Re: GWT community in Sydney?

2011-05-18 Thread Andrew J
Firstly, good work on raising the call for a GWT community! Quite
agree it's sorely needed. Trying to emulate what the rails community
have achieved may be a bit ambitious, but at the very least it would
be great to have GWT people connected.

GTUG is a great start and has some smart folks in attendance (even
Googlers, on occasion). I actually gave a talk a while back on a
project of mine that used GWT  AppEngine fairly heavily - see
for slides and video. In a previous role I ran a project where we used

Garry Miller, who runs GTUG, is an awesome resource on all things GWT.
If you're not familiar with Garry he's founder of, and
they are doing some some very interesting stuff as they attempt to
build a next generation spreadsheet product. They were at Google I/O
this year showing off what they've been doing. Garry's spoken at GTUG
in the past about some of the things they've done (like using GWT to
get the ANTLR java library to run natively in the browser, for
example). He's also a great guy and very accessible, and usually
pretty keen to talk shop.

For what it's worth, apart from side projects, I've run commercial
projects where we used GWT to build rich, interactive javascript
'widgets' that could be embedded on third party sites and could be
embedded and instantiated using a Google Maps-esque API. Happy to grab
a coffee in the city to chat about that if you're interested. Hit me
up on e-mail or @startthesignal.

On May 18, 1:19 pm, David Pinn wrote:
 I rub shoulders with a bunch of Ruby folk, amongst whom there is a
 real sense of camaraderie and community. They get together to code,
 drink beer, go on Rails camps, etc. For them it's a face-to-face
 social experience, not just an on-line one. As a GWT developer I feel
 left out.

 Is there a GWT community in Sydney, Australia that I have somehow
 failed to encounter? If so, please post details so that I can
 participate. Are you a GWT developer in Sydney?

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Building an Embed API with GWT

2009-12-27 Thread Andrew J
I'm asking this question as something of a GWT n00b, hoping this will
be easy to solve.

I'm on a project trying to use GWT 2.0 to build an embed API, similar
to Google Maps or wave. The idea is for the API to be used in a
context similar to the following:

  script src= !-- ie. the
bootloader widget.noscript.js file from gwt... --
 var widget;
 function loadit() {
 widget = new Widget(Some init params);
 function showit() {;
body onload=loadit

We'll embed our widget in this div...
div id=herewego/

button onclick=showit()/Show it/button


So far, we've been able to create the relevant objects and methods and
expose them via the org.timepedia.exporter.client.Exporter library to
achieve the effect we want.

So far, so good. However the problem we run into is that the
bootloader (widget.nocache.js) file, which is called and executed
before loadit() method, calls the MD5.cache file, which contains the
'Exportable' annotations, asynchronously, and as such may be loaded
and parsed AFTER the onload event has fired. This means that often the
widget = new Widget() call, initated by the onLoad event, will fail.

Is there any easy way to ensure that objects available are once the
bootstrap has been downloaded and parsed, OR have some kind of
callback provided so that once the MD5.cache file has been
downloaded, we can continue using the API?

Any suggestions appreciated.


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