Re: Furture stage cross compile GWT to iPhone, Android, Blackbarry and etc using PhoneGap

2010-03-18 Thread mon3y

On Mar 18, 5:01 am, Ivan Ooi wrote:
 Hi GWT team,

    Since GWT able to compile Java to Javascript, will GWT make cross compile
 technique further step ahead by cross compile JS to iPhone, Android,
 Blackbarry and Palm by using PhoneGap ?

 Best Regards

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Re: how can I add parameters in FileUpload

2010-03-08 Thread mon3y
What i do is i add hidden inputs to the form i'm submitting along with
my picture, like so

private Hidden formTime = new Hidden();
private HorizontalPanel formHP=new HorizontalPanel();
public FormPanel uploadForm=new FormPanel();//form


then on the server.something along these lines.

public synchronized void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException, IOException{


//System.err.println(selectMstsq: +selectMstsq);
if(myWeb==null)myWeb=new PictureUploadServer();

File tempFolder =

//Check that we have a file upload request
boolean isMultipart = 

// Create a factory for disk-based file items
FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();

// Create a new file upload handler
ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);

// Parse the request
items = new LinkedList();

try {
items = upload.parseRequest(request);

} catch (FileUploadException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

iter = items.iterator();

while (iter.hasNext()) {
item = (FileItem);
String name = item.getFieldName();
if(name.compareTo(time) == 0){
}else if(name.startsWith(picture)){
uploadedStream = item.getInputStream();
/* This is to dump the upload to disk (create 
 * To keep in memory, change the output stream 
 * ByteArrayOutputStream, writing file contents
 * into a byte array.
 * This byte array can be used as input to a 
 * which in turn can be written to 

Hope that spoon feeding has filled you up, :).

On Mar 8, 8:12 am, zujee wrote:
 How can i add parameter in FileUpload in the formPanel. I successfully
 uploaded the file to server. But I want to pass some string values
 along with the  uploadForm.submit(); .

 How can I do that.
 Thanks in advance

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AXIS I.P. camera

2009-05-13 Thread mon3y


So as the title suggest i am having a a bit of an issue with I.P
cameras and GWT(More like an IE problem, with FireFox this issue is
not produced).
The issue is not the displaying of the video. The issue comes in when
i submit a form.
Let me just give you a bit of background:

I have 4 HTML objects in a Grid.
Each HTML object has a OBJECT tag.
Each OBJECT tag is essentially pointing to an I.P Camera.

I have a button which goes to the server and requests a snapshot from
the camera. That part works fine on both browsers.

The issue comes in, that in IE, as soon as that dialog pops up that
asks you what you want to do with the image, the classic, Save
Open and Cancel dialog, the video streams(So the OBJECT tags)
stop working, its as if the video freezes.

My server code is :

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse
response) throws IOException {


URL url = new URL(
URLConnection con = url.openConnection();
BufferedInputStream in = new 
ServletOutputStream out = response.getOutputStream();

byte b[] = new byte[24];
int count;
while(( != -1) {

The image returns fine but when the dialog pops up, it freezes the
video stream.

JSIO Class (for video):
public class CameraJSIO {
public static native String camera()/*-{
// Set the BaseURL to the URL of your camera
var BaseURL =;;

// DisplayWidth  DisplayHeight specifies the displayed width 
height of the image.
// You may change these numbers, the effect will be a stretched or a
shrunk image
var DisplayWidth = 352;
var DisplayHeight = 288;
var Bordersize = 0;
var objectID=player1;

// This is the path to the image generating file inside the camera
var File = axis-cgi/mjpg/video.cgi?resolution=352x288 ;

// No changes required below this point
var output = ;
if ((navigator.appName == Microsoft Internet Explorer) 
(navigator.platform != MacPPC)  (navigator.platform != Mac68k))
// If Internet Explorer under Windows then use ActiveX
output  ='div'
output += 'OBJECT ID='+objectID+' width='
output += DisplayWidth;
output += ' height=';
output += DisplayHeight;
output += 'border=0 ';
output += 'CLASSID=CLSID:DE625294-70E6-45ED-B895-CFFA13AEB044 
output += 'CODEBASE=';
output += BaseURL;
output += 'activex/,32,14,0';
output += 'PARAM NAME=MediaURL VALUE=';
output += BaseURL;
output += File + '';
output += 'param name=MediaType value=mjpeg-unicast';
output += 'param name=ShowStatusBar value=0';
output += 'param name=ShowToolbar value=0';
output += 'param name=AutoStart value=1';
output += 'param name=StretchToFit value=1';
output += 'BRBAxis Media Control/BBR';
output += 'The AXIS Media Control, which enables you ';
output += 'to view live image streams in Microsoft Internet';
output += 'Explorer, could not be registered on your computer.';
output += 'BR/OBJECT/div';
} else {
// If not IE for Windows use the browser itself to display
theDate = new Date();
output  = 'IMG SRC=';
output += BaseURL;
output += File;
output += 'dummy=' + theDate.getTime().toString(10);
output += 'HEIGHT=';
output += DisplayHeight;
output += 'WIDTH=';
output += DisplayWidth;
output += 'BORDER=';
output += Bordersize;
output += 'ALT=Camera Image Loading';
return output;
//document.Player.ToolbarConfiguration = play,+snapshot,+fullscreen
// document.Player.UIMode = MDConfig;
// document.Player.MotionConfigURL = /axis-cgi/operator/param.cgi?
// document.Player.MotionDataURL = /axis-cgi/motion/motiondata.cgi;

Normal client class that utilizes CameraJSIO.
Just have a form stick a button in it got to server to get
image..normal stuff.While the video is streaming obviously.
Any Ideas or comments are welcomed.

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Re: how to get icon to appear?

2009-02-10 Thread mon3y


Answers to your  question is indirectly proportional to the length of
your question.

Icon???...hmm..lets see. Icon as in a image?? Icon as in a favicon?
Icon as in adding it to a panel icon?


On Feb 9, 11:26 am, ytbryan wrote:
  hi all,

 may i know how can i get icon to appear?
 what must i put inside the css { }
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Re: multiple rpc calls to server

2009-02-06 Thread mon3y


A code snippet would be nice, so we can see where you're going wrong.

Also put a Window.alert(), in your onFailure and onSuccess of your
second call to see what you get.

If it comes into the onFailure of your second call, there must be
something wrong with the way you're calling the server side or your

If it comes in on your onSuccess, it must be a logic error, or
something else pertaining to your client side code.

If you make the first call successful and you call the second one the
same way(logically) then there should be no issues.


On Feb 6, 12:39 pm, ytbryan wrote:
 Hi all,
 i know gwt don support synchronous call and i read it somwhere that
 there is actually don need to make rpc call synchronous.

 but i created an application with buttons like  save data  and 
 display result that will communicate to server by fetching data or
 saving data.

 when the application starts, it will automatically display the first
 result with its first rpc call. but when i click the display second
 result's button... it doesn't work anymore. any subsequent rpc
 call after the first one don't work.

 what is wrong here? and what am i missing? can someone advice me? the
 usual rpc example online only show how to make one rpc call. is there
 a way to make multiple calls that do different task? thank you for
 your time in viewing this post.
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Re: Problem with file upload

2009-01-14 Thread mon3y


Sounds like your photos need timestamps added to their names. At least
when you try and load them.

So when you get the array of string with your url + image name, add a
time stamp.
I think that should do it.


On Jan 14, 2:02 am, Daniele B wrote:
 I've a problem with my photogallery application.
 Application work like this:
 On textbox enter a album name.
 On FileUpload widget, select image to upload on server.
 When user click on album widget, program send a GWT-RPC call to a
 servlet which send back string array of images URL.
 But when I upload a new photo, it's not viewed...only when I restart
 application new photo are view.

 Sorry for my english.

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Re: Problem with file upload

2009-01-14 Thread mon3y

Hmmm..i just read that and it confused me

What i meant to say is. Every time you send a photo to your servlet
add a timestamp

myPhoto + System.getCurrentTime() + . jpg;

Then your are going to have to keep and array of timestamps for each
photo. So when you load the photos you know which timestamp belongs to
which photo.

Just an idea.


On Jan 14, 2:02 am, Daniele B wrote:
 I've a problem with my photogallery application.
 Application work like this:
 On textbox enter a album name.
 On FileUpload widget, select image to upload on server.
 When user click on album widget, program send a GWT-RPC call to a
 servlet which send back string array of images URL.
 But when I upload a new photo, it's not viewed...only when I restart
 application new photo are view.

 Sorry for my english.

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Re: How to run a signed java applet in hosted mode of gwt??

2008-12-02 Thread mon3y

ah a quick one..

not going to happen, :).

I'm running a signed applet myself and believe when i saynot going
to happen(unless, someone posts after this...with is possible
all you have to do is hack the crap out of eclipse and modify some
lines in the GWT compiler while doing a double tuck, reverse
somersault with a half twist.then maybe)

HTH, ; )

On Dec 2, 12:22 pm, ship [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my application, i want to run a signed java applet in hosted mode,
 this signed java applet is running succesfully in browser mode but
 when i run it on hosted mode it gives errors.
 Currently i am using gwt-1.4.62.

 Pl try to resolve this problem
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Re: Interesting question:how can I get the rownumber of a cell that contain a button when I click this ?

2008-12-02 Thread mon3y

Clap your hands if you think we need more info!!!

On Dec 2, 3:24 am, Alex Luya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
          Remember: no pre-condition,no external variable that defined
 the location of this button.
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Re: Who can read chinese?

2008-12-02 Thread mon3y

On Nov 28, 3:29 pm, Adam T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Above link might help


  I need help ,  i hava some API of YI language  , but all words is
  china words ,  who can help me?ASAP , thanks.
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Re: Problem updating image URL

2008-12-02 Thread mon3y

Might it have something to do with the word final when declaring

On Dec 2, 9:23 pm, dhoffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a custom button that has a couple of images as well as text.
 My code is like this:

 public class SplitButton extends Button
     private IGWTImageBundle gwtImageBundle;
     private final DockPanel dockPanel = new DockPanel();
     private MenuBar menuBar;
     private final Image image = new Image();
     private final Label textLabel = new Label();
     private PopupPanel popupPanel;

     public SplitButton(IGWTImageBundle gwtImageBundle)
         this(null, null, gwtImageBundle);

     public SplitButton(String imageURL, String text, IGWTImageBundle

         this.gwtImageBundle = gwtImageBundle;

         if (imageURL != null)
         if (text != null)


     private void initDockPanel()
         dockPanel.add(image, DockPanel.WEST);
         dockPanel.add(textLabel, DockPanel.CENTER);
 (), DockPanel.EAST);


     public void setText(String text)


     public void setImage(String imageURL)


     private void setHTML()
         SimplePanel sp = new SimplePanel();
         String test = DOM.getInnerHTML(sp.getElement());


 The problem is calls to setImage(String imageURL) do not get updated
 in the UI.  That is, although the URL set is valid the image is not
 shown in the button.  The static image is shown in the UI however.

 What am I doing wrong to set the image?

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Re: Implement a Calender to the Navigation on the left side

2008-12-02 Thread mon3y

On Dec 2, 7:10 pm, King [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hello everybody,

 I start to programming with GWT Designer yesterday... My Question is,
 if anybody knows how i can implement a small calender to the left
 panel! I didnt do it before in java or something else... Is there a
 easy way ???

 Thank you very much!!!
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Re: Generating JARs of client code?

2008-12-01 Thread mon3y

I would go with the latter solution.

All GWT compiler does is take your client side code and spits it out
in JS code.


On Nov 29, 1:01 pm, LooneyLynn [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I created the usual eclipse project layout with the applicationCreator
 and so... Now I want to generate a JAR file representing my client-
 side GWT code including the RPC interface I defined.

 My intention is to use this JAR file in another JAVA project to
 implement the RPC interface, so that the GWT client is able to
 communicate with this separate server side project. Is this possible
 or am I missing something?

 The problem is that my server-side is written in C#. My plan is using
 GrassHopper to implement this JAVA interface in C# (this would be
 technically no prob). Also I have access to the whole server side GWT
 java package with C#.
 But Grasshopper needs this JAR file to import the java classes into

 So how can I get GWT to generate this JAR file from my client code? Or
 should I just put all CLASS-files in a zip and rename it to JAR?

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Re: Timer In Gwt

2008-12-01 Thread mon3y

Classic Reneir Reply
This Was Well worth The Read, :).

On Nov 29, 1:35 pm, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Not A Problem - Just Add The Timer Behaviour To Your Custom Subclass
 Of Label. For Example, You Could Add A SetVisible Method To This Label
 Subclass That Also Includes a Milliseconds Parameter (The Time To
 Display The Message). All Your Method Does Is Call Super.SetVisible
 (X), And Then Start The Timer. The Timer Code You Pasted Looks Fine,
 So You Can Just Use That. If You Are Concerned That Thirty Timers Are
 Too Much To Handle, I Wouldn't Worry Too Much. However, If Practical
 Testing Really Reveals That Is A Problem, You Can Do This. I'd Still
 Go The Route Of A Custom Class, though. Basically, Create A Mapping Of
 Event Times (The Time In Milliseconds When The Message Should
 Disappear) And Store This In A TreeMap. Then, Set Up A Single Timer
 That Waits Until The First Time In The Mapping Is 'Up'. The Code Sort
 Of Writes Itself From There. If A New Timer Is Added, You Should Check
 If It's Up Sooner Than The First Thing In The Map, And If So, Cancel
 And Restart The Timer With The New Shorter Time.

 NB: It Is More Common In The English Language To Capitalize The Word
 I And The First Letter In Every Sentence. Your Style Of Capitalizing
 At Random Is Not So Much Of A Standard. I Admit, It Looks Hilarious
 Though. Ta!

 On Nov 29, 7:48 am, jagadesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi Guys,

  I am Working On A Screen Where i Need to Display some Error Message
  and Some Success Messages.What i did is i created my own widget of
  some Label type . when ever i need to show a message i would set the
  text to label and display it on the top of the screen much like gmail.

  the issue i added a timer for the label so that it disappears
  automatically after some time.

  i have written the code like this,

  Timer t = new Timer() {
                                  public void run() {
                                          setWidget(0, 1, header);

  header is my label type of element. i was displaying some 30 types of
  different message. so my timer code has increased a lot . can any one
  suggest me how to use a single timer class for all.
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Re: Load images and css from different folder according to locale and company change

2008-11-27 Thread mon3y

Take a look at the ImageBundle class, that has some helper methods to
change images.

On Nov 28, 8:05 am, zujee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Is it possible to load different images and css according to locale
 and company change?
 For eg: i have a company named XYZ and I want to show the customized
 images which contains XYZ for there customization.
 Now Im replaceing all the default images with this particular company
 images. Can i Store these images in a directory ,say XYZimages folder
 and load from that location, So that default images will be there and
 the customized images can show only for that customized company.
 Im currently using ImmutableResourceBundle.
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Re: New to the GWT

2008-11-26 Thread mon3y

Eclipse is the way to go. Are you new to java as well?

On Nov 26, 2:24 am, Jorge Muralles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thank you.
 I jalso just dowload eclipse. I was loooking at it, I like it. Do you think 
 that that is a good development tool?

 Sincerely yours;

 Jorge Muralles

 --- On Tue, 11/25/08, Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 From: Reinier Zwitserloot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: New to the GWT
 To: Google Web Toolkit
 Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 7:14 PM

 It has no user interface other than the command line.

 If you're on windows, run 'cmd', that'll get you a command
 line. In
 order to learn how to use it - google for some tutorials, it's not too
 difficult. Most programming tools work off of the command line, so its
 time well spent.

 On Nov 25, 10:44 pm, Jorge Muralles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi there, how are you, is this the only way to run the createproject
  Once is running, does it have a user interface?
  I really do not know how to run it from the coomand promtp. how would I gt
 to it?

  Sincerely yours;

  Jorge Muralles

  --- On Tue, 11/25/08, Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  From: Isaac Truett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: New to the GWT
  Date: Tuesday, November 25, 2008, 2:32 PM

  Open a command prompt and run it from there.

  On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 1:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


   I just downloaded the GWT, I understand that there is no installation
   file, but I click on the application creator and it starts up a
   command screen that goes away.

   How do i start up the application creator? What am I doin wrong?


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Re: how to retrive images from client side to server side

2008-11-17 Thread mon3y

how did you know i was a sir?

Code snippet from your client and server side would be nice, so we can
try and see where you are going wrong, :)


On Nov 17, 8:14 am, avd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 dear sir,
 i want to know that how server can get images that are exists at
 client side.Because when i send the image path through file upload
 then server cant get images from client.
 please help me.

 with regards
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Re: missing images in IE

2008-11-17 Thread mon3y


I don't quiet understand the problem.

FlexTable table = new FlexTable();
  Image img = new Image(icons/img.png);
  table.setWidget(0, 0, img);
  Image img2 = new Image(icons/img2.png);
  table.setWidget(0, 0, img2);

should it not be :

FlexTable table = new FlexTable();
  Image img = new Image(icons/img.png);
  table.setWidget(0, 0, img);
  Image img2 = new Image(icons/img2.png);
  table.setWidget(0,1   , img2);

 or am i missing something.

in your code you should just see img2.

in your code, you have


 using the following code will result in image not being loaded:

               FlexTable table = new FlexTable();
               Image img = new Image(icons/img.png);
               table.setWidget(0, 0, img);
               Image img2 = new Image(icons/img2.png);
               table.setWidget(0, 0, img2);

 Internal symptoms:
 -- img has both __pendingSrc and src attributes set
 -- img2 has only __pendingSrc set
 -- srcImgMap contains img with img2 as its child

 I suspect that when img is removed from table it can no longer receive
 onload event and therefore will never update children's src attribute
 and remove itself from the srcImgMap.

 Is my suspicion correct? Anybody has a fix/workaround for this?

 Thanks for any response!
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Re: How can I find address of the server?

2008-11-12 Thread mon3y

I said to myselfNoOooOO...there has to be more than what the
title says
now i'm , :( ..

+1 RTFM.


On Nov 13, 6:36 am, Dobes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use GWT.getHostPageBaseURL() or GWT.getModuleBaseURL() to find the URL
 you came from.  Simple string manipulations should get you everything
 else you need.

 Another option is Window.Location which tells you the current host,
 port, etc..

 And ... read the manuals?  This information isn't that hard to find,
 is it ?

 On Nov 12, 7:19 am, Marian Jancar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm trying to use GWT to create a web interface for wireless embedded
  devices, and due to space constrains I can't use Java on server side
  and have to go with HTTP requests. How can I find the server address
  in GWT?

  Best Regards,
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Re: Only digits in TextBox: differences between Firefox and IE

2008-11-06 Thread mon3y

Hi try this

if(keyCode!= KeyboardListener.KEY_BACKSPACE || keyCode!=
  if (!Character.isDigit(keyCode)) {

HTH :)
On Nov 6, 11:05 am, Schimki86 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I use a KeyboardListener to check the typed character. I've seen this
 example in the book GWT in Action:

 public void onKeyUp(Widget sender, char keyCode, int modifiers) {
   if (!Character.isDigit(keyCode)) {


 In IE it works but in FF the Listeners is listen to the control-,
 delete- and backspace- key too. I can't delete an character because
 these keys are no digits.

 How can I check if the keys are a control, delete or the backspace?
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Re: ImageBundle combines my images

2008-11-06 Thread mon3y


Are you using GWT 1.5?
Have you tried putting the images in the same level as the class?

so it would look like
@Resource(images/border_bottom.gif) (--or wherever your is)
public AbstractImagePrototype border_bottom();

i'm using 1.4 and it looks like this(just a snippet)

public interface Images extends ImageBundle {

 * @gwt.resource gogo.png
AbstractImagePrototype gogo();


Other class that uses the Images class

public class Test{
Images images;//ImageBundle implementation.
Image gogoImage=null; //Normal  GWT image object

public void createImages(){
   images = (Images) GWT.create(Images.class);

This might not help if you're using 1.5. I haven't tried using
ImageBundle in 1.5

HTH a little, :)

On Nov 7, 8:19 am, Lucas86 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm using the following code to set up an ImageBundle. I show the code
 after that I use to add the image. It all compiles fine, but when I
 access the images most of them come up as a combination of several of
 the images that I've added to the ImageBundle. Has anyone else had
 this problem? Is there anything I need to consider about the images
 public interface MyImageBundle extends ImageBundle {

 public AbstractImagePrototype border_bottom();

 public AbstractImagePrototype border_right();

 public AbstractImagePrototype menu_contact();

 public AbstractImagePrototype border_top();

 public AbstractImagePrototype copyright();

 public AbstractImagePrototype corner_flowers();}

         //Testing the Image Bundle
         MyImageBundle images_test = GWT.create(MyImageBundle.class);
         AbstractImagePrototype testImagePrototype =
         AbstractImagePrototype test1 = images_test.border_top();
         AbstractImagePrototype test2 = images_test.copyright();
         AbstractImagePrototype test3 = images_test.corner_flowers();
         //End testing
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Re: FormPanel and FileUpload help

2008-10-30 Thread mon3y

do u get the window alert popping up after u click on submit?

On Oct 29, 8:24 pm, grasshopper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am trying to set up file uploading in an app and I am having trouble
 with no sign of what is wrong.

 My trouble is that when I click a button to submit a FormPanel,
 nothing happens.

 To make matters worst I get no error on tomcat logs or anywhere.

 I am clueless as to what might be happenning.

 This is my onModuleLoad() code:
 //Create a FormPanel and point it at a service.
     final FormPanel uploadForm = new FormPanel();
     uploadForm.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() +

     // Because we're going to add a FileUpload widget, we'll need to
 set the
     // form to use the POST method, and multipart MIME encoding.

     // Create a panel to hold all of the form widgets.
     VerticalPanel uploadPanel = new VerticalPanel();

     // Create a FileUpload widget.
     FileUpload upload = new FileUpload();

     // Add a 'submit' button.
     Button uploadSubmitButton = new Button(Submit);

     uploadSubmitButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
       public void onClick(Widget sender) {

     uploadForm.addFormHandler(new FormHandler() {
       public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event) {

       public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) {

 My servlet is code:
 public class WallpaperUploadServlet extends HttpServlet implements
 Servlet {

          public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException{


         protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse
               throws ServletException, IOException {

             FileItem uploadItem = getFileItem(request);
             if (uploadItem == null) {

             byte[] fileContents = uploadItem.get();
             //TODO: add code to process file contents here. We will just
 print it.

             //System.out.println(new String(fileContents));

         private FileItem getFileItem(HttpServletRequest request) {
             FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
             ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);

             try {
               List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
               Iterator it = items.iterator();
               while (it.hasNext()) {
                 FileItem item = (FileItem);
                 if (!item.isFormField()
                      uploadFormElement.equals(item.getFieldName())) {
                   return item;
             } catch (FileUploadException e) {
               return null;
             return null;





                !-- Replace the action class name below with the fully
 qualified name of the action class --

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Re: FormPanel and FileUpload help

2008-10-30 Thread mon3y

How have you attached the panel?

RootPanel.get().add(uploadPanel );

On Oct 30, 4:35 pm, grasshopper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 No. Not getting alert popping up after i click on submit.

 Looking through GWT Group discussions i found a discussion/thread
 which helped me realize i was making a mistake in my code. I was
 attaching the uploadPanel not the uploadForm to the page. However,
 despite some progress, now that i attach the form and not the vertical
 panel. The form with the panel as a widget does not show/display.

 On Oct 30, 10:13 am, mon3y [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  do u get the window alert popping up after u click on submit?

  On Oct 29, 8:24 pm, grasshopper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I am trying to set up file uploading in an app and I am having trouble
   with no sign of what is wrong.

   My trouble is that when I click a button to submit a FormPanel,
   nothing happens.

   To make matters worst I get no error on tomcat logs or anywhere.

   I am clueless as to what might be happenning.

   This is my onModuleLoad() code:
   //Create a FormPanel and point it at a service.
       final FormPanel uploadForm = new FormPanel();
       uploadForm.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() +

       // Because we're going to add a FileUpload widget, we'll need to
   set the
       // form to use the POST method, and multipart MIME encoding.

       // Create a panel to hold all of the form widgets.
       VerticalPanel uploadPanel = new VerticalPanel();

       // Create a FileUpload widget.
       FileUpload upload = new FileUpload();

       // Add a 'submit' button.
       Button uploadSubmitButton = new Button(Submit);

       uploadSubmitButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
         public void onClick(Widget sender) {

       uploadForm.addFormHandler(new FormHandler() {
         public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event) {

         public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) {

   My servlet is code:
   public class WallpaperUploadServlet extends HttpServlet implements
   Servlet {

            public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException{


           protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, 
                 throws ServletException, IOException {

               FileItem uploadItem = getFileItem(request);
               if (uploadItem == null) {

               byte[] fileContents = uploadItem.get();
               //TODO: add code to process file contents here. We will just
   print it.

               //System.out.println(new String(fileContents));

           private FileItem getFileItem(HttpServletRequest request) {
               FileItemFactory factory = new DiskFileItemFactory();
               ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(factory);

               try {
                 List items = upload.parseRequest(request);
                 Iterator it = items.iterator();
                 while (it.hasNext()) {
                   FileItem item = (FileItem);
                   if (!item.isFormField()
                        uploadFormElement.equals(item.getFieldName())) {
                     return item;
               } catch (FileUploadException e) {
                 return null;
               return null;





                  !-- Replace the action class name below with the fully
   qualified name of the action class --

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Re: Gwt Multiple Language

2008-10-29 Thread mon3y

Hope this helps


On Oct 29, 1:51 pm, jagadesh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Guys ,

 Iam Working On Gwt 1.5.3 . My Requirement is
 Iam Using 2 languages  one is English and other is Chines
 [ Traditional]

 i have written 2 constants file for both. now how can i set the
 language depending on the browser locale.
 i.e if the site opens in china , the language should be chinese and
 chinese constant file should be selected.

 how can i do this sort of thing .

 Can Anyone Sort Me out. a sample code would be more helpfull.

 thank u.
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Re: novice question

2008-10-27 Thread mon3y

Hey Shaul,

Ian beat me to the punch..

Another way of looking at the same thing that Ian said is by thinking
of it this way :
Its a removing and adding of panels(and, or widgets).
And each panel or layout container usually has its sets of widgets.

AJAX is all about updating the components that need to be updated,
caused by user actions.

Thats my 2 cents,

On Oct 27, 8:26 am, Ian Bambury [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Shaul,
 Generally, GWT has only one html page. Everything is done by showing and
 hiding stuff.

 For example, you have a menu panel on the left and a display area on the
 right. When you click a menu item, your program swaps out the current
 display and swaps in the new one. The actual html file is the same one and
 is not reloaded, but you hide the 'home page' widget and show the 'about us'

 If by 'two modules' you mean two entrypoint classes, then all the entrypoint
 classes get run when you start the application. If you mean something else,
 then yuo'll have to explain a bit more about what you have done.

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Re: how to generate a war file for gwt project

2008-10-22 Thread mon3y


Maybe a bit late but this is for future peeps:

make a file with extension .bat (example: warUp.bat)
and stick the following in it :

SET PATH=%PATH%;c:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0\bin; //path to your jdk
jar -cvf nameOf War.war * (where nameOfWar will be the name of the war
file that is created)

The bat file should be in the same level as your html page.



 Hello everyone,
 i have developped a project with i war to deploy it to
 tomcat.Can you say me how can i generate the war file please?
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Re: necetio enviar correos desde gwt

2008-10-22 Thread mon3y


GWT no tiene un API para mandar coreo.

Talve puedas mandar el mensaje al server, y desde ahi seguro que
podras mandarlo.

On Oct 20, 4:30 pm, andres [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 me gustaria saber si alguiien me puede colaborar con el codigo que se
 necesita para enviar correos masivos desde gwt

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Re: Multiple pages with entry points

2008-10-21 Thread mon3y


I would go with one html page that points to  your entry point.
Then just import your page 2 widgets.

On Oct 21, 11:06 am, Michi_de [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is there any way to create an application like this for example:
 page1.html - i implement my gwt application with div id= tag.
 page1.html - it also contains following code:
 script type=text/javascript language=javascript

 in my gwt.xml there is the following entry point definded:
 entry-point class='extGWTformular.client.Formular'/

 Works just fine.
 Now the page1.html includes a href link to page2.html
 In page2.html i wanted to use some GWT function too. I also thought
 its just easy as it is in the first entry point: add a div.. tag and
 the script..., done. But it doesnt work.

 Is it possible, to implement such a application? Or is it just
 possible to use one html page which contains all widgets ?
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Re: how to compile my

2008-10-21 Thread mon3y


Just to understand better Are you still using eclipse?

If you are then it is already compiled.
Usually you can find the compiled version of your server class in

bin(or wherever you told eclipse to compile to)
|_path_to_ServiceImpl.class (net/tutorial/server/servlets/) --

take that class and place it in your www/directory/ WEB-INF/classes/

www/directory/ WEB-INF/classes/net/tutorial/server/servlets/

That should get you up and going.

On Oct 20, 2:09 pm, jbroquefere [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 i have terminated my project, which runs under Eclipse. In that
 project, i use a servlet, which connect to MySQL with JDBC.
 Well, everything works fine.
 Now, i want to deploy it. So i have use my project-compile file. I
 get my www/ directorie.
 Tomcat is well installed here.
 I now have to compile my
 Im not used about the javac, mainly the CLASSPATH.
 when i type javac, i get a lot of errors, cause no
 package are found.
 Even if i put all the GWT jar files into my current dir, and even if i
 javac -cp ../client/*
 the idea is that i tell javac to go ../client to find my packages, but
 still the same error : package does not exist

 (yeah, i have create my project using the stockwatcher tutorial

 I suppose all my problems are into the CLASSPATH, but im used to
 Eclipse, run as, ...
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Re: Ext GWT

2008-10-16 Thread mon3y


I googled, :)

They have a demo page so you can see how the widgets work. (http://
Reading the API might help to, :).


# SelectionListener listener = new SelectionListenerComponentEvent()
#   public void componentSelected(ComponentEvent ce) {
# Button btn = (Button) ce.component;
# Info.display(Click Event, The '{0}' button was clicked.,
#   }
# };
# ButtonBar buttonBar = new ButtonBar();
# buttonBar.add(new Button(Click Me, listener));

On Oct 16, 10:54 am, Michi_de [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Im a beginer in GWT and i have to use Ext GWT.
 But my problem is: i cant get any usefull tutorials or anything, to
 get started with some of Ext GWT Widgets. Like the FormPanel.
 As i cant register to the Ext GWT Forum, i give a try here, maybe
 someone uses Ext GWT too and can help me.

 My problem is pretty simple:
 I create a FormPanel like this:

 public class Formular implements EntryPoint  {

         private FormPanel formular ;
         private Button createButton;

         public void onModuleLoad() {
                 createButton = new Button(Ok);
                 form = new FormPanel();

                 TextFieldString name = new TextFieldString();




 Actually this form works. I can add things and stuff and hit the
 button. But i cant wire any action listeners to this button. I just
 dont get it, how this should be working? The button is not the same
 button, as the GWT Button. The Ext GWT Button dont have any
 addClickListener() method.
 And so far i just cant find anything, to procede with the form.
 This form just suck terribly.

 I wanted to add a clickListener to the button and then start a method.
 Symple as it is in GWT. In Ext GWT i just cant do anything.

 Any hints, on how to work with Ext GWT Form Panels?
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Re: fileupload not submitting

2008-10-09 Thread mon3y

Does that Window.alert pop up?

If not:
1)Did you map the servlet in  your xml?
2) There's an error on your server side
3)It doesn't find your server class that handles the upload

If it does:

On Oct 9, 6:48 am, YB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My file upload not submitting. Form handler is printing out the debugs
 when i click submit, but the server is not registering any activity.
 No errors in the log on client or server.

 the code:
 final FormPanel form = new FormPanel();
                 form.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() +;

             VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel();

             FileUpload upload = new FileUpload();
             panel.add(new Button(Submit it , new ClickListener() {
                 public void onClick(Widget sender) {
                         System.out.println(onClick() called);

             form.addFormHandler(new FormHandler() {
                 public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event) {
                         System.out.println(form handler onSubmit() invoked);
                         System.out.println(event:  + event);
                         System.out.println(event.isCanceled:  +
                 public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) {
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Re: fileupload not submitting

2008-10-09 Thread mon3y

Are you sure you need that;
should it not be ImageUpload); ??

On Oct 9, 8:21 am, mon3y [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does that Window.alert pop up?

 If not:
 1)Did you map the servlet in  your xml?
 2) There's an error on your server side
 3)It doesn't find your server class that handles the upload

 If it does:

 On Oct 9, 6:48 am, YB [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  My file upload not submitting. Form handler is printing out the debugs
  when i click submit, but the server is not registering any activity.
  No errors in the log on client or server.

  the code:
  final FormPanel form = new FormPanel();
                  form.setAction(GWT.getModuleBaseURL() +;

              VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel();

              FileUpload upload = new FileUpload();
              panel.add(new Button(Submit it , new ClickListener() {
                  public void onClick(Widget sender) {
                          System.out.println(onClick() called);

              form.addFormHandler(new FormHandler() {
                  public void onSubmit(FormSubmitEvent event) {
                          System.out.println(form handler onSubmit() 
                          System.out.println(event:  + event);
                          System.out.println(event.isCanceled:  +
                  public void onSubmitComplete(FormSubmitCompleteEvent event) 
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Re: HTML inside a text box

2008-10-06 Thread mon3y


I fail to see teh real world application for a link being inside a
TextBox...or a TextArea.

What would be the use case for it?


On Oct 6, 10:21 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Is it possibly to insert some html inside a TextBox or TextArea and
 have it displayed correctly.

 My goal is to display hyperlinks in the textbox.

 Any help would be greatly appreciated.
 Thanks in advance,
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Re: I am not a JAVA developer

2008-10-06 Thread mon3y


I'm not expert, but i would say is:

1) Download GWT and give the examples a try.
2) Visit: . Its a good site of reference
to see the different widgets, and how to use them.
3) I've done ASP before and java is so much easier.(But that's just a
personal experience, it not something set in stone, :) ).
4)I think could could accomplish your requirements using GWT.
5) Good luck, :).


On Oct 6, 9:20 am, SID [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear experts,

 I have come across this GWT recently and I need to know more about it
 and its usage. I need to develop some intranet applications like
 Contact Manager, Activity Manager, Some workflow for ESS (like leave
 request, business travel request, etc), and some other modules.

 In the past, I have been using ASP.NET for application developments. I
 have never used JAVA for any of my applications.

 If I decide to use GWT and JAVA, how much time will it take to learn
 and use it for my this project? Will it be tough? Do you think it is a
 good idea to use GWT for my current requirement?

 Though I have never used, but I have learned C, C++ during my studies.

 As of now, Only I will be working on this project, and there might be
 1 more consultant in the future.

 I am also considering DRUPAL as another alternative. I have never used
 PHP as well, but some one told me that it is easy to learn PHP than

 Thank you for your guidance in advance.
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Re: Form submitted twice?

2008-09-29 Thread mon3y

Hi should only see it once, as mentioned.
1) Are you sure you haven't added the listner twice?
2) Can you post you code up?
3) Are you sure you're not submitting twice?


On Sep 28, 9:26 pm, marcelstoer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I used the code provided as an example 
 to build a form panel.

 However, the form seems to get submitted twice as the
 Window.alert(The text box must not be empty); is executed twice. Any
 ideas as for why this happens?

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Re: One Application, Multiple Modules (Developed Independently)

2008-08-25 Thread mon3y


Well yes, what you have described in the beginning part can be done,
so long as Panel A does not communicate with Panel B at compile time,
or better said, as long as Panel A does not need/have any references
to Panel B.

Essentially you can have the following senario:

1) Framework is built and compiled(This should have the onModuleLoad()
2) Framework inherits Panel A like you would a library.
(In Framework xml file something like this
 inherits class should be
treated as a EntryPoint Class, but should not implement EntryPoint)
Then when you're ready to put in Panel B
 inherits class should be
treated as a EntryPoint Class, but should not implement EntryPoint)

If you have any questions, don't hesitate


P.S : HTH---Hope That Helps.

On Aug 22, 5:16 pm, Mickey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi HTH,

 If what you are describing does not require Panel A source to build
 Panel B, and either or both of these panels can be displayed within a
 parent panel/page (without loose integration via frames, etc), then
 let's say for the sake of argument, yes. That is close enough to
 describe my scenario.

 If that doesn't match your description, then... :)

 Basically, I realize our framework would need to provide some level of
 abstraction whereby add-ons would be dynamically defined/configured
 externally as menu items/actions/classes within some sort of site map,
 controller config file, or whatever you want to call it. The child
 classes are pretty much ignorant of one another at the source/class
 level, communicating through the framework interface or shared
 objects, etc. But they are hosted by a common UI framework.


 On Aug 22, 9:58 am,mon3y[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I'm just trying to understand what it is exactly you want to do

  Lets just say for argument sakes you have a framework that
  accommodates to panels.

  So what you want to do is develop Panel A and Panel B independently of
  each other, and again for argument sakes, you release with panel A
  only and then the next release put on Panel B on your already existing
  framework? is this correct?

  And you want to know how to integrate Panel B on your next release?

  If i'm totally left field on this just reply with a smiley, :)
  If you want to do the above...yes it is possible and there are older
  threads on these forums that will lead you to what you need.


  On Aug 22, 3:07 pm, Mickey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I think one of us is still missing some points (hopefully it's me). So
   let me try to clarify.

   On Aug 21, 3:00 pm, walden [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks for the reply. What I mean by developed independently is that
 a core UI framework would be built/distributed as a common
 infrastructure, and add-on components would be developed/distributed
 individually to integrate/run on this platform.

Just like my application builds on the GWT UI classes, no?

   Yes, I understand this point, and yes this would work if you are only
   talking about compiling one component (or as many as source is
   available for) on top of the base framework module lbrary. But the
   idea breaks down after that in the same way that I cannot expect to
   build on top of one of your modules - because I do not have your
   source. I only have my source and the common library source.

 So, it is not an
 application in the traditional sense. Think more along the lines of
 Eclipse, for example (although I'm sure someone will point out it is a
 bad example). Plug-ins are developed for the Eclipse platform
 independently without much regard for one another. They are only
 interested in meeting the requirements of the framework. They are not
 compiled/distributed together as one big application. Correct? That's
 the idea here.

If you're thinking like Eclipse then maybe you'll be stuck with a
plug-in solution that's not the best fit for what you're actually


 We cannot control (or even anticipate) the development schedules of
 these plug-in components. They will probably need to be built and be
 targeted to a particular version of our framework, and updates will
 need to be sensitive to backwards compatibilty. But the resulting
 application will be any number of permutations of combined
 components all residing within the same core UI platform. It's made up
 of whatever pieces the customer decided to purchase (separately).

The fact that you still have to package one of those permutations at
some point in order to deploy it is the point I was making earlier.
Permutations is not a problem for the GWT compiler, which will
optimize each particular permutation to a better runtime than your
plug-in approach could.

   No. The idea is not to package