iGoogle-like effect with GWT

2009-03-01 Thread Pete Kay


I would like to use GWT to develop a user portal much like the front
page of iGoogle where user can add or remove widgets at will.

So, the question I have is that is it possible to use any GWT lib to
develop that front page and how to use GWT to develop the
widgets that can be add/remove on top?

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


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Problem with Smartgwt and Activemq's Ajax code

2008-12-17 Thread Pete Kay

I have GWT jsni wrapper built for Activemq's amq.js without any problem.

The problem is when I migrated the GWT code to smartgwt, smartgwt seems to
have function name conflict with functions in prototype.js.  I tried
modifyng the function names in prototype.js ( the find and select
functions), but the events can't be received anymore.

Does anyone have any idea how this problem maybe resolved?


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Problem with writing JSNI wrapper for ActiveMQ ajax code

2008-11-25 Thread Pete Kay

I have a small piece of javascript code that I would like to wrap around
with JSNI to make it GWT.  It is essentially a javascript that calls
amq.addListener where amq is a object provided by amq.js. When a message
arrived, I would like it to call a Java Callback function.

Here is the Javascript that call the addListener method and then do

var myHandler =
  rcvMessage: function(message)
 alert("received "+message);

For the GWT context, I would like the myHandler function to call a Java
callback object that I can define within GWT.
Here is the jsni code, but it does not work. Could someone tell me what's

public static native void listen(ActiveMqCallback cb) /*-{
var myHandler =
  rcvMessage: function(message)
 Event e = new Event(message);



Thank you very much in advance for all your help.

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Socket connection

2008-11-21 Thread Pete Kay

Does anyone know of any GWT lib that can do socket connection?

Thanks alot in advance for your help.


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Using GWT to draw line

2008-11-18 Thread Pete Kay

I wouls like to use GWT to make a very simple drag and drop flow chart
object.  Is it possible?  The part that I can't figure out is how to use GWT
to create a LINE that I can use to connect two rectangular images.

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated.


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Need help with using GWT on Linux

2008-10-10 Thread Pete Kay

I have been trying to get gwt working on my Centos machine for 3 days
without any success.
I am running 32 bits Eclipse 3.4 and eclipse can be brought up, finally.
However, when I tried to Run,
I am getting
** Unable to find a usable Mozilla install **
You may specify one in mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, see comments in the file
for details.

I tried download the latest firefox and put it into /usr/src/.  Before
starting eclipse, I ran the following commands:

export GWT_BROWSER=/usr/src/firefox/firefox

export GWT_EXTERNAL_BROWSER=/usr/src/firefox/firefox

But still it does not work.

In my mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, I added one line:


# This is the default mozilla that ships with GWT.

# See if there are compatible mozilla distributions already installed.

I added that line to try to get gwt to use the /usr/lib64/mozilla lib, the
onese that are pre-built by the Centos.

All these do not work.

I am now running out of idea, could someon please help me out?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Desperately need help with getting gwt/eclipse to work on Centos5.2 64

2008-10-09 Thread Pete Kay

I have been trying to get gwt working on my Centos machine for 3 days
without any success.
I am running 32 bits Eclipse 3.4 and eclipse can be brought up, finally.
However, when I tried to Run,
I am getting
** Unable to find a usable Mozilla install **
You may specify one in mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, see comments in the file
for details.

I tried download the latest firefox and put it into /usr/src/.  Before
starting eclipse, I ran the following commands:

export GWT_BROWSER=/usr/src/firefox/firefox
export GWT_EXTERNAL_BROWSER=/usr/src/firefox/firefox

But still it does not work.

In my mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, I added one line:


# This is the default mozilla that ships with GWT.

# See if there are compatible mozilla distributions already installed.

I added that line to try to get gwt to use the /usr/lib64/mozilla lib, the
onese that are pre-built by the Centos.

All these do not work.

I am now running out of idea, could someon please help me out?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Desperately need help with getting gwt/eclipse to work on Centos5.2 64

2008-10-09 Thread Pete Kay

I have been trying to get gwt working on my Centos machine for 3 days
without any success.
I am running 32 bits Eclipse 3.4 and eclipse can be brought up, finally.
However, when I tried to Run,
I am getting
** Unable to find a usable Mozilla install **
You may specify one in mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, see comments in the file
for details.

I tried download the latest firefox and put it into /usr/src/.  Before
starting eclipse, I ran the following commands:

export GWT_BROWSER=/usr/src/firefox/firefox
export GWT_EXTERNAL_BROWSER=/usr/src/firefox/firefox

But still it does not work.

In my mozilla-hosted-browser.conf, I added one line:


# This is the default mozilla that ships with GWT.

# See if there are compatible mozilla distributions already installed.

I added that line to try to get gwt to use the /usr/lib64/mozilla lib, the
onese that are pre-built by the Centos.

All these do not work.

I am now running out of idea, could someon please help me out?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Problem with GridGrouping

2008-10-02 Thread Pete Kay

Is it possible to group by a numerical id field but display the String group
name in the grouping?
Here is my sample data

GroupNameGroupId  UserName
ABC-Comp1  Pete
ABC-Comp1  Dave
DDD-Comp2  Tim
DDD-Comp3  Ken

When displaying in GridGrouping, I want it to be shown as:

That menas I need to set "GroupId" as the grouping column, but set the
"GroupName" as the field to be shown.
It seems like if I use GroupId as the grouping criteria, GridPanel will have
have to show the group as GroupId and I can't set it to GroupName.   Is
there a way to get around it?

The other question I have is that if I set GriPanel to be grouped by the
GroupName field, I must explicitly define GroupName as a column to be
displayed.  Since GroupName is already shown as the name of the grouped
rows, I don't want to have it displayed as a column.  Is it possible to do

Thanks in advance for all your kind help.


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Embed Flex/Flash in GWT

2008-09-14 Thread Pete Kay

I have a small Flex/Flash widget that can record voices.  Is it possible to
embed that widget inside a GWT table cell?

Any sample code showing how it can be done will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your kind help.

Best Regards,

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Voice recording support and Stream media support

2008-09-12 Thread Pete Kay

I am looking for a way that I can record sound from browser and stores it as
a .wav file in the backend.  I am able to do it with Flash, but I am not
sure if it is possible to embed Flash within GWT panel.  If there is a way
to record sound from GWT, then I don't need to use Flash, which is a cleaner
solution.  Can GWT do that?

Also, does GWT has any capability of streaming media out to browser the way
that Flash/Flex is capable of?Any hint on where to start looking will be
greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,

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Re: need to change relative path to absolute path

2008-09-11 Thread Pete Kay

I am bringing up a brand new default app that I am creating using
ApplicationCreator and ProjectCreator.  However, I am getting the following
error when Runing it from Eclipse:

'com.yht.ui.gwt.Application/Application.html' does not appear to be a valid
fully-qualified Java class name
Google Web Toolkit 1.5.2
ApplicationCreator [-eclipse projectName] [-out dir] [-overwrite] [-ignore]
[-addToClassPath classPathEntry] [-addModule module] className
  -eclipse Creates a debug launch config for the named eclipse
  -out The directory to write output files into (defaults to
  -overwrite   Overwrite any existing files
  -ignore  Ignore any existing files; do not overwrite
  -addToClassPath  Adds extra elements to the class path.
  -addModule   Adds extra GWT modules to be inherited.
  classNameThe fully-qualified name of the application class to

What is wrong with my eclipse?  Could someone please help me out?

Thank you in advance for all your help.


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How to deploy gwt client and gwt server on seperate machine

2008-09-10 Thread Pete Kay

I am trying tp have gwt client deployed on one machine (using lighttpd ) and
gwt server deployed on another machine ( using tomcat).

Inside the client config file, where can I specify the IP address of the
servlet?  The default setting is using localhost for the servlet host.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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