replace-with and when-property-is . . using it based on browser / user.agent value?

2012-11-21 Thread King_V

I've seen a few examples where there is talk of substituting a class based 
on which browser is involved.

So, I want to have one version of a class for Firefox, and one for 
everything else.

I've tried the following, taken from examples I've found online:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
inherits name=com.sencha.gxt.theme.base.Base /

replace-with class=com.joev.tests.client.MultiplierAdjustmentFirefox
when-type-is class=com.joev.tests.client.MultiplierAdjustment /
when-property-is name=user.agent value=firefox /

However, it doesn't seem to work.  I'm pretty sure the value isn't just 
firefox but I don't know what to put in there.  Or it may be the static 
method doing the instantiation of the MultiplierAdjustment class.

Basically I want any version of Firefox to use the 
MultiplierAdjustmentFirefox class, and other browsers (so far we're only 
supporting Chrome and IE) to use the MultiplierAdjustment class.

Here's the basic code I used to test it: (yeah, I'm not very creative with my names):
public class GenericOutput implements EntryPoint {

  public void onModuleLoad() {
RootPanel.get().add(new Label(GenericStuff.getClassNameForInstance() + 
 has a value of:  + GenericStuff.getMultiplierValue()));
public class GenericStuff {

  private static MultiplierAdjustment instance;

  private static MultiplierAdjustment getInstance() {
if(instance == null) {
  instance = new MultiplierAdjustment();
return instance;

  public static String getClassNameForInstance() {
return getInstance().getClass().getName();

  public static double getMultiplierValue() {
return getInstance().getMultiplier();
public class MultiplierAdjustment {
  public double getMultiplier() {
return 1.3;
public class MultiplierAdjustmentFirefox {
  public double getMultiplier() {
return 1.07;

So, why am I getting output saying:   
has a value of: 1.3

How do I get this to work correctly?

Thanks in advance

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GWT, dependent projects, GWT Compiling, and deploying

2012-10-31 Thread King_V

I'm not sure how exactly this is supposed to be accomplished, but...

I have a GWT project that has no Entry Point.  It is basically a number of 
classes, etc., that will be shared among different projects.  A common 
library, if you will.

And, I have a project that I'm actually working on, that depends on the 
Common project.

I am using GWT 2.4, and am developing through Eclipse.

Now, when I run in debug mode, everything works fine.

At this point, though, I want to perform a GWT compile through Eclipse, and 
then I have a build.xml that will grab the files from the war directory, 
and create a .war file.

Unfortunately, when I put together the .war file and deploy it on my Apache 
server, I notice an exception that a class couldn't be found - it's one of 
the classes from the Common project.

1) Does the GWT compile, when compiling and writing the various files to 
war/(myprojectname), war/deploy, etc etc actually compile the code from the 
Common project and put it in here as well?
   1a) If so, then why am I getting the exception?
   1b) If not, then how do I correctly compile the Common project (since it 
has no entry point) and include it in my main project?

Thanks.  I get the feeling I'm missing something right in front of my face, 
but can't figure out what it is.

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Re: GWT, dependent projects, GWT Compiling, and deploying

2012-10-31 Thread King_V

Thanks for your reply - my issue was related to what you suggested - it 
turns out that my Common project has no server classes, but a number of 
classes in the shared package, which are extended by classes in the main 
project's shared package, which those in turn are used by the main 
project's server classes.

Ultimately, though, including copying the 
common-project/war/WEB-INF/classes directory into the .war file was the 
solution.  Thank you!

- Joe

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Re: Using the Frame class, and adding Elements to it directly - doesn't display?

2012-06-06 Thread King_V

Thanks.  I think I might be missing something very obvious, because
I'm looking at the APIs, and I have no idea how to do what you're

Code-wise, how do I get the document within the frame, so that I can
add the new Elements to it?

- Joe

On Jun 5, 6:24 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 You're adding your elements as children of the frame, which is used as a 
 fallback in case the browser does support frames. You should add them to the 
 document that's displayed within the frame.

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Re: Using the Frame class, and adding Elements to it directly - doesn't display?

2012-06-06 Thread King_V
Thanks, that helped a lot, works as expected now!

- Joe

On Jun 6, 12:46 pm, Thomas Broyer wrote:
 On Wednesday, June 6, 2012 6:13:04 PM UTC+2, King_V wrote:


  Thanks.  I think I might be missing something very obvious, because
  I'm looking at the APIs, and I have no idea how to do what you're

  Code-wise, how do I get the document within the frame, so that I can
  add the new Elements to it?

 Frame frame = ...;
 FrameElement frameElt = frame.getElement().cast();
 Document frameDoc = frameElt.getContentDocument();

 You'll probably have to attach your Frame first, and possibly even wait for
 the LoadHandler to be called back (even for an about:blank)

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Using the Frame class, and adding Elements to it directly - doesn't display?

2012-06-05 Thread King_V

I've got this very short program, and I don't understand why it's not
working.  I am creating a Frame object, trying to append element
children to it, and while the Frame instance seems to be aware of its
children, they do not get displayed.

Here is what I have.  What am I doing wrong?  When I attach to the
RootPanel, I get a blank rectangular square with nothing in it.
Inspection with Firebug also shows that the head and body elements are

public class TestFrameAndElement implements EntryPoint {

  public void onModuleLoad() {
Frame frame = new Frame();
Element html = DOM.createElement(html);
Element head = DOM.createElement(head);
Element body = DOM.createElement(body);
Element element = DOM.createElement(div);
element.setInnerHTML(spanhello/spanspan style=\color: blue;
System.out.println(Frame children:  +
System.out.println(HTML children :  +
System.out.println(HEAD children :  +
System.out.println(BODY children :  +
System.out.println(DIV  children :  +

I've also noticed that if I do NOT add any elements, there is still an
html/head/body in the Frame section when I inspect with Firebug, but
in the code, the first sysout returns 0 and of course I have to
comment out the rest of the sysout statements.

How do I correctly work with this?


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PopupPanel.showRelativeTo an individual date on a DatePicker?

2012-01-31 Thread King_V
Can this be done?

I am not using any extensions or other libraries, just GWT 2.4 itself.

I have a screen that is used for scheduling, and thus shows several
DatePickers next to each other, each showing a different month, and
with the month-forward and month-back buttons disabled.

Some of the individual dates will have a marking indicating that
events or meetings are scheduled.

What I would like is to be able to have the user hover over the marked
date, and have a PopupPanel appear and show the details of what's

More or less I have this working - however, while I can center() the
PopupPanel, it's relatively small, and I want to show it near the date
that's actually being hovered over.

The best I've been able to manage thus far is
PopupPanel.showRelativeTo(datePickerInstance).  This is the sort of
behavior I want (show below, to left, to right, above, whatever, based
on how much room there is on the client), but I would like it to be
relative to the individual date within the DatePicker, rather than
relative to the entire DatePicker itself.

Is it possible to get a handle to the UIObject that shows the date
(ie: the 17, for, say, July 17th), and thus show the PopupPanel
relative to that?

Thanks in advance.

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Appearance Pattern - ok, is there a better explanation, a tutorial, a step-by-step?

2012-01-05 Thread King_V

Ok, I've read the article at
in dealing with the Cell-backed Widgets, and I can't say I'm any
better off than I was before reading it.

First, the following line:

doesn't work at all - it requires a typecast.

Second, I don't understand how/why the methods for the Appearance
interface are chosen.  Why are the methods called onHover and
onUnhover as opposed to, say onMouseOver and onMouseOut, or heck, any
other arbitrary names?

Third, and related to that, what determines the parameters for these
methods?  Who/what is calling them, and how would I know, for example,
that not only does the mouseover method need to be called onHover in
the interface, and how would I know that it would need to be passed in
a Context, and Element, and a String?

Is there some sort of tutorial on this that goes step by step and uses
examples?  I am really lost with this.

I've also read the Appearance Design Pattern article at Sencha as used
with GXT, but it doesn't clarify things much more over the original.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Multiple DialogBoxes, bringing one to the front of others - a conundrum.

2011-11-28 Thread King_V
What you've suggested appears to ALMOST work.

I have two styles in my CSS one called activeWindow and the
other called nonWindowZIndex

The former has a z-index of 1, the latter of 2.

The trick I found was that I could not add the nonWindowZIndex style
to the MenuBar objects.  It has to apply to the gwt-MenuBarPopup
style   that was frustrating until I finally figured that bit out.

Now I'm hoping I don't run into any other oddities like that!

Otherwise, so far so good - thanks for the pointer.

On Nov 24, 7:39 am, geert3 wrote:
 use a CSS class e.g active that has a higher z-index. Only the clicked
 window shall have that class, causing it pop up in front the others.
 (basically your approach 1).
 popup menus etc need to have a fixed z-index higher than the active window.
 i don't see further problems with that?

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Re: DialogBoxes and MenuBars . . . zIndexing a bad thing?

2011-11-18 Thread King_V
For anyone who has actually followed this - my solution (the hide()
followed by show()) is not actually a particularly viable solution.
It works, more or less, as long as there are no items inside the
Window (the class that extends DialogBox), such as Buttons, TextBoxes,

In Firefox 5, a Button will still work, but a TextBox will never be
able to get focus.

In IE8, a Button will require a double-click to work, but a TextBox
can still be used correctly.

I don't know what other side effects will happen with other Widgets.

Back to the drawing board

On Nov 11, 4:17 pm, King_V wrote:
 Well, this is embarrassing, but maybe the answer will help someone
 else who's run into the same problem.

 Override the onBrowserEvent() method in my own subclass of DialogBox
 as follows:

   public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
     switch(event.getTypeInt()) {
       case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN:

 And that does it, with no ill effects in terms of obscuring the
 MenuBar objects.  Sheesh, I must now hold the record for shortest time
 between someone posting and answering their own question!

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Multiple DialogBoxes, bringing one to the front of others - a conundrum.

2011-11-18 Thread King_V

Ok, so I'm still, after a bit of hiatus, trying to create a Window-
type of class that extends DialogBox.  I'm going to call it MyWindow
for now.

I'm MOST of the way there.  I've been able to create a Caption class
that will have minimize, maximize, and close buttons.

I've been able to get it to change the cursor for a resizable MyWindow
- though I haven't  yet implemented the code that does the resizing.

The real roadblock I have right now is how to bring one of the
MyWindow objects to the front of the others.

Normally, DialogBox will have the most recently shown one in front of
previous ones.

Now, they ALL seem to have a z-index of 0.  Yet, obviously, there are
some on top of others.

For the MyWindow class, I want to be able to click on one of these
objects, and have it brought to the front.

Two solutions I've tried have drawbacks that make them non-viable
   1 - If I rely on incrementing the zIndex, other objects, such as
menu items in a MenuBar, wind up being concealed by any MyWindow
that's in the area.
   2 - Using the hide() followed by show() in an override of
onBrowserEvent solved that problem, but introduced issues with being
unable to focus on certain components inside the MyWindow.

I have detailed what I've encountered in the thread DialogBoxes and
MenuBars . . . zIndexing a bad thing? located at:

So, my question - how do I get around this?  How can I get true window-
like behavior, being able to pop a MyWindow up in front of other
MyWindow objects, without these unintended side-effects?

Any help on this matter would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Detect mouse position when click on DatePicker?

2011-11-14 Thread King_V

Ok, I'm sure the question can be applied more generically  -  however,
I figured I'd ask it for my particular problem.

I have a DatePicker, and a class that implements

What I want to do is figure out the mouse's absolute x and y position
on the browser window when this happens.

Is this possible?  If so, how?

Thanks in advance...

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DialogBoxes and MenuBars . . . zIndexing a bad thing?

2011-11-11 Thread King_V

I'm working on my ever-evolving bit of code, and have run across
something of an issue.  My apologies for the lengthy prelude before I
get to the actual question.

Firstly, I have a full-browser-screen display - a DockLayoutPanel.

Within it are a:
   MenuBar - NORTH
   FlowPanel - SOUTH

Now, there's a big empty section in the middle, which is fine because
that's what I want.

The MenuBar looks like a typical application - File, with sub-items
Open, Close, etc.  Edit, with sub-items Copy, Paste, etc.

I have also created a, for lack of a better term, WindowPrototype
class that extends DialogBox.  It has a close button, minimize, and
maximize.  I have not yet done draggable resizing with the corners and

So, my test code basically, when an item in the menu is chosen, it
launches one of my WindowPrototype objects (which is mostly empty,
just some text to show which item in the menu launched it).

Now, of course, by default, DialogBox does not allow popping up of non-
modal instances of itself over each other.  The LAST one shown is
ALWAYS on top - clicking on a partially hidden one does NOT bring it
to the top.

To get around this, I used a trick I came across on a web-search which
puts a static int in the class that extends DialogBox (in my case, the
WindowPrototype class), and increments it every time a new
WindowPrototype is opened, or one is clicked to be brought to the top.

This actually works fine as far as my WindowPrototype objects are

However, when I do this, then there's a problem with the MenuBar
items.  If I click on a menu item, say File, then the subitems (Open,
Close, etc) are shown UNDER any WindowPrototype object that happens to
be in the area - the WindowPrototypes will obscure the menu items.

Now that I've written half a novel, here's my question:  How do I add
the ability for my WindowPrototype objects to be clicked on to bring
to the top, but ALSO make sure that the MenuBar items are ALWAYS on
top of any/all WindowPrototypes that may be on the screen?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: DialogBoxes and MenuBars . . . zIndexing a bad thing?

2011-11-11 Thread King_V
Well, this is embarrassing, but maybe the answer will help someone
else who's run into the same problem.

Override the onBrowserEvent() method in my own subclass of DialogBox
as follows:

  public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) {
switch(event.getTypeInt()) {
  case Event.ONMOUSEDOWN:

And that does it, with no ill effects in terms of obscuring the
MenuBar objects.  Sheesh, I must now hold the record for shortest time
between someone posting and answering their own question!

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MenuBar - how can I cause it to wrap?

2011-11-09 Thread King_V

Ok, playing around with GWT in general, MenuBar right now in

I have a situation where a demo app screen I have is more or less
looking how I want it to.

But, I have an issue with MenuBar, and didn't know if there was a
simple way around it.  If the user shrinks the screen so that all the
menu items in the MenuBar don't fit horizontally, they do NOT wrap as
you'd expect in a standard application, but instead simply get cut

Is there a way to get the MenuBar to wrap its contents if there's not
enough horizontal space for them to fit on a single line?

The structure of my screen is:

 - DockLayoutPanel
 - - DockPanel (addStyleName used to give a style that sets width:
 - - - NORTH - MenuBar
 - - - SOUTH - FlowPanel (addStyleName used to give a style that sets
position:absolute; bottom: 0;)

Thanks in advance!

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Re: MenuBar - how can I cause it to wrap?

2011-11-09 Thread King_V
Uh, let me clarify my structure - what I've described above is more or
less accurate, but the DockPanel is specifically the CENTER item of
the DockLayoutPanel.

Also, I should mention that the individual items will wrap in the menu
bar (ie: an item that is called File Menu rather than just File
will break the two words into two lines if need be), but the MenuBar
tries to force everything to be a single row.

Other than that, the rest of my post applies.  Sorry for any confusion.

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Re: Using DockPLayoutPanel - can I get an autoexpanding south widget?

2011-11-09 Thread King_V
Danny, Thomas,

Thanks for the suggestions.

I actually came up with a workaround - though Thomas, I think I like
the HeaderPanel idea, and may adapt it to my project instead.

What I'm doing currently is:
1) Attach a DockLayoutPanel to the RootPanel
2) Attach a DockPanel to the CENTER of the DockLayoutPanel - DockPanel
has the following style added - width: 100%
3) Attach a MenuBar to the NORTH part of the DockPanel
4) Attach a FlowPanel to the SOUTH part of the DockPanel - FlowPanel
has the following styles added - position: absolute; bottom: 0;

This seems to have done the trick for me.

Now if only I could get the MenuBar to wrap if the browser window is
too small... but that's something I asked about in a more recent post.

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Using DockPLayoutPanel - can I get an autoexpanding south widget?

2011-11-08 Thread King_V

Ok, I realize DockLayoutPanel is a full-screen sort of Panel, that
REQUIRES an explicit size for every widget attached.

So, given that, I'm wondering if what I want to do is even possible.

I'm trying to go for an application-like look.  Essentially, the
screen will be in three sections:

1) The north section will have a MenuBar - no surprise there.
2) The center section will be the guts of the GUI.
3) The south section will be something like a Windows Taskbar.  Right
now this is a FlowPanel.

The center section will basically have various items in it, and they
can be minimized.  When this happens, I'd like to add them to the
taskbar at the bottom.

Now, here's the thing - if a lot items in the main section get
minimized, the FlowPanel will get more and more items added to it, and
eventually be wider than the screen.

Naturally, the FlowPanel would expand under normal circumstances to
form a new row - but since its size has been explicitly set, this does
not happen.

Now, my initial instinct is to somehow try and determine whether or
not the FlowPanel needs to vertically resize (how do I determine
this?  Can it be determined?) and then use
DockLayoutPanel.setWidgetSize to perform the resizing manually.

Is this possible?

Is there a simpler way to get the behavior I want?


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Re: Ok, CssResources and ClientBundle, what am I doing wrong?

2011-11-07 Thread King_V
Aw, crap - Aiden even specifically said that, and I missed it.

Thanks for pointing it out.  Now, don't mind me as I smack my palm
against my forehead.  Twice.

- Joe

On Nov 4, 4:35 pm, Danny Kirchmeier wrote:
 Does your Style1.css now say this:

 @external .gwt-Button;
 background: black;
 color: cyan;


 Don't forget the semicolon at the end of the @external line. I forgot it
 the first few times I used it. It causes no error to be thrown and next
 style to be completely ignored.

 It worked for me, so hopefully that is your issue.

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Re: DatePicker - different styles for different instances?

2011-11-07 Thread King_V
Just posting here to bounce this one up - anyone have any idea if what
I'm asking is possible?  Or am I asking for something that can't be

On Oct 21, 10:24 am, King_V wrote:

 Ok, I've used DatePicker, NOT with DateBox, to show a calendar and
 allow selection.  No problem.

 In order to get my own styles for some of the components, my own
 project's .css has a few of the DatePicker css components in it.

 First question:  What is .gwt-DatePicker used for?  What parts of the
 DatePicker does it apply to?  What properties can be set there?

 Second question: Far more important to me.  How do I get different
 DatePicker looks?  I have .datePickerDay, .datePickerWeekendLabel, and
 a few others in my own .css file.  I do NOT have .gwt-DatePicker in
 it.  Most of my DatePickers are just fine, but there are one or two
 places where I want it to look completely different - different
 colors, different font sizes for the days in the month, the days of
 the week across the top, and the month and year name, and so on.

 How do I add/set styles for these without changing how the other
 DatePickers look?

 Thanks in advance.

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Ok, CssResources and ClientBundle, what am I doing wrong?

2011-11-04 Thread King_V

I'm getting an exception trying to use CssResources and ClientBundle.
Admittedly, I'm completely new to it and don't really quite know what
I'm doing.

So, can someone explain to me why this doesn't work, and what exactly
it is that I'm doing wrong?

In any case, here's my code.  Both classes exist in the package
com.gwttests.client, and the Style1.css file exists in

class MyClientBundle:

package com.gwttests.client;


public interface MyClientBundle extends ClientBundle {

  public final static MyClientBundle INSTANCE =

  MyCssResource css();

  public static interface MyCssResource extends CssResource {
String superSize();

class TestClientBundleAndCssResources:

package com.gwttests.client;


public class TestClientBundleAndCssResources implements EntryPoint {

  static {

  public void onModuleLoad() {
RootPanel rootPanel = RootPanel.get();
Button button1 = new Button(First Button);


.gwt-Button {
background: black;
color: cyan;

.superSize {
font-size: 500%;

Everything compiles just fine.

When I run in development mode and launch the given URL, I get the
following exception:

16:20:58.462 [ERROR] [testclientbundleandcssresources] Unable to load
module entry point class
com.gwttests.client.TestClientBundleAndCssResources (see associated
exception for details)

java.lang.RuntimeException: Deferred binding failed for
'com.gwttests.client.MyClientBundle' (did you forget to inherit a
required module?)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(
Caused by: (see
previous log entries)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(

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Re: Ok, CssResources and ClientBundle, what am I doing wrong?

2011-11-04 Thread King_V

Thanks.  I'm still really just learning this stuff, so I'll admit to
some cluelessness.

Your advice took care of the Exception being thrown.

However, I've noticed that the Button is ignoring the style.  Am I
using this technique incorrectly?  I also tried adding ! important
to the style (specifically for background, at any rate), but no

Is there a simple, idiot-level tutorial of using CssResource and
ClientBundle?  Something about as small and simple as the code I'm (so
far unsuccessfully) writing?


- Joe

On Nov 4, 4:49 pm, Aidan O'Kelly wrote:
 You have .gwt-Button in the .css file, but not in the style interface,
 hence the compile error. It should be a clearer error (if you stop/start
 dev mode it will probably give you the correct error, and it certainly will
 if you GWT-compile the project)

 In any case, to fix, you need to declare .gwt-Button as '@external'

 @external gwt-Button;

 .gwt-Button {


 Now, you could create an accessor method in the Style interface for
 gwt-Button, and use setPrimaryStyleName() on the buttons you want it appied
 to. This way the style would be obfuscated. However when working with the
 stock GWT widgets, its generally better to use un-obfuscated style names,
 as currently, the 'dependent style names' system does not work with

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DatePicker - different styles for different instances?

2011-10-21 Thread King_V

Ok, I've used DatePicker, NOT with DateBox, to show a calendar and
allow selection.  No problem.

In order to get my own styles for some of the components, my own
project's .css has a few of the DatePicker css components in it.

First question:  What is .gwt-DatePicker used for?  What parts of the
DatePicker does it apply to?  What properties can be set there?

Second question: Far more important to me.  How do I get different
DatePicker looks?  I have .datePickerDay, .datePickerWeekendLabel, and
a few others in my own .css file.  I do NOT have .gwt-DatePicker in
it.  Most of my DatePickers are just fine, but there are one or two
places where I want it to look completely different - different
colors, different font sizes for the days in the month, the days of
the week across the top, and the month and year name, and so on.

How do I add/set styles for these without changing how the other
DatePickers look?

Thanks in advance.

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