Re: HTTP Response

2011-11-25 Thread Marcin Biegan
I guess that:
1) css from your gwt application alters the way html code generated by
jsp is displayed, or
2) that html code is not designed to be displayed in that way (again,
css styles)

in 1. case you should alter css in your application, 2. case you
should alter css of your jsp. You can also use iframe which will not
inherit css from gwt app.

Anyway, start with investigating what is wrong with styles and what to
add to make your popup look as expected.

(also check if in both cases you have doctype declared properly)

Marcin Biegan

On Nov 24, 7:10 pm, karun wrote:

 Any solution to overcome this scenario.


 On Nov 23, 4:21 am, karun wrote:


  I am using HTTP RequestBuilder to send post request to J2EE
  application, a JSP is provided as response from J2EE application. In
  onResponseReceived() call back method i am using response.getText()
  method to create html and add that html to popoup panel, but the html
  is not getting rendering properly i.e the elements with in the html
  are misaligned when compared to JSP opened in browser directly. below
  is the code snippet.

   public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {

  HTML addpage =  new HTML(response.getText(),true);
  ScrollPanel scrpanel = new ScrollPanel(addpage);
  PopupPanel respop =  new PopupPanel(true);
  respop.setSize(1000, 500);


  url to which request is sent 

  if the same link is opened in browser it renders correctly.


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Re: Popup windows printing

2011-11-04 Thread Marcin Biegan
Why not just use CSS to hide everything you don't want to print?
media=print and display:none should do the job, just hide everything
except the stuff to print. You can do it dynamically in case you need
to allow to print various regions of the application.

On Oct 28, 3:30 am, Mike Dee wrote:
 I really don't like the idea of popping up a new window and then
 feeding it HTML.  In this case it works nicely because the main page
 has HTML in it and the popup simply shows the same HTML but without
 the UI.

 However, I can think of situations where there is a celltable with
 data and I want to print the celltable contents - in a printer
 friendly format.  Now, there is no HTML (that could be fed into a
 popup).  That HTML would have to be created.  Remember I want to
 leverage the browser's ability to print HTML.

 I guess there are two options:

 1) Clicking a button (to popup the printer friendly window) would have
 to create roughly equivalent HTML (as in the celltable) and feed it
 into the popup window.


 2) Have the popup window do that logic.  This where I was thinking of
 using another module.  But I'm not sure how to do that.  Another idea
 is to simply put the logic in a JSP.  Then I'd need to check on how
 session sharing works between JSP and GWT.

 On Oct 27, 12:19 pm, Mike Dee wrote:

  Did that.  Seems to work.  Have to figure out CSS issues.

  Experimenting now with using separate module.

  On Oct 27, 6:55 am, Jeffrey Chimene wrote:

   On 10/26/2011 9:02 PM, Mike Dee wrote:

It seems easy topopupa new window, but I'm not sure how to stick the
HTML into it.

   That's the purpose of the _target attribute in the form element.

If would return a reference to the window,
I could see a way to do it.

   Create a JSNI routine that creates a window and returns the handle.

Here is another idea.  I can create another module to the GWT app.
It's sole purpose is to handle printing.


   Bueno Suerte,

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Re: Cell List: add non-data rows

2011-09-13 Thread Marcin Biegan
Well, you can always wrap your data object and render non-data rows
depending on that:

class Wrapper{
private Data data;

CellListWrapper cellList = new CellListWrapper(new MyCell());

class MyCell extends AbstractCellWrapper{
private SomeCellData somecell = ...
public void render(Cell.Context context, Wrapper value,
SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if(value.getData() == null){
// render header into sb, maybe using a cell
somecell .render(context, value.getData(), db);

You also need to delegate onBrowserEvent to mycell and I think it
should work.

On Sep 13, 2:11 pm, Jens wrote:
 Have you (or anybody else) found a solution for this?

 -- J.

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Re: Anyone using Place/Activity feature in GWT?

2011-09-10 Thread Marcin Biegan
On Sep 9, 8:08 am, Robin wrote:
 Second, I don't want to create each Tokenizer for each Place.
 According to the link above, I created a BasicPlace and subclass all
 the places I don't want to have Tokenizer. By doing so, It seems I can
 not have the right Place on the URL when i call goTo(SomePlace). The
 url just has ...#Place:null

 Anyone has experienced the similar problems I had?

I don't use Tokenizers at all, they are not configurable.

Instead of what is in the docs:
public interface AppPlaceHistoryMapper extends PlaceHistoryMapper{}
AppPlaceHistoryMapper historyMapper=

Just write your own and instantiate it with normal constructor:
MyPlaceHistoryMapper historyMapper = new MyPlaceHistoryMapper();

In my current implementation there is a lot of if...else if... testing
if given #hash fragment relates to given place. It doesn't look nice,
but it lets me keep every mapping in once place and I can easily
introduce handling of tokens like: #books/Alice-in-Woderland/pages/10/
view (dynamic parameters!). For simple apps works well.

When I have some time, I plan to write some generator to do the
mapping for me in a nice and clean way or to switch to gwt-platform or

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Re: Anyone using Place/Activity feature in GWT?

2011-09-10 Thread Marcin Biegan
On Sep 9, 9:27 pm, BM wrote:
 The idea of creating Tokenizer is to have tokens for Browser History.

 The questions to consider would be do you care to have browser
 history? And what that means is do you care if the user have to use
 Back and Forward buttons of the browser? Because you can always use
 navigation buttons/anchors to move users around different places in
 your app.

Some want to be able to bookmark current state of the application or
just navigate to it. Unless you want to restart whatever you were
doing / go to the front page after every F5. Especially irritiating
when debugging in dev mode - you have to click all the way through the
application every time you want to reload a class/rebuild given view.


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Re: Scalability problem with Cell widgets and KeyboardPagingPolicy.INCREASE_RANGE

2011-09-10 Thread Marcin Biegan
I have run into this issue as well. In the end I handle keyboard
events myself (but I also needed jumping to items as the user is
typing their names).

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compilation time issue with only 1 permutation

2011-08-29 Thread Marcin Biegan

I've recenty seen High-performance GWT talk from Google IO 2011 and
during the part about compiler options David Chandler said that large
GWT projects can take several minutes to compile.

My current project takes about 1h to compile on average machine (i5
2.4GHz, 8GB ram, SSD drive, ~80k lines of code). We have 3 modules:
a) only 1 language so 6 permutation
b) and c) each 26 languages so 2*156 permutations

Is it normal to reach so high compilation times with similar

Second issue is the fact that the part of compilation before
permutation generation is taking quite a lot. It takes about 3-5
minutes before the first permutation starts and I belive that it
should be a lot faster.  When I set compiler log level to more chatty
I can see what is going on, but there are no timestamps (is it easy to
add timestamps?) and I don't really know how much time which part
should take anyway. Does anyone have an idea how to debug the problem?


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Re: Different type for rows in a CellTable

2011-06-11 Thread Marcin Biegan
I'm wondering about the exact same thing. Simple solution: create an
object which contains order or product and make a table of these:
CellTableOrderOrProduct. But what about paging? I'd like to have
each page start with order details (even if this order already
appeared on previous page).
And also I would like to show 5 products per page, not 5 products or

Its easy to calculate number of all products or number of all
'products or orders', but if the order can appear multiple times on
subsequent pages I don't really know how many pages there will be as
this depends on how many rows per page I display and how many products
each order has.

How to approach this?

On Jun 11, 6:48 am, Sydney wrote:
 I want to display a list of Order in a CellTable along with the detail of
 each order. In that example I have 2 orders that each has 2 products.

 06/10/2011 | Order # 1505 | | | $150.00
 Empty | Product 1 | 5 | 10 | $50.00
 Empty | Product 2 | 10 | 10 | $100.00
 05/10/2011 | Order # 1504 | | | $150.00
 Empty | Product 1 | 5 | 10 | $50.00
 Empty | Product 2 | 10 | 10 | $100.00

 Is there a way to display different type for rows in a CellTable? The
 CellTable would be a CellTableOrderProxy. OrderProxy contains a

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LayoutPanel's height set by it's content?

2011-05-13 Thread Marcin Biegan

I have a question, is it possible to setup some LayoutPanel to resize
with it's interior?
I'd like to put content of unknown size (a plain text for example)
into a LayoutPanel and avoid having scrollbars inside of it. I want to
use scrollbar of the body - make the application behave kinda like a
regular web page.

Is it possible?
What is the preffered way? Using old panels? But their javadocs say
that they are compatible only with quirks mode...


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