Re: Separate modules for separate views?

2010-09-03 Thread BugRoger
Instead of using multiple modules you can also used a single module.

For your views you create an implementation for each role that your
application requires. For example:


The you use deferred binding to pick the right implementation.

This will have the added benefit that the module will be split by the
compiler. Each permutation will only contain the controls that are
used by its implementations. So, if you have alot of extra control for
the Admin role they won't bleed into the Enduser role.

Downside is that the compile time scales linear with each role that
you add. With 2 roles you will already compile 10 permutations with
the standard settings. I guess, it's the same for multiple modules

You also have to make sure, to recheck the user's roles on the server
since it's rather trivial to trick the UI to display the admin role.

On Sep 3, 11:52 am, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On Sep 3, 2:33 am, Riley wrote:

  Naturally, though I'd been looking for these answers for an hour
  before I posted here, I discovered that if I used the google plugin to
  create a new HTML page, it automatically configured whatever it needs
  to configure to support two separate HTML pages with different modules
   different entry points.  It seems to be working.

  My only remaining question, then, is whether I'm right about how the
  compiler works.  To rephrase:

  I have two modules, side by side in the same directory.  They both
  have the client and shared directories as source.  If module B
  hardly references any of the code in these folders, will the final
  module B compiled JS omit the unused code?

 Yes (just like it won't output code for, say, TabLayoutPanel, if you
 don't use it, but still use other widgets in the same package).

 I would however, for clearer/cleaner separation, make a Shared
 module and have A and B both inherit Shared, and put A's EntryPoint
 (and some or all other A-specific code) in a separate package from B's
 EntryPoint (which would live in a separator package than the Shared

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Re: Fewer compile permutations using ant: Can user.agent be passed in via command-line?

2009-12-18 Thread BugRoger
Hi Anders,

  We use seperate modules for each compile mode. Then we pass a
parameter into the build file to make it pick up the different

For example:

  TachyonField.gwt.xml   - Contains all common settings but no
  TachyonField_dev.gwt.xml   - Inherits the base module and adds
entrypoint definition and development settings
  TachyonField_prod.gwt.xml  - Inherits base + production settings

This is handy for defining different log levels, supported user agents
and obfuscation settings. It would look something like this:

inherits name=''/

  module rename-to=tachyonfield
inherits name='com.enterprise.TachyonField'/
inherits name=com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log /
extend-property name=log_level values=TRACE /
set-property name=log_level value=TRACE /

set-property name=user.agent value=gecko1_8 /
value=pretty /

entry-point class='com.enterprise.TachyonField'/

  module rename-to=tachyonfield
inherits name='com.enterprise.TachyonField'/
inherits name=com.allen_sauer.gwt.log.gwt-log /
extend-property name=log_level values=ERROR /
set-property name=log_level value=ERROR /

entry-point class='com.enterprise.TachyonField'/

Then in the build file you can init your settings depending on the
passed in parameter ${build.gwt.options.isproduction}. For this
example I also pass in the name of the module as ${build.gwt.module}.
In real life we use a small groovy script to find all modules with
entrypoints in them:

  target name=init depends=init-builds, init-production, init-
development /

  target name=init-builds
  equals arg1=${build.gwt.options.isproduction} arg2=true /

  target name=init-production
echo message=Using production settings/
property name=gwt.module value=${build.gwt.module}
property name=gwt.logLevel   value=TRACE/
property  value=OBFUSCATED/
property name=gwt.additionalArgs value=/
property name=gwt.localWorkers   value=4/

  target name=init-development
echo message=Using development settings/
property name=gwt.module value=${build.gwt.module}
property name=gwt.logLevel   value=TRACE/
property  value=PRETTY/
property name=gwt.localWorkers   value=2/
property name=gwt.additionalArgs value=-draftCompile/

  target name=compile depends=init
java fork=true
  jvmarg value=-Xms256m /
  jvmarg value=-Xmx512m /
  arg value=-war /
  arg value=${build.gwt} /
  arg value=-gen /
  arg value=${build.gen} /
  arg value=-extra /
  arg value=${build.extra} /
  arg value=-logLevel /
  arg value=${gwt.logLevel} /
  arg value=-style /
  arg value=${} /
  arg value=${gwt.additionalArgs} /
  arg value=-localWorkers /
  arg value=${gwt.localWorkers} /
  arg value=@{gwt.module} /

This way we can build different versions for local development and
production environment. This makes local builds very fast and you get
all the convenience from the debugging and logging settings. On
production the code is minimized and logging is reduced to a minimum.

Hope this helps,



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