>From the CellTableExample in the API:


 I customized it slightly to implement tab order.

However, tabbing  does not work because table.redraw in
steals focus away. If I don't edit the field and just click on the
TextInputCell, tabbing works. If i comment out
the table.redraw, tabbing works after I have edited a field but my
other fields don't update.

After editing a field , a change event is fired in onBrowser method.
This eventually calls finishediting which then calls the update method
in the column.fieldUpdater. In the update method is where the
table.redraw is located

I have also tried keeping my list of objects in the ListDataProvider
and calling ListDataProvider.refresh but I have the same issue.

Question) How can I implement tab order and allow tabbing after
editing but still be able to refresh the Celltable grid. I need to
redraw/ refresh the grid because after tabbing I need to update data
in the other columns.

The customization that i needed to do was :
1) Extend TextInputCell and override render methods so that I can set
a tabindex by customizing  template.input
(see below code)
2) In CellTableExample, I disabled KeyboardSelectionPolicy

==============  inheriting TextInputCell

public class EditableTextCell extends TextInputCell {
         private static final Logger logger =

  private SimpleTemplate template;
        protected SafeHtmlRenderer<String> renderer;
        private boolean inline;

    interface SimpleTemplate extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
                @Template("<input value=\"{0}\" tabindex=\"{1}\"></input>")
                SafeHtml input( String value,int tabindex);

    public EditableTextCell(EventBus eventBus,
                        SafeHtmlRenderer<String> renderer, boolean inline) {
        this.renderer = renderer;
                template = GWT.create(SimpleTemplate.class);


        public EditableTextCell() {

        public void render(Context context, String value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
                Contact key = (Contact) context
                String name = key.getName();

                // Get the view data.
                ViewData viewData = getViewData(key);
                if (viewData != null && 
viewData.getCurrentValue().equals(value)) {
                        viewData = null;

                String s = (viewData != null) ? viewData.getCurrentValue() : 
                if (s != null   ) {
                        String style = "";

                        SafeHtml html = renderer.render(s);
                        // Note: template will not treat SafeHtml specially
                        sb.append(template.input( html.asString(),
                                        key.getId() ));
                } else {
                        sb.appendHtmlConstant("<input type=\"text\" 

        public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element parent, String
                      NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<String> valueUpdater){

            String eventType = event.getType();
                logger.fine("onBrowserEvent...   " + eventType);

            super.onBrowserEvent(context,parent, value,  event,


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