, why?

Any help on this issue is appreciated. I have been trying to figure
out what is going wrong since 2 days now.


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listbox similar to manage labels in gmail

2010-03-14 Thread itravel
I have a need to create a drop-down similar to Move to or Labels
buttons in gmail. I would like append manage values to a list in
drop down. When user selects manage values I would like to show a
settings panel. I am wondering if this kind of widget exists or if I
need to create a custom widget. I would appreciate any suggestions or
pointers. Thanks.

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Re: JsonpRequestBuilder, AsyncCallBack function signature and List

2010-03-14 Thread Sidharth Kuruvila

You can use AsyncCallbackJsArrayArticle. JsArray is a subclass of
JavaScriptObject representing javascript arrays.


On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 5:28 PM, A. Kong anthony.hw.k...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi, all,

 I would like to use JsonpRequestBuilder to interact with one of my
 backend server function. The function returns a list of json object to
 the caller.

 However, because JsonpRequestBuilder does not accept an AsyncCallback
 of this declaration AsyncCallbackListArticle, because the generic
 type is bounded to T extends JavaScriptObject.

 I wonder what are the possible alternatives?


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I am but a man.

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Re: How to center a button widget in a Panel.

2010-03-14 Thread Sudeep S
just ensure that the new panel that you have added is occupying all the
width of the parent panel.

set a border width to check that.

On Sun, Mar 14, 2010 at 4:50 AM, Rob34226 rob34...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have a DialogBox with a vertical panel.  The last thing I added was
 a button that I want to be centered.  I tried to put the button in a
 another panel and then setHorizontalAlignmnet(center) that panel in
 the parent panel but it still doesn't work.  How do you center widgets
 or set any alignment for GWT widgets? Thanks

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