Re: Using a custom DateFormatProvider in GWT

2011-07-29 Thread Panam
Thanks, just the information I needed.

On 17 Jun., 05:37, John A. Tamplin wrote:
 GWT uses the data from the Unicode CLDR, and supports ta and ta_LK, so ta_IN
 should get the ta defaults, which should be appropriate for IN.  If you
 believe there should be a specialization for ta in India, then I suggest
 filing a bug against CLDR to add it.

 Aside from that, search for *_ta.* under user/src/com/google/gwt/i18n and
 make a copy under *_ta_IN.* and edit it as needed.  You could put those
 files in your own project and GWT will use them if they are on the

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Using a custom DateFormatProvider in GWT

2011-06-08 Thread Panam

since the J2EE runtime seems to revert to some inappropriate standard
locale when using the actual locale ta-IN, I've written a customized
DateFormatProvider and successfully deployed it to the application
server. It looks like this:

public class TamilNaduDateFormatProvider extends

public DateFormat getTimeInstance(int style, Locale locale) {
return DateFormat.getTimeInstance(style, Locale.UK);

public DateFormat getDateInstance(int style, Locale locale) {
return DateFormat.getDateInstance(style, Locale.UK);

public DateFormat getDateTimeInstance(int dateStyle, int timeStyle,
Locale locale) {
return  DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(dateStyle, timeStyle,

public Locale[] getAvailableLocales() {
return new Locale[]{new Locale(ta, IN)};


It needs to be packed into a jar with some meta information and
deployed to the runtime's lib/ext directory.
Here is some background:
For server code, this works fine. However, the GWT-UI in my case still
uses that inappropriate default locale (even after doing a
recompilation using the extended (by the customized
DateFormatProvider) runtime.
So my question is: How does GWT determine the proper date formatting
for the locale sent from the browser and how could I plug-in into this
system to have ta-IN properly supported?
Apparently, the standard Java mechanism does not work, or am I wrong?
Is it because GWT uses the SDK rather than the runtime? I tried to
create the corresponding lib/ext Folder even in the SDK and put the
jar there but this also did not help...


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Re: Hierachy of autobean for state serialization

2011-06-02 Thread Panam
Hm, I am just looking for a way to enocde and persist (webstore) state
(some POJO properties) on the client.
I have difficulties to see see how the RequestFactory will help me
here as my intention is that it is for client server communication.
However, it ought to be possible (at least, it has to do serialization
to put the data on the wire).
As I understand autobeans, they are that part of the bindery framework
that is used for this purpose (amongst all by the request factory
itself). That's why I am trying to use them here.


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Hierachy of autobean for state serialization

2011-06-01 Thread Panam

I am considering to use autobeans for state serialization, i.e. a
hierachy of graphical objects sharing subsets of common properties.
Each has its specifics (specific properties, e.g. specific fields that
should be serialized), but'd like best to find a common state
serialization for them.
The basic idea is to create an autobean for the most general type
which defines all common methods, e.g.

public interface BasicObjectSerialization{

public class BasicObject implements BasicObjectSerialization{
getX(){return this.x};
getY(){return this.y};
For serialization, the object is wrapped into BasicObjectSerialization
and that autobean is then encoded.
Restoration is done by passing the autobean to a
BasicObject.restore(BasicObjectSerialization state) method which does
the restoration after the BasicObject has been instantiated.

Now, what to do with each object's specifics (i.e. those of the
subtypes)? As an example, consider the class
public class SpecialObject extends BasicObject{
   getColor(){return this.color};
I basically see two approaches:
1) Add a method
String BasicObject.getCustomState()
which encodes the the specifics to string. This must be done
separately for each subtype of BasicObject.
- Pros:
  * Definitely seems to work.
- Cons:
  * It is necessesary to provide some kind of extra (de-)
serialization in each subtype with spcifics
  * Overall complicated and a lot of manual things to do.
2) Create an hierachy autobeans :
public interface SpecialObjectSerialization extends
- Pros:
  * Put everything in an object tree and serialize once. Would make
things simple and clean
- Cons:
  * It seems polymorphism is not possible with autobeans. E.g. if I
have a list of ObjectSerializations, how to get the 'specifics' of the
subtypes encoded (e.g. color)? All my attempts failed so far.

  Now some questions:
  Related to 2): is polymorphism indeed impossible with autobeans so
that I lose subtype specifics when serialzing lists of objects with
different subypes (but a common supertype of course)?
  Related to 1): Can the extra serialization necessary in each
subtype be avoided somehow?



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Re: Hierachy of autobean for state serialization

2011-06-01 Thread Panam
Can sombody just comment on this? I have a decision to make

Related to 2): is polymorphism indeed impossible with autobeans so
 that I lose subtype specifics when serialzing lists of objects with
 different subypes (but a common supertype of course)?


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Re: SimpleEventBus: How to add a handler and fire an event for it when nested in a parent handler?

2011-05-27 Thread Panam
Hi Jens,

thanks for your insights and suggestion.
I hoped to had chosen the more flexible and decoupled approach using
the SimpleEventBus, but it seems this can lead to problems with the
event queue. Now, I pass the handler direcly into the method which
gives greater control of the handler invocation time but in general
less flexibility because I cannot notify more handlers (which in my
case is no problem).


On 27 Mai, 20:33, Jens wrote:
 Well I think its not a design flaw in SimpleEventBus because as the name
 says its just a simple implementation.

 When you add a handler to the eventbus it has to be stored in a
 MapEventType, ListHandler. Once an event is fired you will iterate over
 this list and that means you can not add or remove something to/from it.
 This will result in a ConcurrentModificationException. SimpleEventBus keeps
 track of these modifications and applies them after all events have been

 You can try and implement your own EventBus to support your example but I
 think its not that easy. The code that keeps track of handlers that were
 added/removed during an event dispatch won't be that easy.

 I think its easier to change your app code to play nice with SimpleEventBus,



      id, new DefaultAsyncCallbackListEventMessageDTO() {

         public void onSuccess(Message myMessage){

             //do something

             //do something (the code from your onMessageRetrieved())

             myEventBus.fireEvent(new MessageRetrievedEvent(id, myMessage));




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SimpleEventBus: How to add a handler and fire an event for it when nested in a parent handler?

2011-05-25 Thread Panam
In my parent handler, I'd like to initiate an rpc call and react to
it when it arrives.
Thus in short, the setup is as follows

HandlerRegistration messageRetrievedHandlerRegistration =
myEventBus.addMessageRetrievedHandler(new MessageRetrievedHandler() {
public void onMessagesRetrieved(Message event) {
//do something

myService.getMessage(id, new
DefaultAsyncCallbackListEventMessageDTO() {
public void onSuccess(Message myMessage){
//do someting
myEventBus.fireEvent(new messageRetrievedEvent(id, 

The addMessageRetrievedHandler is actually enqueueAdded in the
SimpleEventBus (because firingDepth is  0):

SimpleEventBus(line 166.., GWT 2.1.1 )
 private H extends EventHandler HandlerRegistration doAdd(
  final GwtEvent.TypeH type, final Object source, final H
handler) {
if (firingDepth  0) {
  enqueueAdd(type, source, handler);
} else {
  doAddNow(type, source, handler);

Problem: The handler is added AFTER the messageRetrievedEvent is
actually fired, because both, adding the handler and firing the
corresponding event is taking place in the context of a parent handler
(i.e. firingDepth is  0).

Any ideas on how to get around this? Tried some Scheduler experiments
but this did not really seem to help...


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Differences between development and production mode

2010-11-10 Thread Panam

I just noticed some differences in behavior of my code running in
development and production mode.
In my code, there is a class Vec (to do some Vector calculus) which
has an add, diff, and scale method. The first version of these methods
created a clone of the instance, did the calculations on it and
returned the clone, i.e.:
public Vec scale(double factor){
Vec ret = clone();
ret.x *= factor;
ret.y *= factor;
return ret;
protected Vec clone(int x, int y) {
return new Vec(x, y);

For efficiency reasons, the behavior was changed to modify the actual
object (and return it for convenience, i.e.
public Vec scale(double factor){
x *= factor;
y *= factor;
return this;
After adapting all algorithms that make use of these methods (some
relied on a clone being returned and now have to clone the instance
before calling the method) this does not produce any differences in
the results of the algorithms between the two versions.
However, this is valid only for development mode. In production mode,
the change led to differences in the result.
Reintroducing the cloning corrected the behavior in production mode.
So I wonder whether there are known differences between both modes
that would explain this.


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Re: Differences between development and production mode

2010-11-10 Thread Panam
GWT 2.1, Windows 7 (64) bit, Java 6.0_22

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Re: Slider Panel like in maps?

2010-02-27 Thread Panam

thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for :)

On 20 Feb., 20:30, Peter Simun wrote:
 you can find Collapsible panel implemented in GWT 
 or in GXT just set panel.setCollapsible(true); to the panel. See the
 demo here:


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Slider Panel like in maps?

2010-02-19 Thread Panam
I really love the slider panel that is used with Google maps. Is
this (or a very similar) widget somehow available for GWT? Thanks

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How to determine frame size?

2010-02-19 Thread Panam
Is it somehow possible to determine the size of a frame? I'd like a
widget (a canvas) to occupy all space that is available in a frame
without the need to scroll... Thanks

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