SmartGWT: LiveGrid with own DataSource

2011-06-17 Thread Go2one
Hi all,

I want to use SmartGWT's LiveGrid but I'm currently using the
asyncronous service entry point to ask my server for data. The
Interface returns Java(script) Objects. Is there a way to use this
instead of an XML Datasource (like in the Examples)? Are there any
tutorials? Overriding the DataSource-Class seems to be very heavy for

Best Regards!

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Unable to find 'test.gwt.xml' on your classpath in Hosted mode

2011-05-27 Thread Go2one
Hi everyone,

I'm working with GWT 2.2.0 and I have problems running my project in
hosted mode (with own Tomcat server):

This is my project structure:

  - src
- de
  - mytest
- test
  - test.gwt.xml
  - client
  - shared
   - war
  - test
  - classes

My test.gwt.xml looks like that:
module rename-to=test
  inherits name='' /
  inherits name='' /
  inherits name=''/

  entry-point class='de.mytest.test.client.MainView' /
  servlet path='/TestService' class='de.mytest.test.TestServiceImpl' /

  source path=shared/
  source path=client/

In my build script I compile all classes to war/test/WEB-INF/classes.
All classes and also the test.gwt.xml are present. If I start my own
Tomcat (which WEBAPP-Dir is configured to war), everything works fine
(on http://localhost:8080/test/index.jsp).

In my build script, i have an own target to start the GWTShell:

target name=gwtcdevmode depends=compile description=DEVMODE GWT
compile to JavaScript
java failonerror=true fork=true
pathelement location=src /
path refid=project.class.path /
jvmarg value=-Xmx256M /

arg value=-noserver/

arg value=-port/
arg value=8080/

arg value=-out/
arg value=war/test/
arg line=${gwt.debug.args} /
arg value=test/index.jsp /

If I call the URL above, the log says:

00:00:04,406 [ERROR] Unable to find 'test.gwt.xml' on your classpath;
could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for
00:00:04,406 [ERROR] Failed to load module 'test' from user agent
'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR
3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E)' at localhost:

What I'm doing wrong?

project.class.path contains also war/test/WEB-INF/classes and all
*.jar files...

Best Regards!

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Re: Unable to find 'test.gwt.xml' on your classpath in Hosted mode

2011-05-27 Thread Go2one
It works! I moved the test.gwt.xml to the root of my source directory
and changes the source path tags. Is there another way?

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Re: PreloadedTable alternative - GWT Incubator is death?

2011-05-26 Thread Go2one
Thanks for your response.

I need to render own Widgets in the Cells - is this really the right

Other question: Is there a way tp fetch the cell on a PreloadedTable
if I click on it?

Best Regards!

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Re: PreloadedTable alternative - GWT Incubator is death?

2011-05-26 Thread Go2one
Thanks for your information but I can't figure out, what is the
RowIndex of the clicked Row in a PreloadedTable:

PreloadedTable innerGrid = new PreloadedTable();
innerGrid.addHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
//what is the clicked row index???
}, ClickEvent.getType());

On 26 Mai, 15:24, markM wrote:
 Incubator has a learning curve but it works just fine for me and is
 blazing fast!

 On May 25, 11:40 am, Go2one wrote:

  Hi everyone,

  because of performance issues we are using the PreloadedTable instead
  of FlexTable. No I read, that GWT Incubator is death? Is there any
  alternative to the PreloadedTable?

  By the way: Why does PreloadedTable not support the method
  getCellForEvent(event) (like the FlexTable)? How can I fetch the cell
  or row, that was clicked at the UI?

  Thanks and best Regards!

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PreloadedTable alternative - GWT Incubator is death?

2011-05-25 Thread Go2one
Hi everyone,

because of performance issues we are using the PreloadedTable instead
of FlexTable. No I read, that GWT Incubator is death? Is there any
alternative to the PreloadedTable?

By the way: Why does PreloadedTable not support the method
getCellForEvent(event) (like the FlexTable)? How can I fetch the cell
or row, that was clicked at the UI?

Thanks and best Regards!

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Showing a PopupPanel hides all Elements

2011-03-23 Thread Go2one

if I create a new PopupPanel and call the show()-Methode, the hole
page is white. Nothing changes if I click or do something. BUT if I
change to another browser tab, all elements will be shown if I
return... Same appears if I create and show other DialogBox-

Has anyone an idea?

Browser is IE7.

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Re: Showing a PopupPanel hides all Elements

2011-03-23 Thread Go2one
I'm not realy sure which version I'm using. It's a build from

I will try to upgrade to a newer GWT version and will report, if the
bug is fixed,...

On 23 Mrz., 21:39, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 Which GWT version are you using?


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How to use CallBack-Methode in JS

2010-06-02 Thread Go2one
Hi @all,

I have a JavaScript-Methode called
 void addSelectionListener( Object w) 

where 'w' is an object which implements a 'onSelectionChanged' method.

I'm using a native JSON-Methode to consutruct my JS-Object and I'll
call addSelectionListener(...), but what should I submit as a
parameter if I want the object to call a Java-Methode called


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JSNI Methode call does not work...

2010-06-02 Thread Go2one

I've the following Class:

public class Designer {
 private final native JavaScriptObject addNode() /*-{
   alert(Pre JSNI call);
lang/String;Ljava/lang/Integer;Ljava/lang/Integer;)(TEST, 100, 100);
   alert(Post JSNI call);

void sendNode(String id, String x, String y) {
   GWT.log(sendNode() called);


When addNode  is called, Pre JSNI Call-Alert is shown. After the
click on OK, an JS-Error is thrown:

Details zum Fehler auf der Webseite

Benutzer-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1;
Zeitstempel: Mon, 31 May 2010 20:52:56 UTC

Meldung: Annahme ausgelöst und nicht aufgefangen.
Zeile: 36
Zeichen: 7
Code: 0
URI: http://localhost:8080/desk/desk/hosted.html?desk

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

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