Re: Hibernate GWT

2009-08-17 Thread Nick Nadgauda

For Gilead, you don't need to inherit from their classes.   Have your
model objects implement ILightEntity.  It's basically a wrapper around
a simple hashmap to store the proxy information.   Your service can
use the GileadRPCHelper directly.Take a look at the implementation
of PersistentRemoteService.  Our projects are structured this way and
it works great.

One gotcha with Gilead.   It seems to play well with either a servlet
container or JBOSS.   We are using it with GlassFish and it took some
tweaking to get everything running.

On Aug 4, 10:33 am, javier wrote:
 Hello folks:

 I've posted this question to the Hibernate user's forum, but in the
 absence of replies, I am posting it here as well, in the hopes that
 some of you may shed some light.  Please accept my apologies if this
 is the second time you see this post.

 I'm about to engage in an enterprise project whose front-end is to be
 built with GWT. I've had some Hibernate experience from past projects
 and really like the ORM mechanism used by Hibernate for marshalling/
 unmarshalling from a database. Now, as some of you know, domain
 entities need to be transferred over the wire for GWT's consumption:
 entities that have been instrumented with persistence information will
 fail at the client side, as GWT cannot handle these objects.

 So I've done some research and I've come across two common solutions
 to this problem:

 1) Using a framework called Gilead;
 2) Replicating the domain model hierarchy with a second class
 hierarchy used exclusively for data transfer (aka Data Transfer
 Objects representing the persistent domain objects).

 None of these solutions are good in my current situation:

 1) Gilead intrudes into the design of an application by forcing the
 entities to inherit from “LightEntity” and forcing
 RemoteServiceServlet descendants to extend “PersistentRemoteService”.
 Our design cannot allow this, as both of these type of objects already
 inherit from a different hierarchy.
 2) Our domain model is composed of 30 classes, some of which have
 quite a few getters/setters. Replicating this domain model sounds like
 trip to maintenance nightmare street, not to mention the amount of
 extra code that we'll need to map things back-and-forth.

 So even though I know (from experience) that Hibernate will make me a
 lot more productive accessing the database than the alternative (ie
 hand-coding with JDBC), all this productivity goes down the drain if I
 now have to deal with recreating the objects in order to properly talk
 to the client layer.

 So now my question is, can I get away with the following:

 1) make every single persistent entity to always load everything
 eagerly by default (ie lazy=”false”) and make lazy loading the
 exception to the rule (ie when fetching lists of things);
 2) use a stateless Session-per-request approach, so that every time I
 need something from the db a brand new persistence context is

 I understand that I'll be giving up caching and hence, taking a
 performance hit, what I'd like to know is, how bad is this hit? is
 this an acceptable compromise in my case? Is this approach still
 better than going back to manual JDBC days?

 Please advise if this is a horrible approach and if there is something
 I should know before I put a rope around my neck.

 Thanks in advance for any ideas, comments or suggestions.
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Re: Date - day issue

2009-04-27 Thread Nick Nadgauda

It's actually a bug in the javascript.   I think the double/long
storing the date in the browser loses precision in certain cases and
when it gets sent to the server the day is getting adjusted

On Apr 22, 2:13 pm, Pascal wrote:
 This is probably happening because thetimezonerules are different
 between java and the brower. When you send a date, you're sending a
 millisecond offset. Also, if the browser is in a differenttimezone
 than the server, you can be a day off your dates if the (hidden) time
 is close to midnight.

 My advice would be, if you need a date object that has no time
 component, create a simple dto or use a string, this way, you're sure
 it will be the same date regardless of timezones.


 On Apr 22, 10:44 am, Stephan wrote:

  I've run into quite a strange issue serializing dates from the browser
  to the server.

  When I enter the following dates in the browser I receive for some
  dates the wrong value at the server side (using date pattern dd-MM-

  1-1-1968   -  Mon Jan 01 00:00:00 CET 1968   - correct
  1-3-1968   -  Fri Mar 01 00:00:00 CET 1968     - correct
  1-4-1968   -  Sun Mar 31 23:00:00 CET 1968   - wrong
  4-4-1968   -  Wed Apr 03 23:00:00 CET 1968   - wrong
  1-4-1999   -  Thu Apr 01 00:00:00 CEST 1999  - correct

  Note that in April 1968 there is a 1 day difference. This problem does
  not occur in hosted mode, only in web mode.

  Perhaps i've messed up somehow, perhaps someone else can try as well.


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