Setting set-property-fallback causing error

2017-01-30 Thread JeanV

I'm trying to simulate googlebot reading my GWT based app.  I've added: 
   to my gwt.xml 
file but keep getting this error and the app never runs:

Possible problem with your *.gwt.xml module file.
The compile time user.agent value (safari) does not match the runtime 
user.agent value (unknown).
Expect more errors.
cOf_g$ —
Bif_g$ —
Phf_g$ —
Ohf_g$ —
kif_g$ —
DIc_g$ —
II_g$ —
vI_g$ —
(anonymous function) —

I'm I doing this correctly? Read the threads and seems like 
   should work. 
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: Saving results from GWT-RPC call on client

2013-03-19 Thread JeanV
Thanks Moneyboy,

Can you post an example of how you achieved this. Not the storage part but 
the implementation of the streamwriter on the client side.
Many thanks,


On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 9:30:31 AM UTC+2, monkeyboy wrote:

 It is feasible. In my solution I used GWT-RPC's serialization but I had to 
 tweak it since GWT-RPC messages are assymetric (the message sent from the 
 client to the server is in a different format than the message sent from 
 the server to the client even if they transfer the same object). Basically 
 you have to make the serialization symetric. I did this by implementing the 
 streamwriter to output the same message that the serverside would output. I 
 did this basically by porting the server code to the gwt side. I then 
 leveraged the already existing reader in the client and generated (by using 
 generators) a class that returns the desired reader and writer. The reader 
 is of course used to read the string and outputs the object and the writer 
 takes the object and outputs the string. By using this method you can not 
 only save results from RPC calls but any serializable object in the 
 Since the storage in the LocalStorage is limited a further improvement is 
 to compress the string. For this I use the LZMA algorithm which can 
 compress the strings to about 60% of their original size. Based on my 
 tests, bigger objects compress better but this is based on objects in my 
 project and might not be the case for other kinds of objects.

 Hope this helps.   

 On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 7:13:20 AM UTC+2, JeanV wrote:

 I was wondering if there's anyway to save the returned results from an 
 RPC call to an HTML5 enabled browser. Basically the only way I have found 
 would be to convert the results into strings and use LocalStorage to save 
 them to the browser. I guess my question then would be how can 
 IsSerializable java objects be converted to a string and back.
 Any help would be appreciated.


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HTML without a DIV

2012-10-15 Thread JeanV
I need to attach pure HTML to a FlowPanel and do not want to the HTML item 
to be surrounded by div or span - 

I'm basically using a third-party library that will dynamically look for 
items (a, img, p and others) within my panel and will break if it 
encounters a div or span. I've looked around and cannot find a solution.

Can this be done.


PS: I hate that GWT adds div to everything!

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Re: HTML without a DIV

2012-10-15 Thread JeanV
and I cannot use UIBinding as this is a list of multiple items generated 
dynamically by a for loop. Need to also create h1 without putting it in a 

On Monday, October 15, 2012 5:19:07 PM UTC+2, JeanV wrote:

 I need to attach pure HTML to a FlowPanel and do not want to the HTML item 
 to be surrounded by div or span - 

 I'm basically using a third-party library that will dynamically look for 
 items (a, img, p and others) within my panel and will break if it 
 encounters a div or span. I've looked around and cannot find a solution.

 Can this be done.


 PS: I hate that GWT adds div to everything!

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Re: Saving results from GWT-RPC call on client

2012-10-13 Thread JeanV
That's a good idea but it doesn't solve the issue of converting the RPC 
received objects into a locally persistable objects. In my case, the user 
is loading a list but I want to pre-populate it with the latest list and 
have him/her manually refresh it.
Thanks for your assistance

On Thursday, October 11, 2012 5:19:26 PM UTC+2, Joseph Lust wrote:

 It really depends how intelligent you want your store to be. For example, 
 if a user is perusing a set of N objects, and you hit the server up for 3 
 of these objects, you'd want to first check your LocalStorage cache for any 
 of those 3 objects (say 2 hits), via a proxy cache, and relay on the RPC's 
 for the (1 object) cache misses. This way, after playing around a little 
 bit in your app, most requests will be local cache hits and you minimize 
 request time and UI latency. Then you also need to limit what's in the 
 cache, so you need a LIFO approach like LinkedHashMap. To do this however, 
 there is no need to change your GWT-RPC code, but rather make requests to 
 you client side caching layer, not directly to the RPC, and let that layer 
 make the RPC requests.

 That however is an intelligent caching strategy we used for 10K expensive 
 objects. I suspect you want a passive GWT-RPC cache which would be most 
 readily achieved by exploiting the browser cache with cache headers, but 
 consider how you'll expire those objects (TTL?).


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Re: Saving results from GWT-RPC call on client

2012-10-13 Thread JeanV
That's a good idea unfortunately I also use GWT-RPC calls for 
authentication and it breaks when using this approach. While I do want to 
cache the retrieved list, I also want the user to be able to update the 
list. Caching it might prevent getting the latest copy. 

On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 4:33:25 PM UTC+2, Roy wrote:

 An alternative is to make the GWT-RPC request using GET instead of POST, 
 and have the server return cache headers so the result gets cached in the 
 browser.  I'm doing that in my app - works great.


 On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:13:20 AM UTC+1, JeanV wrote:

 I was wondering if there's anyway to save the returned results from an 
 RPC call to an HTML5 enabled browser. Basically the only way I have found 
 would be to convert the results into strings and use LocalStorage to save 
 them to the browser. I guess my question then would be how can 
 IsSerializable java objects be converted to a string and back.
 Any help would be appreciated.


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Re: Saving results from GWT-RPC call on client

2012-10-11 Thread JeanV
Very good idea. I also thought of using GSON to convert the result into a 
string and saving it that way to localstorage

On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 4:33:25 PM UTC+2, Roy wrote:

 An alternative is to make the GWT-RPC request using GET instead of POST, 
 and have the server return cache headers so the result gets cached in the 
 browser.  I'm doing that in my app - works great.


 On Wednesday, October 10, 2012 6:13:20 AM UTC+1, JeanV wrote:

 I was wondering if there's anyway to save the returned results from an 
 RPC call to an HTML5 enabled browser. Basically the only way I have found 
 would be to convert the results into strings and use LocalStorage to save 
 them to the browser. I guess my question then would be how can 
 IsSerializable java objects be converted to a string and back.
 Any help would be appreciated.


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Saving results from GWT-RPC call on client

2012-10-09 Thread JeanV
I was wondering if there's anyway to save the returned results from an RPC 
call to an HTML5 enabled browser. Basically the only way I have found would 
be to convert the results into strings and use LocalStorage to save them to 
the browser. I guess my question then would be how can IsSerializable java 
objects be converted to a string and back.
Any help would be appreciated.


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Huge WAR file

2011-04-07 Thread JeanV
My current project is generating a WAR file of around 120MB (yes
that's right!) - prior to version 2.x, the same project would generate
WAR files of less then 30Mb. Any way to shrink it?


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Static hyperlinks not working in IE 7

2010-02-17 Thread JeanV
Not sure why but if you dynamically create a hyperlink using the
Hyperlink class everything works fine under IE but if you try to
create a static hyperlink, IE will not trigger a ValueChangeEvent.

In other words:

Hyperlink h=new Hyperlink(test,test);
a href='#test'Test/a (placed directly in an HTML page)

will behave completely differently under IE7 (one works, one doesn't
even though the generated code is the same for both) - This works fine
under FF, Chrome and Safari.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: GWT Hosted Mode crashing after Snow Leopard 10.6.2 Update

2009-11-12 Thread JeanV
I can confirm that I have the same problem since upgrading to Safari
4.0.4. Help is needed on this one

On Nov 12, 10:10 am, Daniel wrote:
 After I installed the OSX update 10.6.2 I can start the hosted mode
 anymore. I get a Invalid memory access:

 Im suspecting the safari update from 4.0.3 to 4.0.4 to be responsible.
 Anyone any hints?

 Invalid memory access of location 0010 eip=969cf77b

 Process:         java [524]
 Path:            /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/
 Identifier:      java
 Version:         ??? (???)
 Code Type:       X86 (Native)
 Parent Process:  idea [485]

 PlugIn Path:       /Users/danielkurka/.m2/repository/com/google/gwt/
 PlugIn Identifier: libgwt-ll.jnilib
 PlugIn Version:    ??? (???)

 Date/Time:       2009-11-12 09:54:18.141 +0100
 OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.6.2 (10C540)
 Report Version:  6

 Interval Since Last Report:          5237 sec
 Crashes Since Last Report:           4
 Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   4
 Anonymous UUID:                      6C95C9C4-48BF-48FE-B53E-

 Exception Type:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGBUS)
 Exception Codes: KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE at 0x0010
 Crashed Thread:  0  Dispatch queue:

 Application Specific Information:

 Java information:
  Exception type: Bus Error (0xa) at pc=0x969cf77b

  Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.1-b02-90 mixed mode macosx-

 Current thread (0x038b6000):  JavaThread Thread-0 daemon
 [_thread_in_native, id=-1610181376, stack(0xbf80,0xc000)]
 Stack: [0xbf80,0xc000]
 Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
 v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
 j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Ljava/lang/reflect/
 j  sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;
 J  sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;
 J  java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/
 v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub
 j  org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS.ReceiveNextEvent(I[IDZ[I)I+0
 j  org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch()Z+50
 v  ~StubRoutines::call_stub

 Java Threads: ( = current thread )
   0x038af400 JavaThread http--Processor8 daemon
 [_thread_in_Java, id=-1308504064, stack(0xb1f1d000,0xb201d000)]
   0x038aec00 JavaThread http--Processor7 daemon
 [_thread_blocked, id=-1309560832, stack(0xb1e1b000,0xb1f1b000)]
   0x038ae400 JavaThread http--Processor6 daemon
 [_thread_blocked, id=-1310617600, stack(0xb1d19000,0xb1e19000)]
   0x03ac7800 JavaThread http--Processor5 daemon
 [_thread_blocked, id=-1311674368, 

Setting Google Map Icon Style

2009-02-07 Thread JeanV

Is there anyway to set the style of an marker's image? I use Icon to
create the image for each marker but I would like to be able to set a
style so I can use CSS to create borders around each marker's image.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: GWT and Search Engine indexing

2008-09-04 Thread JeanV

Maybe you don't care about your site being indexed by I bet you the
majority of people do.

I've seen Ian's example and he has done a great job but it should not
be that complicated. Any comments from the GWT folks?

On Sep 4, 1:38 pm, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thu, Sep 4, 2008 at 12:24 PM, JeanV [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have searched and only found one old thread discussing how to allow
  a GWT-based site to be indexed by search engines. Basically the
  solution involved a convoluted way of creating 2 different sites.

 There's been plenty of previous discussion on this topic. I'm sure you
 can turn up more with further searching.

  You would think that Google would develop a toolkit that is compatible
  with its search engine. Why would anyone develop a site using GWT if
  it cannot be indexed by search engines?

 Because I don't care -- nay, don't want -- my site to be indexed by
 search engines?

  Has any progress been made on this front? Any feedback would be highly

 Yes, people are doing it. Ian Bambury has a GWT example site written
 in GWT that is SE-friendly. That's where I would start if I were going
 to build an indexed web site.

 - Isaac



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