We have developed a small GWT 1.5.2 application to implement an
intranet inside our portal.  It consists of two panes, content and
navigation/search; implemented as a HorizonatalSplitPanel containing a
ScrollPanel for the content and a DecoratedTabPanel which contains a
Tree for the navigation.  So far, so good.

For mouse-wielding sighted users, it all works as expected.  Clicking
TreeItems in the navigation causes the content ScrollPanel to get new

For keyboard-wielding screen-reader users, however, it's not so good.
One can tab around to get focus to the navigation.  One can arrow-key
around the navigation tree to update the content pane (sighted users
can see the content pane updating).  But the updates to the content
pane are inaudible in the screen-reader JAWS.

After reading the documentation at 
, I added the following lines to the constructor for our content
                com.google.gwt.user.client.Element e = this.getElement();
                Accessibility.setRole(e, "document");
                Accessibility.setState(e,"aria-live", "rude");
                Accessibility.setState(e,"aria-atomic", "true");
                Accessibility.setState(e,"relevant", "additions");

I've also tried with role="region", with other rudeness levels, and
without the aria-atomic and relevant attributes.  I've verified that
the html delivered to the browser does contain the correct attributes
on the div (div class="contentBrowserPanel" relevant="additions" aria-
atomic="true" aria-live="rude" role="document" style="overflow: auto;
position: relative;").

According to 
, this should do exactly what I want.

But still no love from the JAWS.  We are using Windows XP, Firefox 3,
IE 7, and JAWS 11.  I thought the problem might be that JAWS is
confused with the iframes GWT used to implement the
HorizontalSplitPanel.  But my visual-impaired user who originally
reported the problem reports that none of JAWS iframe-reading commands
caused it to properly read the content pane.

Has anyone run into similar issues?  I saw one post where the author
just decided to make a non-AJAX version available from a hidden link.
We may have to go that route eventually, but I was hoping there is a
simple solution.

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