Re: MVP + GIN + Storing User Data in client Code?

2011-08-29 Thread Alex Dobjanschi
You should not build your Ginjector until you read user role/permissions.

App {
 show_some_loading_ui ();
 rpc_get_user_and_permissions (callback {
   success (..) {
 // hide some_loading_ui.
 // use a DeferredCommand to load the app (#see onModuleLoad2 -P).

   failure (..) {
 // show guest?

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MVP + GIN + Storing User Data in client Code?

2011-08-28 Thread vehdra music
Hi, have a few doubts about using mvp + gin.

One thing that I want to do is this. I want that when my app loads (in the 
entry point) load the logged user data and display one or another gui (one 
for the root users and other for the normal users).

Obviously in the server I check if the user has the right rol to perform the 
action requested via RPC.

This are my doubts:

1. To get the user data, is the best way to do something like this:

public void onModuleLoad() {

ginjector.getUserServiceAsync().getCurrentUser(newAsyncCallback() {

public void onSuccess(UserModel result) {

// store user data somewhere

// display the right gui depending on the user rol


  public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {

// do some



2. To store in client code the user data, I was trying to do something like 
Thomas said 

I've created a CurrentUserProvider class and i've binded my UserModel to my 
CurrentUserProvider. And in my Ginjector i've created a method 

CurrentUserProvider getCurrentUser();

Then in my rpc callback I put the the user data in the provider.

ginjector.getUserServiceAsync().getCurrentUser(new AsyncCallback() 

public void onSuccess(UserModel result) {

// store user data somewhere




It works in some kind, but I don't see it so clean. I believe that it could 
be done in a nicer way. Can you please give any idea about how are you 
handling this in your projects?

On the other side I have the trouble about displaying one or another gui 
depending on the user's rol.

In my Ginjector I have this method AppLayoutView getAppLayout(); that 
returns me my applayout. Basically, when the user is root haves one menu, 
and when the user is not root, haves another menu. Show I create my menu by 
code and do something like this in the view?

if (currentUserProvider.get().getRol().equals(ROLE_ROOT)) {

// create one menu

} else {

   // create normal user menu


And finally... I have a MvpModule (GinModule) where I have this provider:



  public PlaceHistoryHandler getHistoryHandler(PlaceController 
placeController, PlaceHistoryMapper historyMapper, EventBus eventBus) {

PlaceHistoryHandler historyHandler =  newPlaceHistoryHandler(historyMapper);

historyHandler.register(placeController, eventBus, newCompaniesListPlace());

return historyHandler;


Where I want to get the user to right place, again, depending on the user's 
role. I've tried doing something like this:



  public PlaceHistoryHandler getHistoryHandler(PlaceController 
placeController, PlaceHistoryMapper historyMapper, EventBus eventBus, 
CurrentUserProvider currentUserProvider) {

PlaceHistoryHandler historyHandler =  new

if (currentUserProvider.get().getRole().equal(BLA)) {

 historyHandler.register(placeController, eventBus, new

else {

 // go to another place


return historyHandler;


But what is happening to me is that this method is being called before that 
my rpc returns me the user data. So currentUserProvider is not initialized.

How can I handle this?

Any help would preciated!

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