Dear Groups,

   I'm developing a widget for Myspace by GWT. I use JSNI to embed the
opensocial API relative code.

1. add a listener for my panel;

>         addListener(new PanelListenerAdapter() {
>             public void onActivate(Panel panel) {
>                 logWindow.log("recordPanel activated.
> callMakeRequest("+_baseUrl+_storeId+")");
>                 callMakeRequest(thisPanel,_baseUrl,_storeId);
>             }
>         });
>     } jsni code

>     private native void callMakeRequest(Panel thisPanel,String
> baseUrl,String storeId) /*-{
>        $wnd["recordResponse"] = function(obj) {
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ::handleResponse(Lcom/magpieradio/client/ui/RecordResponse;)(obj);
>        };
>        var os_param = new Array();
>        os_param[] =
>        os_param[] =
>        //var url = baseUrl+"data.php?al=0&myspaceid="+storeId;
>        var url = '';
>, recordResponse, os_param);
>      }-*/;

 and java-js bridget code

    public void handleResponse(RecordResponse br) {
>         logWindow.log("call handleResponse");
>         String xmlMsg = br.getRecordListing();
>         logWindow.log("xmlMsg="+xmlMsg);
>         logWindow.log("call refreshByXmlMsg"+xmlMsg);
>         refreshByXmlMsg(xmlMsg);
>     }

> class RecordResponse extends JavaScriptObject {
>     // Overlay types always have protected, zero-arg ctors
>     protected RecordResponse() {
>     }
>     public final native String getRecordListing() /*-{
>         return this.text;
>     }-*/;
> }

I use a debug window to display the output on myspace, alert() doesn't work
on myspace. I told me everything is ok in FireFox3, but When I tested in
other browsers(IE, Chrome,Opera and Safari), this method doesn't work., recordResponse, os_param);

In chrome and Safari I got the error message:

>  Refused to set unsafe header Content-length
>  Refused to set unsafe header Connection

After reading documentation from myspace reference and opensocial API
reference in more detail, I don't found any clue about the problem.

Has anybody faced the similiar case? any suggestion is welcome. Thanks in


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