Dynamic Module Loading

2010-06-21 Thread ruds
Hello there,
I know that this topic has been circling around for a while and i
thought to bring it up again just for the sake of discussion and in
case someone else has found an alternative for it.

One of our requirements is to be able to load a compiled GWT module at
runtime, bc we have a compiler unit that runs on the server where you
can define the UI Components of a UI View and customized it per user
and language.
Since we are compiling all the Views through our compiler unit(Not GWT
Compiler) then we dont want to load the screen dynamically. it is much
like flex/flash, they do the design through a flash designer and then
they compile the MXML and generate the SWFs. at runtime you just load
the generated SWFs defined per user/language based on some params.

We need to be able to do the same thing in GWT, as now they are asking
for a Web 2.0 version, so i thought first of loading the module
dynamically then it turned out that this is a bad idea. Any hint over
Code Splitting +Deferred Binding?? but will those 2 options work in my

i need to load the generated js of a View as if you have created it
and set its properties per user/language. so if my main Module is the
application entry point where i have 4 sections to fill in my UIs then
i need to load the UIs as if they are ready in terms of design and add
them in their appropriate locations.

Dunno if i was clear enough in my explanation but comments/suggestions
are welcome.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

best regards,
Rudolf Michael

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Browser compatibility for event.getNativeEvent().getKeyCode()

2010-06-17 Thread ruds
Hello there,
I have a focus panel where i added a MouseDownHandler to it. now in my
MouseHandler i am doing the following:
public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent arg0) {
}else if(arg0.getNativeEvent().getKeyCode()==Event.BUTTON_RIGHT){

The strange thing is IE, the keyCode returned if i do debug it is
always 0, it is working fine over FF and chrome and i need this in
order to differentiate right from left clicks.

is this a browser compatibility issue or a gwt bug?

i am using GWT 2.0.3.

best regards,
Rudolf Michael

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Absolute Panel IE Bug

2010-06-03 Thread ruds
Hello there,
i have a very weird error over IE 8 when trying to add a widget to an
the weird thing is that this only happens when i do
absolutePanel.add(widget, 0, 0) within an event listener.

can someone help me please...
com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (Error): Invalid
 number: -2147024809
 description: Invalid argument.

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Pure GWT Website

2009-12-03 Thread ruds
Hello there,
Can you please check the following website http://beta.mtv.com.lb/
This is done using GWT+third party libraries like gwt2swf,

I wanna check how fast it is to load and stream live comments on your
I have hosted the website over a cloud server to test it in case i
wanna revert the live comments to live chat.

I am building a web protal for a tv station and might need some
suggestion/feedback from you guys.



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Browser Redirection Error

2009-05-07 Thread ruds

Hello there,
I am using GWT 1.5.3 with a FormPanel to submit a video upload to
Everything works fine and the upload is successful.

The YouTube API indicates that when you do a video upload using an
HTMLform, i have to specify the next URL, so my browser will be
redirected to this URL when the form is submitted.

I am getting a permission error Permission denied to call method
Location.toString in my error console.

I don't know if it is a GWT issue or a YouTube  issue.

But does anyone know how the GWT Form reacts when it is submitted and
the response code is 301 that redirects the user's browser, causing
the browser to request and load the URL that you had specified with
the nexturl parameter in your upload form.

When redirecting i am seeing all those errors on my error console
G()()swfaddre...ict=false (line 8)
swfaddress.js?html=truestrict=false()()swfaddre...ict=false (line 8)
[Break on this error] if(typeof com==undefined){var com={}}i...E]
swfaddre...ict=false (line 8)
Permission denied to call method Location.toString

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HTMLPanel bug hwne migrating from 1.4.6 to 1.5.3

2009-02-12 Thread ruds

Hello there,
I used to play around with HTMLPanels by loading the html source from
the server. The htmls could be some templates, so in the case where i
have a loop over a template, i have duplicate IDs per HTMLPanel

When using GWT 1.4.6 this used to work smoothly as the HTMLPanel was
not added to the Document yet and i do not add my HTMLPanels before
adding its children. When we moved to 1.5.3, this is not working
anymore for us. because now the getElementById method is retrieving
the id from the document after FORCING an attach for the HTMLPanel.

is there a work around for this issue? i tried to override the add
(Widget child, String id) method by replacing the code from 1.4.6. but
nothing is changing for me.

Can anyone suggest/help me on this subject please?

best regards,
Rudolf Michael
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how to change the RichTextArea default FontSize

2008-10-13 Thread ruds

Hello there,
did anyone tried to set the font size of the richtextarea to a value
larger than 7;
i have been googling for 3 days and could not find any solution to
change the font size other than the basic html font sizes.
i have been following the code and found out that the execCommand
which is being used throws an IllegaArgumentException when you pass to
it a value larger than 7.

did anyone find a solution to this?

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