Re: Is it possible to seamlessly display an ajax spinner for every GWT RPC call?

2009-12-03 Thread tin
I guess I could have a decorator class for every async service
interface I use but that seems incredibly tedious and repetitive. I
have quite a few RPC services already and will have many more as the
project grows. I guess the other option is to try to generate
decorator classes via deferred binding. This seems like a pretty big
deal though. Are there existing libraries which would allow me to do

On Dec 3, 9:34 pm, Cristiano wrote:
 Hi, interesting question and answer,
 could please Mohamed make a GWT example of what you mean?


 On 3 Dic, 05:54, Mohamed Mansour wrote:

  When I mean decorator, I meant to follow the decorator 

  On Dec 2, 11:53 pm, Mohamed Mansour wrote:

   Why wont you implement a decorator interface that will decorate your
   RPC calls? That way you can always hide/show your spinner icon for
   each call without affecting your RPC code.

   On Dec 2, 9:39 pm, tin wrote:

Hi everyone,

I have a GWT application that uses RPC calls heavily. I would like to
display a spinner icon whenever a call is in progress. It is easy
enough to display the icon, but I want to do it seamlessly in one
place so I don't have to explicitly hide and show the icon for each

I guess I am looking for something similar to jQuery's ajaxStart and
ajaxStop events.

Has anyone done something like this before?




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Is it possible to seamlessly display an ajax spinner for every GWT RPC call?

2009-12-02 Thread tin
Hi everyone,

I have a GWT application that uses RPC calls heavily. I would like to
display a spinner icon whenever a call is in progress. It is easy
enough to display the icon, but I want to do it seamlessly in one
place so I don't have to explicitly hide and show the icon for each

I guess I am looking for something similar to jQuery's ajaxStart and
ajaxStop events.

Has anyone done something like this before?




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Usage Scenario

2009-09-24 Thread tin

Hi All

I am planning to use GWT in an already existing HTML GUI. I would
request the group to point me to best practices for using GWT in this
manner. Basically I am trying to make use of my existing MVC
application and want to add the AJAX functionality to my existing HTML
widgets using GWT.

I will be doing no or very  little markup in GWT and will mainly be
accessing my HTML widgets using their IDs.

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Facing a Problem with tomcat deployment

2009-08-25 Thread tin

Hi group

I am getting this exception when any RPC call is being made.  I am not
getting this when I am running the app in the hosted mode and web mode
when running inside Eclipse. But when I deploy the war file in Tomcat,
I start facing this problem.

Please help.

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user/src/com/google/gwt/user/client/ui/ refers to FrameElement instead of IFrameElement. Is this a bad idea?

2009-07-28 Thread tin

Hi everyone,

I am writing some code to try and test some of the behaviour of GWT
widgets inside plain old JUnit tests, as opposed to GWTTestCase. One
thing I have come across is the following:

The Frame class is a wrapper for the IFRAME element, but it uses the
following code:

public String getUrl() {
return getFrameElement().getSrc();

  public void setUrl(String url) {

  private FrameElement getFrameElement() {
return getElement().cast();

Yet, FrameElement represents a FRAME tag, not an IFRAME tag. In
javascript, this all works without a hitch because we can freely cast
between different element types, but it is still somewhat untidy and

I would suggest that it is changed to:

public String getUrl() {
return getIFrameElement().getSrc();

  public void setUrl(String url) {

  private IFrameElement getIFrameElement() {
return getElement().cast();

Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.

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Re: Hooking a GWT event onto an element in an external iframe

2009-07-20 Thread tin

Hi Mat,

Thanks for your reply. That was really helpful.


On Jul 20, 2:11 pm, Mat Gessel wrote:

 There is a potential for memory leaks via event listeners due to
 cyclical references between DOM and JS. To avoid this, GWT manages the
 event listeners via the Widget lifecycle. When the widget is attached
 to the DOM (i.e. it or it's ancestor is attached to a RootPanel) the
 widget's event listener is initialized. When the widget is detached
 (or the page is unloaded) the event listener is cleaned up. You can
 see the code in Widget.onAttach() and Widget.onDetach().

 I'd say it is erroneous to use Widget outside of the normal Widget
 containment hierarchy. Instead, we can set an event listener directly:

 DOM.setEventListener(buttonElement, new EventListener()
   // you will only get the events you sink
   void onBrowserEvent(Event event)
     // references in this method can result in a memory leak


 // connect the foreign element to the GWT event dispatcher
 DOM.sinkEvents(buttonElement, Event.ONCLICK);

 Also consider adding a Window CloseHandler to prevent the memory leak.
 Window.addCloseHandler(new CloseHandlerWindow() {
   public void onClose(CloseEventWindow event)
     DOM.setEventListener(buttonElement, null);


 You can also look at HandlerManager and DomEvent.fireNativeEvent() to
 see how to translate Event into a ClickEvent, but IMO that is

 -= Mat

 On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 4:27 PM, wrote:
  I am writing a GWT app that involves interacting with an external
  document in an iframe. As a proof of concept, I am trying to attach a
  click handler to a button.

  The following works in javascript

  var iframe = document.getElementById(rawJSIFrame);
  var doc = iframe.contentDocument;
  var body = doc.body;
  var button = doc.getElementsByTagName(input).namedItem(submit);
  button.onclick = function() {

  Trying to do the equivalent in GWT, I did the following:

  public void addClickHandlerToSubmitButton(String buttonElementName,
  ClickHandler clickHandler) {
     IFrameElement iframe =;
     Document frameDocument = getIFrameDocument(iframe);
     if (frameDocument != null) {
         Element buttonElement = finder(frameDocument).tag(input).name
         ElementWrapper wrapper = new ElementWrapper(buttonElement);
         HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration =

  private native Document getIFrameDocument(IFrameElement iframe)/*-{
         return iframe.contentDocument;

  The following is the ElementWrapper class:

  public class ElementWrapper extends Widget implements HasClickHandlers

     public ElementWrapper(Element theElement) {

     public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) {
         return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType());


  The code to find the button works fine but the actual click event
  handler is not getting invoked. Has anybody had a similar issue
  before, and how did you resolve it?
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Hooking a GWT event onto an element in an external iframe

2009-07-17 Thread tin

Hi everyone,

I am writing a GWT app that involves interacting with an external
document in an iframe. As a proof of concept, I am trying to attach a
click handler to a button.

The following works in javascript

var iframe = document.getElementById(rawJSIFrame);
var doc = iframe.contentDocument;
var body = doc.body;
var button = doc.getElementsByTagName(input).namedItem(submit);
button.onclick = function() {

Trying to do the equivalent in GWT, I did the following:

public void addClickHandlerToSubmitButton(String buttonElementName,
ClickHandler clickHandler) {
IFrameElement iframe =;
Document frameDocument = getIFrameDocument(iframe);
if (frameDocument != null) {
Element buttonElement = finder(frameDocument).tag(input).name
ElementWrapper wrapper = new ElementWrapper(buttonElement);
HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration =

private native Document getIFrameDocument(IFrameElement iframe)/*-{
return iframe.contentDocument;

The following is the ElementWrapper class:

public class ElementWrapper extends Widget implements HasClickHandlers

public ElementWrapper(Element theElement) {

public HandlerRegistration addClickHandler(ClickHandler handler) {
return addDomHandler(handler, ClickEvent.getType());


The code to find the button works fine but the actual click event
handler is not getting invoked. Has anybody had a similar issue
before, and how did you resolve it?

Thanks in advance,


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Getting Read timed out

2009-01-03 Thread tin

Hi All,

I occassionally get this exception when my app's page is getting
downloaded in the broser. In my application, I make few rpc calls to
fetch the data once the JSP is downloaded by the browser.

Any help in this will greatly be appreciated. No concrete answer could
be found for this on the internet but it seeems others have faced this
problem too.

Stack Trace: Read timed out
 at Method)
 at Source)
 at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalInputBuffer.fill
 at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalInputBuffer
 at org.apache.coyote.http11.filters.IdentityInputFilter.doRead
 at org.apache.coyote.http11.InternalInputBuffer.doRead
 at org.apache.coyote.Request.doRead(
 at org.apache.catalina.connector.InputBuffer.realReadBytes
 at org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.ByteChunk.substract(
 at org.gwtwidgets.server.spring.GWTSpringController.handleRequest
 at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch
 at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService
 at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest
 at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doPost
 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
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Re: redirect problem

2008-11-27 Thread tin


I am also facing the same issue. In my case, I have also used Acegi
Security to implement authorization. If session times out then in this
case, Authorization filters of the acegi will not work  control will
not be able to reach the GWT Handler. In this case, however, exception
would still be thrown. So what alternatives do I have in this case?
One that comes to mind is that I can leave authorization rules on the
GWT services as these services shall be accessed by someone who has
got access to the web page in first case. So no authorization for RPC
based services. If there is any authentication error, then the control
would reach GWT handler and the aspects can catch them, marshall them
and send them back to GWT client.



On Oct 2, 12:25 pm, falafala [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The gwt client cannot interpret the redirect or invalid response
 (hence invocation exception).  I do it this way...
 I use GWT server library so I can implement the service as POJO in
 Spring container and published as gwt service.  I cannot use servlet
 filter  bcoz it cannot handle the marshaling of the response.  It
 should be behind the GWT rpc servlet. So I intercept the call to POJO
 service using Spring aop and check the session there, and throw
 session expired exception. The SessionExpiredException can also
 include the URL to be redirected. This can be marshaled and sent back
 to the gwt client.

 On the client side, you can catch the SessionExpiredException in the
 AsyncCallback handler and call the Javascript to do the redirect.
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CSV Parsing best strategy

2008-10-17 Thread tin

Hi All,

I need to have a CSV import functionality in my application. User can
give CSV files to the web client and then the server is supposed to
understand its contents and persist the data.

What would be the best approach to handle this?

- I upload the CSV file from the web client and use a library to parse
its contents on the server
- I parse the CSV on the web client itself and then pass the data to
the server (using RPC or JSON)

Any examples or pointers to best approaches to handle this problem
willl be highly appreciated.

Thankx  Regards,
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